Hadrian'sHadrian'sHadrian's Wall-5 Wall-5Wall-5 back backback cover-Q8__- cover-Q8__-cover-Q8__- 8/3/17 8/3/178/3/17 8:00 8:008:00 AM AMAM Page PagePage 1 11 TRAILBLAZERTRAILBLAZERTRAILBLAZERTRAILBLAZER Hadrian’s Wall Path Hadrian’s Wall Path Hadrian’s Wall Path Hadrian’s Wall Path 555 EDNEDNEDN ‘...the‘...the‘...the‘...the TrailblazerTrailblazerTrailblazerTrailblazer seriesseriesseriesseries standsstandsstandsstands head,head,head,head, Hadrian’sHadrian’sHadrian’sHadrian’s WallWallWallWall shoulders,shoulders,shoulders, waistwaistwaist andandand anklesanklesankles aboveaboveabove thethethe rest.rest.rest. TheyTheyThey areareare particularlyparticularlyparticularly strongstrongstrong ononon mapping...’mapping...’mapping...’ PATHPATHPATHPATH THETHETHE SUNDAY SUNDAYSUNDAY TIMES TIMESTIMES 595959 large-scalelarge-scalelarge-scale mapsmapsmaps &&& guidesguidesguides tototo 292929 townstownstowns andandand villagesvillagesvillages WithWithWith accommodation,accommodation,accommodation, pubspubspubs andandand PLANNINGPLANNINGPLANNING ––– PLACESPLACESPLACES TOTOTO STAYSTAYSTAY ––– PLACESPLACESPLACES TOTOTO EATEATEAT restaurantsrestaurantsrestaurants ininin detaileddetaileddetailed guidesguidesguides tototo WALLSENDWALLSENDWALLSEND (NEWCASTLE)(NEWCASTLE)(NEWCASTLE) TOTOTO BOWNESS-ON-SOLWAYBOWNESS-ON-SOLWAYBOWNESS-ON-SOLWAY 292929townstownstowns andandand villagesvillagesvillages includingincludingincluding WALLSENDWALLSENDWALLSEND (NEWCASTLE)(NEWCASTLE)(NEWCASTLE) TOTOTO BOWNESS-ON-SOLWAYBOWNESS-ON-SOLWAYBOWNESS-ON-SOLWAY NewcastleNewcastleNewcastleandandand CarlisleCarlisleCarlisle HENRYHENRYHENRY STEDMANSTEDMANSTEDMAN &&& oooIncludesIncludesIncludesIncludes 5959 5959 detaileddetailed detaileddetailed walkingwalking walkingwalking maps:maps: maps:maps: thethe thethe DANIELDANIELDANIEL McCROHANMcCROHANMcCROHAN largest-scalelargest-scalelargest-scalelargest-scale mapsmapsmapsmaps availableavailableavailableavailable ––– at at at justjustjust underunderunder 1:20,000 1:20,0001:20,000 (8cm (8cm(8cm or oror 3 331111///8/888inchesinchesinchesinches toto toto 11 11 mile)mile) mile)mile) Hadrian’sHadrian’sHadrian’s Wall WallWall Path PathPath,,, , 8484 8484 milesmiles milesmiles thesethesethesethese areare areare biggerbigger biggerbigger thanthan thanthan eveneven eveneven thethe thethe mostmost mostmost detaileddetailed detaileddetailed (135km)(135km)(135km)(135km) fromfromfromfrom endendendend totototo end,end,end,end, fol-fol-fol-fol- walkingwalkingwalking maps mapsmaps currently currentlycurrently available availableavailable in inin the thethe shops. shops.shops. lowslowslowslows thethethethe coursecoursecoursecourse ofofofof northernnorthernnorthernnorthern Europe’sEurope’sEurope’s largestlargestlargest survivingsurvivingsurviving ooo UniqueUniqueUnique mappingmappingmapping featuresfeaturesfeatures ––– walkingwalkingwalking RomanRomanRoman monument,monument,monument, thethethe 2nd-2nd-2nd- times,times,times,times, directions,directions, directions,directions, trickytricky trickytricky junctions,junctions, junctions,junctions, placesplaces placesplaces toto toto centurycenturycenturycentury fortificationfortificationfortificationfortification builtbuiltbuiltbuilt onononon stay,stay,stay, places placesplaces to toto eat, eat,eat, points pointspoints of ofof interest. interest.interest. These TheseThese thethethethe ordersordersordersorders ofofofof thethethethe EmperorEmperorEmperorEmperor areareare notnotnot general-purposegeneral-purposegeneral-purpose mapsmapsmaps butbutbut fullyfullyfully HadrianHadrianHadrian in inin AD ADADAD122122122 and andand now nownow list- list-list- editededitededited maps mapsmaps drawn drawndrawn by byby walkers walkerswalkers for forfor walkers. walkers.walkers. ededed as asas a aa UNESCO UNESCOUNESCO World WorldWorld Heritage HeritageHeritage Site.Site.Site. TheTheThe pathpathpath crossescrossescrosses thethethe includes GPS ooo ––– whetherwhetherwhether includes GPS includes GPS includes GPS WAYPOINTS ItinerariesItinerariesItinerariesItineraries forforforfor allallallall walkerswalkerswalkerswalkers beautifulbeautifulbeautiful borderborderborder countrycountrycountry WAYPOINTS WAYPOINTS WAYPOINTS hikinghikinghiking thethethe entireentireentire routerouteroute ororor samplingsamplingsampling high-high-high- betweenbetweenbetween England EnglandEngland and andand Scotland. Scotland.Scotland. lightslightslightslights on ononon day dayday walks walkswalksororor short shortshortshort breaks breaksbreaksbreaks.... ThisThisThis week-long week-longweek-long walk walkwalk is isis regard- regard-regard- ededed asasas oneoneone ofofof thethethe leastleastleast chal-chal-chal- oooDetailedDetailedDetailed public publicpublic transport transporttransport information informationinformation lenginglenginglenginglenging yetyet yetyet mostmost