‘Cs News from the graduate school with a difference. Vol. 22 No. 2 — April 1988 INSTITUTE FOR CHRISTIAN month by G.R. Welch Company Lim Marshall meets ited in Burlington, Ontario. Marshall’s STUDIES contribution, “Some Political Impli cations of the Supreme Court Deci with Epp on sion on Abortion” will make up one chapter of the book, which was de issue veloped by ICS student Thomas Cor bell, and edited by Denyse O’Leary. Walsh appointed senior member Dr. Brian Walsh was appointed senior member in worldview studies and director of the one-year master’s program in Christian studies by the Dr. Paul Marshall executive members of ICS’s board of Just days after Canada’s abortion trustees at a meeting held March 29. law was struck down January28 ICS’s In acceptingthetwo-year appoint senior memberin political theory Dr. ment, Walsh, a 1979 graduate of Paul Marshall met with federal minis CS’s Master of Philosophy program, ter of health and welfare the Hon. follows in the footsteps of fellow Jake Epp. graduates Dr. Paul Marshall, Dr. On February 5, and again on Harry Fernhout and Dr. William March 1, Marshall metwith Epp as an Rowe, who also now teach at ICS. advisor on the issue of abortion in Walsh, who received his Ph.D. in Canada. They discussed the meaning philosophy of religion from McGill and implications of the supreme University in 1987, was recom court decision and options for a new mended for the position by ICS’s law which would be just, achievable, senate, which interviewed him dur and constitutional. inga special executive meeting held “There are so many constraints on February 20. Senate cited in particular a law,” Marshall said. “It must be Walsh’s competence as an instructor constitutional; achievable by means as demonstrated in his work as ad of a vote in parliament, and en junct faculty member at ICS this year, forcable.” his ability to shape a program as In the meeting Marshall stressed shown in his earlier work with the the actualform of the law. He said the “Hearing and Doing” program at law should recognize the rights of the ICS, and his gift of being able to write unborn child as well as those of the material suited to the program, such mother at all stages of pregnancy. as The Transforming Vision: Shapinga Marshall said he disagrees with Christian Woridview, a book he co the trimester approach being put for authored with ICS alumnus Richard ward in many current proposals to the Middleton. government because this approach Look for an interview with Walsh implies that at earlier stages of preg in an upcoming issue of Perspective. nancy the unborn child is of no con sequence. “Any law on abortion has to re spect the rights of the unborn right through the pregnancy,” he said. Marshall also emphasizes a legis lative framework which promotes birth as a live option to abortion. A more detailed account of Mar shall’s views on the abortion decision can soon be read in a book entitled, The Issue is Life to be published this Dr. Brian Walsh a. perspective From the. Perspective newsletter is published bi monthly by the Institute for Christian President’s Pen Studies, 229 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 1R4. By Clifford C. Pitt Editor: Adriana Pierik Managing Editor Carol-Ann Veenkamp Editorial Committee: Adriana Pierik, Power! Many in this world covet Carol-Ann • agroupthatreallyloveslCSasa Veenkamp, Harry J. Kits, power and will go Robert VanderVennen, Harry Fernhout to great lengths to work of God despite our human acquire it: the power of Rockefeller’s weaknesses and failures; Authorized Second Class Postage paid millions; a General Noriega’s military to the USA and Territories, mailed from • agroupwhich (afterfamily and Box 110, Lewiston, N. Y. 14092. mights; the power of a rock star over local church) would put us very high, hundreds All other copies mailed under authorized of thousands of teenagers. perhaps first, on their prayer list; I covet power too: powerful resources Second Class privileges from Toronto, • a group with whom I could Ontario. that will make the Institute for Chris share our problems and joys perhaps Send all address changes and other in tian Studies a real power housefor more intimately, more concretely, quiries directly to ICS, 229 College St., God’s purposes. and in greater detailthan this Toronto, column Ontario, Canada M5T 1R4 or Today I’m home in bed with the telephone (416) 979-2331. allows; flu (on vacation!). I have just got up • agroupthatwilltiytopraydaily from my knees and back into bed for the Institute; after pleading with God for the most • a group that shares our vision powerful resource for ICS that I can of the