An Bord Pleanála Ref. No.: PL 07.243094 An Bord Pleanála INSPECTORS REPORT Proposed Development: 10 year permission for a wind farm – 11 turbines, mast, 110kV substation, new entrance, roads and site works at Cnoc Raithni (Knockranny), Co. Galway. Planning Application Planning Authority: Galway County Council Planning Authority Reg. Ref.: 13/829 Applicant: Western Power Developments Ltd. Type of application: Permission Planning Authority Decision: Grant Planning Appeal Appellants: Martin Walsh, An Taisce, Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Aine Ni Fhogartaigh & Michael O’Raghallaigh, Stiofan O’Cualain & Maire Ni Raghallaigh on behalf of Oldtown/Knockranny Residents for Environmental Conservation and Development Consultation. Observers: Forbairt Pobail Mhaigh Cuilinn Teoranta, Eamon Kelly, Tomas O’Raghallaigh, Mary Clancy, John Rushe & Annette Collins, Roswell & Susan Stanley, John & Noirin Foden & Others, Carra Mask Corrib Water Protection Group Ltd, Peader Mac Fhlannchadha, Treasa Bn Ui Raghallagh & Martin O’Raghallaigh, Kevin & Patricia Fitzpatrick, Kevin & Veronica Verney, Sean Hester, Dr Padraig O’Cathain, Fergus Packman, Tomas O’Cainte & Pearl Hynes, Type of appeal: Third Date of Site Inspection: 24th September 2014 Inspector: Una Crosse PL07.243094 An Bord Pleanála Page 2 of 91 1.0 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site of the subject appeal is located approximately 4.5 kilometres north-west of the settlement of Moycullen and c.2.5 kilometres west of the N59 (Galway – Clifden) National Secondary Road. The site can be accessed by a narrow county road from the N59, but a second roadway is also available to the north and west (Letter) which primarily serves large coniferous plantations, bogland and some farmland. While there are very few houses in the vicinity of the application site there are numerous houses located close to N59 junctions from both roads to which access to the site is achievable. The area in the vicinity of the site is a remote upland area interspersed with hills with rough grazing generally to the east, expanses of forestry, and turf cutting on extensive areas of bogland. To the north there are hills reaching 209mOD and 227mOD whilst to the north-west Knocknalee Hill reaches 291mOD. To the south-east Newtown Hill is 198mOD whilst to the south-west Tullaghnanoon reaches 169mOD. The hilly terrain slopes down and drains to a network of watercourses on the lower lying land. It is stated that the nearest house or sensitive receptor is located approximately 1.1km from the nearest turbine. There are a large number of existing, extant and proposed wind farms located within c. 10 km of the site located on a mix of bogland (mix of cutover and bog/heath habitat) and within commercial forestry plantations. The overall site area is in one ownership and is stated to be 313 hectares whilst the area of the site to which the application relates is stated to be 69 hectares. This is a hilly open terrain varying from 90-183mOD with two distinct peaks of which the western one is 134mOD and the eastern 183mOD. The site itself consists mostly of peat, generally lowland blanket bog. There are two coniferous plantations totalling 33 hectares within the landholding located to the west and south with some broadleaf planting to the east. The blanket bog has been cut-over in parts with some parts of the site improved but much of the area showing exposed bedrock with large boulders prevalent within the fields. The Abhainn na nArd-doiriu river flows to the west of the site in a north south direction with two streams draining the site to the north, Sruthan Chnocan Raithni, and to the south, an Sruthan Bui. 2.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 2.1 DEVELOPMENT AS SUBMITTED The proposed development as originally submitted comprises the following: • Excavation and construction of 11 turbine foundation bases of 15.5m x 15.5m with a base of 4.5m in thickness and hardstands of approximately 878m2; • Erection of 11 no. wind turbines with a maximum base to blade-tip height of 140.5m; • Expected total installed capacity of a maximum of 33MW; • Erection of a permanent meteorological mast up to 90m in height with a base of 4x4x1.5m in the southwest of the site to the southwest of T7; • Upgrading of 0.9km of existing track to 5 metres width; PL07.243094 An Bord Pleanála Page 3 of 91 • Construction of 4.1km of new track to 5 metres in width; • Construction of a clear span bridge over the Abhainn na nArd Doiriu in the west of the site; • A surface water drainage system and associated water quality management measures requiring the installation of settlement ponds along road sides; • Installation of an underground electrical cable to link the wind turbines to the substations with fibre optic cables using the same trench; • Construction of a 110kV substation located between T14 and T9 to cover an area of 2,771m2 including parking area and switchyard with the compound contained within a 2.6m galvanised steel high palisade fence; • Permanent felling of c. 15.7ha of forestry to accommodate wind farm infrastructure and immediate surrounds. 