COAL. iWJfd. WOOD. WOOti. COAL. We heve the largest supply of GOOD HALL * WALK EH, AGENTS DRY WOOD In the City. FINE CliT Beet Nut end Household Cdel WCOD e specialty, 'fry us and ee Try ear Cemox eoel 1er fameoee. convinced. < • per cent, oft 1er cash with order. Burt’s Wood Yard IS*1 GOVERNMENT 8T. Phone MA SI PANDORA Am Phone tt. No. 43 VOL 47 VICTORIA, B. 0., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1909. MARRIED HI8 NIECE. STEEL-COAL CONFERENCE. REVISION OF ANTI-JAPANESE Farmer Now Committed For Trial President» of Com pun le* Dl»< u»s De- Charged With Perjury In Ob­ ctslon pf Privy Council. taining License. SENTIMENT INU.S. A. Montreal. Que., Feb. 20. -Jas. Ross, VOTERS’ LISTS fSpeolal to the Times.) president of the Dominion Coa| Com­ Guelph. <mt.. Feb. 20. A. Mlnto pany. and J. H. Plummer, president of townahlu farmer named Samuel the Dominion Ir.«n arid Hteel Com­ HOljSE SPENDS WHOLE SITUATION REPRESENTED Roberte, married in November to his pany, had à conference yesterday In the Windsor hotel, in reference to the niece. Margaret Burton, by a Palmer­ AFTERNOON ON MAHER AS “MOST ALARMING" ston minister, has now been committed recent Judgment of the Judicial com­ mittee of the privy council. No defln- 'V miisisisiHi II Innm-IHUII mu». nn iimwin ■ itfwaiaMirtBrtjBi. k M£, ated Reports Are Be- RAILWAY Vl<T1M. ■w*vsawKiea»' - E ? inlcr Murray «f Nova Scot la. ^ing'CîrcïïlalHTifEmpîrè ’ ,s, ,rirî?»W9!r» It la stated that the Dominion Iron position Accepted -■tirmm has derided to ad- .........in Rgrt., ____________ tun over and killed by an engine in Company for the next six months ", tilt- yard* this morning. year or three year». Legislative Press Gallery. Feb. 1». Toklo, Peh. .20.—The IRWtdl ------------ ----------------- - _ Juat une item of business occupied amendment* to the provincial elections , r•■lost”,lLnu «Jarmlng.!Llo;rv,r ' i ClTirinc Tv HAVE FLYING MACHINE!) -------“---------asasl—---------- ----- »r*-« art, and a large proportion of the time • - - WtiVVil.nphT-T*.- W* <5rimrw'*»fisar nhstgubsi' tr-fw ■" tlenent Is raptdfy spreading arid. that IIUTARY three Socialist members. The ehlefj..,. f the war (eeVh* In America Is general. IN WARFARE point around which the debate waged' -Th.> via K Wldfl$ circulated fit! was the striking off the voters’ lists' • if uneasiness among the jcanada approves, new 1 KING ALFONSO DISCUSSES of the names of men who have left peoirie. the district where they are registered, The1 Nicht Nit hi. a ^aper owned bj- DÉFENSIVE SCHEME THEIR IMPORTANCE perhaps only temporarily. A proposal 8. K. Kato, the Japanese ambassador by the member for Grand Forks, slip-, to England, which euimmnted with ported by the Liberal members, that great bitterness during the earlier1 -, _ . ■ stages of the anti-Japanese agitation |mpGrisI AuVISOfy DOBfu Will no name b» struck off because ef ab­ Will Be Invaluable for Land sence until a year had elapsed from the XtBy • Discuss Methods of Stra- time the voter WjbM away, was opposed Scouting and Sea Coast by the goveninfent. :Z ":iTaDl Am,rlce "u*"‘hed : tegic Interest. The bill as It wIM appear when pass­ ‘•Americans continue to regard j ____________ Defence. ed, will bear no likeness to the mea­ » Japan with suspicion and this 111 fe*l- i """" sure a.* It was Introduced, though In Ing continues, notwithstanding thaj , (Special to the Ttmeia) effect it will be the same. As brought In it increased the time for receiving etTorts of the Japanese government Ottawa. F«b 20.—Canada has sent to Pau, France, Feb. 20,—King Alfonso arid jH'upic to yrrove the ■sincerity an t of Spain was present at the flying applications for registration by two rürdfcrtttr of their feetfng. the Imperial war -office, 1 urinal liuVifl- (k id near Pan to-day and wltn—aed week*, efter altered to one- week; re». ‘This «t'stru^t extend* throughout cat ion that the government hag ap­ the flights of the Wright brothers, the fiueed the notice of holding a eodrt ofi revision from two month* to ana BSE proved )ths s -herne prpposed by W f Am rtcon anrnniarrtxtB of Dayton. people why Amerlva and Europe con-j Minister Hnhlane lor an imperial gen- Ohio. It hud been g neratly believed month; provided that in addition to forwanMng notices of objection to . j!n“* l“ re"*r<1 t!l" a - -'K- : tn.1 lasv Jm- that ~Hts Majesty would venture afloat a one M the trips but b& did not du voters a notice should be posted up Ih -:»■ ........... r,,r «-- sc, and It bqvame known that before the office of the registrar of voter»- organization have been foltl| on since leaving Madrid he had promised his within a week after an objection to any America - ouU only he forced by the the. von fere iîee. arul TJw d< tails are United States threatening the inde- wife. Queen Victoria, and Premier name had been received; and, most now worked nut. and m-t-epted by Crf*»- l-endeiv.c of .Jztpan. .jtiLfet unnecessary Maura that he tvould not gq up into *#rlous of all. that the registrar should lor Amerl-n to fortify «gainst Japan." the air under any circumstances. 