! Theatres under Uiei dlreclion'mmm." U. S. Zionist Plan Mine. Culp Walter Film Do AMEtttCA'8 EOKEMQBT THBATEEB AND HIT8. PHREOTlQW OF LK>; '"" Rcappcars Hampden Says Imports of Hugo Rlesenfeld AMi .1. .1 siit'BFl With A/ctors Here an HBrf*. Ripeiied Soprano At Not Injure f>nt. 1'arV W Is 30 Like Nullificatioii, Broadhurst RIVOLHt^K THE WINTER GARDEN'S EV08. AND BAT. MAT.. 50« t» $2.50..POP BROADHURff: Contlmtoua .AJ.,1. In Noon lo Ilt30 P. M. PTAH_C»it... Ui«_Kw<r BjiectacleJMAT. IBauer. Gabrilowitsch and Kreis- Produccr Dcelarea Tariff Would Greatest TODAY Rosenblatt Savs ler on Laughing Hit l fteate Also Beethoven Con- .ause Retaliation Ahroad and IN THE NI6HT WATGHrtt.OO. oert Program IuJ^Macbeth-' Harm U. S. Industry MSSUfCSHOW HampdeN Magistralc Asserts Judge No more distinguishcd nrtisls could Couveiitioual Production of American actors and actressea are OF 1931. OPENING TO-N1GHT -IMACBETrl h«ve been choscn for tho season's finn] to not being deprived of a livelihood as a DeceptionThe llotnnnrA of Ann» Bolryn pnaannn. Mem- Mack's Proviso Woiild Play Serves Make restilt of the hcavy importations of A Param-ount Pict.urit Willie & Eugene Howard "L1LIOM" BOOTH concert. by the Beot.hoven Association of lilm was tho Ilv F7an* Moinar. GEORGEffiiZ"rfo&VaS Have Given Power Over than tUoHO who ory the Hopkins "Ven- foreign productionn opin- SPECIAL MUSIC PROGRAM mOB. »:15. MAT. TO-M'W. 2:15. A THEATRE OUILD Produrtlon. appoared at Acolian ion exprcHticd yesterday by L. Auerbach, FIRST MATINEE TO-MORROWl. World Fund 11*11 last cvoning, Hnrold Bauer, Onsip lure a Little More vico-prcsident of the Export and Im- Thealre. «"> VV. M. FIMrwr 15X2. I5LIREEII Organization Gabrilowitsch. Fritr. Kreislor Mtno. Kindly Ave¬ GaRRICK r>n. »;20. Man.To m'w&sa»- :..). nnd poit Film Company, 720 Seventh Arliss .I.UM A Jvtlia Culp. Thove wna one dis- nue. Mr. Auerbach has in T**AMBASSADOR Bernard Roscnblat, who only By Heywood Broun preparation CRlTERlONsS tt^ymft (RFPUBLIC. W, 42 S"u Mat^TVwin.v &.Nit, 2j80. Magistratc | appointment. Sergci RachmaninoiT, h statement covering the film situation THE wlthFtTED haa becn activc in tho American Zion¬ whosc had been announcod. When Arthur Hopkins intro- in thc various bourrtries. Sir ROSE GIRL HJEfJEBRAXD GRACE EA RUK and ELTIHGE g^:"^^j».«. appearance recently JAMES M. BARRIE'S HAI.E HABIILTON mucd a statement yes¬ was unahlo to be present owing to an duced an outlandish Macbeth some of This statement, which will not be DEARME ist movemont, is under- terday anent the differences of tho nt.tack of nculo ncuritis. His place on us ventured the opinion that the strange complcted for aevcral days, thc I the program was taken by Harold terrifiad otood, will ahow that the theatrical /UTTJ.B 77ie World Zionist Orgnnir.ation and Bauer, who with Mr. Kroisler played sccnery the players. Realis- and tnotion picturc trades unions will "Sentimental [TOEATRTC /" Year that. the American Zianist Organization as to j Beethoven'* "Krcutzer" sonattt inste.ad ing play aeemod duIL Robert do great. harm to themselves, and the We«t 44 St. Mata. To-dar, Tbur. & Sat, 2:So of tho aonata announcod. Edmond Jonc3 was generallv Selected film industry genorally, if