Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1998-99 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 3-25-1999 The thI acan, 1999-03-25 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1998-99 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1999-03-25" (1999). The Ithacan, 1998-99. 23. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1998-99/23 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1998-99 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Accerrt 17 Taking a bow Senior voice major -can concludes education with performance. Alcohol arrests low Form~t-:.la-w hid student drinking violations - . 3... .. ;__ .,_J. .. - ~ ~ BY KATE HILTS Students found with a fake ID in New York state Ithacan Staff may lose their driving privileges until they are 21. Tickets issued for alcohol violations or false Only one person in- the past seven years was identification range about 30 per year at the col­ arrested at Ithaca College for an alcohol violation. lege, Wall said. According to Campus Safety statistics, there Students are often referred judicially for anoth­ were no alcohol-related arrests from 1992 to 1997. er violation while drinking or possessing alcohol, There were, however, alcohol ·violations during he said. this period. "If there is a violation of the co_nduct code, Up until 1999, colleges and universities only such as noise or unregistered parties or something reported arrests. The 1999 statistics, however, of that nature, that is typically how officers come must include arrests and violations, said Brian across [alcohol] situations," Wall said. McAree, associate vice president of student affairs Wall said it is not uncommon to find alcohol and campus life. involved with noise complaint calls. He said he is Campus Safety officers have a choice about not sure if there is a problem with drinking on this how to handle students alcohol problems, said campus, but the results of the Core Institute survey Norm Wall, assistant director of Campus Safety. the college conducted before Spring Break will tell. Students can be judicially referred for conduct "If you work here on a Friday or Saturday code violations, issued tickets or have their con­ night, your impression is going to be there is a tainers emptied or confiscated if they are found in problem, but that is what we do in our office," possession of alcohol and are under 21, he said. Wall said. Wall said students can be judicially referred for Mike Leary, assistant director of judicial any otfler ac~ions in addition to alcohol, such as affairs, said each case referred judicially is fighting or noise complaints. Fake identification and kegs- in dorm rooms are other actions, he said. See POLICIES, page 6 -.•. 1' 1_._1,/ I / 2 TuE l111ACAN MAR.at 2S, 1999 Briefl dents, staff and alumnae will be held March 29 from 1O a.m. to 4 p.m. in Emerson Suite C. The College graduate honored theme is "loving and Surviving.• Ithaca College graduate Gary Attendance is encouraged. By Jlllcbael W. BlooJDI'Olle The Sullivan ptjnciples are a set of guidelines, cte­ Gerald has been named the Assistant News Editor ated by an American Baptist minmerdesigned to rate 1999 Communicator of the PRSSA officer elections South African companies by theirtreatinent ofblacks. Year by the Business Market­ The Public Relations Students This week, 12 years ago: Although some have questioned whether the ing Association of New·York. Society of·America will hold a Some Ithaca College professors question in­ board acted for financial or moral reasons, ,Sgrec­ Gerald, national director of meeting on March 30 in Park creasing workloads in the drive for tenure. ci said the decision was mare for moral and ethi­ marketing and communica­ 279 at 7 p.m. The group will Danny Guthrie, associate professor of cinema cal reasons. "I think that it's been proven that a tions for Deloitte & Touche, have guest speakers and elec­ and photography, said "Expectations in the areas of South African free portfolio can do as well as a was honored at the St. Regis tions for next years board. service and research amount to three full-time jobs." portfolio with South African companies," he said. Hotel in New York City. Everyone is welcome. For in­ · Faculty members cite the pressure to conduct In national news, according to government re­ formation, call 375-2598. research and publish original materials and to be­ ports, the Central Intelligence Agency is providing Vehicle registration come involved with campus organizations and ac­ the Nicaraguan rebels with precise information on Students planning to register a Ethnobotanist to speak tivities is increasing while the teaching load of 12 dams, bridges, electrical substations, port