Éditions de l’EHESS New titles 2009 Divins remèdes • Divine Remedies Dynamiques de l’erreur Médecine et religion en Asie du Sud The Dynamics of errors Medicine and Religion in South Asia Christiane ChaUVIRÉ, Albert OGIEN & Louis QUÉRÉ (eds.) Ines G. ŽUPANOV & Caterina GUENZI (eds.) Unavoidable, human error often connotes This book aims to fill a gap by studying the negative value, yet it has a positive potential. connections between medicine and religion In envisaging error in the multiple contexts on the Indian sub-continent. Although there where it happens, this book puts forward a have been many studies on medicine and on new approach, counter to that of cognitive religion over the last two decades, the effort in psychology. Varied case studies examine the analysing and interpreting has rarely concer- use of error in science, solving practical pro- ned their interaction. With its large number blems in everyday life, establishing proof in of peoples and its impressive corpus of erudite court, medical diagnostics and political deci- traditions, India especially lends itself to such sions. The issue here is to put the thesis of its consideration. positive value to the test. January 2009. Coll. “Purushartha”, 27 February 2009. Coll. « Raisons pratiques » ; 19 • 368 p. e 360 p. • ISBN 978-2-7132-2167-5 • 30 ISBN 978-2-7132-2169-9 • 26 e Chronique d’une ascension sociale Chronicles of Upward Social Mobility Le courage de la vérité • The courage of Truth Exercice de la parenté chez de grands officiers XVI( e-XVIIe s.) Le gouvernement de soi et des autres II The exercise of kinship among some high officers (16th-17th) The governance of self and others II Cours au Collège de France, 1983-1984 Claire ChaTELAIN Lecture at the College de France, 1983-1984 Claire Chatelain retraces the itinerary of each Michel FOUCAULT of the actors in a rich and as yet unseen saga, In February and March 1984, Foucault gave his last analysing its collective mechanism. How does lectures at the College de France. He was to die in a family group build its economic power, its June of the same year. This last lecture carries on specific identity and its coherence from one and intensifies the analyses led the year before. The generation to the next? issue was to question the function of “truth telling” For the sake of contributing to the social his- in politics. By returning to the school of cynicism tory of elites in the Modern Times, the author of the Ancients, Foucault aims to consider the scan- has unveiled a varied ensemble of archives, dalous staging of truth in an offbeat, different, pro- vocative life. In this way he puts forward, for the which hold unexpected data. These docu- first time, a genealogy of the accursed artist, the ments give access to a true crisis of the family activist revolutionary and the philosophical hero. institution, with individuals gradually assuming greater importance. February 2009. Coll. “Hautes Études” (with January 2009. Coll. “En temps & lieux”, 3 • 436 p. Gallimard and Le Seuil) • 356 p. ISBN 978-2-7132-2164-4 • 49,50 e ISBN 978-2-02-065870-6 • 27 e (distribution Volumen/Le Seuil) Fictions du pouvoir chinois À l’épreuve du sang contaminé Fictions of the Chinese Power The test of the contaminated blood Littérature, modernisme et démocratie au début du XXe siècle Pour une sociologie des affaires médicales Revolution, norms and public space at the time of modernism For a sociology of medical affairs Sebastian VEG Emmanuelle FILLION What are the links between fiction and Victims in revolt, public indignation, doctors power? With the 1911 revolution and the and politicians in the dock etc: the contamina- May 4th movement, the early 20th century ted-blood scandal was an affair of state. Never- in China is a privileged period to study the theless, the transfusional epidemic of HIV was links between literary modernity and demo- long confined to the micro-world of haemophi- cratic claims. This study also questions the lia. In order to understand how this tragedy turned into a major political crisis, E. Fillion place and status of fiction in the social field. goes back to the experiences of its players: the Confronting Chinese (Lu Xun, Lao She) and patients, their families, their association and European works (Segalen, Kafka, Brecht) their doctors. Neither plea nor accusation, this which question the legitimacy of new poli- approach puts forward an exhaustive sociologi- tical forms, Sebastian Veg stresses the inter- cal analysis of this scandal and sheds light on twining between fiction and the authorities and goes beyond the gap the transformations of the medical world. between “committed” literature and “pure” literature. March 2009. Coll. “En temps & lieux”; 4 • 328 p. February 2009. Coll. “En temps & lieux”, 2 • 384 p. + 4 p. hors ISBN 978-2-7132-2171-2 • 20 e texte • ISBN 978-2-7132-2165-1 • 25 e Le travail à-côté • Work on the