N E W S Volume 24, Number 5 March 2011 Upcoming Speakers March Luncheon... April 20 Fitting in Fitness Dr. Regina (Gina) Barreca —“She Who Laughs, Lasts: Join us Wednesday, March 16, at They will motivate and inspire you to take 11:30 am at the Groton Inn & Suites your health and tness goals to a new Humor, Strength, and for our monthly luncheon meeting. level. Community.” We all lead busy lives with family, Network members and guests are We need laugh- work and community obligations, but encouraged to arrive at the Groton Inn ter in our lives. seldom give the time necessary to & Suites at 11:30 am for registration We can and keep ourselves healthy and strong. To and networking, lunch at 12:00 noon. maintain our health, experts recom- should choose Please make your reservations or mend that we do at least 30 minutes laughter at mo- cancellations for the Wednesday, of exercise most days of the week, but ments of crisis, March 16 luncheon by phone, 860- during times of tting in tness is challenging to all of us. So where do we begin? Axel 437-7448, anytime 24/7 by 10 am, change, and Monday, March 14. whenever we Mahlke, NASM Certi ed Personal Trainer and owner of Anytime Fitness Checks for $19 made out to the need a new per- Women’s Network will be collected at spective. The stories we tell ourselves in Niantic and Charlotte Malavenda, the door. Anyone without a reservation and the ones we tell each other give AFAA, Certi ed Personal Trainer and made by the 10 am March 14 deadline us a way to understand and change owner of Pivitol Fitness in Waterford the world. Laughing together is as will talk about how easy it is to t t- will be charged $23. Reservation no- close as you can get to somebody ness into our daily lives and how you shows and late cancellations will be without actually giving that person a can create your own tness plan. billed. hug—and sometimes laughter can bring you even closer. and “The Penguin Book of Women’s Deemed a “feminist humor maven” Humor” as well as “The Erotics of In- May 18 by Ms. Magazine, Gina Barreca is the struction” and “A Sit-Down With the So- Lesley Ingves—C.L.E.A.R. author of “It's Not That I'm Bitter: How pranos.” She writes for the "Brainstorm" the Way to a Smooth I Learned to Stop Worrying About Visi- section of The Chronicle of Higher Edu- Life Transition ble Panty Lines and Conquered the cation, blogs for Psychology Today, does Utilize the C.L.E.A.R. method toward World.” She has appeared on 20/20, 48 a weekly column for The Hartford strategic change: Hours, NPR, the BBC, The Today Show, Courant, a monthly column for Principal C – Clarify present abilities and take CNN, Joy Behar, and Oprah to discuss Leadership, and occasionally spars with ownership of personal greatness gender, power, politics, and humor. her co-author of “I'm With Stupid: One L – Leverage this information by explor- Her earlier books include the best- Man. One Woman. 10,000 Years of Mis- ing resources and reasons why change is selling “They Used to Call Me Snow understandings Between the Sexes White But I Drifted: Women's Strategic Cleared Right Up,” Gene Weingarten, in desired Use of Humor,” as well as “Perfect Hus- his "Below the Beltway" column in The E – Establish a goal plan bands and Other Fairy Tales: Demysti- Washington Post. With degrees from A – Act on your plan and create motiva- fying Men, Marriage and Romance,” Dartmouth College, Cambridge Univer- tion techniques to progress and “Sweet Revenge: The Wicked De- sity, and the City University of New York, R – Realize your goals and Reward your- lights of Getting Even.” She’s the edi- Barreca is Professor of English and Femi- self! tor of seventeen books, including nist Theory at the University of Con- Learn the ve-step method to create a “The Signet Book of American Humor” necticut. continued on page 2 2 • Network News • March 2011 www.sectwomensnetwork.org Lesley Ingves...from page 1 President’s Message clear course toward creating life customer.” You can apply this princi- change. We all have areas of our life we I Assumed ple to any business. I need to make wish to change, but it’s often di cult In February, I brought a few friends an e ort to discuss the Network as to determine where to begin. to the Network luncheon. One of my often as I do my business. Until re- This presentation is designed to help friends had never heard of the SECT cently, I only discussed the Network participants clearly identify and de ne Women’s Network and didn’t know in traditional business settings. their desired outcome when planning a that I was the President. I assumed I now realize I have limited my out- life change. she knew. I blame myself for this. I reach potential. I believe all women failed to network about our great can bene t from our