US 2016O1861 68A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0186168 A1 Konieczka et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 30, 2016 (54) PROCESSES AND HOST CELLS FOR Related U.S. Application Data GENOME, PATHWAY. AND BIOMOLECULAR (60) Provisional application No. 61/938,933, filed on Feb. ENGINEERING 12, 2014, provisional application No. 61/935,265, - - - filed on Feb. 3, 2014, provisional application No. (71) Applicant: ENEVOLV, INC., Cambridge, MA (US) 61/883,131, filed on Sep. 26, 2013, provisional appli (72) Inventors: Jay H. Konieczka, Cambridge, MA cation No. 61/861,805, filed on Aug. 2, 2013. (US); James E. Spoonamore, Publication Classification Cambridge, MA (US); Ilan N. Wapinski, Cambridge, MA (US); (51) Int. Cl. Farren J. Isaacs, Cambridge, MA (US); CI2N 5/10 (2006.01) Gregory B. Foley, Cambridge, MA (US) CI2N 15/70 (2006.01) CI2N 5/8 (2006.01) (21) Appl. No.: 14/909, 184 (52) U.S. Cl. 1-1. CPC ............ CI2N 15/1082 (2013.01); C12N 15/81 (22) PCT Filed: Aug. 4, 2014 (2013.01); C12N 15/70 (2013.01) (86). PCT No.: PCT/US1.4/49649 (57) ABSTRACT S371 (c)(1), The present disclosure provides compositions and methods (2) Date: Feb. 1, 2016 for genomic engineering. Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2016 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2016/O186168 A1 Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2016 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2016/O186168 A1 &&&&3&&3&&**??*,º**)..,.: ××××××××××××××××××××-************************** Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2016 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2016/O186168 A1 No.vaegwzºkgwaewaeg Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2016 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2016/O186168 A1 US 2016/01 86168 A1 Jun. 30, 2016 PROCESSES AND HOST CELLS FOR 0006. In various aspects, the invention is applicable to GENOME, PATHWAY. AND BIOMOLECULAR phenotype engineering, including but not limited to: change ENGINEERING in carbon Substrate utilization, increased cell growth rate, increased production of a desired chemical, redox cofactor PRIORITY balance, reduced production of one or more undesired 0001. This application claims benefit of and priority to byproducts, increased resistance to industrial fermentation, U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/861,805 filed Aug. 2, and increased recombinant protein production, among others. 2013,61/883,131 filed Sep. 26, 2013, 61/935,265 filed Feb.3, In some embodiments, the phenotype relates to pathway engi 2014, and 61/938,933 filed Feb. 12, 2014, each of which is neering, such as where metabolic flux through a core or hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. primary metabolic pathway is significantly altered (e.g., Sig nificantly altered as compared to wild type strain, an unengi FIELD OF THE INVENTION neered strain, or a starting strain), including alteration of metabolic flux through one or more intermediates that repre 0002. The invention relates to, inter alia, methods and sent metabolic branch points. In various embodiments, the compositions for genome-scale editing of genetic informa invention is applicable to introducing and balancing of heter tion. ologous recombinant enzyme activity with endogenous metabolism, to limit effects on viability and growth, for BACKGROUND example. In some embodiments, the phenotype relates to 0003. Successful genomic and pathway engineering engineering alterations among one or more proteins, such as, requires that metabolic flux be increased through select path by way of illustration, enzymes, for improved biochemical or ways, while not substantially interfering with viability and/or biophysical properties. growth of the organism, or a desired phenotype. This can be 0007. In various aspects, the invention provides methods especially pertinent for substrates or intermediates of the for pathway engineering, in which metabolic flux is altered desired pathway that are involved in core or primary metabo through one or more intermediates of glycolysis, pentose lism, or for branch intermediates involved in more than one phosphate pathway, TCA cycle, one or more secondary bio pathway. Stephanopoulos, Metabolic Fluxes and Metabolic synthesis pathways (e.g., amino acid or nucleotide biosynthe Engineering, Metabolic Engineering 1, 1-11 (1999). In fact, sis pathway), the mevalonate or non-mevalonate pathway, genetic alterations, or combinations of genetic alterations, pathways involved in Sulfur or nitrogen metabolism, and oth that increase metabolic flux through a desired pathway are ers. The invention relates to, in various embodiments, engi difficult to predict, limiting the usefulness of rational engi neering cells to result in one or more of increased or diversi neering approaches. Kern A, et al., Engineering primary fied carbon Substrate utilization, increased or maintained metabolic