Accused Persons arrested in Malappuram district from 26.10.2014 to 01.11.2014 Name of Name of the Name of the Place at Date & Arresting Court at Sl. Name of the Age & Cr. No & Sec Police father of Address of Accused which Time of Officer, Rank which No. Accused Sex of Law Station Accused Arrested Arrest & accused Designation produced 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MPM PS Cr. Kuttippuliyan house 1203 U/s Makkaraparamba School 28.10.14 MALAPPURA R. Asokan, IP, 1 Abdul Kabeer Moideen 40/14 MALAPPURAM 41(1)(d), 102 JFCM MPM padi @ 01.10 M Malappuram CrPC altered to Malappuram 457, 380 IPC Cr. 387/14 U/s Mujeeb Male Chekkunnan (H), Balagangadharan, 2 Said Vengara 28.10.14 20, 23 of KPRB Vengara Bailed by Police Rahman 31/14 Adivasam, Cherur SI, Vengara & RRS Act Male Pothaparambath (H), Cr. 440/14 U/s Balagangadharan, 3 Abu Raheem Ahammed Kutty Vengara 28.10.14 Vengara Bailed by Police 54/14 Oorakam, Venkulam 118 (i) of KP Act SI, Vengara MATTUMMAL MANJERI PS MUHAMMED MALE, HOUSE, CK NAZAR, SI BAILED BY 4 ABDU MANJERI 01.11.14 CR.NO. 1048/14 MANEJRI PS HANEEFA 36/14 PANTHALLOOR, MANJERI POLICE U/S 279, 338 IPC KADAMBODE MANJERI PS KOLIYODAN HOUSE, CR.NO. 540/14 ALIYAKKUTT MALE, CK NAZAR, SI BAILED BY 5 UMMER VALLARA ANGADI, MANJERI 31.10.14 U/S 341, 323, MANJERI PS Y 24/14 MANJERI POLICE MALAPPURAM 324, 326 R/W 34 IPC MANJERI PS AYANKUDIYAN CR.NO. 540/14 MALE, HOUSE, CK NAZAR, SI BAILED BY 6 YASHIQUE ISMAYIL MANJERI 31.10.14 U/S 341, 323, MANJERI PS 23/14 VAYAPPARAPPADI, MANJERI POLICE 324, 326 R/W 34 MANJERI IPC MANJERI PS KORMATH HOUSE, CR.NO. 540/14 ABDURAHIMA MALE, CK NAZAR, SI BAILED BY 7 ANEES VAYAPPARAPPADI, MANJERI 31.10.14 U/S 341, 323, MANJERI PS N 28/14 MANJERI POLICE MANJERI 324, 326 R/W 34 IPC ERANTHODI HOUSE, MANJERI PS MAHMOOD MALE, CK NAZAR, SI BAILED BY 8 ABDULLAH KIDANGAZHI, MANJERI 30.10.14 CR.NO. 1038/14 MANJERI PS ET 23/14 MANJERI POLICE MANJERI U/S 279, 337 IPC MANJERI PS KUNNATH HOUSE, BALASUBRAM MALE, CR.NO. 1052/14 BAILED BY 9 SAJAY KOVILAKAMKUNDU, MANJERI 30.10.14 MANEJRI PS SI MANJERI ANINAN 30/14 U/S 118 A OF POLICE MANJERI KP ACT MANJERI PS SURABI HOUSE, RAMACHANDR MALE, CR.NO. 1052/14 BAILED BY 10 AJITH PUTHUKKUDI ROAD, MANJERI 30.10.14 MANEJRI PS SI MANJERI AN 26/14 U/S 118 A OF POLICE MANJERI KP ACT MANJERI PS PATHIYANTHODI ABOOBACKE MALE, CR.NO. 1046/14 BAILED BY 11 ABDULLAH HOUSE, MANEJRI 28.10.14 MANJERI PS SI MANJERI R SIDDIQUE 31/14 U/S 117 E OF POLICE NELLIKKUTH KP ACT MANJERI PS P UMMUAYIMA ABDUL THARAYIL HOUSE, CR.NO. 1003/14 RADHAKRISHN BAILED BY 12 FEMALE MANJERI 27.10.14 MANEJRI PS NATH HAKEEM PANAYI, MANJEI U/S 498(A) R/W AN, ADDL SI POLICE 34 IPC MANJERI MANJERI PS P THARAYIL HOUSE, ABDUL KUNJIMOHAM MALE, CR.NO. 1003/14 RADHAKRISHN BAILED BY 13 PANAYI, MANEJRI 27.10.14 MANEJRI PS HAKEEM MED 58/14 U/S 498(A) R/W AN, ADDL SI POLICE ANAKKAYAM 34 IPC MANJERI Crime. 574/14 Panathoduvil House, K. Viswamohan Bail granted 21/14 28.10.2014 u/s 279 IPC & 14 Ummer Muhammed Palakkaprambil, Areacode Areacode SI of Police, from Areacode male 17.00 hrs Sec. 185 of MV Kavanoor Areacode PS Act Adi dravadar colony, K. Viswamohan Bail granted 24/14 28.10.2014 Crime 571/14 U/s 15 Ganeshan Murukan Erakkattupalayam, Areacode Erode SI of Police, from Areacode Male 18.00 hrs 279, 337 IPC Nallur PO, Sathi, Erod Areacode PS Nellithodika House, K. Viswamohan Suresh 34/14 28.10.2014 Crime. 