J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.8.2.136 on 1 March 1995. Downloaded from Clonidine As A Drug Of Abuse Anuj Sharma, MD, and Warren Newton, MD Most clinicians believe that clonidine has mini­ included captoprilSO mg three times a day, furo­ mal abuse potential. Originally introduced as semide 20 mg every day, atenolol 100 mg twice a an antihypertensive agent in 1974, clonidine is day, nifedipine 30 mg three times a day, and iso­ inexpensive and has well-known and tolerable sorbide dinitrate 10 mg three times a day. She did side effects. In recent years it has been used in a well for 2 days after discharge but then developed wide variety of clinical situations, including the substernal chest pain radiating to her left arm ac­ treatment of opiate dependence and numerous companied by diaphoresis and some nausea. She psychiatric disorders in both adults and children. 1 was brought to the emergency department for Despite its growth in popularity, however, occa­ evaluation. sional reports have suggested that clonidine has Other past medical problems included a history the potential for abuse in combination with of pneumonia, multiple urinary tract infections, heroin or methadone. We describe here a case of dyspepsia, and cholecystectomy in 1991. She de­ clonidine as a single drug of abuse. nied any alcohol or tobacco use or any family or personal history of heart disease or depression. Case Report She had been a widow since 1962 and had 4 living A 66-year-old woman came to the emergency children aged 27 to 42 years. She lived with her department of a southeastern university hospital 42-year-old son; her youngest son, aged 27 years, complaining of severe chest pain and difficulty had a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Another breathing. She had a IS-year history of severe son had died of cancer at the age of 30 years. hypertension requiring multiple therapeutic Her blood pressure on admission was 210/108 agents. Clonidine was added to her regimen mmHg, and her pulse rate was 8S beats per in 1986, and the dose was gradually increased to minute and regular. During a cardiac examina­ 0.3 mg three times a day. Between 1989 and 1992 tion she had normal heart sounds and no mur­ she was admitted to the hospital seven times for murs. There was no jugular venous distension or severe chest pain, but on no occasion was infarc­ peripheral edema, and she had good peripheral http://www.jabfm.org/ tion confirmed by enzymes. Echocardiograms pulses. Her lungs were clear to auscultation. Labo­ done in 1986 and 1991 showed progressive wor­ ratory studies showed a normal complete blood sening of left ventricular function; cardiac cath­ count, electrolytes, liver profile, and urinalysis. A eterizations in 1977, 1986, and 1989 showed nor­ chest radiograph showed mild cardiomegaly but mal coronary arteries, and urine catecholamine was otherwise normal. An electrocardiogram findings were normal. showed a regular rate of 80 beats per minute and Seven days before this admission, she was ad­ a left bundle branch block, with no change from on 24 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. mitted to the cardiac care unit with chest pain previous admissions. and severe hypertension. Again no evidence of The patient was admitted for cardiac monitor­ myocardial infarction was found. Believing that ing by telemetry, but her enzymes did not suggest abrupt discontinuation of clonidine had been re­ myocardial infarction. We decided to keep her in sponsible for the severe hypertension and chest the hospital to explore the reasons for her fre­ pain, her physicians removed the drug from her quent hospitalizations and to simplify her drug outpatient regimen. Her discharge medicines regimen. A conference with her children revealed a major concern about clonidine. In response to an initial open-ended question about whether she Submitted, revised, 16 November 1994. always took her medicines, the oldest son imme­ From the Department of Family Medicine, University of diately asked, "What is this clonidine, and what is North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Address reprint requests to War­ ren Newton, MD, Department of Family Medicine, CB 7595, it doing for her?" He commented th~t she "ate University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599. clonidine like M & MS"j moreover, clonidine was 136 JABFP March-Apri11995 Vol. 8 No.2 the only medicine she consistently took. Typically, She denied using more clonidine than prescribed J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.8.2.136 on 1 March 1995. Downloaded from he reported, the patient would finish a month's and became angry for what she perceived as "la­ supply in a few days and then start looking for beling" her as an addict. She claimed that