E934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 27, 2018 the American League Championship Series for ball fan across the country was cheering for see changes to this bill in its amended form, a pennant win. This was the first year the the Royals. including the removal of language that would Royals took the field in search for a World Se- Mr. Speaker, please join with me as we undermine the National Environmental Policy ries title. Unfortunately, the Royals would lose commemorate the 50th Anniversary season of Act. The revised language is the result of ne- the nail-biting seven game series. However, the Kansas City Royals. The historic contribu- gotiations with a coalition of local stake- that defeat only prompted Brett to drive the tions of Kansas City’s commitment to baseball holders, tribes, and agencies in Oregon and team further. In 1983, Brett hit a two-run will live on through our legacy and as we con- Washington State. I appreciate the Ranking homer in the top of the 9th inning to put the tinue to inspire the next generation baseball Member’s concerns that this bill only address- Royals in the lead over the Yankees only to fans. es one of the many threats facing our salmon be called out on a technicality, prompting Brett f and steelhead populations, but it is an impor- to storm the field in raging protest. ‘‘The Pine tant step toward mitigating the damage to the Tar Incident,’’ as it would be known from that ENDANGERED SALMON AND FISH- fish population. We must continue to address point forward, would forever be hailed in base- ERIES PREDATION PREVENTION the threat of sea lion predation and avoid fur- ball history, even inspiring song-writer Lorde to ACT ther loss of irreplaceable species of salmon draft a song about Brett’s reaction to being and steelhead in our region. I urge my col- SPEECH OF tossed out of the game. The Royals were leagues to support this bill. making their mark on baseball history and the HON. SUZANNE BONAMICI f fans were cheering them on along the way. OF OREGON In 1985, during the I–70 Series Showdown PERSONAL EXPLANATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES against the St. Louis Cardinals, KC’s Bret Saberhagen and the all-star team finally Tuesday, June 26, 2018 HON. GWEN MOORE brought home the Commissioners Trophy. The House in Committee of the Whole OF WISCONSIN Royal’s stars such as Frank White, Willie Wil- House on the state of the Union had under IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES son, Dan Quisenberry, and many others consideration the bill (H.R. 2083) to amend mounted a comeback rarely seen in baseball, the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 Wednesday, June 27, 2018 roaring back from a 3–1 series deficit. The to reduce predation on endangered Columbia Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, had I been Royals would have many ups and downs be- River salmon and other non-listed species, present, I would have voted YEA on Roll Call and for other purposes: fore they would win another pennant or be No. 295. crowned as World Series champions; how- Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Chair, I rise today in f ever, they continued to energize fans with support of H.R. 2083, the Endangered Salmon greats such as: Bo Jackson, Carlos Beltran, and Fisheries Predation Prevention Act. This IN RECOGNITION OF CHANCELLOR Mike Sweeney, and many more. In 2014, the bill will help reduce sea lion predation on DAVID O. BELCHER Royals would once again take their shot at the threatened and endangered fish populations. World Series. As fans continued to ‘‘believe’’ Salmon and steelhead are an important part HON. MARK MEADOWS in the Royals, their eyes were glued to their of our heritage in the Pacific Northwest, and OF NORTH CAROLINA screens as our boys in blue raced towards the they are facing devastating threats. At present IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES post-season for the first time in nearly 30 thirteen salmon and steelhead populations in Wednesday, June 27, 2018 years. In a stunning wild-card clinch, the the Columbia River, Willamette River, and Royals boasted a crowd-inspiring winning Snake River systems are listed as threatened Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to streak, winning eight consecutive games and or endangered under the Endangered Species commemorate the life and memory of Dr. securing their place as American League Act. Because of successful conservation ef- David O. Belcher, Chancellor of Western Champions. They went on to face the San forts under the protection of the Marine Mam- Carolina University. Dr. Belcher was a light in Francisco Giants in their first World Series ap- mal Protection Act, California sea lions have his community, always encouraging and pour- pearance since 1985. Sadly, our star-studded fully rebounded and have reached carrying ca- ing into the people around him through his team fell in seven games, but continued to re- pacity. Many of the thriving species are mov- passion for higher education, embodiment of mind fans that we would be ‘‘forever Royal.’’ ing up the Columbia River for easy access to service, and Catamount pride. Just as the sun sets, it is sure to rise the migrating salmon and steelhead. According to A native of Barnwell, South Carolina, Dr. next morning. Therefore, as the next season the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- David O. Belcher began his career as a fac- began, the Royals—lead by all-star and fan fa- istration, between 2002 and 2015 California ulty member at Missouri State University. Prior vorites like Eric Hosmer, Mike Moustakas, Sal- sea lions consumed an estimated 46,000 to arriving at Western Carolina University, he vador ‘‘Salvy’’ Perez, Alex Gordon, and salmonids within a quarter mile of the Bonne- was Provost and Vice Chancellor for academic Lorenzo Cain—would yet again drive us to- ville Dam. It is unlikely that we will see the affairs at the University of Arkansas at Little wards another pennant win. With an even necessary recovery of threatened and endan- Rock. Dr. Belcher began his tenure as Chan- more focused effort, the Royals would head gered fish populations without responding to cellor at Western Carolina University on July into the All-Star break, with the best record in the ongoing predation by sea lions in the re- 1st, 2011. This date will be etched in WCU’s the American league. Based primarily on the gion. history as a starting point for accelerated momentum from fans and experience from the Oregon’s economic vitality relies on the growth and positive change for the institution previous season, the Royals won another health of the Pacific Ocean and the Columbia and Western North Carolina. Dr. Belcher craft- American League Pennant and were heading River. The natural resources in our region ed a 2020 Vision program to focus on the back to the World Series to face the New York support a significant portion of our economy, Western Carolina University’s future, along Mets. This time, the Royals secured their and we are very vulnerable to changes to our with a development plan that has been essen- crown in only five games, solidifying their vic- ecosystem. Healthy salmon and steelhead tial to tremendous campus growth and trans- tory with a Game 5 rally to tie in the 9th inning runs support the commercial and recreational formation. and a five-run smattering in the 12th inning. fishing industry, guiding and outdoor retail Dr. Belcher cared for the faculty, staff, and This year, the Royals returned home with their businesses, restaurants, and coastal commu- students of WCU, and took an active role of second Commissioner’s Trophy. nities that benefit from tourism. In addition to service in Western North Carolina. Dr. Belcher Like many cities across the country, the the troubling effects on the region’s eco- served on the Board of Directors of the North Royals dawned their crown and headed to- system, sea lion predation is harmful to tribal Carolina Arboretum and the Asheville Cham- ward main street for their victory day parade. fisheries. Tribes have fishing rights and a ber of Commerce. Dr. Belcher also served on Like every other parade, they were welcomed deep cultural and historical connection to the the Board of Trustees of Harris Regional Hos- by firetrucks, marching bands, trolleys, and fish populations threatened by sea lions. The pital and Swain County Hospital. Dr. Belcher floats. However, as the parade route came to health of native fish runs is dependent on was an accomplished pianist and brought joy close at the crossroads of the Historic Union Congressional action to protect these threat- to many with his enthusiasm. His passion, de- Station and the National World I Museum and ened species from sea lion predation. termination, kindness, and ceaseless energy Memorial, our boys in blue were welcomed by This bill will allow for more efficient interven- will forever be imprinted on the hearts of those nearly 800,000 cheering fans celebrating a tion by allowing states and tribes to apply for who knew him. city-wide victory and uniting people across all permits to remove sea lions along the Colum- Dr. David O. Belcher will forever be highly spectrums. On this day, I believe, every base- bia River and its tributaries. I am pleased to regarded, remembered and loved amongst his VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:20 Jun 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27JN8.020 E27JNPT1 June 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E935 colleagues throughout the state of North Caro- HONORING THE LEGACY OF THE Army Warrant Officers serve as technical ex- lina, particularly at Western Carolina Univer- 53RD WEATHER RECONNAIS- perts, combat leaders, trainers, or advisers sity.
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