Friday, February 25, 1994 • Vol. XXVI No. 98 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Irish Prime Minister to SM C hosts Storybook Festival By KILEY COBLE speak at commencement News Writer By SARAH DORAN A sailboat will guide South Associate News Editor Bend children to "where the wild things are" on the Saint Ireland's head of government, Mary's campus on Sunday. Albert Reynolds, will be the Saint Mary's, in collaboration principle speaker and the . with the Early Childhood De­ recipient of an honorary doctor velopment Center (ECDC) and of laws degree at Notre Dame's WNIT-TV, is presenting the fes-. 149th Commencement exer­ tival from 1 to 5 p.m. in cises May 15. Madeleva Hall. The event is Given the international out­ part of Saint Mary's sesquicen­ reach of the University in the tennial celebration. last few years and also the re­ "We considered many service cent establishment of the Irish projects. But we felt The Sto­ Studies program, the chance to rybook Festival was a perfect have Reynolds speak at Com­ Albert Reynolds, Prime Minister way to connect our strengths as mencement is a unique oppor­ of Ireland an educational institution with tunity, said Dennis Moore, di­ the needs of the community," rector of public relations and ered the 1992 Commencement said senior festival co-chair information. address and Chilean President Ann Grant. His acceptance of the invita­ Patricio Aylwin also addressed More than 1,000 children, Celebrity Reading •· Performances in tion to speak "says something the 1992 convocation. ages two to six, are expected to Room Carroll Auditorium about how people feel about Reynolds is a native of Rooskey in County Roscommon attend. These children and 1:15-1:45 Robert Beutter 1:15-1:45 Uncle Andy the desireability to speak in a their families will interact with Mayor of Mishawaka musician/storyteller forum at Notre Dame," he said. and was educated at Summ­ merhill College in County Sligo. student, faculty and community 1:45-2:05 Michelle Gary 2:00-2:30 Carol Walton Reynold's, whose Irish title is volunteers. co-anchor WSJV English Professor Taoiseach (pronounced "tea­ His national government career The festival is "based on the 2:15-2:45 Dr. Fred Bechtold shock"), recently agreed on a began with his election to the old school fun fair set-up," ac­ Elkhart Comm. Schools 2:45-3:15 South Hold Dance Joint Declaration with his Dail, the Irish parliament, in cording to Terri Kosik, execu­ 2:45-3:05 Maureen Mcfadden Theatre performing "Alice" British counterpart, John Ma­ 1977. In the following years he co-anchor WNDU occupied a tive director of ECDC. jor, which provides a frame­ succession of top Instead of winning a cake in a 3:15-3:45 Carl Ellison 3:30-4:00 Kathleen Zmuda work for the establishment of ministerial posts, including the Memorial Hospital storyteller ministries of transport, posts cake walk, this fair will provide 3:45-4:05 Cindy Ward 4:15-4:45 Julie Showalter lasting peace with justice in children with the enjoyment of co-anchor WSBT Irish Dancer Northern Ireland. and telegraphs, industry and energy, and and industry and children's literature, according 4:15-4:35 Mayor James Perron Reynolds, 61, was elected to Kosik. of Elkhart The leader of Ireland's Fianna Fail commerce. Immediately before "We thought it would be fun political party on February 6, his elections as party and gov­ to have each class room dedi­ project. reading and fmger plays," said 1992, and five days later was ernment leader, he had served cated to a different children's The Chemistry/Math club, the senior Elizabeth Justice, En­ elected Taoiseach. In both as minister for fmance. book," Kosik said. "We have Nursing club and the English glish club president. Other recent Notre Dame posts, he succeeded Charles artistic, dramatic and musical club are a few of the organiza­ Community organizations are Haughey, the recipient of an Commencement speakers in­ activities planned in order to tions involved. The Office of also involved with the festival honorary degree from Notre clude NBC Nightly News An­ reinforce the value of each Multicultural Affairs is also events. Children active in Dame at the 1991 Comen.ce­ chor Tom Brokaw, former Ma­ book." participating. Elkhart's Chapter I Project, ment exercises. jor League Baseball comis­ For example, the children Students have been busy families affiliated with Canco He becomes the fourth head sioner Peter Ueberroth, enter­ will be planting seeds in "The planning themes for the differ­ and families whose children at­ of government in as many tainer Bill Cosby, and Com­ Giving Tree" room and "travel­ ent classrooms for several tend El Campito/Mi Escuelita years to speak during Notre monweal editor Margaret ing" to a make-believe world on