she was ways to get more. She would ask neighbors to take only taking a medicine prescribed by her physi­ her to the pharmacy, because she knew that her cians and was afraid that she would get chest pain son would ask her what happened to her prescrip­ if she did not keep taking her pills. tion that he had filled a week ago. She saw many During the next 4 days, her hypertension treat­ physicians in the area to keep her clonidine pre­ ment regimen was dramatically simplified. The scriptions current and to have access to unlimited children were warned not to drive her to pharma­ refills. cies to refill clonidine, and local pharmacies and The other children confirmed this story. Her other community physicians were contacted to daughter described her as "zonked out on clonidine make them aware of this patient's abuse of cloni­ most of the time"; she described incidents in dine. She was discharged with prescriptions for which her mother would go to the local physician captopril 50 mg three times a day and nifedipine and claim that a grandchild had "flushed her pills 30 mg three times a day; she had excellent blood down the toilet" and that she needed more cloni­ pressure control and no chest pain on vigorous dine. On the rare occasions that she ran out, she exertion. One year later some adjustments have would end up in the hospital with chest pain. The been made in the dosages of these two medicines, family also reported a distant history of alcohol but the patient has done well. She has had no abuse and depression and admission to a psychiatric admissions for chest pain. hospital at that time. Calls to local physicians' offices and pharmacies Discussion corroborated other aspects of the story. We found Addiction is a neurobehavioral syndrome of com­ numerous physicians in three towns who had pulsive seeking and continuing use of a drug de­ given her many large prescriptions for clonidine. spite increasing evidence of adverse effects.2 In At least two local pharmacists were also familiar the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental with her excessive clonidine refills; one reported Disorders (Third Edition, Revised),3 the term psycho­ that she had learned the different pharmacists' active substance abuse disorder involves both a pat­ shifts and would visit at different times to avoid tern of pathological use and impairment of physi­ the same pharmacist. When the pharmacists cal, social, or occupational functioning caused by the substance. For prescription drugs, abuse can would question her about her excessive refills, she http://www.jabfm.org/ would use the same excuses that she used with the be defined as using a drug for a purpose other physicians - prescription lost, child flushed it than for what it was prescribed or in quantities down the toilet, or "left it at the beach." They also greater than prescribed. reported that her other antihypertensive medi­ We believe that our patient had an addiction to cines were refilled only rarely. clonidine. Her admissions for chest pain and se­ Two local pharmacists mailed us records of her vere hypertension most likely represented cIoni­ clonidine refills during the past year. In a typical dine withdrawal, and the overall pattern of exces­ on 24 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. month the patient would alternate visits every 4 to sive use, harm to herself, lying to obtain 5 days between these two pharmacies, getting 100 medication, and a denial of a problem is charac­ of either 0.2-mg or O.3-mg tablets at each visit. teristic of an addiction. She exhibited at least five Thus in May 1993, she obtained a total of about of the diagnostic criteria for psychoactive sub­ 150 mg of clonidine from these pharmacies, stance abuse summarized in Table 1.3 which represents about 5 mg/d or more than five The medical literature has given very little times the prescribed dose. This estimate is a mini­ attention to clonidine abuse. In one report 2 ex­ mum because the patient also used other phar­ heroin abusers who were prescribed methadone macies around this area; her children could not and clonidine therapy were later found to be give us all the names, and not all the pharmacies abusers of clonidine,4 and another described a pa­ were able to give us cumulative records easily. tient who used clonidine along with heroin to , Armed with the above facts, we confronted our augment her high. This report also stated that patient with the possibility of clonidine abuse. this practice is commonplace on the street.s In j j Clonidine Abuse 137 l Table 1. Diagnostic Criteria for Psychoactive Substance that our current health care system makes it rela­ J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.8.2.136 on 1 March 1995.
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