■ ™.'.'_' ' - i l .■■ \‘'-ai\>.^->'• V-- V > \.-‘- : x'■■■ \ .......... J-Jl.- ,f.,y ■ H v> -i M iifM iM Bai- coddbAxioN A.,. ■ ■ f«r U S t Ml/-y'-'-'’-jt r. -! ^ ^ '.J 5 , 4 5 ^ 'll MendMT of AattV Bureaa 9/?. i ■ • * ' - -J of ObcnlotiiM. ^ • p •'• ••■ - • y VOL. LI., NO. 209. (UaMlfled Advertiilflf oil Pago 16.>, SOOTH: HANG^OTER, CONN., JitIDAY, lONE 8,1982. (BIGHTBNN PAGBd) BONUS MARCHBafeBUTTON-JBOt^ HAUSNER HOPS OFF CONGRESSMEN AT CAPrrOL ON POLAND FUGHT Newark, N. J,, Ffier Hopes To ARRESTNINEHERE H aim Over BOBpn, the Goal -.0' Democratic Leader AAmh Make Warsaw h One FOR FIRE YIOLATIONI Set By Adonnutraiio^ War V^erans ' -J-' / He Did On Two O c o ^ Ho k W ife FoUows Him Hesse Ihy Be Ready To Four Into Capital For Tedmical Reupn^ For a Way In Other Plane. l^ieediiig To Scene, Obstrnct- Take Actios Tusorrow. Publicity Man Says Bio ing Traffic and IDepl| . • •• Wsulhttgton, J\me' g —CA^*) — A X Rations foi^ feeding tte men were New York, June 8.—(AP)—Stan­ Washington, June gr—(AP)—The oritioal. situation' shaped up today low and authorities were islaus Hausner of Newark. N. J., as ttmdredii of more bonus seeking desperate. Mmie Half ffiHion W ift* Parking the Causes. zevlsed rey^ue biU aipwed upon by The obj^tive of tte bonus seek­ took off for Warsaw, Polana, from CongreaslonU esmferees in tart wsur.'veterans poured ttto tte city ers, was still distant. By this morn­ Floyd Bennett Field today at 8:46 .;.-v nlghtta r^ rd -b n a U n g s ^ o h pro­ an(hhad to be qusurtered shelterless ing only. 118 members o* the House ont Patting Up knf ''■53 a. m., Eastern Standard Time. He vides ,a|q^roadnmtcly' | JS> ,< ^ in open fields for lack of billeting had signed tts petition—requiring Nine persons appeared in court 14 000 Bpaoo., 145 names— through which it is boped to make the lliFbt non-stop. this morning for violations of the if ~ tb e goal set, the .adipihlstra- Money. It was Hausner’a second start on - > To tte six hAindred who have been sought to compel a vpte on leglsta-^ ordinance against obstructing traf­ -5- ' tlon- . quartered in vacant buildlngB for tlon to pay the 82,0OO,(X)O,OOO o f tbe projected solo flight to the coun­ Clciki worked .fnifpusty,today in try where he was bom. Last Satur­ fic, failing to give the right of way , ? • . tbe past few days, and tte 1,000 or bonxu principal outstanding. an attaint iotgrt-ih# oompromlse day he took off but was forced back to lire apparatus and for illegal so reported being caved for in­ Hundreds. pounds of beef and Washington, June 8.— (A P) after several hours by unfavorable tagistatlon tt tonb to submit to tte dividually by local ch&ritiM, were vegetables were sent to the camp­ The Senate banking' cornmltte# parking at the scene of the* fire at isrtMttOiksidepi ptah action by added two new delegations last ers by police this morning. weather. 1014 West Middle Ttumpike last : old by its counsel .today that John He was followed into the air to- night with more expMted by freight Police watched closely today for night. Of the nine appearing before iJloiced.to reach out for every train and truck during tte day. any signs of Communistic activl^ J. Raskob sold General Motor# stock day by another plane in which his deputy Judge Thomas Ferguson short while be was .an officer of the pretty young wife rode as passen­ ......... le source of revenue to meet Brig-Graerai' Glassfor^L superin­ among tte veterans. Leaders of this morning, three were members new-demands of tte government tendent of ixYlice, had sought tents the yetsrana. have vehemently corporation. ger. This plane merely intended to of the South Manchester Fire De- Raskob, who is chairman, of. the escort Haitsner on the first few conferees accepted the higher from the War DepiEurbnent but ntat asserted they have no connection lartment and one driver had taken individuaJ and corporation Income with Comiminlsm. Democratic NationaT' eornmittee, miles of his journey. w ith ‘flat refusal from..; Ssctetaiy kJBSistant Chief Daniel Haggerty to tax rates provided by tte Senate. Hurley. A crew of oavpehters was Plane.aij# brtng.lald, however, by rresented an itemized stateiuent o f In the second plane was also Rev. the scene of the fire. .. ■ ly \....v-jK-' hree accotmis and said that "at no Paul Knappek, a Newark priest « Kept In BUI ' organized from among the Jobless a Communistic affiliation, the Work­ Pleads OnUty All four Import taxes—on lumber veterans today to build wall-less, ers Ex-Service Men's League for a Ime