111» have-power to strike off name» on the The editorial continues by «luotlnc The present Canadian general staff ground that the elector has ceased to hi on Npn - • Majesty evinced the greatest Interest text nf the Rodwevelt communies- In*, the àOYôplane an engine of war. reside In the electoral district. Instead the Imperial kUR and conferences HELPING HERSELF and he deplored several times that he of having ceased to reside In the pro­ 9 -Ilfî .'1, ......... llu „ could not make a trial flight. vince. as _ the law. now. stands.- -—. MAMMY Mt URIDI!—" I’ll juM hHx>- n f-w -lirkx mtl nf Mas^a MnPÜonalrl'F pile. My wn „,i|it>Vy i-i ArgT iiV Ktni: ----werto---- U ..rmr-w---------- —--z---4 or- nKVlAlM.. alutn»» Ik. !.. J_ _ - Biim-Wi.w' i.uunwn Itoi |j*.V* mhw not to By, li“ l.iughlngiy recalled «« iMivfewi •Htingi the lesdir ef til* 'hi. ineamge ÿ>„ tl«t even the »" "n «"ll'orro P*»" °t "'“A**;, . ]wnv. rftll low." the cabinet -crisis produced several -ippoalllon, to make the law clearer and f -den.1 gnvern”, nt reear,!, war a, ! uu“u‘* “n'1 organisation voile, tine and to define apeclflcally the cauaea t0r - - ” T a ,lr.,.<M.ln»lma rnUila-t* InfOriTititlOll Of years ago wheu Premier Maura re­ probable, but (hat It is mistaken. i disslmlnating military signed because the King had not heed- ”blch a registrar might «trike otf; i reneral use to all the component part» VESSEL RUNS TO SAFETY, TARIFF REFORM DEBATED <d his warning to run hie automobile proposed. an amendment to tho | t»f the Emplrt\ etc. CANADIANS NEVER •BANISH THE BAR" slower through the streets of Madrid. I effett that the grounds of objection toi ! The new Imperial staff win be in SINKS, ALL RESCUED IN BRITISH HOUSE Continuing, he said he was a mndler j * *2”® being retained on the list brief a tommen military school/ and else, and that he 71'^ that <1,e Pep*on named was «8 \Tsory WMTnT tffe WhW^EmpTre. CRY m MANITOBA above everything else, and WAVERED IN LOYALTY had come to Ptfu to witness the flight dead, had ceased for » year to reside but Its (unctions will he purely advls- in the district, was not qualified to my and not administrative. It will so that he might be able to discus* the Crew Aboard John S. Starin, (Special to the Times). Amendment to King’s Speech, question* of aeroplanes with the army rata, or was not so qualified when his exercise no powers of command, and Winnipeg. Man.. Feb. 20.— council at Madrid, arid confirm the name was put on the list, and that Canada retains complete autonomy in B. C. Resident Gives JUs Views The banish the bar" cry Isai- Opinion previously. formed that the theee objections *nust be decided In matters affecting militia and defence. Have Perilous Experience Favoring Protection, Is •uirittig great force here. Yes­ aeroplane when developed, wn* des- open court. This the attorney-general on Preference Within terday a delegation of sixteen r*i to become of great impartant e In agreed to. except as to the minimum TORONTO MERCHANT DEAD. Off Connecticut Coast. Defeated. the Empire. hundred waited on the Robltn war. He said It was his ferxwnt wish of a year s absence, and Mr. Macdon­ government and presented a pe­ to be the first sovereign to fly. but he ald consented to drop that for the (Special to the Time».) present, especially as the member for tition signed by many thous­ LondoriT^Feb. 20.—In the CommoKs had given his solemn promise before Toronto. Ont.. Feb. 20.—Philip Jamie­ Bridgei>ort. Conn.. Feb. 20.—Steam­ ands of electors of the province, he left home not to be led Into mak­ Grand Forks had a notice on the or­ London, Feb. 2-.—C. H. McIntosh, son. a V» teran merchant and the late boat John S. ,Starin, of the Starin petitioning to banish the bar. Austen Chamberlain, former chancel­ ing an attempt. » der paper of an amendment covering former Mout^nnot -governor ef th^ owner of the “Rounded Corner.*' transportation line, which ran ashore The delegation swarmed all over lor of the exchequer, moved the offi­ In discussing the eventual use of that* Queen and Ynnge streets, died this Northwest Territories, has a contribu­ off the outer breakwater last night, the legislative building.
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