pathways of industrial microorganisms, J. Biotech growth rate, modified enzyme activity at metabolic branch nology 129: 6-29 (2007). Further, it is often impractical to points, decreased metabolic flux through one or more com generate random and discrete mutational events in vivo and peting secondary pathways and/or increase in flux through a screen or select for improved metabolic flux or biomolecular desired secondary biosynthetic pathway, balanced cellular function. redox chemistry (e.g., redox cofactor balance), balanced het 0004 Methods are needed for screening the genetic space erologous enzyme activity with the endogenous metabolism, of a host organism to identify changes in endogenous genes including reduction in toxic intermediates, increased resis and/or heterologous recombinant genes that provide tance to environmental (e.g., industrial) conditions, increased improved phenotypes, such as in metabolic flux and balance, recombinant protein production, and increased yield of So as to improve or optimize microbial processes, including desired product. production of desired chemicals and biomolecules at indus 0008. In various aspects, the invention engineers cells trial levels, or bioremediation applications. using one or a combination of recombineering systems. The recombineering systems each offer distinct advantages in SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION engineering cells. In some embodiments, the method pro 0005. In various aspects, the invention provides methods duces a library of mutants cells using a ssDNA recombinase for genomic and pathway engineering. The methods are use system, which may include a single-stranded annealing pro ful in E. coli, as well as bacterial cells that are harder to tein (SSAP), such as the W. Red recombineering system (e.g., genetically manipulate but are otherwise valuable for produc Beta protein) or RecET system (e.g., recT), or homologous tion of chemicals, including Bacillus sp. (e.g., Bacillus sub system, which in Some embodiments offers advantages in tilis), Streptomycetes (e.g., Streptomyces avermitilis, Strep identifying pathways, genes, or regions of genes for alter tomyces coelicolor; Streptomyces lividins, Streptomyces ation, as well as targeting specific regions for genetic diver cinnamomensis, Streptomyces collinus, etc.), Cyanobacteria sification. The W. Red operon encodes ssDNA annealing pro (e.g., Synechocystis spp., Prochlorococcus spp., Nostoc tein Beta, which promotes annealing of single stranded punctiforme, Calothrix spp., Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, oligonucleotides at the lagging Strand of the replication fork. Arthrospira platensis, etc.), and Corynebacteria (e.g., The Red recombineering system, as with other SSAP sys Corynebacteria glutamicum, Corynebacteria ammoni tems, may further involve a deletion, inactivation, or reduc agenes, etc.), among others. The methods are further appli tion in mismatch repair (e.g., deletion, inactivation, or reduc cable in Some embodiments to Eukaryotic cells, such as tion in activity or level of mutS). Such a system is useful for yeasts (e.g., Pichia sp., Saccharomyces sp., Schizosaccharo engineering E. coli and other prokaryotic systems, and may myces sp., Kluyveromyces sp., etc.), filamentous fungi (e.g., be engineered into other species described herein. Specifi Neurospora sp. and Aspergillus sp., Penicillium, etc.), algae cally, an oligonucleotide library designed to Screen for ben (e.g., Botryococcus, Chlorella, Dunaliella, Gracilaria, Pleu eficial mutations (or combinations of mutations) in a target rochrysis, and Sargassum, etc.), and plants. genetic 'space' is introduced into the organism, and a desired US 2016/01 86168 A1 Jun. 30, 2016 phenotype identified. The genetic “space' includes identified introduced into the system. Coupling the site-specific pro target pathways (e.g., a primary metabolic pathway and/or grammable nuclease system to the donor sequence on the one or more secondary competing or biosynthetic pathways), same DNA results in a Scarless method for selecting recom target genes, and the nature and diversity of alterations to binants and obviates the need for an additional selectable Screen, including changes to gene regulatory sequences Such marker. Thus, recombination with the homologous target as promoters and transcriptional enhancer sequences, riboso region mutated at the wild-type locus targeted by the site mal binding sites and other sites relating to the efficiency of specific nuclease permits the cell to escape restriction by the transcription, translation, or RNA processing, as well as cod programmed nuclease system. In other words, recombination ing sequence mutations that control the activity, post-transla with the mutated sequence frees the organism from the tional modification, or turnover of the encoded proteins. Oli genomic instability caused by
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