卷首语 FOREWORD 峥嵘岁月,砥砺前行 16 年,峥嵘岁月 16 年,肩负使命 16 年,梦圆陶业 春华秋实,32 载的里程碑记录着中国 • 佛山陶博会 5840 个奋发拼搏的日夜。一路走来,佛山陶博会始 终勿忘初心,为“推动行业发展,繁荣城市经济,带领中国陶瓷走向世界”而努力。 16 年的风雨兼程,中国 • 佛山陶博会成就了行业,也繁荣了城市。覆盖全球 162 个国家和地区、超过 2000 多家陶瓷品牌在这里实现了新品类、新技术、新思想的交流,同时超过 60 万来自世界各地的专业买家 在这里实现了商贸价值,这里成为了中国陶瓷连接世界、走向世界的平台与窗口。 正是各位优秀参展商、观众、行业同仁、政府、协会以及媒体朋友们的支持与信任,才铸就了中国 • 佛山 陶博会如今的辉煌,我们心怀感激,无比感恩! 见证了一代又一代“陶业人”成长的中国 • 佛山陶博会,如今正步履稳健继续朝着美好发展的道路前行。 我们希望给行业带来更多赋能,服务行业,推动行业的升级发展,为实现中国陶瓷强国的梦想而奋斗!我们也 将应用丰富的经验、以国际化的视野、全球化的布局,朝着打造‘世界一流展会’的目标努力! 第 32 届中国 • 佛山陶博会正如火如荼进行中,这一次,我们依然满怀激情,继续创新、创造,为推动陶 瓷行业的进步发展而奋斗!让中国 • 佛山陶博会不仅成为佛山的名片,也成为中国走向世界的一张闪亮名片! 峥嵘岁月 • 砥砺前行 • 感恩一路有您! 中国(佛山)国际陶瓷及卫浴博览交易会组委会 发行人 : 周 军 总 编 : 余 敏 编 辑 : 张成伟 陈智鹏 梁沛贤 设 计 : 傅家辉 英文编辑 : 刘顺欢 2 Memorable Years, Keep Forging Ahead 16 years of extraordinary times, 16 years with arduous mission, 16 years to fulfi ll dreams of ceramic industry. With fruitful achievements,the 32-sessions milestone records CeramBath’s 5840 days and nights of striving. Along the way, CeramBath keeps the original aspiration and strives to “promote the development of the industry, fl ourish the economy of the city and lead China Ceramics to the world”. 16 years of wind and rain, CeramBath fl ourishes the industry and prospers the city. Covering 162 countries and regions, more than 2000 ceramic brands achieve interaction of new products, technology and ideas and over 600,000 professional buyers from all over the world realize business value here. CeramBath has become a signifi cant ceramic trading platform and window by connecting China ceramics to the world. We appreciate and are grateful for the reliance and support from all exhibitors, visitors, industry colleagues, governments, associations and media friends, who together make a glorious CeramBath. Witnessing the growth of ceramic elites from generation to generation, CeramBath is steadily forging ahead towards a better development. With the hope to empower this sector, to serve it and upgrade it, we dedicate to fulfi lling the dream of building China a ceramic power. Equipped with international vision, concept of global layout and rich experiences, CeramBath will work hard to become the world's top exhibition. The 32nd CeramBath is well under way. This time, we are still imbued with great passion, innovation and creation to promote progress of the ceramic industry, making CeramBath not only the name card of Foshan, but also a shining fl ag of China on its way to global market. In these memorable years, we keep forging ahead and be thankful for your companionship. Organizing Committee of China International Ceramic & Bathroom Fair, Foshan PUBLISHER: ZHOU JUN CHIEF EDITOR: CONNIE YU EDITOR: ZHANG CHENGWEI, PANG CHAN, LIANG PEI XIAN DESIGN: FU JIAHUI ENGLISH EDITOR: MANDY LIU 3 CONTENT 目录 展会资料 致辞 展馆间免费穿梭巴时刻表 Fair01 Information Address02-05 Timetable06-07 of Free Shuttle Bus 展会活动 展馆索引 参展商索引 Exhibitor 12-39 Fair8-9 Events Venue11 Index Index 中国陶瓷城展馆参展商名录 中国陶瓷总部参展商名录 佛山国际会议展览中心参展商名录 40-75China Ceramics City 76-117China Ceramics Industry Foshan118-144 International Exhibitor Intro Headquarters Conference & Exhibition Center Exhibitor Intro Exhibitor Intro 4 展会资料 Fair Information 展览日期: 2018 年 10 月 18-21 日 指导单位: 佛山市人民政府 主办单位: FAIRS INFORMATIONS FAIRS 中国建筑卫生陶瓷协会、中国陶瓷工业协会 承办单位: 