A-22 • THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C WINS BOXER BREED EASILY he had loaned Goldstein SBOO .1— TUESDAY, FEBRUARY I*. JST.7 including $174 plane fare to San i Aragon Denies Antonio for the December 18 fe-r•?< :MSR.v ' ¦ >••*':'n^.' bout. Barrage Appears Best He said Impromptu flsticups between him and Goldstein In Los Angeles and in a San An- ''ta/tILy'WAeU/ He Asked Rival tonio hotel w*ere phony fights Jo \ In Westminster Show staged for the publicity. NEW YORK. Feb. 12 UP).—Ch. | .{thought Barrage should have Aragon denied testimony of Barrage of Quality Hill, a beau- {gone to the top. Mrs. Sylvia Lierman, 23, a di- To 'Take Dive' vorcee friend of Goldstein, that tiful fawn boxer with white “He’s certainly one of the markings, is going to be hard best boxers I’ve ever handled,”! •j LOS ANGELES. Feb. 12 UP).— he told Goldstein in a car in to beat when the Westminster said the pretty Miss Kamp. “I[ Art Aragon, Los Angeles welter- Los Angeles December 13. “Re- member, kid, in Kennel Club judging gets down wouldn't want to say. he was > weight, denied the witness there's SSOO it on for you in the third to its finals stages tonight. {better than his father, because stand yesterday that he offered round.” i not This is the big one for Bar- [ il think that's a bad policy. But . Dick Goldstein SSOO “take He said he did see Mrs. to a Lierman that day that rage, his owners. Mr. and Mrs. we’ll certainly be In there pitch*: dive” in a fight scheduled for and the BOCJOB three of them Jouett Shouse of Washington. iing1 for that big prize.” San Antonio, Tex., last Decem- were never to- D. C„ and his handler, Jane Barrage won the boxer breed ber 18. gether in a car. DAILY thru Mar. 30 Kamp. with the greatest of ease last Aragon is being tried on flght- —- They've been warming up to night after the only defending fixing charges on Goldstein's Penna. R. R. Trains the task for months and Bar- group winner, the standard complaint that Boy” ! j\ the “Golden ' Track rage now has a streak of four poodle, Alfonco von der Gol- offered him the money to “go to best-in-shows going for him. I denen Kette, owned by the Clan- down in the fourth and stay $ CASH $ Two years ago he caught the dale and Pennsyworth Kennels i down.” fancy of the gallery by licking of Hampton Bays, N. Y., was i Aragon had a different version RACE SPECIAL^ his father, Ch. Bank Away of defeated. yesterday. He said Goldstein had AUTP Lv. Union Station Sirrah Crest—the 1951 grand Al, the 1956 non-sporting vic- asked him to throw his punches champion—in the breed. tor, dropped a decision to CH. he wouldn't get cut be- so up LOANS Arrive Bowie Poodle Champion Beaten Puttencove Promise, belonging : cause he was planning to visit in IS minutes He went to take the work- to the Puttencover Kennels of his family in Seattle the on over WHETHER VOIR CAR (Return alter ing group, but was beaten in the Manchester, Mass. Miss Kamp i Christmas holidays. IS also handled PAID FOR OR NOT final by Ch. Kippax Feanough, Al. “I told him that was entirely Why Go Out Town to bulldog. I Aragon of a It was an unpopular Four Main Threats !up to him,” said, “that Borrow ? decision with the spectators who if he got knocked down in the Well, then, is Our Interest Is Cheaper! who Barrage first, or fourth, or fifth round, going have go to to beat to all don't be a hero, stay down and way? ” {the get cut up.' ! with, don't To start there is Putten- Aragon said he had told the cove Promise, who has lost only S gwR k^l^pphances Pettit same thing to many other fight- l Unexcelled Grandstand, in Position: .once in his breed In 15 outings. perhaps, ers because “I don't like to hurt find Pc’k.nq Acconnnodations Next Is Ch. Downs- fighters.” I bragh Jumpinpowder. a smooth The bout off. fox terrier entered by never came Ara- Top the gon withdrew from the fight on To Mikan's Downsbragh Kennels of Far the ground a Hills, N. J., who the im- he had fever. i won Aragon testified he was portant Associated Terrier Clubs the! i third-ranked welterweight in {specialty Sunday. ' 1956 and Goldstein was an un- Scoring Record Then you might consider the ranked fighter. He said he and fine Dalmatian, Ch. Roadcoach iJBj vP^v<# By The Amoclated Pren Goldstein were friends and that BRAKES Roadster, belonging to Mr. and RELINED WHILE YOU WAIT The sky-high scoring peaks ' Mrs. S. K. Allman of Doyles- 'reached by George the town Pa. He the big Mor- Mikan. won Baker Outpoints Hall 3 With the Hew Rivetless former Minneapolis Lakers great, ris and Essex show last year. PROVIDENCE. R. 1.. Feb. 12 23 in 1951 no longer seem unattain- For the longshot players there UP).