* AW®r*': 'RV'4'-*L^J*I'V "*•='-" '.''•' ' ';•••.•.• : " &i --.vs.j 'isCi* %.-u><f4t> -_ i,"i /M'.'-.lVS-', J&"OvT» ««' Si?''•$&<? y •'e">5;T< ''.'.Yl-tf rp:a^;asL ,^ws wxw^k;>«w ov '&'! —1?'):i.»i,;?f; urn ./HOLE NUMBER 1267. NOKWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, APRIL 16,1872. VOLUME LV.—NUMBER 16. CARPENTER AS I) BUILDER ; : MISS M. M. SMITH, BEAUTIFUL CHILD. A HURRIED COURTSHIP. capacily. She laughed heartily at the sug­ WHAT TO SO WITH OUR ROTS. SGaWAliS GAZETTE. REAL ESTATE. and sale, and is predestinated from all eter­ HE subscriber wonld inform the citizens of Nor Teacher of Slnglne and tUe Piano Forte "Beautiful child by the mother's knee, gestion, said she could comprehend my diffi­ walk that he is prepared to do BY JAMES LEONARD COKSHJO. nity to die an underling. T In the mystic future what wilt thon be ? I was a young man, possessed of sufficient culty, and consented to my proposal, but S'-io Second ©I;Icst Faper In tSio State For Sale. Building, in all of its branches INGING taught according to Bassini'smostap- Again, two years of thorough training S provedmethod. Particular attention given to A demon of sin, or an angel sublime— means to enable me to live at my ease and warned me roguishly not to presume upon FINE HOUSE and BARN, with 30 acres of by contract* or by day's work, and solicits a share of the Development and Cultivation oi the voice. ^The A poison Upas, or innocent thyme— I have never seen a satisfactory definition supplementing the school routine will enable^ Office IN GAZETTE BUILDING. good land on Comstock's Ridge, is offered at a patronage. Will try top\case. Shop Center avenue, refrain from labor of any kind, when sud­ the occurrence. A eourseof instruction w.li oe opeclallyadapted tochoir A spirit of evil flashing down of a boy, and doubt if there is any substan­ your boy to draw an air-line from New bargain. Enquire of tinging if desired. Adorers liox 815- O., SonthNor­ denly there came a blow which scattered my 4tl5 S. E. OLMSTEAD. near Main street. SAMUEL B. FITCH With the lurid light of a fiery, crown—• We then entered (he parlor, and I intro­ tive in any dialect so puzzling to lexico­ A. 52. BTZNKTON & CO., walk, or call at the Old Weil Hotel. f8 propftty to the winds, and forced mc to York to San Francisco. Only let him once , April 9th, 1S72. ' Or gliding up with a shining'track, duced her as my better half. My uncle was graphers. It is easy enough to specify the show that he can do this thing, it need be, - A. II. LSTIXGTOX, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS Like the morning star that na'er looks back. employ my labor and wits in the general much pleased with her and complimented TO BENT. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES particulars of genus, sex, age, size, etc. All •and, if he has an average amount of enter-: - W. E SWORDS, Daintiest dreamer that ever smiled, struggle of gaining a living. The blow came me upon my good choice in the selection of Large Store on Water Street,with Basementand Which trilt thon be, my beautiful child T these conditions are, however, contingent, prise, he need never lack for remunerative.- : Subscription $2.00 per year in advance. Lofts will be rented low. Also several good | ' DUTY REDUCE D. ' . - in the shape of the failure of a firm in which a wife. Single copies 5 cents. apartmentsA in James' Block, Water Street, will be all my capital was invested. and the real essentials are too subtle for employment. Commerce may have its upg " rented right, if called for soon. Apply to NASH A Further particulars sec small bill "Beantlftil child in my'garden bowers, / Mrs. Kingsley, of course, colored most description or analysis. Nevertheless, the and downs ; but the railroads have got to Advertising Rates. IVES, Real Estate Ag'ts, Water St., Norwalk. 8tl4 merchant Tailor Friend of tbe butterflies, -birds, and flower*—' After securing a clerkship in the house of. charmingly at thig compWnt and T could Four lines or les3,1 insertion BO cts; 3 times,$ 1.00 Pare as the sparkling crystalline stream. a creditor of our late firm, my first care was 1 boy is a living fact of quite frequent recur­ be built, and the men of science have got to Oae square, one insertion, 1.00 | At G. & S. H. HOLMES, CORNER WASHINGTON AND MAIN STS., see she could scarcely refrain from laughing. be paid to built them. Teach your boy to J Per week, for continuance, -B0 TO RENT. a 13 and 15 Main Street. Jewels of trnth in thy fairy eyes beam, to look up a less expensive boarding house rence ; and