佛山中国陶瓷城集团有限公司 支持单位: 中国建筑材料流通协会、佛山市商务局 承办展馆: 中国陶瓷城展馆 中国陶瓷总部展馆 佛山国际会议展览中心展馆 联系方式: 电话:0757-82729999、82526666 网址:http://www.cerambath.org/ Fair Dates: October 18th-21st, 2018 Guide: People’s Government of Foshan City Hosts: China Building Ceramics & Sanitaryware Association China Ceramics lndustrial Association Organizer: Foshan China Ceramics City Group Co., Ltd. Supports: China Building Materials Circulation Association Bureau of Commerce of Foshan City Venues: China Ceramics City China Ceramics Industry Headquarters Foshan International Conference & Exhibition Center Contact: Foshan China Ceramics City Group Co., Ltd. Tel: 0757-82729999, 82526666 Web: en.cerambath.org 1 致辞 ADDRESS 叶向阳 中国建筑卫生陶瓷协会 会长 Ye Xiangyang President of China Building Ceramics & Sanitaryware Association 风雨十六年,中国佛山陶博会已成长为世界陶卫产业发展、科技创新、文化交流的重要平台,在此祝愿 第 32 届佛山陶博会取得圆满成功,进一步推动中国陶卫产业的繁荣与创新! 16 years of wind and rain, CeramBath has became a signifi cant platform for industry development, technical innovation and cultural exchange of world building ceramics & sanitaryware industry. Wish the 32nd CeramBath a great success and further promote the prosperity and innovation of China building ceramics & sanitaryware industry. 2019.9 2 致辞 ADDRESS 余 敏 佛山中国陶瓷城集团有限公司常务副总裁 兼商业运营中心 总经理 Ms. Connie Yu Executive Vice-President & General Manager of Commercial Operation Center of Foshan China Ceramics City Group Co., Ltd. 尊敬的参展商、采购商、媒体朋友们: 又是一年秋收时,在这个充满希望与平和的季节里,我们共同迎来了第 32 届中国(佛山)国际陶瓷及 卫浴博览会的盛大开幕!走过 16 载岁月,经历年华的洗礼,中国 • 佛山陶博会已发展成为陶瓷行业内极具盛 名的专业陶瓷博览会,是中国陶瓷走出国门的一张闪亮名片。 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。我们以陶之名相聚于此,共赴这场陶瓷盛宴,可喜、可悦、更可乐。作为肩 负推动行业深度发展的重任,我们深以此为荣,也以此为终身奋斗的事业。2018 是全新的一年,也是开拓进 取的一年,这一年行业面临着巨大的变革,新技术、新概念、新风口层出不穷,我们将紧握行业发展脉络, 革故鼎新,创造辉煌! 本届中国 • 佛山陶博会,在行业不断重组变化,建筑及房地产业发展步入新常态的背景下倾力打造“工 程产品馆”——暨首届瓷砖工程集采节;同时立足当前整装趋势,把握行业脉络,组建“新风口下的设计营 销之道——整装设计发展论坛”;为响应国家一带一路政策,推动行业出口转型,举办“第三届‘一带一路’ 泛家居产业发展与国际合作论坛”、推动经销商转型升级,围绕经销商队伍组织“渠道突破,提升营销力—— 佛山陶博会经销商终端培训会暨陶瓷商学会新品发布”等活动。我们希望佛山陶博会不仅是商品的交易会, 更是一场实现信息、技术、思想碰撞的陶瓷高端盛宴。 16 年的风雨相伴,感恩每一位行业同仁、政府、协会以及媒体朋友们的信任与支持,中国 • 佛山陶博会 的成功离不开你们 16 年的相伴相随,正因为有你们,才成就了更好的我们! 这一季,我们继续华丽绽放!一路前行,感恩有你! 2018 秋季中国 • 佛山陶博会,我们在这里等你! Distinguished exhibitors, purchasers and media friends: It’s another autumn harvest. In this season of hope and peace, we usher the grand opening of the 32nd China International Ceramic & Bathroom Fair, Foshan (CeramBath). After 16 years of development and through the baptism of the time, CeramBath has developed into a prestigious & professional exhibition in the ceramics industry, as well as a shining fl ag of China on its way to global market. It’s such a delight to meet friends from afar. We gather together to participate in such an extraordinary feast in the name of the ceramic, which was gratifying, pleasing, and cheering. We are proud of shouldering the heavy responsibility to promote the depth development of the ceramics industry, and regard it as a lifelong career. 