I .' ., . , .• ' .. " '. ",': Thursday, June 14, 1962 Page Four ,a. IIlWISH POST Thursday, June 14, 1962 THE JEWISH POST Page Five' Behovot, Israel - Mr. and MrS. I l:, J students . with unusual talent in Award Winner mathematics. AI Mantell announce the birth of I . ",,"fie Saskatoon· to Honor Fred Mendel . , ad '. Lehava Chap~er 'S.~io' their son Shimon' a brother to Vancouver-Mr. and Mrs. Charles In Mathematics Max is the son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Y Centre Directors Named I Myer M. Sucharov, and I completed . commended the Y staff and board Elects ExecutIve . P@rIlODO'. Moishe ~d Naomi: a grandson to Polsky announce the engagement Mrs. Modlinka of. West New York,' of their da~ghter, Noreen Gladys, nine years, of day school at . the members and presented a plaque to The annual wind-up of Lehava Mrs .. H. Fages of . Regina was a N.J.; and Mr. and Mrs. J. Mantell to Irving Glassnli!r, son of· Mr. ~d Talmud Torah and Joseph Wolin­ B. G. Gladstone for his years of Chapter of Pioneer Women was visitor in Lethbridge, the guest of of Winnipeg Mrs. Wolf Glassner. The weddmg sky Collegiate, graduating . from service to the· Y .. Mr. Gladstone held June 11 at the Holiday Res­ Mr.. ~d Mrs .. M. Milner. on the ~. • • viiU take place July 15 at the Beth Maimonides College in 1961. is leaVing 'Winnipeg to 'establish a tnurant: Presentations for'thehigh-' occasion of their son Irving's Bar Rochester, Minn. - Dr. and Mrs. Israel Synagogue, Vancouver. home in Montreal. Harry. Shatz was est fund raisers were made to the . Mitzvah, May at Congregation 26, Sherman Rosove; nee B\lverly Rich, ~===="';"====~=="il also presented with a gift 'by' the following (Mesdames): Lil Guber­ Beth Israel.' announce the 'birth of their daugh­ board for his. contribution as a man, Esther Chodirker, Pearl Rosen­ PAYING SPOT CASH FOR CELEBRATE • • • ter, Michelle Ruth, on May 25; a long-thpe staff. memb.er. Mr. Shatz berg, Nettie .Mozers!<y, Edith Car~ . ' 1921 Canadian 5¢ __._ $375.00 GOLDEN· . " Mr. 'and Mrs~ Sam l,\Iaslow, nee sister for Grant Paul, and a grand­ 1889 .Canadian 10¢ ______ $140.00 ha~ been appointed ex'ecutive direc- son, Phyills Chochinov and' Sara' EvelynY~cowar, .announce the'birtli daughter for )\h'. and' Mrs. 'Abe 1948 Canadian 10¢ _______ $4075 tor pf the:Ca~gary JewishConum,m- WaYb,?m .. A. special presentation of.their.daulihter, Deborah Roxanne, Rich and Dr.. and Mrs.. Jack Rosove. 1858 Canadian 20¢ _$35.00 ANNIVERSARY ity . Council. .' , .'.. .'. was made to the' retiring president, on May 28; sister to Barbara, Keavy 1921 Canadian.50¢ ______ $2200.00 In' honor !If the golden wedding Committee chairmen elected were: Nettie Mozersky, and the following . I', and Jerry. TO ·BUY OR SELL -. CALL Fully 1llustrated Coin Book 50¢ . anniver~ary ofMr; and Mrs. Ber­ Mr. Micay, administrative; T. Olen- slate of officers' was inStalled: nard Miller, 283 Burrows' Avenue,' .iek, day cainps; M. Blankstein, President, Edith Carson; 1st vice- MR.' AND' MRS. a reception was held 'June 1.0 at ROJ(~ Rectft'.l . Ctauel(s Coin h ouse; . D .' W'm t rob e,. fin ance;. .P • president, Marg Traves,' 2nd ~ice- '. CONB~ SIIEI!,"IN . the Peretz School, hall. invite you to join them in Sabbath HoUSes • Fm'pi Lands - Lots & STAMP SHOP Thonlpson, membershfp;J. Chasan- president, Elaine Sklover; secretary; Business Opportunities . W. Litwin, president of the Peretz off, 'personnel; A: Posen, physical PhyllisChochinov; Jreasurer, Pearl;' Services on the o<;casion lif. the 1525 STREET'.' . 