Applicatkn No: Proposed Develapment: 12/008WFtlL Erection of 8 Wind Turbines (2W, 126.5m to tip} and Associated Infrastructure Site Address: Land South Of A71 Former Damside Disposal Point Afianton Road Allanton Sbtts ML7 5DL Date Registered: 20th July 2012 Applicant: Agent: Damside Wind Farm Ltd Jones Lang LaSalle C/O lnfinis 150 St Vincent Street 500 Pavilion Drive Glasgow Northampton G2 5ND NN4 7YJ Application Level: Contrary to Development Plan: Major Application No Ward: Repreeentatione: 012 Fortissat 361 letters of representation received. Charles Cefferty, Thomas Cochrane, Jarnes Robertson, Recommendation: Refuse Raaaoned Juatificatian: The proposed development is considered contrary to policies DSP4, NBE 38, EDI 3A and the supplementary planning guidance SPG 12 uAssessing Wind Turbine Dsvefopments" of the North Lanarkshire local Plan, Scottish Planning Policy and the wider guidance and advice in relation to landscape and visual impact, ecology (ornithology) noise impact assessment and aviation. The submitted ES and additional supporting information has not sufficiently addressed the potential cumulative landscape and visual impact, impact on ornithology and aviation issues. Furthermore insufficient information in relation to noise impact is availab\e to conclude that the development will not have a detrimental impact on surrounding receptors such that the development is considered unacceptable in this instance. Notlfication and Legal Agreement If minded to grant, the application will require to be referred to the Scottish Ministers in accordance the Town and Country Planning (Safeguarded Aerodromes, Technical Sites and Military Explosives Storage Areas) (Scotland) Direction 2003 as Glasgow Airport and NATS have lodged formal objections. Glasgow Airport, Edinburgh Airport, NATS and the CAA shall also be notified at this time. Thereafter, the developer will be required to submit a restoration band and conclude a legal agreement to ensure the future removal of the turbines and the restoration of the site. * Representation Recommendation: Refuse for the Following Reamns:= 1. The proposed development is contrary to policies DSP4, NBE 3B, EDI 3A of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan, supplementary planning guidance SPG 12 “Assessing Wind Turbine Developments” and Scottish Planning Pdicy in that the proposed development is considered to have a significant adverse visual impact on the landscape character of the site and with particular regard to the impact on settlements to the north of the site. 2. The proposed development is mtrery to policies DSP4, N8E 3B, EDI 3A of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan, supplementary planning guidance SPG I2 “Assessing Wind Turbine Developments” and Scottish Planning Pdicy in that the submitted ES has not sufficiently addressed the potential cumulative noise impact of the proposed development in relation to the Black Law phase ll extension and it therefore cannot be established what noise impact the proposed development will have on surrounding properties. 3. The proposed development is contrary to policies DSP4, NBE 38, EDI 3A of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan, supplementary planning guidance SPG 12 ”Assessing Wind Turbine Developments” and Scottish Planning Policy in that the supporting information provides insufficient information to assess the full impact of the proposals with regard to Golden Plover mortality. 4. The proposed development is contrary to policy EDI 3A of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan, supplementary planning guidance SPG 12 “Assessing Wind Turbine Developments” and Scottish Planning Policy in that Glasgow Airport and NATS have objected to the proposed development as the proposals conflict with safeguarding criteria as a significant number of visible turbines in this area already have planning approval, the introduction of further turbines would create unacceptable clutter on the radar screens. NATS object to the proposed development on the grounds that having examined the proposals in terms of operational and technical safeguarding a technical impact is anticipated which is deemed to be unacceptable. Representation Letters letter from A M Rathin, No 5 Holding, Sharnotshiefd Road, Bonkle received 3rd September 2012 Letter from Mr David Roihin, No 5 Holding, Sharnotshiefd Road, Bonkle received 3rd September 201 2 Letter from Mr James Buggy, 107 Mill Road, Allanton, North Lanarkshire received 5th September 2012 Letter from S Lawson, 23 Cofn?ess Avenue, Allanton, Shotts received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Elizabea Stonie, 24 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Micbele Jankzak, 23 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5BA received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Salty Ann Buggy, 107 Mill Road, Allanton, ML7 5DQ received 5th September 2012 Letter from M R, 110 Mill Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5DD received 5th September 201 2 Letter from occupier, 110 Mill Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 50D received 5th September 2012 Letter from J. E Glen, 5 Brownhill View, Bonkle, Wishaw, ML2 9QJ received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms May Brown, 30 Carroil Crescent, Newarthill, Motherwell, ML1 5AT received 5th September 2012 Letter from Miss lsobel Thomson, 184 Branchalfield