2018 witnesses a brand new year and a pioneering year, when the ceramic industry is confronting huge reformation, with new technologies, new concepts and new ideas emerging in endlessly. We will grasp development vein, improve through reforms and create brilliant achievements! On the background of perpetual industry restructuring, and the construction and real estate step into the "new normal" phase, this session of CeramBath firstly sets up “Projects’ Products Hall” -- 1st Tile Project Sourcing Festival; At the same time, based on the current trend of assembled decoration, we grasp the venation of industry and bring out "Design Marketing under New Circumstances-- Assembled Decoration Design Forum"; In response to the national Belt and Road initiative, to promote industry export transformation, we hold “The 3rd Pan Home Furnishing Industry Development & Cooperation on the Belt and Road Forum”; to promote the transformation and upgrading of distributors, we organize the event “CeramBath Distributors Training Session & Ceramic Business Society New Product Release”. We hope that CeramBath will not only be a trade fair, but also a high-end ceramics feast that realizes the collision of information, technology and ideas. 16 years of wind and rain, we appreciate and are grateful for the reliance and support from all industry colleagues, governments, associations and media friends. Without your 16 years of companionship, CeramBath can’t achieve such success. It’s you who made us better! This season, we continue to show you brilliant blossoming! Thanks for having you along the way! Let’s meet at the 32nd CeramBath, Foshan! 3 致辞 ADDRESS 纳祖齐先生 投资领事 马来西亚驻广州总领事馆投资处 Nazuki Bin Abdullah Investment Consul Consulate General of Malaysia in Guangzhou, Investment Section 我仅代表马来西亚驻广州总领事馆投资处、 马来西亚投资发展局向佛山中国陶瓷城集团致以真诚的感谢, 并在此衷心地预祝第 32 届中国(佛山)国际陶瓷卫浴博览交易会取得成功。 佛山中国陶瓷城集团自 2002 年起,在过去 16 年成功组织举办一年两届的中国·佛山陶博会。如今交易 会已经成为行业内富有历史且成熟知名的盛会,吸引着全世界顶尖的厂商以及客户前往。中国(佛山)国际 卫浴博览交易会,作为享负盛名的专业博览会,不仅为商业和贸易提供交易的平台,同时也是行业技术交流 的重要媒介。 马来西亚投资发展局是马来西亚促进投资的主要机构,我们希望通过佛山中国陶瓷城集团的平台可以促 成更多的中马投资贸易合作。我们欢迎更多的马来西亚展商和客商参加届中国(佛山)国际陶瓷卫浴博览交 易会。 On behalf of the Consulate General of Malaysia in Guangzhou, Investment Section and Malaysian Investment Development Authority, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Foshan China Ceramics City Group Co. Ltd, and congratulate on the success of the coming 32nd China International Ceramic & Bathroom Fair, Foshan(CeramBath). China Ceramics City Group has been organizing the CeramBath 2 sessions a year successfully in the past 16 years since 2002. The fair has become a long history and well-established brand in the ceramic industry and attracting the leading manufacturers and buyers from all over the world. Known as a prestigious and professional event, it plays an important platform not only for business and trade but also industrial technology exchange. Malaysian Investment Development Authority is the principal agency that promoting investment into Malaysia, We hope that through the platform of China Ceramics City Group, we can see more investment and trade cooperation between China and Malaysia. We welcome more Malaysian exhibitors and buyers to the China International Ceramic & Bathroom Fair,Foshan. 4 致辞 ADDRESS 罗瀚林 中国西班牙商会华南代表处 会长 中国西班牙商会 副会长 David A. López Martín President Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China (South China) Vice-President Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China 朋友们,大家好! 我再次在此代表西班牙商会欢迎所有参加第 32 届中国 ( 佛山 ) 国际陶瓷卫浴博览交易会的来宾。我真诚
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