he has a rather irresistible way One square, six months, 7.00 SOUTH NORWALK, CONN., Was there ever a whiter soul than thine "You have a fine little boy here," said my> handle the chain and the theodolite, to plan - i " " oao year—with paper, 15.00 WO very commodions cottages near the Bridge, than the fashionable one in which I was of calling the "attention of all mankind to T.vo " •< " " " 25.00 T for rent on reasonable terms, to good tenants. j City Intelligence Office. Worshipped by love In a mortal shrine T uncle' to Mrs. Kingsley, pointing to the his requisitions—which, by the way, are a bridge, to bore a tunnel, and I should like Tliiee " " •' " " 80.00 One suitable for a large family, and the other medi­ Scotch Ohevoits, Meltons, Grape an( My heart thon halt gladdened for two sweet years living. I inserted an advertisement in seve HE subscriber, at his Intelligence Office, foot of cradle. neither few nor small. It is very common to see the Fates try to starve him to death. ^ One quarter Colnmn, one vear, 50.00 um. Call at this office for particulars. With rainbows of hope throngh mists of tears— ral widely-circulated city papers, asking for One naif ** *( "" S0.00 T Mill Hill, ia prepared to furnish English Coatings, "Excuse me, sir," said the lady coloring joke about boys; but I incline to the Again : in*the bowels of the earth, wait­ Full Column, one year, 150.00 GOOD SERVANTS, FARM. BANDS, LABORERS, Mists beyond which the sunny smile, reasonable board in a strictly private family, TO RENT. MADE UP IN STYLE, AND AT LOWEST PRICES up again, "it's a little girl." ing for skilled hands to bring them to birth, Special Notices 25 per cent advance on the above. etc., or to find good places for those oat of employ' With its halo of glory beams all the while. !' and of course receireda multitude of an­ opinion that tire greater part of those who .' fLocal Notices in Reading Columns, 25 cents rjl WO OFFICESSil in " Lockwood's Building," from A good fit warranted and made as the customer may I wag dumbfounded. I was exposed in have indulged in this species of pleasantry are the substance of wealth, and the coin per line. April 1st, next. mHeisalso agent for the sale of Real Estate. want it. Cutting done for others to make as hereto "Beautiful child, to thy look is given , -. swers by next post. Out of this motley in Ye ii-ly advertisers restricted to the business con­ F. ST. JOHN LOCK WOOD. my iniquity. Would my uncle believe me which represents this. Mining hitherto, ic npVfitecl at the time of contract,but are permitted 13 Places on hand, for sale or to let. __ fore. A gleam serene—not to earth, bnt of heaven;' stallment of epistles there was but one which never had any boys of their own. A boy 8 JOHN A. HONNECKEB, Agent. after this ? He looked from me to my jyetly above all industries, has been' empiric and to m ike monthly changes of their advertisements. Also, a LARGE ASSORTMENT oi HATSand CAPS With thy tell-tale eyes and prattling tongue, pleased me,and I decided to an aw cr that one with brains implies too many serious things One inch space constitutes a square. TO MET. Wonld thon conld'st ever thns be yonng. landlady with a puzzled expression of coun­ conjectural as to the results. But science is A lv.mce payment required for all transient adver­ in person immediately. to be joked about; and a boy without brains RICK HOUSE on High Street, to let, (last occu- Like the liquid strain of the mocking bird, -or;:: tenance. changing all this ; and in another genera- tisements. NEW and BABE PLANTS Grace Kingsley was the name of the is surely a circumstance to be wept over. Q mrtor of a Columu, one time, $ fi.00 B, pied by Isaac Church, Jr.,) from April 1,18T2. Small Profits and Quick Sales. From stair to hall'thy voice Is heard; " j "Your husbanc told mo it was a boy," he tion a man, by geological and chemical •/.. Half- " " " " 10.00 Also, the large new single one, first lot south, con­ How oft in the gardennooks thou'rt found, . favored landlady writing to me, and the Probably there is no sound known to Full Column, one time, 20.00 taining 16 rooms. Gas, Water-pipes, <fec. i COME ONE, COME ALL. said, rather suspiciously, I thought. - human ears that awakens so many solici­ lights, together with mcchanical appliance. ' M:UTia<*esand deaths inserted ?ratnitonsly. Obit- Inquire of NOAH WOOD. Buses, Mums, Yerleias, Wi'.h flowers thy early hea4 Ground, letter stated that her house was entirely pri aa"T or Funeral notices 15 cents per line.
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