strategic importance of ICS in think of. If you were head of the God’s kingdom. Institute, what one thing would In This Issue you I’m not looking for a large group, ask for above everything else? I have but I am looking for a special circle of said it before and probably will say it friends who have the time and dedi again many times over: cation to take seriously the sort of With this issue of Perspective What I most deeply covet for the commitment I’ve outlined just above. comes the news that ICS has Institute for Christian Studies is the Would you join me in this? If so, appointed a new faculty mem fervent, effectual prayers of God’s please drop me a line telling me so. people on our behalf. ber in the area of worldview Address it to me, Clifford C. Pitt; mark In previous columns havewritten studies! Effective July 1, ICS I it “PERSONAL” and be sure to print about the diverse and wonderful gifts clearly your name, address, and tele graduate Dr. Brian Walsh be that God has given to various indivi phone number. I shall then send you duals for comes a senior member in the building up of Christian a simple prayer list or letter, nothing woridview studies. undertakings. For me, these suppor fancy; then we can pray and praise ters tend to fall into three groups. This issue also highlights the Lord together! Now that’s off my One group supports Christian enter chest and I’m glad. I’ve beenwanting the important work which Dr. prises with the serious commitment to startsuch a group eversince came I Paul Marshall is doing of their substance; without their to ICS! very much in bring I hope you will join dollars most organized Christian ing a Christian perspective to me. prospects would wither and die. A * * * * * the abortion issue through his second group brings gifts of volun meetings with Canada’s federal teered time and the expertise of What considerations drive me to minister of health and welfare. certain gifts: musical talent or writing inviteyou to join a regularprayersup ability, sound business judgement, ICS also made an impact port group for ICS? Here are just three the personality of leadership, wisdom, of half a dozen reasons that have recently on the campus ofBrock the compassionate heart, accounting moved me. University in St. Catharines, skills, infectious energy or some other • First, and most important: the Ont. when Dr. Hendrik Hart specific gift. Then there is a third Scriptures frame a constant call to group, those who undergird whole and his students Carroll Guen prayer and are alive with encourage Christian undertakings with believ ments to expect God’s answers. Says and Nigel Douglas presented ing prayer. Of the first and second Paul to this twentieth century, “Age papers at a conference there. groups I’ve spoken in earlier columns, of Anxiety,” don’t worry about any- today’s column reserve Brock professor John I forthe third. thin gat all (Phillips) but in everything, Mayer very much covet I an active group by prayer and petition, with thanks tells us his reaction in a special number three for the Institute. I giving, present your requests to God report. would dearly love to grapple to the (N IV). Do you know what helps me Enjoy this issue! heart of ICS a little group, a kind of most in prayer? It is my realization Gideon’s band if you will, whom we that through the work of Christ, God could lean on consistently (heavily at has become my Father; I have be- CAV times of crisis) to pray for us: continued on page 3 2 Perspective. April 1988 “Pen” continued from page 2 Goudzwaard calls for come His child. Nothing is now too small or too big for me to bring to a Sovereign God whose eyes see every Christians to choose life sparrow fall! Finally, there is the by Bruce Clemenger authority invested in prayer by Christ Himself. There is no ambiguity about ICS Ph.D. student it; no wishy-washiness here. Ask, Christ declares, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Do Dr. Bob Goudzwaard called for you wonder that beg you to join a I Christians to”choose life” and renew prayer partner’s interceding group their covenant with the “God of life” for us? in a public lecture entitled, “What’s • Secondly, my request to you Behind it All: The Crises of Our Pre arises partly out of the blessing I sent Time” given at Willowdale Chris receive at the Institute itself in our tian Reformed Church in Willowdale, chapel service. a stu weekly Led by Ont. on February 23. dent orfaculty member or one of the A professor of economics at administrative meditate on The staff, we Free University of Amsterdam and the Scriptures togetherand pray.
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