MARCH, 1934 No. 3 - - (I~~~dcr\\.ooclnntl I'nclerwoocl) A TENSE MOMENT FOR A YOUNG FISHERMAN (See Poge 2/ FEATURES IN THIS ISSUE LOUIS A. WILSON RECALLS AIR CONDITIONING EARLY RAILROADING PROGRAM AGREED UPON ON FRISCO LINES BY WESTERN RAILWAYS (Pnrrr .7) (Pnrlr I) ALL ABOARD FOR PENSACOLA FRISCO FLORIDA TRAVEL (Pone: ti) INCREASED 50 PER CENT (IJfl~/~7) - MRS. R. F. CARR T. E. CARR AMERICAN HANDLE COMPANY Manufacturers of High-grade Hickory, Axe, Adze, Pick, Sledge, Hatchet, Hammer ZARR LUMBER GO. and Railroad Tool Handles JASPER, ALABAMA JONESBORO - ARKANSAS 3NG AS EVER FOR THE FRISCO" uense I ~mbers-Car Decking-Siding-Finish-Framing ICHAS. R. LONG, JR. RAILROAD MATERIAL OUR SPECIALTY COMPANY LOUISVI1,LE CHICAGO C W Booth & Co. "AB". THE XE\V FREIGHT BRAKE-Through ne\v features Railtuay Supplies in design and mechanism, pro- RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. vides elTiciency and economy CHICAGO, ILL. heretofore impossible. THE NEW YORK AIR Steel Co. BRAKE COMPANY Logan Iron and 420 Lexington Avenue All kinds of Railway and In- Genuine Wrought Iron NEW YORK CITY dustrial Paints. Varnishes and Lacquers. WORKS: BURNHAM, PA. Plant-Watertown. N. Y. Magnus Company INCORPORATED JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS NEW YORK CHICAGO WE SHIP FRISCO ALWAYS MA1 LING COMMONWEALTH COAL AND ICE COMPANY Pave the wsy ta more n1u with SAINT LOUIS name. and add- of Live prapccu. WHY XOT VSE THE SAME COAL THE FRISCO USES? Get them from the odginal c~mpilera Retnll Ynrd nt of basic list infomtation--up to date-- 2710 Brannon Avenue Phone, PRospect 5400 accunt-annteed. Tell us about your business. Well help you find the prwpectn. No ob A liaation for consulutfon service. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN I ART d DRAWING MATERIALS I Steel Tlrer. Steel Tlred Wheelrr, Steel 1 I 110 ~ecuststreet st. ~ouis.M.. I Axlen, Steel Sptinxa. Rolled Steel Ghowa you how to t apedal lien bv cer- Rtngn. Solid Wrongh i Steel ritories and line off:U(iineas. Auto lists of Wl~eelu. Steel Porglngs. Steel all kinds. Crusher Rolls n n d Shellu. Showr you how to use cha mail. to sell Itolled Steel Gear Blankn, your products and -ices. Write dy. Steel Cautingn. Steel Plpe Flanges Owens Paper Box Co R, L. POLK & CO. .I Polk Bug.-Detroit, Mlch Standard Steel Works to. I Bm~tchesin Principal Citk Main Office World'a Inrgest City Directory Publbberr and Works: Burnham, Pa. Filing List Corn ilers. Businm Sude I ~ICB. Producers of &rect Mail ~dvenisi~g. / Consolidated Lamp Company We Fill Ysar Haapltal IBretcrlptlonr he PRICHARD-BUTCHLEY LIGHTING SPECIALISTS I A~entnfor DRUG COMPANY WESTINGHOUSE LAMPS The Rexall Store 1622 Chemical Building S. W. Cor. Maln Rr Wall Phone 170 St. Louis, Mo. PLAN AND FANCY BOXES 1 FT. SCOTT. KANS. ECONOMY ARCH COMPANY We. HIGH GRADE LOCOMOTIVE Guarantee ARCH AND FURNACE BRICK Does Dependable 1843 Railway Exchange ~uildi'n~ Delivery MO. Your Fuel ST. LOUIS, Uniform Contract Quality Protect? .- .- Competitive I WeHo (Bill) REAVES REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. Price 1169 Arcade Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. SAINT LOUIS & O'FALLON COAL CO. Representing the P. & M. Co. SAINT LOUIS Co A. ROBERTS COO "SHELBY' St. Louis Surfacer and Seamless Steel -Tubing Company CHICAGO ST. LOUIS Paint DETROIT INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD PAINTS, VARNISHES ' LAUNDERING---- Af Popular Prices ENAMELS From 2%~Per Pound Up JEfletnon MI4 Arlington Ave. and Terminal Belt Ry. ST. LOUIS, MO. BECHT LAUNDRY GO. meFRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE II ROOM 53 5 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS JOHN W. NOURSE, General Passenger Agent In Charge MARTHA C. MOORE, Editor Vol. XI1 MARCH, 1934 No. 3 II THE COVER 11 As these lines are written, a bliz- Permission is given to reprint with or without credit, zard is sweeplng the country. But in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Missourians, and those Living in the Southwest know that ~ometimedurlng February and March, winter gets in a few vigorous blows, perhaps to make Contents of This Issue one more appreciative of spring. The young man on the cover is neither worried about snow or ice or Pages storms. The only thing on his mlnd, Louis A. Wilson Recalls Early Railroading as shown in the tense aad determined on Frisco Lines ........................................................................3 look on his face, is whether or not the Air Conditioning Program Agreed Upon bait on the line will attract a fish. For by Western Railways ..............................................................4 once this wiggly, restless, impatient little boy 1s still, yes. very, very still. Meritorious Service ...................................................................... 4 But just let a fish nibble at his bait Agency Changes .............................................................................. 5 and there would be some rction. All Aboard for Pensacola .............................................................. 