510/14 Bail granted 16 Aramughan Kuttiyadipoyil, Areacode Areacode SI of Police, Nellithodi Male 18.30 hrs U/s 341, 323 IPC from Areacode Poovathikkal Areacode 1020/14 u/s 279 IPC & 20 r/w 23 24/14 Korangoth (H), Vilayil 26.10.14 at K.Sreekumaran, 17 Sadikhali Sulaiman Kondotty of KPRB & RRS Kondotty Bailed by Police Male (P.O) 11.00 hrs SI of Police Act & 3(1) of PDPP Act Peringadan Asarikandi (H), Arimbra Mayinkutty 44/14 28.10.14 at 1052/14 u/s K.Haridasan, GSI 18 Ahammed Transformer, Arimbra Kondotty Kondotty Bailed by Police Master Male 14.00 hrs 323,498(A) IPC of Police Saleem (P.O) 1006/14 u/s 20/14 28.10.14 at K.Sreekumaran, 19 Jabir Safiya Mannaril (H), Kondotty Kondotty 143,147,341,323, Kondotty Bailed by Police Male 15.30 hrs SI of Police 324 r/w 149 IPC 1084/14 u/s 374 IPC & 26 of JJ Chenganeeri (H), Act & 4(II) of Saithalavi 50/14 Kuzhimanna (P.O), 28.10.14 at K.Haridasan, GSI 20 Chekku Moyin Kondotty Child Labour Kondotty Bailed by Police Parengal Male Kizhisserri, Kuzhinjalam 16.00 hrs of Police (Abolition & road Rehabilitataion) Act 1084/14 u/s 374 IPC & 26 of JJ Uthartamulitup Village, Act & 4(II) of 31/14 Fe- 28.10.14 at K.Haridasan, GSI 21 Rahila w/o Hassan Ali Navamogan (DT), Kondotty Child Labour Kondotty Bailed by Police Male 16.00 hrs of Police Assam (Abolition & Rehabilitataion) Act 1084/14 u/s 374 IPC & 26 of JJ Mahkhu, Uthartamulitup Act & 4(II) of Muhammed 20/14 28.10.14 at K.Haridasan, GSI 22 Jayachin Ali Village, Navamogan Kondotty Child Labour Kondotty Bailed by Police Rahman Male 16.00 hrs of Police (DT), Assam (Abolition & Rehabilitataion) Act 1084/14 u/s 374 IPC & 26 of JJ Act & 4(II) of 44/14 Barghat Village, Khatval 28.10.14 at K.Haridasan, GSI 23 Abdul latheef Sirajudheen Kondotty Child Labour Kondotty Bailed by Police Male P.S, Nahgon, Assam 16.00 hrs of Police (Abolition & Rehabilitataion) Act 1084/14 u/s 374 IPC & 26 of JJ Act & 4(II) of 53/14 28.10.14 at K.Haridasan, GSI 24 Khulbharog Jabu Sheikh Khatabi Village, Assam Kondotty Child Labour Kondotty Bailed by Police Male 16.00 hrs of Police (Abolition & Rehabilitataion) Act 1084/14 u/s 374 IPC & 26 of JJ Act & 4(II) of 35/14 28.10.14 at K.Haridasan, GSI 25 Yakoob Ali Mathali Khatabi Village, Assam Kondotty Child Labour Kondotty Bailed by Police Male 16.00 hrs of Police (Abolition & Rehabilitataion) Act 27/14 Kelekuth (H), Olavattur 29.10.14 at 1078/14 u/s Alikutty, SCPO 26 Abdul Latheef Moideen Kondotty Kondotty Bailed by Police Male (P.O) 14.00 hrs 279,337,338 IPC 3347 Padinharekundil (H), Muhammed 24/14 31.10.14 at 1087/14 u/s K.Sreekumaran, 27 Ummer Muthannur, Kondotty Kondotty Bailed by Police Noufal Male 16.00 hrs 279,338 IPC SI of Police Thrippanachi VKD PS CR NO Ponnumpurath(H),Cheru 28 Velukutty Koru 58/14 Vazhakkad 28.10.14 504/14 U/s 118(i) Vazhakkad SI Bailed by Police vayoor,Maina School of KP Act VKD PS CR NO Koottatheyil(H),Alamko 29 Jibin KS Anil 26/14 Vazhakkad 28.10.14 487/14 U/s 279 Vazhakkad GASI 2784 Bailed by Police de, Changaramkulam IPC VKD PS CR No Ayyankuzhikkal(H),Pora 30 Riyas Mon Moosakutty 20/14 