7.7 ha is being removed to accommodate the proposal, 7ha of this is proposed to be felled in the northwest of the site as well as along southern edge adjacent to the SAC as part of bog and heath habitat restoration measures and 1ha is to be felled for riparian ecological purposes; • Creation of a peat deposition area for excavated peat in the centre of the site contained by supportive stone berms to accommodate 30,000 m3 of peat to a height of 1m removed from the site with other peat removed to be used on site for drainage bunds and backfilling; • Temporary site compound adjacent to the proposed substation for secure storage during construction and welfare facilities; • Toilet facility and holding tank; The stated minimum separation distance between turbines is 320m (between T1 and T2). All of the turbines have a proposed rotor blade radius of 50.5m with Turbines 5,6,7,9, 11 and 14 having a 90m hub (tower) height (maximum ground to rotor-tip height of 140.5m) and turbines 1,2,3,8 and 13 having a hub (tower) height of 80 metres (maximum ground to rotor-tip height of 130.5m). Turbines T1 (between 130OD and 140OD), T2 (between 150OD and 160OD), T13 (between 120OD and 130OD) and T8 (between 105OD and 115OD) are located to the east of the site at different gradients on the slopes of the western hill. Turbine 3 is located in the centre of the site between 120OD and 125OD effectively between the two hills on the site. To the west of the site in the vicinity of the western hill Turbine 5 is to the north west of T3 at 130OD. T6 (120OD), to the southwest of T6, turbine 7 is located at approximately 100OD. Turbine 11 is further north of T6 and T7 at (between 110OD and 115OD) with T14 (between 90OD and 100OD) and T9 (between 100OD and 105OD) further north and northeast. It is stated in the EIS that there are a number of makes and models of turbines which are suitable for the subject site with the final choice subject to a competitive tendering procedure. For the purpose of the EIA, GE2.85 candidate wind turbines with a potential blade tip height of up to 140.5 metres have been used in order to establish an indicative conceptual layout design. The predominant wind direction on site recorded over a 3- year period is West North-West. PL07.243094 An Bord Pleanála Page 4 of 91 It is stated that the proposed construction period would be approximately 16 to 18 months and that this work would require c. 35-50 employees. The proposal has been designed to have an operational life of 25 years. It is anticipated that the site would connect into a permitted 110kV line which would be less than 1 kilometre to the east running from Galway through Connemara. An EIS has been submitted with this application as has a Natura Impact Statement both of which are addressed in respect of EIA and AA in sections 12 and 13 respectively. 2.2 FURTHER INFORMATION REQUEST A further information request issued to the applicant dated 27 September 2013. It required as follows: 1. The peat stability for the site is deemed to be of “medium risk” with depths of peat to 3.5 metres. Some 70Km3 of peat is to be deposited in situ up to a metre in depth. Although it will be bunded it has not been properly assessed as to how the site will react to this deposition of material. It may lead to slippage and if so then it is possible for it to flow either north or south based on the contour map. If northwards then the river Sruthan Chnocan Raithni is liable to contamination leading to the Corrib SAC. Similarly the Sruthan Bui to the south could be affected. It is recommended that the deposit site be located away from any rivers/streams/drains or the material to be taken off site. In this regard the applicant is required to address these concerns and submit supporting documentation to alleviate these concerns for consideration by the Planning Authority. 2. There should be another survey for marsh fritillary as the first one was during June with negative results. The ideal time for survey is Autumn (September) with the host plant Succisa being searched for webs. The applicant is required to address these issues and submit their response for considerations by the Planning Authority and NPWS. 3. The application refers to necessary improvements to the public road network at the N59 junction and along L54534 in order to facilitate transportation of the turbines.
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