Letter from the Publisher by Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak NO MATTER WHAT OUR MISSION OR SITUATION IS, vertically, the true parent/child relationship and ultimately we are each to become the "second self" horizontally, the true husband/wife relationship. of True Parents. This means we have to complete- But because of the fall, no one has achieved the ly replace our satanic legacy by inheriting True position of God's true son or daughter or per- Parents' words, heart, and tradition. God desires fected husband and wife.In order to reach these that we embrace the identity of "chosen people;' positions, we must restore ourselves through like that of the Israelites. The Jewish people, based proper Cain/Abel relationships. on Jacob's internal victory, were to create the ulti- It was Satan who first violated the original heav- mate foundation for the restoration of mankind. enly order; therefore, when there is the least bit of When God's purpose wasn't fulfilled, restoration disorder or rebellion in our heart, Satan invades had to continue centered upon Christianity, the us. To solve this, Heung [in Nim very strongly Second Israel. Now the Unification movement, the urged the second selves to absolutely observe the Third Israel, must completely inherit the responsi- proper reporting system in all matters, both public bility of the "chosen people:' We must be different and private. "You must always report your indi- from other people, not because we signed member- vidual situation, as well as everything related'to ship or have some special attribute, but because your mission, directly to your central figure;' he we ourselves have deliberately chosen a lifestyle of urged. "Otherwise Satan can easily tempt you:' sacrificial love for the sake of the world-as second Even though I felt Heung [in Nim did not need my selves of our True Parents. approval for his work, he said to me, "No, I must Heung [in Nim, through his embodiment, met re- report all my activities with the second selves to cently with second selves (missionaries) and their headquarters, and through you, my report should wives in Nairobi, the Ivory Coast, and Athens, reach True Parents:' Only by reporting and getting Greece. His urgent guidance was that every mem- permission through heavenly order can our activi- ber must make a confession and repent. In front of ties be in heavenly territory, with God at the Heung [in Nim no one can hide any more. He out- center. lined three major types of sin we need to confess: 3) Violations of the proper use of all things. 1) Violations of the heart. The root of heart is God created all the things of creation for men and true love. All of us have been perpetuators of self- women to use with a public mind, for the public ish love; before we joined the church, we violated benefit. The misuse of public money is one of the Heavenly Father's heart and True Parents' heart worst conditions we can make. probably millions of times-in our minds and in After we go to the spirit world, we will be our actual lifestyle. However, through the Bless- judged according to these three points. We cannot ing we can be forgiven; we are offered the incred- enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless we clear up ibly precious opportunity to completely eliminate all our violations in these areas, committed both all our selfish and impure habits, feelings, and before and after we joined the church. That is why actions by being reborn in God's lineage of eternal Heung [in Nim is repeatedly urging us to confess , life and true love. We can come to live as if there everything, with no hiding or lying, to our central had been no fall-centered entirely on God's shim- figure and get everything cleaned up now. jung tradition. After the Blessing, God expects Protecting the heavenly blood lineage, the first that we will no longer violate His heart. Thus, all point, is most important. Blessed couples have al- impurities-sexual sins, masturbation, and indulg- ready received this precious lineage, and we must ing in pornography and other temptations-are protect it. We need to carefully educate our blessed unacceptable in God's eyes after the Blessing, and children in the heavenly tradition and teach them must be confessed. The standard for entering the about God's shimjung. That is paramount; we Kingdom of Heaven is very strict and clear. need not worry so much about external things 2) Violations of the heavenly order. Originally, such as where we live or what we eat. We must Adam and Eve were to have matured in God's love care for our sons and daughters not just as our and completed the four position foundation by be- own children, but as bearers of the eternal heav- coming the True Father and True Mother. Through enly blood lineage, which must never be stained. them all their descendants