they agitate methods of collecting and disbursing orlginally as a The oecaRion marked the first appear- scapegoat. Last night Walter an "On to Washington" movement to HQLBftOOKBLIRN ta "Tiie B*e Maa" ^«writiiaSs funds for the reatoration of Palestine anco here in several aeaaona of Mme. Hampden presented a thoronghly con- obtain a high tariff on for¬ MatcWfd. & Sat*. of a Jewitth venaonal protdctive SEArs NOW ON SALE AT THE RIT£ and the establishment Culp, who snng the following aongB by production of Macbeth at the eign tilnis. It is said by tiie American Tommy" POPULAR MATINEE TO-DAY Home Land. He said 'the door to Brahms: "Vor dera FenBter." "An die Brondhtust and try a.% \vo might we. film pi'oducers that one of the principal "Tho Sevonth Wondor M'u* could not find it a bit more interest* otitlets for American filins is the for¬ amicable adjus'ment is still open.-' Nnchtigall." "Schwalbc Sag' An," market. of in "Salamander,"' ''Imrner leisun" wird ing. Ferhaps acenery is the least im- eign fhe Scroen Ago." SPANISH Roscnblat, his state¬ t 05 of . Magistrate portant element in They say hat per cent al! film . and "Von any production of , N. V. Ifereld takes issue with Federal Mein Schlunimer" Ewiger and used in foreign counlries is A Paramount. Pielurn ment, Judgo Liebe." It *H9 a to hear tho Shakespeare everything depends ^jroductjons with lumEOLiinijjii pleaauro upon produced in America, and gives work to <;.\KKTH UUOHEIS MONTH LOVE Julian W. Mack, president of the Amer¬ Dutcb goprano again. Since she was acting. Macbeth, we rmagine American saehic direc- MAY MrAVOY an.l SEOUCTIVE MUSIC BY JACttUET FRAZEE «.*. muat be acted actors, artiats, MABEI, B-.,-A°fBx.**¦¦*:". ALLUHIN6 S2..»£ a3**r" 0«t, t; ican organization, who has ssserted last In America her voieo has gained in unusually well jf it i3' mcchaaucs and TAUAFERRO PLAYHOUSE i:13 DAMCES BY LOS CARITC* Ijl her hus Thc to aeem anything but gusty tors, authors, laboratory Continuoita Noon to 11:30 P. M. JUU.To-day&Sit., Tne Orcatert Naveity ia Years in that Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president volume and art ,.ripencd. Last molodrama. men. Importations, 611 thc other hand, 'HOLOS AUOIERCE BREATHLESS." "SMOOTH spell of her ingratiating personality ntght's production was no more are few and come at inter- .¦Eoe. AS SILK" of thc world organization, who came than that to ua. only long waa ae potent aa bcfore, and her elo- Walter Hampden vals. Unless some foreign film is used SQUARE dorisKEANEbomance to this to confer with tm- failed to move or int?rest us. Of or country recently quence as an ihterpreter rcmnins he the in this country producers say, no TIMES R. B'v. Et.8:20. the American body. had abruptly ehimged. Chamfnjr in all the son.Ha. dignity brought to Hamlet we found, American lilm will be used abroad. If RIALTOFifth iffioVs4JIBI.Br To-mni'w snd 8et. broken when Mack Mein not a traee. nor was he Aniiivertary Week r.egotiations Judge lver singing of ''Imrnc* leiser wird . eloquent. By' a high tariff is placed on irsisted on al! funds collrctcd of the aecidc. of a most protecttve THEATfiEWfest45*St being Schlummer" was tmsifyv.ihe feature cut a!ui unfortunately