4~1818· MAIN School, paid tribute. to their years Bus. and, Res. Phone ED e d uca.t' IOn; S.' G reen, program;'.!. ';, U<'.""" Rosenberg', membership, Pearl Ter.- Bar:mllzlI;~ Mrs. M. Bass IWinniP~, Man. , .Ph. JU 6-3101 of service on behalf of the'. school R. Brown, B'nai B'rith Camp; M . .h9ch; publicity, Zelda Cohen; cor- and 'presented them with a plaque. of their son . 24 Come St., North Kiidonan . Silden, publicity. respondence secretary, Sally Kap-. CANTOR LElB GJ;ANTZ . Winnipeg 16 . Manitoba A contr~butiOl:i to the Hebrew Uni-· A •. R. Micay, Q.C.,. waS elected Othez: direciorsare E. J. Arono- Ian; cultural, Marg Traves and . The Saskatoon JeWish Commun-' fu" EH'R£D· MENDELb 'h TRY OUR TAKE-OUT SERVICE MaXwell' Samuel Sucharov 365 versity and the fumishing. of a new prEisident of the YMHA Cbmmunity. EI3ine Sklover' bulletin Sarah '. ,. re gee. e has esta lis ed the C entre at teeh 1 ection meeting o.f vitch, Dr. M. Avren, J." B. Billinkoff, Waybom;' tea, , Julie. ..'Margolese; . ity will tender a testimonial dinner largest sm' gle I'ndustry m' ·the prov- . on Chow Mein -' Oriental Egg Dishes BurrinAvenue of West 'Kildonan 'schoolroom in the Peretz SCllool was A. J. Blond,' H. Buchwald, B. J. to Fred Mendel June 24 in recogni- . I . h dred f '1 Chop Suey - Chicken Dishes Collegiate, was ~ district prize win- made ~n their behalf by· relati~es . the board of directors held this week rummage; Louise Segal; Hallowe'en mce, emp oymg un s 0 peop e SATURDAY, JUNE Z3, 1962 ' Glendale Coun' try Club. Cutler, Ald. H. M. Danzker, Dr. 1),. tion of his. 22 years .of activity in the in his packing plants, He. has been . at 9 a.m. at the SUMMER,. Spareribs - Sweet, 'n' Sour Dishes ner in the sixth annual Manitoba and frIends, ,and they were· m­ at the project, Ev Shecter; summer project, commercial and cultural life of the . ROSH PINA SYNAGOGUE Mathemati.cs Contest f~r grad.e 11 scribed in the Golden Book of the. o'ther officers elected- for the 1962- E. Din,er, I. J, Dreman, J. I. Glesby.- Mary Lazar; distribution, . Annette community. a generous supporter of all public .Kiddush following se.rvices Fre.e daily. delivery service to SCHO'OL·' students, ~ponsored .by the Cima- Jewish National ,Fund by their' 63 term were David Slater, honor- W.Golydberg, G. B. Gray, I. Green, Rosenberg; social,; Becky Rosen- causes, and recently contributed - .. parts of Winnipeg, on any' orllerll . J Hal . N He has elevated cultural standards. $175,000 to the CI'ty of S'askato'o' n to MR. AND MRS, AL ARONOVlTCH 'Royal Winnipeg Ballet amounting to $2.00 or over. dian' Matheml:itical Congress and childre,n. ary. president; L. Remis, immediate. pr~, . B. Jacob, D. Jacob-berg, Lil Guberman; . new year . cordially invite their relatives and of the'· comm"m.