PUBLISHED 102ND YEAR THE CAMPUS SINCE OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE 1876 Thursday, March 8, 1979 Vol. jot No, 20 MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA Petition for Lyle Reveals Support financial reasons. This an- objectives of the petition are nouncement made the future basically two-fold. First, she by Chuck Gill of Orchesis unclear, as Lyle is wants the petition to show the only faculty member that there is an interest in "The support shown by qualified to teach dance. maintaining the Orchesis the students has been emo- program at the present level Orchesis president Barb tionally and psychologically of quality. Secondly, Coles Coles could give no concrete overwhelming." These are hopes that the administration estimate, but said the peti- the words of Roseann Lyle, a will realize the need for a tion drive has yielded a large member of the women's trainer or advisor for the number of signatures. Coles physical education depart- group. Because of the said, however, that she didn't ment and the faculty advisor group's size, it would be expect the petition to gener- for the dance group Orchesis. difficult for students to run Lyle was referring in ate a favorable response from operations smoothly, accord- part to a current petition the administration. Tenure ing to Coles. drive by members of Orchesis decisions, Coles said, are Coles added that the whose goal it is to keep Lyle usually not reversed and she position of advisor and train- at Allegheny. expected the administration er could be part-time, and The situation arose after to stand firm. expressed hope that Lyle the college's administration Since the tenure deci- announced that Lyle would sion is unlikely to be over- would fill such a position, not receive tenure due to turned, Coles said the main if created. Lyle could not com- ment on the possibility of a Time Editor Confirmed for Graduation part-time position because of by Jeff Hummel later passed away. His wife, the After serving three years well as a variety of publications the uncertainties and ques- former Dorothy Hannon of in the Navy working with and a book company. tions yet to be resolved. Headley Donovan, Edi- Erie, Pa., attended Allegheny. intelligence, he became writer Donovan will be awarded She said she has job applica- tor-in-Chief of Time, Inc., was Donovan graduated and editor for Fortune maga- an honorary degree at com- tions filed , all over the confirmed as this year's com- magna cum laude with a B.A. in zine. Donovan was promoted to mencement June 11, which country in the event she does mencement speaker Friday. history from the University of managing editor in 1959 and five again will be held outdoors. not remain employed at According to Mike Minnesota in 1934. He con- years later became Editorial Although his expenses and travel Allegheny, but she expressed Baumrind of the senior class tinued his studies as a Rhodes Director for Time, Inc. are paid for by the college, he a desire to stay in this commencement committee, Scholar at Oxford, where he also When Henry Luce, one receives no honorarium. community if possible. Donovan was asked after being became a campus correspondant of the founders of Time, stepped suggested by President Pelletier. for United Press. He received a down from his position of Course Evaluations Discontinued The college's "contact", Ray- B.A. in 1936. Editor-in-Chief in 1964, he said mond P. Shafer, notified us of He returned to the Donovan was the only choice as The ASG Course Evalu- evaluating their teaching meth- Donovan's acceptance late last United States as a political his successor. ations will not be conducted this ods, and 3) contributing to the week. reporter for the Washington Post The publishing empire he term and the Course Evaluations tenure decisions made by Bent- He was also chosen last covering Capitol Hill and later now heads includes Fortune, Book will not be published next ley and the faculty. These decisions are based year but was forced to cancel the State Department and the Sports Illustrated, and Time, as term. ASG President K. Scott when his wife became ill and White House. Baker, ASG President-elect Dom on a couple of reasons. A DelPapa, and Stuart Arrnstrong, Faculty Council meeting held Director of Educational Affairs first term dove deep into the Concert Committee Member Asked to Resign feel that the tremendous amount problems inherent with the of time and energy normally put Allegheny Course Evaluations ther asked him to supply proof to to spend. Lippman describes the into the project would be more Book and brought out several Concert Committee member substantiate his accusations. The allegations as "totally false" and effectively directed toward a suggestions for modes of "one of the cheapest, vilest improvement. These feelings, as Bob Robinson was asked to resign letter went on to