will you find I sold (Seneiwl Hausner’s plane is the old rebr^lt George Edward Lawson 23, of 16 Ifotore short except on what mltt^ Bellimca monoplane Santa Rosa and' copper as weU as oil and coal— lumber shelters in open fields in mass demonstration in behalf of the Francis street, Ekist Hartford plead­ were l^ t. In tte bllL Anacostia. bonus June 8. re called two technical occasions." Maria which was originally built ed guilty to illegal parking and These times, he said, were in 1928 for a Chicago syndicate which plan­ The new Inonme tax schedule Is paid 82.00. H. J. Bolton, 37. of 34 up to tte 1921 level. Normal rates and In August, 1980, when he sold ned an ocean flight which 'never Vest Center street told the court 10,000 shares "wheih I ciouldn't de­ materialised. Here’s the "reception committee’* that awaits congressmen on the sue four p«r cent on the first 84,000 liver fOr about six ^7aeks." that he was on tbe way to get his Capitol steps in Washbgton. These World War veterans—members of a and eight per cent on income over May Stop at Paris wife in Hartford and started down William A. Gray, committee coun­ Although Hausner’s destination delegation from Portland, Ore.—stop legislators and urge them to vote for 84,000 with a surtax schedule grsul West Center street before tbe ularm payment of the soldiers’ bonus. uatlng to maximum of 55 per cent NOW UP TO SEABURY sel, charged that March 10, 1928, was Warsaw he said before leaving sounded. He said he cut over to iiaskob. sold 40,000 shares shbrt at that if conditions necessitated he Center street at McKee street and income in excess of 81.000,000. 169. might make a atop at London or jecame Involved in tbe traffic short­ The corporation tax voted by tte "I sold them, but not Short," Ras­ Paris. He planned to follow a ly after entering Center street. He Senate 1# 14 per cent TO MAKE HIS CHARGE kob retorted. course alighUy to the south of the was charged with failing to give the Complete details of tte new reve­ Ag Rttkob to tt ;the stand SePatbe steamer lanes. right of way to fire apparatus. He nue hUl were wlthhrt(t pending fOtass (D., 'Ya.), asked if Gray "pro­ KILLS GIRL, LEAPS WITH preparation of the report to be sub­ Hausner lifted his plane into the admitted he was attracteu by the posed to Involve several I^ubli- air after running 8.500 feet down fire to go to Hartford by way of mitted to tte House. S i e#na’’ in tte investigation also. He the concrete runway, passing about Center street. WUl Balance BOigtit Governor Roosevrt Says HCGRAW RESIGNS - said there were rumors Gr^r intend­ SO feet over a small crowd, assem­ He said be did everything possi­ BODY INTO A VOLCANO Experts said the bill psuBsed by ed to "involve a number of promi­ bled to see him off. As he gained al­ ble to get out of the way o f the the Senate raised 81.117,000,O^'O in Probers Need Not Wait nent Democrate." titude, he turned the plane around fire apparatus .hut was prevented new revenue. They reported that A $G U inS’ IIEjU> >n-,:Gray replied he had "endeavored and headed eastward. from so dote hy a long line of cars ■. i n 0 .1 • n COWBOYS TO ROUND-UP , tte compromise mesunire provides -fttput before tte committee" all In­ A Navy plane also accompanied which w e r e i d ^ to the Are. Judg- \ n ||f||£Q f w SW66ul6&n, 1 Cr­ WILD HORSES BY PLANE within a couple of mllUong of dol­ Until N m Legnlatore To formation, and situations, "without him as an escort. ment was Suspendedied in his case. ^ ' lars -the sum which tte administra­ regard to political considmtion.” tion has declared will ba’cui 'se . tbe I He carried fifty letters, some of John C. Hendricks, 40, of SO Russell Klamath Falls, Orq., Jkne 8 ,^ A little earlier, David. lion bad which he i>anned to dropT over the street said he was coming from I Make Tkeir Report. »■Had Been POot of New York told the committee how he' lognese Youth Takes, Un­ (AP)—Three oowboys-r. H «^ (Conttmed on Page Eleven) Croydon Airport near London, and, work in Hartford and when passing Ballard, Jame# Comfoji^ more than a half a million doUnn if condlrisns were favoraUe he the-scene of tt# fire became involv­ G^rge Sumptiv-rPtaa tt b e^ Team For 30 Y o a rs— IR: out of stock that had been put at his f ' hoped to lly over Le JBourget, Paris, ed ](ii the tralMNk at that, jioin t H#- usual Path To End It All; sem an i^hpUasi RRttdim o f N„ Y„ ji&e 8.--(AP) -r disposal without cost tt rstmu tor to drop otters.
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