would naturally learn Heung [in Nim was very serious about this point. the right order of subject/object relationships: CONTINUED ON PAGE 41 2 TODAY'S WORLD , FOUNDER'S ADDRESS Rev. Sun Myung Moon 4 The Ninth World Media Conference TAKING DOMINION Rev. Sun Myung Moon 7 Speech to the 40-Day Trainees BECOMING VICTORIOUS PEOPLE Dr. Joan Ho Seuk 10 The Ninth World Media Conference Laura Reinig 14 • PRAYER WORKS WONDERS Larry Moffitt 15 • A VISIT TO THE ORIGINAL HOUSE Larry Moffitt 18 Father speaks to 40-day trainees, p. 7 HEART OF SALVATION: Sheri Rueter 19 The Witnessing Way of Life A LONG-AWAITED DREAM: Brian Saunders 25 The First International Conference on the Arts • Reflections Christopher Davies 27 Testimony of A Mother and Daughter RECEIVING NEW LIFE THROUGH Mrs. Betty Morey 28 MY DAUGHTER DEEP, MUTUAL RESPECT Gail Morey Paine 31 Hunting with Hyo lin Nim, p.10 THE FOUNDING OF THE NATIONAL Laura Reinig 33 ICC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION • Personal Observations Christian Kracher 34 • Reflections from the Ministers "A MAN OF CONSCIENCE" Victoria Clevenger 38 -LEE DITTMAN SHAPIRO HOME CHURCH COLUMN Rev. Sun Myung Moon' 40 INDEX 1987 ICC alumni get together, p. 33 FRONT COVER: Father holds Jeung [in Nim on his lap during breakfast at Han Nam Dong in Seoul. VOLUME 8, NUMBER 12. TODAYS WORLOis a publication of the World Mission Department of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification PUBLISHER/ADVISOR: Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak of World Christianity. Founded in 1980 by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. it is written for the foreign missionaries and the members of the PRODUCED BY: Vertizon Unification Church. The purpose of this journal is to be a source of information and inspiration for its readers, a forum for their exchange EXECUTIVE EDITOR:Victoria Clevenger of news and testimonies, and a sharing of heart among the brothers and sisters of the Unification Church's worldwide movement. Members ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Laura Reinig of the Unification movement generally address or refer to Rev. and Mrs. Moon as "Father" and "Mother:' EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Robert C. Rattley lODAy'S WORLD, 481 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10001, Tel. (212) 279-6778. SUBSCRIPTIONS: United States: $44 per year; $23 for six months. Louise Perlowitz Air mail to Canada and Mexico: $65 per year, $34 for six months; to Central America and the Caribbean: $7.2 per year, $37 for six months; to Marcia de Abreu Europe and South America: $86 per year, $44 for six months; to the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South Pacific: $100 per year, $51 for six DESIGNER: Toyozo Narihata months. Surface mail to any country: $60 per year. Make check payable and direct all inquiries to: Accord, 481 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10001 Tel. (212) 967-4371. December 1987 3 ~ .•./.~ Media Responsibil~y Sep~e-~e ~_- ._ "Flags of the participating nations adorn the stage behind Father as he delivers his Founder's Address to the Ninth World Media Conference. '" D,. 80 Hi 'a' introduces Fethe« to some 01the i••ited guests. iett toright: M". J'h:~r~;ndthe H_. Arlu," Sucre. 1\ . i\\: \ 'i· 4 lODAY'S WORLD THE NINTH WORLD MEDIA CONFERENCE FOUNDER'S ADDRESS BY REV. SUN MYUNG MOON SEPTEMBER 21, 1987 SEOUL, KOREA ISTINGUISHED CHAIRMAN, ESTEEMED GUESTS, determined by the state. One side holds human life as Ladies and Gentlemen: Thank you for coming sacred and sees a human being as a child of God. The other such great distances to attend the Ninth World side sees man as no more than matter in motion. One side DMedia Conference. recognizes eternal existence and absolute values. To the I am grateful for the opportunity to address this gather- other, all things are material-temporaL transient, and ing once again in my home country of Korea. I must tell relative. you that I have a special personal interest in bringing you These two worlds are locked in a deadly struggle like to Korea, one that goes beyond the World Media ancient gladiators fighting to the death. Conference. Many people believe these two worlds can coexist peace- As you know, we are preparing to host the Olympic fully. I am afraid I cannot share their optimism. I wish I Games here exactly one year from now. This is the first could, but I know that some things simply cannot coexist. time this honor has come to Korea, and every Korean citi- Light and darkness cannot coexist. Light dispels dark- zen is busy cleaning and preparing everything in anticipa- ness. Truth and lies cannot coexist. Truth must prevail. A tion of a great many visitors who will be arriving soon, person cannot be both alive and dead.
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