Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 4-29-1974 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1974). Winona Daily News. 1363. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/1363 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Fair to partly JHIGH c loudy and cooler RESULTS ^ through Tuesday X W' WANT ADS fo Nixon reaches decision on tapes; broadcast set tonight By GATLORD SHAW Tuesday. ; of the response,. were consid- yRichardson. said supplying thei , pattern. The - dir-ect -'answer; viewed as /inadequate. He. also unanimous' in its- concern that a letter to James D. Sti Clair, ; ' ' WASHINGTON (AP'¦)¦ Indications were- that . Nixon ering the possibility of stacking the transcripts of Vthe . tapes is ; I don't think that the evi- said that if the House votes an the . White House response the. President's Watergate at- r- Pres- ; ident ; Nixon plans to take his Would disclose he was ready V to the transcripts ; on the . Presi- would not meet the order of the dence is sufficient iri- any given impeachment, Nixbn . should might be . edited ; transcripts. torney, from John Doar , chiet , give ;the committee,, which now dent's . desk during . the tele- situation: : Milk, ITT, cover-up step down temporarily while he Even ; the Presidents strongest counsel for the impeachment case. against impeachment to committee's subpoena.:-He also ' , is considering impeachme nt vision address. ^ of Watergate , to dinectly impli- is on trial in the Senate. supporters seemed to agree that inquiry. the public . with a prime time said that "the Case is clase, ' nationally y televised , resolutions; a set :of edited tran- The White House said Nb<on " cate the President;; 3Jut the cu- Last week ' the Judiciary Com- unless the committee has a role In response to Jaworski's re- address " '4 tonight, sources said. scripts, of ; the conversations, reached his decision ; Sunday about whether there was suf- mulative pattern of these thhigs mittee voted 34 to to grant, a in verifying that all pertinent quest, U,S: District Court Judge rather than the tapes therri- ' ficient evidence to prove Nixon surrounding the President, in White House request for five material is included in the tran- John J. Sirica issued the sub- v They said they expected Nix- ¦ and was considering a nation- . Sel'ves. " ;¦: . ' X-y. ." had committed ah indictable of- each, case inydlving. somebody inore days. Originally the dead- scr ipts , . they would not .be ".ac- poena for 64 conversations on-to- make the broadcast at 8 wide broadcast . to : disclose it. ' ¦ The White House. refused to fense. ' - • ' next to hurt ;in / responsibility, line was last Thursday. - ,.' ceptable. ' . which the special prosecutor p.m. CDT on all television and But White House officials Richardson/resigned Oct;V 10 creates , a really : troublesome Iri granting : the delay, : many y -The White ; House . response to said were needed as evidence radio' networks,; confirm news reports that Nix- : But they said continued to refuse to say pre- on -had. rather than fire then-special 'question!-' ,' - .-, committee members, including the subpoena . also will have to in the Watergate- cover-up trial the time was .subject to,change.- cisely what would be given the -decided v on the broad- cast .;- . .-":• ' prosecutor Archibald Cox. .He "'A failure on his part now to Chairman; Peter W. Rodino Jr., be guided in part by Nixon 's re- scheduled ; to begin Sept. 9. The , address will be keyed.to committee, or Vto say. whether . of- As the week began two, was interviewed on NJSC's D-NJ;, said . they hoped the re- action to a committee request Most the mateials in- Nixon's -response to "¦''; a House Nixon; would propose . a method . , top ' : fully :meet the - requests fpr /. ' ; Republicans said it .would be in- "Meet . the . Press- " : . , V quest for . more . time to review for¦ ¦ still more tapes. .. volved conversations in person Judiciary Committee - subpoena for the committee . to verify au- ,Asked why - he felt, the • possi- tapes justifies ah adverse; infer- the subpoenaed material was :' ' That request for material re- or by telephone that the Presi- thenticity of the transcripts. adequate for Nixon tp turn over ence on question;" for 42 presidential conversa- \ transcripts but not bility of . an indictable offcehse . this very an V indication , that , - . Nixon- lated to; the Watergate '. .cover- dent-had with H./.R. Haldeman tions ; with one-time, adminis- Nixbn advisers,: seeking ways subpoenaed ' ¦: . tape : recordings to the ' House against ' Nixon .. was "close," Javits^ pn ^ GBSV; "Face the planned to supply .everything up, the ITT antitrust case and and John D- Ehrlichman during tratipii officials The subpoena to emphasize V what : they ^de- Judiciary : Conimittee;; Richardson , said: Nation " said that turning over called for in the subpoena . political contributions, from the the year a#er .the Watergate must be answered '- '-' by"" 9 a.m. scribed as the massive nature That • ,•• view was; taken by former Atty. "What would bother me is transcripts likely - would be But the committee appeared i dairy industry was contained in break-in. Gen. Elliot L Richardson and Sen y Jacob- ." K Javits, R-N.Y., in- separate . television inter- Bu^ Judiciary group vieirc.; Sunday ; v .