Weather MIDDLETOWN- Mortly luir today and tomor- row. Highest temperature today BEDBANK BAYSHORE EDITION SO; loweot toplght IS-7P. 10 -15 m.pJ). northeast and east winds SH I-0010 next II tours. See'weather page [ MONpAY THROUGH /WMY-gST. IBS j 2. Distribution Today 17,050 35c PER WEEK iMued daily, Monday through Frfdiy. Second Ci>i r. ..i,» VOL. 84, NO. 25 Pall at Red Bank and it Additional Malm Ul'im MIDDLETOWN, N. J., TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1961 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Reserve Call Is Reds Thr eatenCurb Okayed Congress Acts On Travel in Berlin Quickly to Hike Arms Readiness Say Polio WASHINGTON (AP) — Danger Congress has given Presi- dent Kennedy the author- ity he asked to call up to Is Reason 250,000 reservists into mili- BERLIN (AP) — The East tary service and extend German Communists threatened active duty tours and en- today to restrict travel between listments one year East and West Germany, claim- ing a polio epidemic in West Ger- Final approval came only many is spreading the disease six days after Kennedy across the Iron Curtain border. requested the military man- Western observers saw the power buildup. move as another attempt to dam the rising flow of refugees stream- The- House yesterday ing into West Berlin from East passed 403 to 2 the emer Germany. The month of July saw gency resolution authoriz- a record high of 30,444 refugees ing the President to put a quar- pour into the Western sector of ter-million ready reservists in the divided city. uniform for one year, either as The East German news agency individual!; or in units. ADN said the Red regime's Health Ministry asked the Interior Min- The resolution, approved ear- istry to take steps "in regard to lier by the Senate, also au- travel between West Germany thorizes extending training pe- and the German Democratic Re- riods for the 2,440,000 members of the Ready Reserve. public that will prodace the best protection for the citizenry." Match Pace RETURNS FROM DISARMAMENT TALKS—John J. McCloy, center, President Ken. The Defense Department The steps were not spelled out matched pace with Congress yes- nedy's disarmament adviser, is pictured a r New York's Idlewild Airport after his nor was any date given for their terday in expediting the swifl arrival from Moscow. Lewis Douglas, left, former U.S. envoy to Britain, was at application but Western Observers BRIDGE PROGRESS—Completed piers for the new Gooseneck Point Bridge lie close felt the East German regime strengthening of U.S. armed airport to meet his daughter, Sharon Douglas, right, who was on the plane with to the antiquated drawbridge the new span will replace. Completion date is July, forces Kennedy called for lasi might use the, polio pretext to 1962. In the foreground is Little Silver; across the Shrewsbury River, Oceanport. [Tuesday to meet Communisl McCloy. IAP Wirepboto) close the border. threats to West Berlin and other Not Epidemic areas of the world. West Germany is suffering a The Pentagon announced late polio outbreak, but health offi- yesterday that four Air Force Giordano to ManageMcCloy cials say there ire no signs of bases, slated for deactivation a major epidemic. There were Gooseneck Point Bridge 1,254 cases r— 76 fatal — reported would remain on active status— McDill in Florida, Ohannault 9 this year up to July 15. There Louisiana, Donaldson ;n South Hughes Campaign Reports were 506 cases for the same pe- Carolina and Laughlin in Texas. riod last year. This is necessary to provide A week ago ADN claimed num- TRENTON (AP) — Richardjthe bench, was named yesterday Work Gets Under Way facilities for continued erous West German tourists were Hueh {orm - "' \ " SMpertor|GiQfdano retired from the Mon- being treated for polio in East GOOSENECK PO.NT - Work-.and concrete span. Ten more Completion date of the new | ^ated^ B,w way to ,ater| German hospitals. It did not say To JFK how many, A month ago the men and engineers continue to must be laid. wmcn win nave a clear-; , , , has been es mat cam ai n for governor. (affairs, lie had been serving as push .on with the construction of The new bridge is being built ance of 25 feet above the high' " f' ed that this; P 8 Communist regime offered to give Giordano of West Long the state vice chairman for the MM* morir \c *Vruu.t~i ...wt i..i.. means some 240 bombers and! John C. WASHINGTON (AP) - The West Germany three million units the new Gooseneck Point Bridge immediately west of the older tide mark, is expected next July, Lawyers for Hughes campaign (See RESERVE, Page 2) 'Branch, a veteran of 25 years on of live of Sabin-type polio vaccine linking Little Silver and Oceanport drawbridge, considered unsafe according to Otis R. Seaman, res- ;roup. White House remained mum to- for many years. ident engineer on the project. to fight what the Reds called a over the Shrewsbury. River. His appointment fills a job that day on the report President Ken- High Tide Clearance major polio <;pidemic. West Ger- The—abutment™at~- the- north Approach Changes was originally slated for Rep; nedy receivedfromhlsdisarma- The drawbridge is in normal man oiiicialsTrejected theToffcr (Little.Silver) end of the bridge Mr. Seaman said Silverside Peter W. 