» - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Dec. 9, 19S6 MANCHESTER SPORTS FOCUS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Architect pick UConn hoop has Archltecfs wife KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright spurs questions memorable night likes new kitchen ^ HOMES CONDOMINIUMS f ' ■I I for s a le FOR SALE ... page 3 ... page 9 ... page 14 Condomanla-Beautiful 2 BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Manchester - Older 7 bedroom# V/i both brick room Colonial In pleosent unit In Royal Arms. Gor­ 1 nelgnborhood. 3 bed­ geous! $70's. Blanchard & ; a JPAINTIN6/ IHEATMO/ MnCELLANEOUB MISCEaANEOUS rooms, dinino room, llv- Rossetto Real Estate. 3 1 Ino room with fireplace, 1 *'We guarantee our ’OlpAPERINB a PLUMBING SERVICES SERVICES 1 /2 baths, wall-to-wall car­ Homes!" 646-2482.D peting, kitchen applian­ Name your awn price — Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ Odd lobs. Trucking. Home ces Included. 3 zone heat Pother and san. Fast, throom remodeling; In­ repairs. You name It, we with new gas furnace and I ROOMS dependable service. stallation water heaters, do It. Free estimates. hot water heater. Garage FOR RENT Painting, Paperhangtng & garbage disposals; foucet Insured. 643-0304. Tune Up TImf - Chain on treed lot. S128,900. Call Removal. Call 872-8237. repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M- sows, snow blowers. Also evenings after « or 9 am-5 osterCord accepted. offering a complete shar­ Rooms-Main Street loca­ Your local handyman I iJIanrIlpatpr iipralJi pm weekends. 647-B105. ) Manchester — A City o( Village Charm tion. $185 and up. Referen­ Call John at 643-4353 and pening service. Quollty ces and security. Call please leave message. Sharpening, 104 Hilliard Street 649-2111. 646-7089. MISCELLANEOUS Manchester-Excellent ELECTRICAL m 31 SERVICES Art's Light Trucking • buy. $119,900. This nice, Room for non-smoking decorated 3 or 4 bedroom Cellars, attics, garages Wednesday, Dec. 10,1986 30 Cents gentleman. Kitchen prlyl- Dumas Electric — Having raanch has the extras that cleaned. Junk hauled. leges, washer and dryer, Electrical Problems? Hawkes Tree Service- Furniture and appliances make a good home an parking. Call 643-5600. Need a large or a small Bucket Truck & Chipper. D 8i O Landscape- excellent buy. Lorge liv­ moved. Odd lobs. Very Repair? We Specialize In Stump removal. Free esti­ Complete landscape se- honest dependable i‘ t ing room with picture $62.50 weekly. Apply The Residential Work. Joseph mates. Special considera­ vtce, leaf and brush re­ window and brick fire­ worker. 25 years expe­ Rents Olcott, 40 OLcott Street, Dumas. Fully Llcens^. tion for elderly and handl- moved. Call David rience In moving. 646-9869 place. Super master bed­ apt. 107 only between 7 Free Estimates. 646-5253. copped. 647-7553. 659-2436. anytime. iD iM B byNE A. Inc. Town offers room suite with pegged and 10 pm. hardood floors, double closets and '/^ both. Alumi­ may rise num siding, steel beamed iAMRTMENTS MISCELLANEOUS CARS construction, 2 zone heat. FOR RENT Convenient location. ■J HOMES MACHINERY CAMERAS/PHOTO MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FORSALE D.W. Fish Realty. 643-1591 FOR RENT AND TOOLS EQUIPMENT FOR SALE to pay for E or 871-1400. □ One bedroom In conye- at Bennet nlentarea. Boyle Manage­ J Tw o twin bed headboards, Suburu -1985,5 speed, air ment Co. 649-4800. 2 bedroom Ranch, conve­ Machinist Vlse-4'/j” har­ Kodak - Disc 4000 camera solid Maple, $50 each, conditioning, stereo/tape Spacious Duplex In East nient location, stove and dened laws. 7" capacity. outfit. Automatic built In Skis, Grenoble 170 cm. Magnavox console ste­ deck, sun roof, P/pack, Horttord. Excellent In­ Newly decorated spa­ refrigerator, 2 months se­ Covered steel screw. $45. flash. Instant flash recy­ with Solomon step-in bind­ reo, $60. Boxed towel gift cruise, only 9,000 miles. By Alex GIrelll vestment opportunity! curity plus utilities. $600. 643-6801 .□ cle. Motorized film ad­ ings. Plastic soles. In good sets, new, $5 each. Call 646-3430. $7,400. Associate Editor Good location. Sliders off cious three room apart­ ment. Heat, stove, 644-1933._________________ vance. $25.00. Call 569- condition. $45. Call 649- 643-0427. fire sharing dining room. Full unfin­ 7616.0 1794.0 1980 - Toyota Tercel - ished basements. Wa- refrigerator, garage, "EASY DOES IT” Is the A proposal to hike rents at the laundry facilities. 646- excellent condition. 