organization, so organization. please remember to tell your friends Spotlight Article Of course, I always discuss my about the Network. Francine Schwartz — Path!nder Mary Kay business. Mary Kay Ash Sincerely, Counseling, LLC had a saying, “Every woman that D’mitra Gomez Waheed comes within three feet is a possible Finding the President right college match is one of sor and Co-Director of Financial Aid at the nancial aid and scholarships. Compre- the most impor- college level and has assisted families hensive all-inclusive packages can begin tant decisions with the complex steps involved in ob- as early as the summer prior to 9th you will ever taining nancial aid and scholarships. grade. Private one on one counseling, make. It’s not only As the College Consultant for The Nor- phone, email, and video consultations about being ac- wich Free Academy, she personally visited are available to t your busy schedule. cepted by a col- schools and established excellent work- Initial inquiries are free of charge. lege. More ing relationships with hundreds of repre- For additional information contact importantly, it is about nding a t that sentatives from a wide range of colleges Francine at: 860-460-8829, Email: provides the best environment for your and post-secondary programs. fschwartz@path ndercounselingllc.com educational, social and personal growth; Francine earned her Bachelor of Arts in web: www.path ndercounselingllc.com where you can thrive and be successful. Psychology from The Pennsylvania State With colleges becoming more expen- University. She holds a Master of Arts in sive and competitive, families and stu- Education and Counseling from the Uni- Read the survey results dents feel increased pressure to make versity of Kentucky, and completed her at end of newsletter. the right college choice. Path nder Sixth Year Diploma in Educational Psy- Counseling is committed to meeting stu- chology at the University of Connecticut. dent’s individual needs and maximizing She is a Nationally Certi ed Counselor, Li- February Drawings your investment. You can rely on the un- censed Professional Counselor and a Cer- Jennifer Sampson won the Ha Ha Lunch biased help and expertise of Path nder ti ed School Counselor with the State of — and Ha Ha she wasn’t there! The Spot- Counseling to get to the heart of your Connecticut. light article was won by Francine Schwartz, student’s personality, interests and aspi- Francine is an Associate Member of The the Resident article was won by Dr. Tianne rations, and make the best possible col- Independent Educational Consultants As- Pape and the cash was won by Kip Gienau. lege match. Empower your student to sociation. IECA was founded in 1976 as a Cora Murphy won the Cameo Display Table be successful, happy and ready for the non-pro t, professional association of es- to showcase her business in March. next step in life. tablished educational consultants. As the Francine Schwartz, M.A., LPC, NCC, nation’s respected voice of the profession, Founder and President of Path nder IECA membership assures families that Cameo Display Table at Counseling LLC is a caring, highly re- the consultant they have chosen is expe- Monthly Luncheons spected and knowledgeable expert, with rienced, highly trained and committed to Members attending the over thirty years experience in education honest and ethical practices. monthly luncheons are able to and counseling. Her proven track record Let Path nder Counseling LLC serve as enter their business card for a and passion for helping young people your guide, interpreter and facilitator special drawing to win the achieve their highest aspirations led her every step of the way. A variety of serv- Cameo Display Table to feature to form Path nder Counseling. ices are o ered, customized to t individ- their business. The winner may Francine has guided numerous stu- ual student and family requirements. set up an entire display table at dents and families through the some- Examples include assistance with: explor- the following month’s luncheon, times stressful and confusing college ing interests, majors and careers; essay to showcase their business, search, application and selection writing; college visits and interviews; products and services. process. She is a former Assistant Profes- managing the application process; and - www.sectwomensnetwork.org 3 • Network News • March 2011 Members on the Move Friend us on Membership — To obtain a Facebook Tianne A. Pape, C.D., M.S., of Pape Chiropractic membership application or to report & Wellness Center, LLC in Niantic, is now certi ed in an address change, please contact NETWORK Board NETWORK membership co-chair- Meeting – Friday, March 11 custom- t orthotics.
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