side Écologie sociale de l’oreille • A Social Ecology of Hearing Une ethnographie des perceptions • Enquêtes sur l’expérience musicale An ethnology of perceptions Inquiries on the musical experience Florence WEBER Anthony PECQUEUX & Olivier ROUEFF (eds.) What do workmen do in their free time? This This book represents a renewal in the present enquiry, which has become a classic for the eth- debates on the study of artistic practices. It is no nology of Western societies, was led in Montbard longer the study of a musical style or genre that (Côte d’Or, France) in the 1980s. For this new defines research, but the outlook, the sociological edition, Florence Weber returns to the keystone perspective. Eight musical experiences are studied of her work: socialised perception. The ethno- here. These include the representation of rap in graphic eye, the perceptions of human activity the media and public space, sociabilities in rave and the economic perception – the three facets of socialised perception – refer to social interactions, parties and the practice of jazz lovers. Led by the the place of men in manufacturing processes and best specialists in the each domain, these inquiries the very functioning of societies. In addition, F. on the field fill a gap in as much as there have Weber contributes to genre studies by highli- been very few empirical works in this domain. ghting the invisibility of male domestic activities. June 2009. Coll. “En temps & lieux”, 9 • ISBN 978-2-7132-2219-1 March 2009. Coll. “En temps & lieux”; 5. New, revised and augmented edition [1st publ. 1989] • 240 p. • ISBN 978-2-7132-2172-9 • 23 e € Reliques modernes • Modern Holy bodies Traditions et temporalités des images Philippe BOUTRY, Pierre-Antoine FabRE Traditions and Temporalities of Images & DOMINIQUE JULIA (EDS.) Giovanni CARERI, François LISSARRagUE, Jean-Claude SCHMITT & Carlo SEVERI (eds.) Images are the reflection of their time, of the life of their creator. They bear witness to technical and iconic traditions, place aged old civilisations onto the stage, and evoke the past, present and future. Behind these traces of time, what do images tell us? Is our own memory what is at stake? With these questions for a starting point, historians, anthropologists and art historians have analysed more than twenty-five centuries of artistic produc- tion in Europe, Africa, Asia and America. Their rich and varied approach enables the reader to (re)discover art masterpieces Starting in the time of Reformation, the cult of holy bodies became a source of as well as unknown jewels. 120 colour plates magnify these original analyses. conflicts. An object of violence and massive destruction as well as a theological March 2009. Coll. “L’histoire et ses representations”; 7 • 256 p. + 104 colour affirmation on the part of the Catholic Church faced with the heretics, it was plates • ISBN 978-2-7132-2163-7 • 45 e also a way to fill up with sacredness for all the believers who came to ask for help in adversity. Studied in the long term, all the facets of relics are examined La roue de la fortune • The Wheel of Fortune here – from their pertaining to a place to being used as political emblems; Le destin d’une famille d’usuriers lombards dans les Pays-Bas from being objects of people’s veneration to belonging to princely collections; à l’aube des Temps modernes from confessional and philosophical controversy to pilgrimage booklets. The destiny of a Lombard usurer family in the Netherlands at the Sept 2009. Coll. “En temps & lieux”, 7, 2 vol. dawn of Modern Times Vol. 1 : ISBN 978-2-7132-2174-3 • 28,50 e Myriam GREILSAMMER Vol. 2 : ISBN 978-2-7132-2188-0 • 29,50 e Who was Lowys Porquin and why did he decide to bequeath his Book of Memoirs and Spiritual Testa- ment to his children – a school textbook long adop- Compter et classer • Counting and Classifying ted by both the Catholics and Reformed? Myriam Histoire des recensements américains Greilsammer investigates the aim of this singular A history of American censuses autobiography – through what was left unsaid and Paul SCHOR what was embellished, it pertained to the social In retracing the evolutions of the categories used Paul Schor and religious integration strategies of the Lom- in American census, this book raises the ques- bard moneylenders. Fiction and reality, the hold of Compter etclasser tion of the political and social role and issues of sources over historians, and God and money are at Histoire des recensements américains demographic statistics. Far from being simple the root of this essay in micro-history. April 2009. Coll. “En temps & lieux”; 6 • 432 p. • ISBN 978-2-7132-2170-5 • 30 e mirrors of a society or an instrument of the government, censuses represent a place of com- plex negotiations between the State, the experts Le travail créateur • Creative Work and the people.
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