foreign tilms. they argue, England and ELSIE FERGUSON in strictly by donation, nnd being prop- the group. As In otheV. years. Mr. wig several eSumsy costumes other foreign countries will retatiate SEB THE CRAHIMNG AEROPLAX8 E^83oMit5,Wede5«L230 erly snfegnarded as to the mannerof there was a constant comic "Sacred and Profane Love" Coenraad Bos was her accompanist. m suggestion by an equaliy high tariff and the whole Purwmonut disbarsement. Kreialev's contributiou to tho his perfovmance which could hardly American flrm will sufl'er in .,»,..'* Pictura Judge Mack also averred that the Mr. have been within his intent. Macbeth industry I'AMOUS RJA1.TO OltCHKSTKA program, besides his sbare fn the in a consequence. world organization had cstablishcd. was- Bach's Gha- huge upstanding red vric and a aenarate from American "Kreutrer" Sonata, white the- organiza¬ conne. of which he a mcmorahra.. ankle-length nightgown did little ANNUAL, O.ONOEKT tion, a bura.Ti f<tr the collection of a gavo vto establish a mood of hovror. A wholly delightful con- C 3 JOAN OF performonce. Bernard once 28&W& ARC acparate fund. nnd known as the Ktiren Shaw said that the &£Sft*W, cert began with Moxart'p- Sonata in D of DRAMAT1C Hayesod Bureau of the United Ptites. Mr. plays Shakespeare should ho re- YBUuriosit] SEKSATION OF THE OECADE \ QrippingT] The statement of Magistrato Rosen- major for two pianos played by viewed only by music critics, since it WOMAN'S STRING blat reads in part: (jabrilow.it.sch and Mr. Bauer. was only the sound of them which SELWYN'theatre ".A- one of the representatives of Dr. mattertfd. If so. the suggestion might ORCHESTRA TmCE DAIT.Y. ?.S0 A 8.30 Chaim Weizmann in the latest aegotia- be made to Hampden to get a little of tbe WH.LIAM FOX ?**** ANGLI tion Ex-Aetress Is Divorccd more wood and present* "A /*< with representatives of Judgt lea« brass into his Woman's MurkTvraln'a FnmouaCometiy Romance rtraik efhtr art" %athbsr, Sttn Julian W. Mack, I want to tnake clear From Lord production. Orchcstral Club that there has been no rejoction by Dr. Ciiolnioiideley Thursday Aftcrnoon SHUBERT THEATRE.^»-y°^sa^" Weizmann of any offers on the ground Harding Aids Salvationists A Connecticut that we were to a donation Former Clare Previousiy opposed Taylor APRIL 1921 17 JN KIXO ARTHUR'S fund or that Dr. Weizmann favors the in Sensationtfl Case 21, | W. 4Jth HL Brr. 4S. W. '6th St Etjs. «00. Figurcd Grves $5,000 Toward Marion At Three o'clock COURT." Staged by BELMONT Mai*. 'Ce--m"w & 8*t. FULTOri 1'aU. & Sat. combin^ng of all funds for Palestine »I UUnCVAllKPP To-d»y donations and investment purposcs. of Conjugal Infelicity Quarters and Indorses Drive SANDOR HARMATI Emmott .T. Flynn. Afiss Lu/u Ueff "On thc contrary, with the assent of LONDON, April 19..Lady George CINCINNATI, April 10. CONDVCTOU Dr. I have stood Cholmondeley to-day was granted a not President SP&J 650 I32ND PERF0RMANCET0-HII3HT 306TH PERFORMAKCE TO-NIOHT Wcizmann, equarcly Kterdjng only has enthusiastioally A Be,Lg^"tra$ 1.00 upon tho basis that those funds shall decrec of divorce from Lord George lrndoreed thc Salvation Armv's Soloists: few at $1.60.
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