facilities vehicle for next year can pick The C.P. Snow lecture series hours per semester remains the same. and other targets that the Contras will try to destroy up a registration packet at the will present a talk by ethnob­ While some believe tenure is necessary to pro­ in guerrilla raids deep inside Nicaragua. Traffic Bureau or the Phillips otanist and author Wade vide academic freedom in the classroom as well as The choosing of precise military targets by the Hall Post Office from 9 a.m. Davis. The lecture, "The Light job security, teachers such -as Garry Brodhead of CIA is not considered illegal under the law gov­ and 4:30 p.m., Monday at the Edge of the World," is the music theory department said, 'There has to be erning U.S. aid to the Contras. This action, how­ through Friday, before April 19. scheduled for March 30 at 7:30 some sort of balancing off with a lighter load." ever, represents a significant increase in U.S. p.m. in Williams 225. Faculty members also said the amount of peer involvement in the rebels military activities. input should increase in the tenure review process The Reagan administration has decided to tar­ EVENTS and peers are the best evaluators of performance. get the burden of the cost of aiding farmers in CORRECTIONS Elsewhere on campus, the college's adminis­ many countries on the list of important interna­ OMA leadership conference tration makes an announcement regarding the tional eGOnomic issues to be negotiated this year. The Office of Multicultural Af­ Information in the "Cable guy" controversial issue of South African divestment. In the 1980s, we are experiencing a massive fairs leadership conference is photo on page 17 was incorrect "All future acquisitions of stocks for the col­ food surplus and a theoretically saturated agricul­ scheduled for March 26-28. The in the March 18 edition. Junior lege's portfolio that are South African related, in tural market. Prices of farm products have been theme of the conference is, Dennis Arena is the Tuesday any way, must have the top Sullivan rating," said declining drastically and the wealthier countries "Sexuality: Forbidden evening technical director and Carl Sgrecci, college vice president and treasurer. have had to help the farmers with paymerfts, sub­ Thoughts." To register for the was setting up visual effects for The new policy addresses the issue of Ithaca sidies and import restraints. The support has had conference, call 27 4-1692. the evening news. College divesting in corporations that conduct the negative effect of encouraging fanners to pro­ business in South Africa. The policy was adopted duce even more. WomenSpeak forum It is The lthacan's policy.to re­ at the board of trustees meeting on Feb. 19 and 20 It is generally thought that the least difficult The annual WomenSpeak fo­ port all errors of fact. Contact in New York City and comes one year after the way for nations to reduce their spending would be rum, a day of presentations and Assistant News Editor Michael Faculty Council voted 112-42 asking the college to coordinate aid reductions so that no one coun­ performances by faculty, stu- Bloomrose at 274-3207 . to divest totally from those corporations. try gains at the expense of another's loss. • Applications for 1999-2000 f di tor in Chief of The Ithacan and f di tor in Chief of The Cayugan are available in Park Hall room 32&~ and are due by noon on Thursday. April I . Applicants wiH be interviewed by the Board of Student Publications on W~dnesday~ April l. MARCH 2S, 1999 'tHElntACAN3 SGA SPEAKS OUT AGAINST TAP CUTS' ,1 •• ' ' Vacancy creates new- opportunities BY ROBERT'S. BLUEY "Having been through three positions [at News Editor Ithaca College] myself," Oblak said, "I think that opportunities come along and Four years ago when Inna Almirall­ people often move in directions that are not Padamsee resigned as director of minority in a straight up direction when they're pro­ affairs, it took Ithaca College a year to hire a gressing in a particular career ladder." replacement for her. One of Gregory's goals that he did not After spending time to clarify the role of achieve while at Ithaca College was to cre­ the person in the position, the college in­ ate a position for an assistant director. He vested months interviewing candidates be­ said he spent roughly 50 percent of his time fore it named Keeon Gregory to the position outside the office, therefore leaving no one in the summer of 1996. to service the needs of the students. Gregory has now announced his resigna­ Gregory said he is "hopeful" the college tion and the college will soon seek to fill the creates a position for another administrator.
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