ICIAM Managing Editor Reporters C. Sean Bohun Iain Duff University of Ontario STFC Rutherford Appleton Institute of Technology Laboratory Faculty of Science Harwell Oxford 2000 Simcoe St. North Didcot, OX11 OQX, UK Oshawa, ON, Canada e-mail: iain.duff@stfc.ac.uk e-mail: [email protected] Maria J. Esteban CEREMADE Editor-in-Chief Place du Maréchal Lattre de Tassigny Barbara Lee Keyfitz The ICIAM Dianoia F-75775 Paris Cedex 16, The Ohio State University France Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2017 Department of Mathematics e-mail: [email protected] 231 West 18th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1174 Eunok Jung ICIAM Announcements — Maria J. Esteban 2 e-mail: bkeyfi[email protected] Konkuk University On the Way to ICIAM2019 — Tomás Chacón 3 Department of Mathematics Press Release: The 10th ICIAM in Tokyo in Au- Editorial Board 1, Hwayang-dong, gust 20–25, 2023 5 Gwangjin-gu Announcing GRAID 5 James M. Crowley Seoul, South Korea ICIAM Conference Support for Applied and In- SIAM e-mail: [email protected] dustrial Mathematics in Developing Countries 6 e-mail: [email protected] ICSU Gender Gap Project Update — Jean Taylor 6 Alexander Ostermann News from the International Council for Science University of Innsbruck Thierry Horsin (ICSU) — Barbara Keyfitz & Tom Mitsui 7 CNAM, Paris, France Numerical Analysis Group Calling All Designers — Barbara Keyfitz 10 Département Ingénierie Department of Mathematics Press Release: A New European Industrial Doc- Mathématique Technikerstraße 13/7 torate Program (EID) 11 e-mail: [email protected] 6020 Innsbruck, Austria Series: Brief Interviews with Young Mathemati- e-mail: [email protected] Pammy Manchanda cians: #5 — Roberto Natalini 11 Guru Nanak Dev University Inmaculada Higueras Call for nominations: Olga Taussky-Todd Lec- Amritsar, Punjab, India Sanz ture 2019 13 Department of Mathematics Universidad Pública de Book Review: “What’s happening in the math- e-mail: [email protected] Navarra, Pamplona 31006, ematical sciences?”— Barbara Keyfitz 14 Roberto Natalini Spain Are You Interested in the IPCC Special Report e-mail: [email protected] Consiglio Nazionale delle on Climate Change? 15 Ricerche, Rome, Italy, About ICIAM 16 Istituto per le Applicazioni On the cover: the cover of del Calcolo “M. Picone” this issue reflects the diver- The ICIAM newsletter was created to express the interests e-mail: [email protected] sity of industrial mathemat- of our membership and partner organizations and the views ics. With its emphasis on expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and Timo Reis real-world problems, the dis- University of Hamburg do not necessarily represent those of ICIAM or the Edito- cipline is focussed on further- Department of Mathematics rial team. We welcome articles and letters from members e-mail: [email protected] ing the establishment and dis- and associations, announcing events, on-site reports from semination of links between events and industry news. www.iciam.org Zdenekˇ Strakoš mathematics and the physical c 2013-2017 International Council for Industrial and Ap- Charles University in Prague world. plied Mathematics (ICIAM). For reprint permission, adver- Faculty of Mathematics and tising requests, potential articles and event notices, please Physics contact: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] ICIAM Announcements ICIAM Announcements by Maria J. Esteban The 2017 ICIAM Board meeting in the site visits reports. In March four Officers went to Seoul Valencia and Tokyo to assess the two bids, the proposed venues, and held in depth discussions with the two teams, and Two days prior to the Board meeting, a workshop was got an idea about the infrastructure and the conditions held on industrial and applied mathematics, which was proposed by both countries. After the two presentations, the occasion for many of the participants of the Board the Japanese and the Korean teams left the room and a fi- meeting to give presentations either about their research nal discussion took place among the Board members. The or about interesting experiences in industrial mathemat- choice was difficult, since the two bids were of high quality ics in their countries. These presentations also included but a choice had to be made, and it was the Japanese bid local Spanish participants. to organize ICIAM 2023 at Waseda University, in Tokyo, The Board meeting was very well attended this year. that was chosen. Of course, we can imagine the disap- As is always the case two years before the congress, the pointment of the Korean team, but there will be other agenda included many important topics, that attracted occasions for them. Their community is really making most of the ICIAM members. Apart from the regular top- great efforts towards strengthening Applied and Indus- ics, reports and discussions, the