es. However, the prevailing at& tude is “It can’t happen here. But just in case, well give in a little.” University He: the realitv . And so we have the Duff-Berdahl Report, ‘University government in technicians and the faculty mem- best for us and this is part of the regulation of residences. All these Canada’ J published last spring. EDITORIAL bers are more like assembly-line service we purchase. decisions are made FOR us by This report, sponsored by the workers than critical intellectuals. And so we are rarely consulted others. Canadian Association of University If we were to believe the rubbish We are “clients”--1 quote a fac- and we never participate in the de- Teachers and the Association of that was being spewed forth at our ulty member at the arts orientation cisions which affect us more than The events at Berkeley (Univer- Universities and Colleges of Can- innocent frosh in the past orienta- session. We purchase professors’ anyone else: the cost of our educa- sity of California) and increasing ada’ was long anticipated as the tion week, we would think that our services J the university’s library student activism in North American tion, the nature of our aurs=J the blueprint for solving student-facul- university is a “community of scho- and residence. We have our lives system and quality of teaching, the universities have taught university ty-administration conflicts and as lars in the common pursuit of administered impersonally for us requirements for degrees, the administrators to takea look at what truth”-- to use a well-worn cliche. through regulations established by method of examination J the cost and is happening on their own campus- See (A), page 6 But, dear frosh, don’t look too officials we don’t know and with closely because you won’t find any whom we seldom if ever cornrnuni- community, although you may find, cate. if you are lucky, a few scholarsac- And about this “common pursuit tually seeking truth. of truth” bit. Neither faculty nor You won’t find any community, administration really consider the for there is only aninstitution.For student a younger colleague. Rather the reality of the situation is that we than scholar-aspirants, we are Volume 7, Number 9 students are increasingly a raw trainees J totally under the direction UNIVERSITYy..p... .. .. .. .*.+.*.*.*.,.*.*.#*.+.*. &.,OF . .. .WATERLOO, . .. .. .. f.....q .,. .. .. .. .Waterloo, . .. ..f............................................................. Ontario y *.*.*.8..*. A.*. Friday, +.~.~.*.~.,~.~.~.~. .*.*. September 30,. .. .196 . .. %.,..,.*.*.*.y.. .. *.....+.,, material being processed into social of our superiors. They know what is $&.&p.v.:.:.:.:*:.:.:.:.~.:.~...~..............~~..~.~~.~.~~.....~j..~~ .. .*..*.*. .*.... .. .. .. .. ...A........ .. .. .a........,...... .. .. .. ..~~~~~~...................... .z . .. f ... .. .. .. ., . .. .. .f . .. .\. .*.*...*.*.,.*.*.*. .. .. ..,.. ..*.,.f*.*.,. ..r.v . ... ..*.*.. .f . .*..., .. .\ . ..*...*. .,.. ..*. .A.. .< . ..-. .& ?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~.- f :.:* *.:.~.:.~.:.~>:.& A... .. .Qp,+.f.... ..+.... *.*v* ...qg$gg.~$$ Canrpuscenmr IS~ go University, Ontario god finally give approval The campus center is underway. Student Council president Mike All the stops are out after nearly Sheppard said that he will keep an ten years of student pleas and de- eye on what shortcuts are taken to mands. save money. Completion date for the building’ Fifty percent of the funds are to be located north of the biology contributed by the government. The addition, is December 30 J 1967. remaining funds must be raised by The go-ahead came from the pro- the university in its upcoming fund vincial government at 5:30 Monday, drive. but only after $356,000 was cut Over $30,000 was collected from from the original bid. students for the campus center un- The lowest bid, by Ball Brothers til 1962. At that time Council de- Ltd. of Kitchener J was turned down cided that the fund wasn’t getting at first by Queen’s Park. The On- anywhere and stopped contributions. tario government couldn’t see why Since then the fund has been held in the campus center should cost more trust by the administration. per square foot of useable space A student fight to get the center than Western’s new medical school, has been going on since the univer- and insisted that costs be cut. sity first opened. The final push The building will now COS t $2 J- came last spring when both Council 000,000. and the Coryphaeus blasted the ad- Serving everyone on campus--not ministration’s delay. Artist’s concepti.on of the new campus center. just students --it will embody the concept of the university’ ai a com- At one explosive three-hour munity of scholars. Much-needed meeting of Student Council last Jan- A bwunza chief i ustice lounge J recreational and meeting uary 19, university President J. G. facilities will be provided as well Hagey parried question after ques- as permanent offices for student tion as Council hammered away at organizations. him attempting to get a commitment Judicial committee is revitalized