'Rodino, Jr., D-N.J. ment administrator, John J. saying the vaccine's effectiveness is complete as are nearly five use, although speed of passing|Ave., Little Silver, would in no GrandJuryGets Last week, Rodino said heavy cars and trucks is well restricted McCloy. had not been proved. East Ger- piers which will support the steel way be affected by the Seven- congressional duties in the wake Bridge Rd. approach to the new of the Berlin crisis prevented McCloy briefed Kennedy for many called the refusal mere- bridge. "Very little change in the more than an hour at the White face-saving. grade of Gooseneck Point Rd. will Bookmaking Case Western air travel to Berlin lengthy talk with Khrushchev last Mitchell Says GOP be needed," he said, "on the that Rodino's appointment had continued unhampered despite a Oceanport side." week. new East German regulation that KEANSBURG — Alfred Gasper- the action of the Grand Jury and been opposed by Mayor Leo P. The expense of the $1.5 million Carlin of Newark for local po- Sitting in at the White House (See BERLIN, Page. 2) one, 47, of 60 Waackaack Rd., continued hint under $1,000 bail. project will be shared equally by litical reasons. session was Secretary of State WULRegain Control^ arrested two weeks ago on a Mr. Gasperone was represented XjMhoJlies to Farit-latft harge of-to iy Leo Weinstcin,-Matawaira'ttt>r latter made available to the state this week to meet with the foreign not guilty "to the charge and through the Secondary Road Pro ney. ministers of Britain, France and Commuters SEA GIRT (AP) - James P. independents without whom no waived a preliminary hearing yes- gram. Mr. Gasperone was arrested Germany on the Berlin situation. Mitchell, Republican gubernator- party can succeed." crday in Municipal Court. The coincidental dredging proj- July 12 when county detectives Navy Gets McCloy, who has just concluded ial candidate, predicts the Repub- He continued, "This is normally Delayed Magistrate Seymour Kleinburg and local police raided his home. two weeks of disarmament dis- licans will gain control of theja Republican state and we are ect which has been under way in ordered Mr. Gasperone held for John Gawler, chief of county cussions at Moscow, is the first state in the November election-•--•"— — going to return it to Republican the Shrewsbury for several detectives, said Mr. Gasperone high ranking American to have with the help of independent vot hands. We are going to elect a months is expected to be finished By Storm within a week, Mr. Seaman sair was found by a telephone in the New Chieflengthy session with Khrushchev e7s^: Republican-governorj-a-RepublU BANK _ M Mr. Seaman is borough engineer Delay ^ itthen:—He—said—a~detective tn a meeting at his StocTtlon can Senate~andTTRepublican As- J for both Little Silver and Ocean- manned the phone for over an meeting in Vienna June 3-4 at Hotel headquarters last night, sembly." Platform' Again port. Both communities will con- hour and took bets. which Khrushchev advanced his n n -I fi.lastt ,trSstrikinLg ZnrtthunderstorJ ?iml , Mitchell told Republican county The three counties not rep- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., Chief Gawler said other evi- Today g hunderstorm tribute $13,000 toward costs. hit the .chairmen from 18 of the 21 coun resented at the meeting were (AP) — An attempt to launch a dence was confiscated. He did not •"•tn.polittn area, flood- ties, "We are going to do this Warren, Salem and Ocean. He noted that some private 3? ? dredging has been.completed in satellite "space platform" into elaborate on this. through a revitalized Republican Mitchell is scheduled to enter WASHINGTON (AP) - The Na- waters west of the bridge at the orbit was postponed again to- This raid triggered a dispute Khrushchev says he will sign a organization. But, equally import- Fitkin Memorial Hospital, Nep- vy changes its command today sylvania stati&n was one headed expense of individual property ••ay- t between Mayor Louis Collichio with traditional ceremony at the peace treaty with Communist ant, we are going to do it with tune, today for X-rays of his brok- for Bay Head. It departed at 4:45 No new launch date was set and the county prosecutor over time when it is moving into a East Gsrmany at the end of this the help of independent voters.
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