6 The picture is a study. Notbe his little hands, how tightly they grasp Florida Travel Increased 60 Per Cent...................................... 7 the pole. His position might be un- Frisco Children 8 comfortable, but move he will not- ................................................................................ not until he gets that fish. He is even News of the Frisco Clubs.................. ..................................... 9-12 prepared to wade in after his catch. Important Conventions of 1934-1935........................................ 12 All of which brings to mind the splendid streams and rivers on The .Pension Roll ...................................................................... 13-14 Frisco Lines, which will soon be vis- Jeanne Connelly a Talented Miss .............. :..., ...................... 15 ited by ardent fishermen. There is some real fishing to be done at Pen- Flashes of Merriment ....................................................................16 sacola, and the Veterans, who plan to The Frisco Mechanlc ..............................................................17-21 hold their Reunion there again this year, plan to pack rod and reel for Frisco Family News ................................................................ 21-32 some real Ilshlng, and will add another day to the trip so they may indulge in that sport. MEMBER THE -FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The Frlsco Employes' Mn!&whe IS a monthly publlcatlon devoted prlrnarlly to the lnteresb of the actlre and retlred onlployea of the Frlsco Llnes. It contalns stories, items of cur- rent news, personal notes about emplores and thelr famllier, artlcles dcallng with V~~~OUS phases of rallrond work, poems. cartoons and notlces regarding the service. Good clear photographs Suitable for reproduction are eapeclally desired, and will be returned only when requested. All cartoons and drawlngs must be In blnck Indla Ink. Employes are lnvlted to write nrtlcles for the mapazlne. Conlrlbutlons Should be type- wrltten, on one slde of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Editor, Frisco Bulldin& St Louis, nro. Dlstrlbuted free among Frlsco Employes. To othera, prlcr 16 cenk a copy; aubacrlptlon rate, $1.30 a rear. Adrertlslng rate w111 be made horn upon application. 178 W. Adams St.. Chicago, Ill. March, 1934 Page 3 Louis A. Wilson Recalls Early ,. Railroading on Frisco Lines Br-rr-rr ! congested. due to the disastrous snow Retirement Cornes After It was just , one of those nights in storm and their traIn was held out the dead of winter, when the ther. for over an hour, and when the en- Serving Frisco for 49 Years mometer registered below mro. A gineer and fireman finally climbed blinding snow storm raged. and a stiBly from the cab, it was with a That Is just one at the Incidents of high mind piled the snow along the sense of great relief. It was neces- pioneer railroading which Louis A. Wil- right-of-way. The passenger coming sary for the engineer to lay off his son, retired Frisco engineer, recalls, east plowed through, the engine puff- next run in order to doctor a cold, now that his pension days are here. ing and snorting as it pulled to a and to prevent pneumonia caused by His retirement came on December stop at the Newburg, Mo., 31, after he had served the station. The engineer re- Frisco for 49 continuous ported that his cab win- years. This incident, just . dow was broken and snow related, happened years was drifting into the cab. and years ago, and at that Repairmen were sent to time he gave it little fix it while the mail, ex- thought, but now he has press and baggage were the to pause and look being loaded. The re<air- back over the days of long man arrived, took the ago, he recalls some of his window out, and then trips with great interest. found that it would take At 16 years of age, Louls some little time to put in Wilson was 'employed by another. the Missourf Paciflc Rail- The snow had already road, wheeling mud out of delayed traffic, and the a ditch at Kirkwood. He engineer decided to re-. worked in an extra gang sume the trip on into St. for about three years, but Louis rather than pile up in September, 1882, went even an added few mo- to work as a brakeman mentfi delay. And so with for the Frisco out of Pertsioner Wilson fou~rdthe j%trrre, reprodtrced nbove, aniortg Pacific. the baggage loaded' the Iris trcasttrers. All of rhc gentlenten are old Frisco cngince-rs. was a big hain pulled Out* the en- Ca~r you rralne tlrc,n? Left to right: Harry Dean, Billx In days gine's headlight blazing Hcdgcs, Louis Wilson. A. Iff. Woggcmer, Clras. Hwfschrtridt, and his run was between and the engineer leaning W. H. VanHorn and C. W. Schank. These men ruere Pacific and Dixon, Mo. far out of hie cab that he paging a zhil to Engirreer Waggoner. But the job of brakeman might get a better view didn't appeal to him and of the track. The Areman began exposure, the doctor said. But after he quit and went back to the fob of again to shovel coal. All night they a few days the incident was fopgotten, Iaborer on the track until December, battled snow drifts, while the storm and these two sturdy railroaders, en- 1883.
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