·ty and has cr'eated b 'ld ,,'-' C· t M' M d' 1 i the Winnipeg Actuaries Club. For Featurec;l. was a musical program .. past preSI'd en t ; Y . H entiff' e e , VIce- son, D'r. ALe'. mer,. A W,. Mitche 11 , cards, Sarah Hochman', credits, Bea . did d ~~f lin f fr Ii ill ..'an .n..... en reo r. en e friends to worship with them JUNE .25 - AUGUST 4 . ,BUSINESS, HOURS the contest, tlie pr~vinc~ was di- and community singing arranged Hatklin; telephone, Becky Ruvinsky; an we e a ee g'O . iend 'ness has always been closely identified on the occasion of the . For Free Brochure I Monday to Thursday president; pro M. J. Lehmann. ,vice- I. Nacht, A. Nozick,' D.Pearlman, bet'ween the Jews and G' ent'l' f ·th th . J . h· 't d h vided into twelve districts. 'by Mrs. Clara' Pearlman-Litvack. car~s, Eleanor .Hurst; coUllcil. rep., . I es 0 WI e eWIs COmplunl y an as Phone SU 3·4589 i 4:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. president; 'D: Wintrobe,treasurer; B. Remis, R. Ripstein, L. Rowenberg, Edith Carson; b a z a a r, Phyllis the city and province. Mr. Mendel participated i.D and finariciallysup- . Bar mll~lIa~' Purpose of the contest is to as- Mrs. Ben (Alice) Lazarus extended -;;;..1 . Friday and Saturday M. Swartz, secretary. H. Schw!lrtz, It Slater, S. Stem, H. C hoc h i nov; photo project, Lit came tf>' Saskatoon in 194.0 as a ported alJ its activities .. 4:00 p.m. to 3:.00' a.m. sist in promoting interest in mathe- greetings to the guests on behall of their' son Outgoing president Leonard Remis Walsh, Q.C. Guberman. IN LAS VEGAS' Sunday-:-4:.o0 p.rn.to 1:00 a.m.. matics and mathematical careers of the filmily. It's JJarll':''.1 fflarli'f . PHONE JU 9-1873 among· high school students. The Out-of-town guests included Mr. on examinations included questions re- and Mrs. stan: Levy and daughter SATURDAY, . JUNE 23, 1962 Kosher qUiring a considerable amgunt of Leah, of Vancouver, and Mr. and GRE'AT WALL. .' . at 9:30 a.m. at the Style imagination and reasoning ability Mrs. Ben Laz~rus' and . daughter, TALMUD TORAH SYNAGOGUE and were designed to single out Judith, of Minneapolis. 'Buffet dinner' following services Open ....... • . .,. ..... • 24 Hours Delicatessen MR. AND MRS. LOU ELKIN CHINESE LOOK SMART WITH A . IT'S. FUN FOR Restaurant THE. WHOLE FAMILY cordially invite their relatives "AMERICA'S. FINEsT" FOOD. CATERING SERVICE HAIRDO E:ROM_ '. qpd friends to' atteru;l the, c. Just North of Sahara Hotel 1320 Main Street. Winnipeg Jack's', BarmUzlla/' In the Heart ,?f the North End Stephanie's .. Enjoy Homelike Meals and , . ~f their son . Comfort at Beauty Solon "Golf Centre BRUNO'S (in the heart of North Winnipeg) at . ",. Ella" Roterl Specializing in 3033 MAIN STREET TO THE JEWISH ·ELECTORS on .Morris Hotel.. • Hair Styling • Hair Cutting (Next to Club Copacabana on . • Cold .Waves • Coloring . SATURDA~ JUNE Z3, 1002 CAFE " North Winnipeg Inghway) . at 9 a.m. at the . Good Meals "TJ:IE FINEST IN ·SERVICE" • 18 Hole Miniature Gall Course HERZLIA~ADAS YESHURUN SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS Phone ED.
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