The new agreement was negotiat- on the building. ed with the province by A .K. Adling- In editorials throughout the spring Student Council’s judicial com- past, Abwunza said, “With the en- properly functioning arm of student ton J university vice-president for term the Coryphaeus prodded the mittee has a new leader and a new thusiasm demonstrated at its first government, Abwunza plans to con- finance. Ile promised that no space university to get moving on student determination to be more than a meeting J the present committee tact the provost for student affairs J or functions in the center will be facilities before it was too late. figurehead in the administration of shall be more active than any in the Prof, William Scott to discuss pos- sacrificed to save money. The sav- This week came the announcement justice on this campus. past.” sible methods of enforcing the ings will be made by using different of final approval for both the cam- George Abwunza, a graduate stu- The judicial committee’ accord- court’s decisions. Inability toen- subcontractors and, if necessary, pus center and the phys-ed com- dent in philosophy, was elected chief ing to the constitution of theFeder- force its rulings was a major factor cheaper materials . plex (see page 3). justice of the Federation of Students ation ‘*’ shall serve as a student in the ineffectiveness of last year’s at a special meeting of the com- court for the Federation.” Its de- judicial committee. mittee Tuesday night. cisions “shall be held as valid and Further, he will ask Federation Although he admitted the comrnit- binding.” president J Mike Sheppard J a student 0 00 the fantasy tee has performed poorly in the In order to make the court a prosecutor for the court. Education minister announces committee study award program Ontario education minister Willi- of the application form. Many par- Mr. Davis said appeals of this am Davis announced Wednesday that ents are reportedly having diffi- kind were “generally granted”. a special committee will be formed culty filling it out. A student’s need for money is to study the Student Awards Pro- When questioned on the nature of assessed by the department on a gram. the form, Mr. Davis admitted that basis similar to that used under the The committee is to be establish- his department had already found Canada Student Loans Plan. ed after concentrated.opposition to many could be amended andsimpli- A student is expected to save be SAP from administrators, faculty fied. tween $250 and $700 during the sunxner s depending on types of work and students alike, said Mr n Davis Mr. Davis was also questioned available and whether man or wo- when interviewed by the Coryphaeus on the problems connected with ap- man. There is no room for the after speaking to a Computer So- pealing a government decision un- ciety meeting in Preston. “meditating philosopher” in the der the plan. Appeals can be chan- program. Everyone must work and SAP is the new aid program set neled through the student aid offi- save. up by the province. It combines cer of the university. the fund s available under the Can- In addition’ one may claim tui- ada Student Loans Plan and the On- If the officer feels the appeal is tion’ books and $300 for incidental tario bursary and scholarship pro- justified and that more money is fees. Allowances for room and grams. needed, he will recommend recon- board are made by the department One of the problems to bestudied sideration by the department of on an averaged basis which varies kiss for a queen: orientation head Joe Recchia busses the by the committee is the complexity education. with individual communities. cheek of frosh queen Kerry Thomson. New universitv wonosed What after graduation? 1 I- -I--- TORONTO (CUP)--A new univer- university to concentrate on good sity to accommodate 5,000 to 6,000 research and laboratory facilities, She’ll help you decide under-graduate students in Toronto since planners believe science and has been recommended by the city’s technology will be major factors in by Irene Lizun field of interest. planning officials. future education. Coryphaeus staff reporter Her office is on the sixth floor An official plan says the univer- During the next 15 years the Un- of the arts library, overlooking the sity will be required at thelatest by iversity of Toronto is expected to More than a third of the arts colleges. For an appointment,con- 1981, at which time it is expected expand from its present 21,000 stu- students graduating this year don’t tact Miss McTavish on local 2662. Toronto’s student population will be dents to a maximum of 251000 stu- have the ‘faintest idea of what they Her hours are to 5 Monday through expanded by 10,000 undergraduates, dents. will do for a living. Friday afternoons. She has prom- 6,000 to 8,000 community college Ryerson Polytechnical Institute After having an arts program on ised to find the time for anyone in- students and 10,000 polytechnical has plans to facilitiate all anticipat- this campus for five years, the uni- terested.
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