suggest that revision of the book.. Hopefully Robinson "meet with (Baker and methods" he has ever heard of. well as those of Scott, Dom, and from his place on the committee it would be improved enough so by ASG President K. Scott Baker Cox) as soon as possible," and Although Lippman says he Stu's opinions on the book would "like to take (the incident) that it will more efficiently yesterday following an incident followed that up with warnings coincide. Consequently, an ad- all the way to court," any possible achieve the goals to which it is involving accusations made by that he could be charged with hoc committee has been formed malicious slander if he could not legal action has been placed in intended. These goals are 1) Robinson about possible kick- which will be discussing the substantiate his charges. Baker's hands for consideration. helping students to choose backs going to committee chair- revision of the Course Evalu- As of yesterday Baker At this time, no action has been courses, 2) aiding professors in man Peter Lippman. ations Book in the near future. The problems revolve a- hadn't received a reply from taken. round alleged comments Robin- Robinson concerning the letter, son made about Lippman receiv- and sent him a hand-written ing kickbacks from band agents in memo which requested that Rob- return for special consideration inson resign his place on the within the concert committee. Concert Committee. Robinson When asked by a Campus reporter told the Campus that he didn't about proof of these allegations, reply to the first letter because he Robinson said that "it just seemed considered the incident as an logical that Lippman had received "idiotic thing" and "blown way kickbacks." He offered no proof out of proportion." In regard to of the allegations other than to the memo requesting he resign, say that it was "a gut feeling." Robinson said he had no inten- A letter was sent jointly by tions of leaving the committee. ASG President Baker and Vice- Lippman denies Robinson's President Sue Cox to Robinson allegations, stating that bands are which reprimanded him for what chosen on the basis of which was described as "potentially bands were available and how slanderous" statements and fur- much money the committee had WARC Chooses New Board The new WARC Executive News Director; Lisa Grabowski, Board was named Monday and Publicity Director; Bill Brown, after training with the old Board, Business Manager; Lester Seiden- begins its management of the berg, Chief Engineer; Bob Mc- station next term. Dermot, Sports Director; and Rob Dave McElhatten, general Viggiano, Director of Special manager, announced the selection Programming. Dave Houseman of Jim Simons as new General will remain Chief Operator of the Manager. Simons and this year's station and an ex officio member Executive Board approved the of the Board. following positions: Eric Turner, "The Drunkard" was presented by the C.C. last Friday. Photo by P.B.B. Program Director; Rene Brunetti, Cont. on Page 12 The Campus Thursday, March 8, 1979 Page 2 Letters To The Editor Campus Center 724-5316 U902 and U21 724-5 30 7 Deadline for letters is 6 p.m. Sunday. Late letters will Box 12 be run only if space allows. All letters must be typewrit- - Allegheny College ten. We reserve the right to edit for length and gramma- Meadville, Pennsylvania 16336, tical errors. Concert Committee Controversy Continues Baker/Cox Concert Costs Explained I would like to make a few observations before the If you knew these groups, you'd realize their value. next concert committee is chosen. , In any case, you'd appreciate the low ticket price - two Commended Students at Allegheny seem to want a "big" name people could go for what it cost one at Charlie Daniels. concert, but no one has bothered to tell them that we can't This year's committee members knew little about acts The Campus wishes to commend the Baker/Cox afford one. For example, Dan Fogelberg and Bruce Spring- we could afford, yet they voted - often vetoeing or passing administration for a successful year in office. They steen both cost around $22,000. To break even, tickets groups without any knowledge of_what they sounded like. have maintained an efficient and reliable organization would have to be $10 and $14. If you think $10 is too They were offered the chance to hear these groups before much, how can you expect non-students to spend $14? voting, yet never accepted the offer. which has served the students of Allegheny well. Charlie Daniels totaled $13,900. The house was The committee needs people who know, or who are During their term in office, student services ranging packed beyond normal capacity, and still missed breaking- WILLING TO TAKE TIME TO LISTEN to lesser-known from the travel service to the number of refrigerators even with $6 and $8 tickets.
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