main three topics for this trial Mathematics in their country, and they have the of- year were the election of the next president, the choice ficial support needed for that. It is certain that they will of the ICIAM 2023 venue and the discussion and vote of be excellent candidates for a future Congress. I would like the list of invited speakers for ICIAM 2019. Three of the to thank and congratulate both teams for their excellent most important topics for our council. proposals and presentations. Concerning the election of the next president, the only The Board meeting was not only a long day of dis- candidate was professor Ya-Xiang Yuan, from China, who cussions, we had the chance to be taken out at mid-day is currently member of the Board as president and repre- for a visit of the “Palau de la Musica,” a beautiful mod- sentative of the Chinese Mathematical Society. He gave a ern building where the inauguration of ICIAM 2019 could short presentation of his career and, upon the request of take place. The visit was interesting, and gave us the op- the Board, presented some ideas about the possible ac- portunity to go out, and have a glimpse of the beauty of tions that he would like to pursue as the next president. Valencia. The lunch in the garden of the Palau was also The Board of Directors elected him as the next President a nice relaxing moment, which helped us to go through soon after his presentation. the long day. Concerning the list of invited speakers for the next The Board meeting, as well as the previous workshop, congress that was proposed by the Scientific Program were extremely well organized by the Valencia team who Committee (SPC), the discussion was interesting, and is behind the organization of ICIAM 2019. They are en- some concerns were expressed about balances and pres- thusiastic about their project and already getting orga- ence or absence of topics and of countries or regions. Pro- nized. While I am writing this article, I am participating fessor Alfio Quarteroni, the chair of the SPC answered in the 2017 SEMA conference, where the whole Applied questions and explained the process that led to their de- Mathematics Spanish community is represented, and it cisions. It is natural that the examination of such a list is obvious that the organization of ICIAM 2019 is very always leads to lively discussions, since all of us have ideas much on their minds, and that many of their activities about other possible people to be invited and other “bet- are already directed towards that goal. ter” choices. But overall the list was well appreciated and The last decision of our 2017 Board meeting was to it will become public as soon as it gets confirmed. This list accept SIAM’s invitation to host the next Board meeting. is one of the big pillars of any congress, and its approval, It will take place in Philadelphia on May 12th, 2018, with a very important step. an attached workshop on the 10th and 11th of May. Probably the most important discussion of this year’s Let me finish by saying that in the name of the Offi- Board meeting was the one concerning the venue for cers I would like to again thank the team from Valencia ICIAM 2023. Two bids were presented, one from South for their generosity and efficiency concerning the orga- Korea and the other one from Japan. Both of the teams nization of the Board meeting and the workshop. Many came with excellent proposals, a good and enthusiastic moments from these few days spent in Spain will leave team and lots of hope. They had prepared very well for imprint on the memories of those in attendance. And we the presentation, the discussion and the meeting. The two will come back in 2019! presentations were excellent, and they were followed by Maria J. Esteban, ICIAM President 2 ICIAM Newsletter July 2017 On the Way to ICIAM2019 — Summer 2017 Update On the Way to ICIAM2019 — Summer 2017 Update by Tomás Chacón The organization of the ICIAM2019-Valencia (Mon. July ings (iciam2019.org/satellite-meetings). The 15 – Fri. July 19, 2019) congress continues its steady SciCADE2019 (International Conference on Scien- progress. It is being enthusiastically supported by the in- tific Computation and Differential Equations: July dustrial and applied mathematics community in Spain, 22–26, 2019, Innsruck, Austria) candidacy has been as well as by the Spanish society in general, and espe- approved. Potential satellite meetings include: cially by King Felipe VI, who has accepted the Honour Presidency of the Congress. – CIMPA School on “Mathematical tools for The organization is in charge of the “Asociación management and valorization of household ICIAM2019-Valencia,” which is the legal entity created waste.” Kenitra-Rabat, Morocco, July 9–17, by SEMA with this purpose. The Asociación has created 2019.
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