Vazhakkad 23.10.14 484/14 U/s Vazhakkad SCPO 3028 Bailed by Police lampetty,Olavattoor 279,338 IPC VKD PS Cr No Cherooth(H),Akode, 497/14 U/s 31 Abdul Saleem Moideen Kutty 23/14 Vazhakkad 30.10.14 Vazhakkad Addl SI Bailed by Police Vazhakkad 143,147,148,323, 324 r/w 149 IPC VKD PS Cr No Parasherikuzhi(H),Akod 497/14 U/s 32 Abbas Saidu 26/14 Vazhakkad 30.10.14 Vazhakkad Addl SI Bailed by Police e 143,147,148,323, 324 r/w 149 IPC VKD PS Cr No 497/14 U/s 33 Abdul Hakeem Usman 23/14 Kanjirakavil(H),Akode Vazhakkad 30.10.14 Vazhakkad Addl SI Bailed by Police 143,147,148,323, 324 r/w 149 IPC VKD PS Cr No 497/14 U/s 34 Jafar Ahammed Kutty 38/14 Kalathingal(H),Akode Vazhakkad 30.10.14 Vazhakkad Addl SI Bailed by Police 143,147,148,323, 324 r/w 149 IPC VKD PS Cr No Parasherikuzhi(H),Akod 497/14 U/s 35 Saidu Ahammed Kutty 66/14 Vazhakkad 30.10.14 Vazhakkad Addl SI Bailed by Police e 143,147,148,323, 324 r/w 149 IPC Kudukkil Chembatt, Cr 602/14 U/s Muhammed 28/14 Noora Manzil, 27.10.14 at Kannankutty, SI 36 Sulaiman Karipur Ps 279 IPC & Sec. Karipur PS Bailed By Police Haneefa KC Male Chelembra PO, Near 16.15 hrs of Police Station 185 MV Act Silk Palam Cr 974/14 u/s 143,147,148,333, Krishnan Male,age Vethankavu (H), 27.10.14 at N.krishnankutty Remanded by 37 Chandran Chemmad 326,324 r/w 149 Tirurangadi Nedumpalli 28/14 Muttichira, Moonniyur 20.30 hrs SI of Police Court IPC & 3(I) of PDPP Act Cr 974/14 u/s 143,147,148,333, Male,age Athikottil(H), 27.10.14 at N.krishnankutty Remanded by 38 Sumesh Mundan Chemmad 326,324 r/w 149 Tirurangadi 23/14 Valluvambram 20.30 hrs SI of Police Court IPC & 3(I) of PDPP Act Cr 974/14 u/s 143,147,148,333, Mohammed Male, age Choondayil(H), 27.10.14 at N.krishnankutty Remanded by 39 Ibrahim Chemmad 326,324 r/w 149 Tirurangadi Riyas 24/14 Pookottur, Mundithodika 20.30 hrs SI of Police Court IPC & 3(I) of PDPP Act Cr 974/14 u/s 143,147,148,333, male, age Panachikkal(H),Pullara, 27.10.14 at N.krishnankutty Remanded by 40 Nishad Subramanian Chemmad 326,324 r/w 149 Tirurangadi 30/14 Valluvambram 20.30 hrs SI of Police Court IPC & 3(I) of PDPP Act Cr 974/14 u/s 143,147,148,333, Male, age Athikottil(H), 27.10.14 at N.krishnankutty Remanded by 41 Deepak Gopalan Chemmad 326,324 r/w 149 Tirurangadi 24/14 Valluvambram 20.30 hrs SI of Police Court IPC & 3(I) of PDPP Act Cr 974/14 u/s 143,147,148,333, Male, age Athikottil(H), 27.10.14 at N.krishnankutty Remanded by 42 Vinod Neelakandan Chemmad 326,324 r/w 149 Tirurangadi 23/14 Valluvambram 20.30 hrs SI of Police Court IPC & 3(I) of PDPP Act Cr 974/14 u/s 143,147,148,333, Male, age Akkathodi(H),Moochikk 27.10.14 at N.krishnankutty Remanded by 43 Hrishikesh Kuttimon Chemmad 326,324 r/w 149 Tirurangadi 20/14 al, Valluvambram 20.30 hrs SI of Police Court IPC & 3(I) of PDPP Act Cr 974/14 u/s 143,147,148,333, Male, age Srambikkal(H),Valluvam 27.10.14 at N.krishnankutty Remanded by 44 Ramsheed Mohammed Chemmad 326,324 r/w 149 Tirurangadi 24/14 bram, Pullara 20.30 hrs SI of Police Court IPC & 3(I) of PDPP Act Cr 974/14 u/s 143,147,148,333, Male, age Kaprakkadan(H),Pullara, 27.10.14 at N.krishnankutty Remanded by 45 Salman Ummer Chemmad 326,324 r/w 149 Tirurangadi 24/14
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