E140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 6, 2018 OFFICER FRIENDLY RICHARD was a Christian, he was anxious to see the between the United States and Ukraine on this ZIPP—TEXAS LAWMAN, U.S. MA- Lord. front, and look forward to continuing to work RINE Officer Zipp died last week. with members of the Foreign Affairs Com- Last Saturday was Richard’s funeral. His mittee to keep our focus on this 21st century HON. TED POE neighbors decorated his front lawn with nu- battle. OF TEXAS merous American flags in his honor. Both the I urge all Members to support H.R. 1997, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Houston Police Department, Honor Guard and the ‘‘Ukraine Cybersecurity Cooperation Act.’’ Tuesday, February 6, 2018 the Harris County Sheriff’s Department Honor f Guard helped to conduct the very moving COLORADO THIRD CONGRESSIONAL Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, throughout ceremony. DISTRICT 2018 OLYMPIANS TRIB- his law enforcement career, fellow Texas offi- Richard was proud of his service as a Ma- UTE cers called him ‘‘Officer Friendly.’’ He spent rine. his entire life in service to America. Richard was proud to be married to Nelda. Richard Zipp was born in Florida in 1949. He was proud to wear the several badges of HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON He spent his youth in Albany, New York, with a Texas Peace Officer. OF COLORADO his mom, three younger brothers, and aunt He was proud to be an American. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and uncle. He moved to Ingleside, Texas, in Richard was the true patriot. Tuesday, February 6, 2018 1966 and lived with the Harvey Family. He TAPS has been played for the final time. Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to graduated from Ingleside High School in 1968. This time it was for ‘‘Officer Friendly.’’ honor the athletes from Colorado’s Third Con- Richard served America in combat in the Semper Fi, Richard Zipp, Semper Fi. gressional District who are competing in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Vietnam War And that’s just the way it is. 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South (1968–1972). He was a platoon sniper and f Korea. The dedication, passion, and spirit of was shot in the shoulder on April 11, 1969. He these 21 men and women prove that they are was later awarded the Purple Heart. Richard UKRAINE CYBERSECURITY COOPERATION ACT OF 2017 some of the best our nation has to offer, and was never bitter about the war, but he was they serve as a model for young adults all proud to serve as a United States Marine. SPEECH OF around the world. I am proud to recognize While in the Marines, he also played TAPS these athletes for their impressive achieve- for burials at sea for Marines and sailors on HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE ment: U.S. Naval Ships. When he was honorably OF TEXAS Competing in Alpine Skiing: David discharged from the Marines in 1972, he had IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chodounsky, Wiley Maple, Alice McKennis, already graduated from the International Chief Monday, February 5, 2018 and Mikaela Shiffrin; of Police Academy at Camp Lejeune, North Competing in Bobsled: Nathan Weber; Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise Carolina. Competing in Cross-Country Skiing: Simi Richard joined the Houston Police Depart- today in strong support of H.R. 1997, the Hamilton and Noah Hoffman; ment, where he served 20 years in the Hous- ‘‘Ukraine Cybersecurity Cooperation Act,’’ leg- Competing in Freestyle Skiing: Aaron ton Police Department Honor Guard con- islation that will lead to greater cooperation Blunck, Alex Ferreira, Gus Kenworthy, Keaton tinuing to play TAPS for fallen Texas Peace between the United States and Ukraine on McCargo, and Torin Yater-Wallace; Officers. Richard marched in the Honor Guard matters of cybersecurity and require State De- Competing in Nordic Combined: Ben for the inauguration of President George Bush partment reporting to Congress on best prac- Berend, Bryan Fletcher, Taylor Fletcher, and Sr., carrying the Texas flag. He participated in tices to protect against future cyber-attacks. Jasper Good; the Honor Guard ceremonies for National Po- In recent years, Ukraine has been the target And competing in Snowboarding: Mick lice week in Washington, D.C. and Texas. of an increasing number of cyber-attacks that Dierdorff, Arielle Gold, Hagen Kearney, Jake It was while Richard was on patrol for HPD have infiltrated state institutions and critical in- Pates, and Meghan Tierney. that he met his wife Nelda. frastructure to the effect of undermining its de- While I am here to acknowledge the ath- Richard also found time to be Director of mocracy. letes that hail from my home district, I would Security for Houston Theater Under the Stars. It is past time we step up to work with our like to thank every member of Team USA for After leaving the Houston Police Depart- ally Ukraine in furtherance of our mutual inter- their continued contribution to their sports and ment, Richard joined the Harris County Texas est in cyber security, the modern battlefield. communities. Sheriff Department where he continued his Ukraine is a frontline for nation state-di- Mr. Speaker, it is truly an honor to recog- service in the Honor Guard. He also served as rected cyber-attacks, which are potential har- nize each of these accomplished athletes. bailiff in the courts, including my court when I bingers of attacks on the United States. Their talent, hard work, and commitment has was a judge. This is where ‘‘Officer Friendly’’ Helping Ukraine strengthen its cyber de- allowed them to compete on an international took care of court security and looked after the fenses will not only protect Ukraine from future platform and I have no doubt they will make jury during trials. His demeanor with juries attacks, but it will also help the United States our nation proud. I want to thank them for rep- made them at ease and made them realize develop new and more effective technologies resenting the United States and Colorado’s their importance to our justice system. and strategies. Third Congressional District and I wish them Richard retired in 2003 and he and Nelda As a former member of the House Foreign luck as they prepare for their upcoming com- moved to Georgetown, Texas. He joined the Affairs Committee, I am pleased to stand in petitions. Williamson County Sheriff’s Department and support of the effort to advance the strategic f was Sergeant over courthouse safety and se- interests of both the United States and HONORING LESSIE MOSES OF curity. Finally, he retired in 2003 after 35 years Ukraine on a bipartisan basis. MILTON, WEST VIRGINIA in law enforcement. Cybersecurity is a complex and serious na- Somewhere along the way, he volunteered tional and economic security issue for any na- to be in charge of security at the weddings of tion. HON. EVAN H. JENKINS OF WEST VIRGINIA my four children. For years, Ukraine has been under siege IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Richard and Nelda were active members of from nation-state cyber-attacks that have the Georgetown Church of Christ, always tak- sought to weaken its government and under- Tuesday, February 6, 2018 ing time to visit seniors. He also had a special mine hopes for an open and democratic soci- Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia. Mr. Speaker, fondness for the Cherokee Home for Children. ety. I rise today to recognize my constituent, Officer Friendly spent a lot of time helping The United States must play an important Lessie Moses. Lessie, who just turned 98 veterans. He was a member of the VFW (Vet- role in this fight. years old this past November, served as a erans of Foreign Wars) and the American Le- By not adequately responding and adapting Rosie the Riveter during World War II, working gion. to these cyber-threats in Eastern Europe, our on airplanes in Ohio. Lessie was born and Late last year, Richard was diagnosed with nation is both letting down an ally as well as raised in her beloved hometown of Milton and cancer. He knew his days were numbered, but failing to take proactive steps to protect itself. is the oldest of nine children. had an amazing attitude about it all. He said, Standing strong with our trusted allies in the Lessie was part of the workforce that carried ‘‘I can wear pain but I’d rather wear peace.’’ cause of freedom is liberty’s best defense. the nation while the men were at war, pro- When I talked to Richard, he was always I am proud lo work with my colleague, Con- viding the warfighter the equipment they need- the positive guy. He let me know that since he gressman BOYLE, in encouraging cooperation ed to get the job done. Lessie answered the VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:26 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K06FE8.003 E06FEPT1.
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