65,000 sher/Dryer hook-ups. Te­ wav to describe placing a Iq a J RECREATIONAL miles. $2900 or best offer. Bennet Apartments by 8 percent 2968. [p e t s an d Rug-beige, nylon twist. nants pay all utilities wont ad. Just call 643-2711 ■8ZJ eq u ip m en t 9x12. Call after 5:00 646- ENDROLLS Call 649-8678. met with strong opposition Tuesday except water. For an ap­ [s u p p lies Z r ^ wkNh > 288 By George Layng needed because both boards would C and we do the rest! 4320.O night from Kenneth Garrity, the pointment, coll 646-7709. IM WkNh - 2 for 258 Herald Reporter have to approve any settlement For Sole. Rowing Mo- 1985 Chrysler - Fifth tenant member of the group that before it could take effect. Realty World Frechette STORE AND chlne, fully assembled, 1 Free to coring home - Kenwood Equalizer Am­ M UST be picked up at the Avenue. Low milage - oversees the project. Associates. Playful, lovable white, plifier for Auto. $20. Call Manchester Herald Office $10,500. Call 643-9986 after In a move that surprised Eighth The selection of the town’s 3 room apartment. Heat, OFFICE SPACE year old, excellent condi­ before 11 A.M. ONLY. : After heated discussion, the tion. $75. Call 646-3245 blue-eyed Persian cat. 643-2809.O 5 pm. Fully equipped. Board of Directors of the Bennet Utilities District officials and Re­ negotiating panel also brought Great big 3 family In an hot water, stoye, refriger­ Spayed. Call evenings 649- publican colleagues. Democratic criticism from Republican town ator, laundry facilities, after 5:30pm. Non-Profit Housing Corp. ad­ excellent nelgborhood In Manchester - 3 rooms 6128.____________________ Riding Lawn Mower- TRUCKS/VANS town directors Tuesday offered to Director Geoffrey Naab, who the Southend of Hartford. garage. Ask about Senior containing 400 square feet Croftsmon 5 Hp. 24 Inch journed its meeting untii Jan. 13 Citizen's Discount. 646- Hort Skls-180cm. Geze FORSALE and asked the management of the expand the town’s Buckland fire­ wanted a Republican director in­ 5 Room flats with seaper- on Center Street. Call bindings, used one season MISCELLANEOUS cut. Runs, but may need ID] house so that Eighth District cluded on the negotiating team so 7268. Automotive ate utilities. Many Im­ 646-0042. $70. 643-2831.0 work. $50.Call 643-4535. town-sponsored housing complex provements. Excellent In­ FOR SALE firefighters can share the facility. the effort would ^ bipartisan. 1979 Ford 150 Pick up. 4 X 4 for elderly people to present more Under the plan, the town would Majority Democrats said it would come potentall. Offered at Manchester - Quality 1 Sears - slow cook toaster with 83 Rsher Plow. Low bedroom and 2 bedroom Ice skates - size 10. $10.00. information on financial projec­ pay the cost of the expansion, which be best to keep the size of both $169,900. Jackson & Jack- I ROOMMATES Call 643-1710.0 Box Spring and Mattress oven. Like new. $22.00. CARS milage. Extra clean. tions for next year. son Real Estate, 647-8400 oportment, heat, hot wa­ WANTED for double bed, $150 or Coll 649-8913.0 $5295. Call otter 4 pm at has not yet been determined. negotiating committees to three, or 646-8646.D ter and all appliances FOB SALE Robert Heavisides, a Republican The proposal, unveiled at an and Naab’s amendment was de­ best offer. Apartment size 649-8926.0 member of the board, joined Included. Air conditioned, white stove-needs new Hoover vacuum - excel­ unusual joint meeting of town and feated six to two. Republican town A Positive cash flow Is quiet, on bus line. Ideal for $250.00 a month plus 1/2 BOATS/MARINE coll. $30. 646-5160 after lent condition. Tools - 1980 Buick Regal-6 cy­ Garrity in opposing the rent in­ Eighth District directors at Lincoln Director Thomas Ferguson and generated from this super middle-aged and senior utilities. Apply at The EQUIPMENT 6pm. never used. Good linder, 79,000 miles, air MOTORCYCLES/ crease. He argued that the increase citizens. $515 and $550. Olcott, 40 Olcott Street, El Center, aims to end the controversy Naab were the only two who voted 3-Famllv In Manchester. Christmas Items. $75.00. conditioned. Excellent MOPEDS should be no more than 3 percent, 247-5030. Apt. 107 only between 7 over the Tolland Turnpike station for the proposal. Republican Minor­ Mint condition Inside and 16 foot Mad River canoe, Sears-Auto console humi­ Call 649-4649.0 condition. Asking $2900. which he said is the current rate of out. Maintenance tree ex­ and 10 pm.' 643-8646 after 4pm. that has divided the town since the ity Leader William Diana did not paddles Included. Used difier. 13 gallon capacity. 1984 Yamaha • YZ80 $800 inflation. terior. Great Income pro­ 24 Locust Street. 7 room X-tra belts Included. Good Sears - All purpose weight 1970s, according to Mayor Barbara attend the meeting. apartment. No applian­ four times. Excellent con­ or best otter. Honda XR75 James Finnegan, who presided at Weinberg, who spoke for the “This is not a committee that is ducing property with sep- dition. $800. Please call condition. $135 or best lifting bench with leg att­ 1974 Ford Maverick - 4 erate utilities. Easy to see. ces. $650 per month plus door, good body, runs $50. or best offer. Call the meeting in the absense of board’s Democratic majority.
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