—Veteran Bob Baker of is to Bob Pettit of the St. Steb's Top Skipper, a Dober- Pittsburgh, eighth-ranked con- able man pinscher owned by Natalie heavyweight title, ¦Louis Hawks. tender for the SAFTIBQND and Robert James Stebbins of gave Hall Chicago a Toxie of y The National Basketball Asso- • Westbury, N. Y. This dog first boxing lesson In gaining an The industry’s newest and FAVORITE AT „ WESTMINSTER—Ch. Barrage of Quality Hill,boxer owned by ciation's leading scorer, with i was shown two months ago and easy 10-round decision last night —W finest brake lining segments Mr. and Mrs. Juett Shouse of Washington, is favored win the best-in-show . hasn’t his championships RB/ pressure bonded giving more to' 1,528 points to his credit, needs earned at the auditorium. friction, No title at tonight’s windup of the Westminster Kennel Club dog show at Madison ‘ yet. [ ; ; longer wear. rivets only But he won his breed 10 score drums. Square Garden. Barrage is pictured with the best-in-breed ribbon won yester- 405 points in the Hawks’ against 20 champions. day. The handler is Jane Kamp of Holliston. Mass.—AP Wirephoto. remaining 18 games to pass Mi- They’re the main threats. But lan's record of 1.932 points in a i a shaky lot they are. 65 'single season. Mrs. Beatrice Godsol of Wood- 4 Wk"'( FLAMINGO TO TEST AMBEHAVING . land Hills, Calif., will the an average only select Complete O' That's of 22.5 rivited'3v2ou?h *1 ' best-in-show at about 11 p.m. LININGS forTchev. ¦ V U p Jockeys Honor points a game. Pettit had aver- Prepping aged 28.3 points in the Hawks' Mi* Adjustment for the life of the *- Mi* 'Bottle-Fed Baby' * tMM 54 games through last Sunday. |*~ HEADQUARTERS fffRJRJ lining. Other cars equally low And, if Pettit, defending his Every Rare Day to Frb. M Washington 10 55 NBA scoring up Lv. A.M tic’ Hydraulic Parts For Shot at Triple Crown George Woolf, crown,, can his Lv. Silver Spring AM and Service 11.1** current average • Hp to 28 8 points RAMBLER Lv Rockville 11.20 AM Relined Brake Shoes Exchanged MIAMI, (Special).—' -! Ambehaving by j Feb. 12 is trained Dr per game for the rest of the Metropolitan-Ambauodor Whether "bottle-fed baby” ’ who conditioned Returning after lo»t race Drum Turning—Road Service a J. M. Lee, one season, surpass > he can Mikan's Soles and Service Refreshment Cor and Coaches can develop into a Triple Crown t of the fleetest horses ever to 28.4 average. Select Used Cars Trucks Relined by Appointment race horse contender may be * campaign at Hialeah. That horse Ted Atkinson Call jU 9 8400 Demo 6 Service GO BY TRAIN— Pettit's performance is lor diagnosed in Hialeah's SIOO,OOO Spartan Valor, winner of over- the ail weather way I was ARCADIA, Calif., (A”). shadowing brilliant runnerup I Flamingo March 2. the 1952 Widener and holder of Feb. 12 ) L. P SAFFORD Nash Inc. LAPP BUGS. BRAKE SERVICE contention from Philadelphia s Ij 8507 Spring, Md BALTIMORE A OHIO 1806 L 3-4070 Deprived of natural "nursing” ’ the track's l' B -mile record. —Jockeys honor their colleague. Col«ivill« ltd. Silver ST. N.W. ST. ’ high-scoring twosome, Paul Ari- injured eye to compare his charge Atkinson, the memory when his dam an ¦ Asked new Ted and zin and Neil Johnston. Any shortly after foaling and was : with William G. Hells’ cham- of one of their greatest, George season, Rich- pion, Lee hedged. “Ambehaving other Arizin's current taken from her baby, Mrs. Woolf, In ceremonies at Santa 25.1 average ard D. duPont's Ambehaving was won all three New Jersey-bred, and Johnston's 24- i point per game output would be fed milk rather than : stakes: gpartan Valor could win ‘Anita today. on bottled enough to win the title. Two of by a foster dam. as is usually but two.” ! The 1957 George Woolf Memo- ( Johnston's three scoring crowns done in such cases. In The Garden State, world's ,rial Award will be presented to iAtkinson, in absentia, m the were won by averages below his Apparently, the “modern” colt ; richest won by Barbizon, eye-: current mark. received the proper dietary in- witnesses said that Ambehaving walking ring in the presence of all the Jockeys wi aring their Pettit took a big stride toward gredients at Meadow View was blocked repeatedly while Mikan’s record in last night's .
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