months. will attend the event. Dame's Commencement week­ O'Brien Steinfels. a sailboat in the "Where The "The English club volunteers Head Start will also be trans­ end. Haughtey addressed the The other recipients of hon­ Wild Things Are" room. are planning on reading and porting preschool children and Notre Dame Law School diplo­ orary University degrees will be Each student club on campus singing with the children. In their families from Elkhart and ma ceremony in 1991, announced at a later date, said was asked to participate in this our room, we're focusing on Moore. President George Bush deliv- sesquicentennial community language by engaging fn poetry see FESTIVAL I page 4 Increased awareness, social activities displayed at SM C Editor's note: The following is "Our goal was to increase activ­ tiim. We are willing to listen to One factor that has deterred the fifth in a five-part series ities and bring in various events FOCUSING and take seriously students' students from attending week­ ' examining the issues that face targeted at everyone." ideas." end events on campus is the Saint Mary's as it celebrates its A second goal of SAB for the ON THE Another major project under­ lack male presence, according 150th year and looks to the this year was to increase taken by SAB this year was pro­ to Rosenbush. · future. awareness of SAB events, ac­ ISSUES viding movies in Carroll "If students came to some of cording to Hotek. PartS of5 Auditorium each weekend. the events they would fmd that By ELIZABETH REGAN Students in past years have attended the concert, cons1stmg SAB hired a projectionist to often times there are more Saint Mary's News Ediror complained that social events primarily of students from show various popular films males from Notre Dame here have occurred without their Saint Mary's but including a each weekend. Each film cost than there are Saint Mary's stu­ Another weekend ap- knowledge, Hotek said. significant number of Notre anywhere from $200 to 600. dents," she said. proaches. For ·some Saint "This year's SAB has done an Dame students. "We were a little leery about Comrie hopes to remain in Mary's students this could excellent job with publicity," "Although the turnout was spending so much money on the close contact with Notre Dame mean dorm parties at Notre said director of Student Activi­ lower than expected, it is im­ movie series," Hotek said. "But and perhaps even join efforts Dame, for others it could mean ties Georgeanna Rosenbush. portant to look at the size of it proved to be a great success with them for some events next partying at Campus View and "There is no excuse for studen­ our campus," Hotek said. this year." year in her new position. Turtle Creek for the evening, t's not knowing about the "We cannot be compared to Student Activities has been "Now that we (SAB) have es­ and for those of age, it could events going on." Notre Dame because we are trying to get students involved tablished ourselves, I think that mean hitting the South Bend SAB has publicized their working with a much smaller on the Saint Mary's campus for coordination with Notre Dame bar scene. events through campus fliers, number of students," Rosen­ the past 11 years, according to is something to work for," However, other options in­ signs in the dining hall, adver­ bush said. Rosenbush. Hotek said. eluding movies, comedians and tisements and even through SAB also started the "Crack­ Turnout is a big problem on Notre Dame students have music do exist. Student Activity public service announcements ups Comedy Club" this year. college campus's in general, proven to be more than willing Board (SAB) has significantly on radio stations. They have been bringing in according to incoming SAB co­ to come to Saint Mary's. increased the number of social When surveyed at the end of comedians performing in the ordinator Audrie Comrie. Time, Many Notre Dame students events on the Saint Mary's. last school year, students re­ South Bend area. Originally, the work loads and a demanding· have become regulars at "Saint Campus this year. vealed that they wanted more comedians performed in the academic life can deter stu­ Mary's well-kept secret," The expansion of activities is bands and movies. Dining Hall one Friday night dents from attending planned Clarissa Dalloway' s Coffee a direct result of the increase in SAB in conjunction with the each month. Last month the events. House, according to student this year's student activity fee, Board of Governance re­ Club was moved into Haggar "Interest and the desire to go manager Laura Fitzpatrick. according to SAB coordinator sponded to these requests by College Center with the hopes also need to be there," she said.
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