- . -; ^ • Nixon spent . much of. the weekend at his Carhp David, Mdi',- retreat , working; on his re- faces queslions sponse. He had scheduled his return for today but; flew back fill I ii Fl P11 v f¥l I .'If* V ill rfi fl r I TT#I I unexpectedly by helicopter Sun- " ' ' ¦ JW II over timetable day- night.: . .; ' -X- ' - . ¦Sources., at thev White House . WASHINGTON. ,y(TJ PI) y - began putting out word Friday By . JOHN MORGANTHA1ER President- - Nixons. ; re-election on: "The y President was very have been different, It was ab- When the House ; Judiciary that tlie President might make NEW. YORK (AP) ;.- . A .jury campaign. V pleased for the two - men and solutely . not ay waste.; When Committee began . its inquiry a television , address tonight; that: started put "screaming ;- Referring ;-to yVesco and": his for ; their families." there's evidence . that people , , ; D-NC committed a crime, those into President Nixon's official The subject is certain to be the and yelling across the .table" aides, Juror Clarence Brown Sen Sam: J. Ervin > : escalating demands, ^ for. - ma- has acquitted former Atty/ Gen , said after - the verdict: .- "They chairman of the Senate Water- crimes should : be investigated conduct last year, chairman terial from White House files. John N. Mitchell ::and one-time wanted to get-.something, but. I gate" committee, said he sees np and prosecuted," V Peter W./Ttodiho. Jn; D-N.J,, VvTlie committee has subpoe- Commerce Secretary Maurice don't think- " thatyStans . and: Mit- connection; between the. verdict Vesco.fled the country in the set April. 30 as a target date for naed ; tapes of 42 presidential H. Stairs of all charges in theb chell ever fell for it.- *' aiid future . Watergate cases, midst of an SEC investigation a :vote on whether to recom- conversations and a response is criminal , conspiracy case. V The jury'5. forewoman, Sybil "Each case' stands on its own of his corporate y activities and due by 9 am.. CDT Tuesday.-..y .7 The nine men and three wom- Kucharski, y said ,: -."We were: off bottom ," he said. V yy all . efforts to bring him: . back mend impeachment. 7 .yy .. ¦',' In 7 addition., a subpoena- re- en came to unanimous . agree- in little groups screaming and ,- Vesco, who was indicted with faiied. -. When the 7 unmet deadline ment Sunday . 'afternoon' after 26 yelling across the , table when Stans and Mitchell and .' lives in ' -Mitcheir and V Stans W'ere quested by special Watergate . : " arrives Tuesday, ; the y38-mern- VIEWS WATERGATE V. prosecutor; Leon. Jaworski that hours of deliberation that the the deliberations . began. - She exile in Costa Ric a, called the charged with conspiring to ob- ber panel will have V to decide Former Attorney General demanded tapes and records former cabinet colleagues' were said the jury was spli t even on verdict the y "first : fair verdict struct an SEC fraud investiga- of : • not only, how . and. when to Elliot;Richardson told news- 64 presidential conversations innocent pf":: conspiracy,, ob- the conspiracy : c-ount, so it IVe - heard in a long time." tion of Vesco, who has V corpo- rate interests in diverse men Sunday it would calls for a response Thursday. struction of justice and per jury; turned to. the six separate per- The chief, .prosecutor/ Asst, such conduct' the unfinished business, . not be , ' ' locales as Hong ;Kpng ,' Beirut enough for President Nixon Deputy Press Secretary . Ger- Both were accused of trying jury counts . against Mitchell U.S.- Atty.: John R, Wing, was but how to deal with President " ' ¦ and 'Stans.V ¦: ' ':.::-X : deeply disappointed; Asked how and'the Bahamas. - . ' . ' Nixon's' .\-expected/ ': refusal to toy-supply ; only ; edited; tran- ald; L. Warren said that "we to hiopk a . Securities and .- Ex- . have every' intention" of meet- change : Commission inveistiga- ' ¦After lobking through all the he felt abbut the verdict, he re- It was an influence peddling furnish 42 tapes of Watergate- s c r i p t s of subpoenaed plied: . dea l, -the -government said. .The related conversations. ing the Tuesday deadline for an tion of financier Robert L.VVes- perjury charges,; the rest was . MAURICE STANS yy - Watergate tape s.
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