Drive, Cambusnethan, Wishaw, MM 8QE received 5th September 201 2 Letter from Mr Thomas Gray, 26 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5BA received 5th September 201 2 Letter from Mr Scott McMillan, 23 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5BA received 5th September 201 2 Letter from Ms Angefa Martin, 21 Hawthorn Place, Altanton, Shotts, ML7 56A received 5th September 201 2 Letter from Ms Lynn Todd, 31 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5BA received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Agnes Lavery, 25 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts, MO 5BA remived 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr lan Cardwell, 11 Dura Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5AB received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Maureen Cardwell, 11 Dum Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML? 5AB received 5th September 20 12 Letter from Ms Morag McAllister, 29 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 58A received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr Donald McAliister, 29 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5BA received 5th September 201 2 Letter from Ms Daniel16 Walker, 23 Springhead Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5AW received 5th September 20f2 Letter from Ms Julie McPhail, 8 Kingshill Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 SAL received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Mary Bryce, 31 Springhead Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5AW received 5th September 20f2 Letter from Rae Smith, 6 Kingshil Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML? 5AL received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr David Smith, 6 Kingshill Road, Ailanton, Shotts, ML7 5AL received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr James Kerr, 30 Springhead Road, Atlanton, Shotts, ML7 5AW received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Esther June Ken, 30 Springhead Road, Allanton, Shot&, Mt7 5AW received 5th September 2012 Letter from J Hotchkiss, 1 f Allanbank Street, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5AS received 5th September 201 2 Letter from Mrs feresa Murcbh, 5 Kingshill Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5AL received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Sinead Camp, 5 Church Road, Bonkle, Wishaw, MU WG received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr Robert Gray, 1 Shamotshields, Bonkte, MUQPH received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr William Murdoch, 5 Kingshiif Road, Aiknton, Shotts, ML7 5AL received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Jodie Campbelt, 53 Wilson Road, Allam, Shotts, ML7 5AR received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr James Shaw, 53 Wifson Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5AR received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Tabatha Campbell. 53 Wirson Road, Ailanton, ShoUs, NIL7 5AR received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Stacey Madden, 29 Coltrtess Avenue, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5AT received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr Jonathan Roberts, 8 Kirk Path, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5BB received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr Graeme Bruce, 5 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5BA received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Leanne Roberts, 5 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 56A received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr William Brown, 18 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5BA received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Margaret Waflace, 6 Cathburn Road, Bonkle, Wishaw, MU9PH received 5th September 201 2 Letter from Owner/Occupier, 2 Allanton Road, Bonkle, Wishaw, ML2 9QF received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr John McLean, 222 Allanton Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5AQ received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Janette Walker, 14 Kingshill Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5AL received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr James Breen, 15 Houldsworth Crescent, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5AJ received 5th September 201 2 Letter from Ms Margaret Clinton, 28 Allanbank Street, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5AS received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Dorothy Campbell, 61 Spruce Way, Holytown, Motherwell, ML1 4PE received 5th September 201 2 Letter from Mr Adrian Rigden, 17 Canthill Gardens, Hartwood, Shotts, ML7 5DA received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Jackie Rigden, 17 Canthill Gardens, Hartwood, Shotts, ML7 5DA fW8iVed 5th September 2012 Letter from K McGunnigal, 39 Hatlwood Road, Hartwood, Shotts, ML7 5BY received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr David Cosgrove, 141 Mill Road, Allanton, Shotts, ML? 500 received 5th September 2012 Letter from Ms Margaret Walker, 29 Hawthorn Place, Allanton, Shotts, ML7 5E3.A received 5th September 2012 Letter from Mr Abraharn Ken, 16 Duke Street, West Crindledyke, Newmains, Wishaw received 5th September 201 2 Letter
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