mostmost interestinginteresting interestinginteresting ofof ofof BusesBusesBuses and andand trains trainstrains for forfor all allall access accessaccess points. points.points. thethethethe National NationalNationalNational Trails. Trails.Trails.Trails. ooo PracticalPracticalPractical information informationinformation for forfor all allall budgets budgetsbudgets INCLUDESINCLUDESINCLUDESINCLUDES DOWNLOADABLE DOWNLOADABLEDOWNLOADABLEDOWNLOADABLE WhatWhatWhat to toto see; see;see; where wherewhere to toto eat eateat (cafés, (cafés,(cafés, pubs pubspubs and andand restaurants);restaurants);restaurants);restaurants); wherewherewherewhere totototo staystaystaystay (B&Bs,(B&Bs,(B&Bs,(B&Bs, hotels,hotels,hotels,hotels, GPSGPSGPS waypointswaypointswaypoints bunkhouses,bunkhouses,bunkhouses, hostels hostelshostels and andand campsites). campsites).campsites). www.trailblazer-guides.comwww.trailblazer-guides.comwww.trailblazer-guides.com 519955199551995 > > > DISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTED IN ININ UK UKUK & && IRELAND IRELANDIRELAND BY BYBY MCAMCAMCA / / /TRAVEL TRAVELTRAVEL ALLIANCE ALLIANCE ALLIANCE % %%01225012250122501225 406440406440 406440406440 PricePricePrice ininin UKUKUK UK£11.99UK£11.99UK£11.99 DISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTED IN ININ USA USAUSA BY BYBY NBN NBNNBN %%%1-800-462-64201-800-462-64201-800-462-64201-800-462-6420 www.www. www.www.nbnbooks.comnbnbooks.comnbnbooks.comnbnbooks.com 555 EDNEDNEDN PricePricePrice ininin USAUSAUSA US$19.95US$19.95US$19.95 ISBNISBNISBNISBN 978-1-905864-85-0978-1-905864-85-0978-1-905864-85-0978-1-905864-85-0 999 781905781905781905 864850864850864850 555thththth editioneditionedition spinespinespine 171717 mmmmmm 2nd2nd2nd ProofProofProof TitleTitleTitleTitle 1703207_Cover_CS6.indd 1 ::: : Hadrian’sHadrian’s Hadrian’sHadrian’s Wall-5Wall-5 Wall-5Wall-5 3/10/17 3:08 AM JobJobJobJob No NoNo No::: : CL0317-17/peihuaCL0317-17/peihua CL0317-17/peihuaCL0317-17/peihua HWP-5 00 colour-Q8___Prelims Template 3/6/17 4:09 PM Page 1 This 5th edition of Hadrian’s Wall Path was researched and written by Daniel McCrohan. His work built upon that of Henry Stedman who wrote the first four editions of this book. DANIEL MCCROHAN is a widely pub- lished travel writer with a passion for hiking and a penchant for ancient walls. For more than a decade he lived in Beijing, under the shadow of the Great Wall of China, another breathtaking bastion which he has hiked much of the way along, and written about for numerous publica- tions, including Lonely Planet. Back in the UK, he jumped at the chance to size up Britain’s very own great wall – and brought his family along for the ride. With their nephew and two friends from Beijing they all descended on Newcastle one sunny summer’s day and hiked and camped their way along the entire route. Eight days later they concluded that Hadrian’s Wall was in pretty good nick considering it was more than a thousand years older than its Ming- Dynasty counterpart in China – but were thankful it wasn’t quite as long. This is Daniel’s third Trailblazer guide – and his 32nd guidebook in total. You can keep track of his travels at : danielmccrohan.com or on Twitter (@danielmccrohan). To listen to a podcast about Daniel hiking Hadrian’s Wall, go to : www.traveltapethepodcast.com. Born in Chatham, Kent, HENRY STEDMAN has been writing guidebooks for 20 years now and is the author or co-author of over half a dozen Trailblazer titles including Kilimanjaro, Coast to Coast Path, Dales Way and all three books in the South-West Coast Path series. On most walks he’s accompanied by Daisy. Two parts trouble to one part Parson’s Jack Russell, Daisy has now com- pleted Hadrian’s Wall Path, Coast to Coast, Dales Way, Offa’s Dyke and the entire South-West Coast Path. When not travelling or writing, Henry lives in Battle, maintaining his Kilimanjaro website and arranging climbs on the mountain through his company, Climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Authors 1st Proof Title: Hadrian's Wall-5 Job No: L0317-51 / Sammi HWP-5 00 colour-Q8___Prelims Template 3/6/17 4:09 PM Page 2 Hadrian’s Wall Path First edition: 2006; this fifth edition: 2017 Publisher Trailblazer Publications The Old Manse, Tower Rd, Hindhead, Surrey, GU26 6SU, UK [email protected], : www.trailblazer-guides.com British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-905864-85-0 © Trailblazer 2006, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017: Text and maps Editing & Layout: Anna Jacomb-Hood Proofreading: Jane Thomas Cartography & illustrations pp76-7: Nick Hill Index: Jane Thomas & Daniel McCrohan Photographs (flora): C1 bottom right © Henry Stedman, all others © Bryn Thomas All other photographs: © Daniel McCrohan (unless otherwise
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