praying “If you are what you are meant to be, you will set the whole world on fire.” < St. Catherine of Siena John Gerlach o P ike many young women who felt Praying with Lthe stirrings of a Religious call- the Dominicans ing, I turned to the community that had Tap into a spiritual tradition that taught in my school. The Sisters were can enrich your prayer life prayerful, joyful, p by SiSter Margaret PalliSer, OP compassionate, and –1– march • P rayinG seemed always to be so enthusi- ily — Thomas Aquinas, Catherine astic about whatever they were of Siena, Fra Angelico, Meister doing. Who better to be my com- Eckhart, Bartolomé de las Casas, panions in my journey to serve Rose of Lima, Martin de Porres, God as a Sister? Yves Congar — each a uniquely It was only later as a young nov- true expression of the spiritual- ice that I began to ponder what it ity of the founder of the Order of really meant to be a Dominican. I Preachers, aka the Dominicans. quickly learned that if you put five Dominicans in a room and ask Who was Dominic? them what Dominican spirituality The son of noble parents, Dominic is, you will probably get more than de Guzmán was born around 1170 a dozen answers! The multiple in the small town of Caleruega in answers would reflect not simply the kingdom of Castile in Spain. the Dominican penchant for defin- The young Dominic studied under ing things, but also the fact that the guidance of an uncle priest, Dominican spirituality has been eventually entering the University and must be embodied in myriad of Palencia to prepare for the ways throughout history. While priesthood. they would look to St. Dominic As a student, Dominic was himself, they would also point quickly distinguished for his inter- to some of the many other great est in the study of Sacred Scripture figures in the Dominican fam- and his genuine love of people, especially his deep compassion for the poor and unfortunate. To aid The Dominicans the victims of the 1191 famine in at a glance Spain he sold his furniture, cloth- number of Dominicans worlDwiDe: ing, and even his most precious 184,352 (incluDes 150,000 laity) possessions — his theology books. Twice he even tried to obtain the master of the orDer: Brother Bruno Cadoré, OP release of slaves held captive by the Moors by offering himself in heaDquarters: Rome, Italy exchange for their release. website: www.op.org In 1204, after 10 years as a priest at the Cathedral of Osma, Dominic –2– of the human person Dominic’s made in the image of God, and the compas- Blessing sionate mercy of God. may God the father, who made us, bless us. Study was a high may God the son send his healing among us. priority for Dominic. may God the holy spirit move within us So that they might be and give us eyes to see with, ears to hear with, able to effectively argue and hands that God’s work might be done. against heretical teach- may we walk and preach the word of God to all. ings, he insisted that may the angel of peace watch over us the members of his and lead us at last by God’s grace to the Kingdom. fledgling community amen. immerse themselves in serious study of Sacred Scripture, phi- losophy, and theology, as well as the secular arts and sciences of the medieval world. For Dominicans, all paths to truth lead to God. So the early friars were made a journey as a diplomatic sent to study at the great universi- envoy with his bishop and encoun- ties that were emerging in Paris, tered the Cathars, a heretical sect Bologna, and Oxford at that time. widespread in southern France. There, Dominicans like Albert the Seeing that many Christians in the Great and Thomas Aquinas came region were adopting some of their to be recognized as leading schol- false teachings (e.g., that the cre- ars and theologians. ated material world — including Like Jesus himself, Dominic was human beings — is evil), Dominic a man on fire with the Gospel, the got the idea to begin a new Order “good news” of God’s mercy and devoted to combating such heresies compassion as revealed in Jesus. through preaching the truth: the Despite having no converts dur- goodness of creation, the beauty ing their early years, Dominic and –3– march P rayinG his companions persevered with Freedom and fearlessness joy, enthusiasm, and a confident French Cardinal Jean-Marie Villot trust in God’s providence — and once described Dominic as a man their preaching and teaching even- who was “stupefyingly free,” and tually blossomed in the Dominican the spirit of freedom as deeply family. By 1206 he had founded stamped on the whole Dominican the first community of Dominican tradition. Because the search for nuns, and in 1216 he received papal truth is always the search for God, approval for an Order of Preachers. Dominicans do not fear to go wherever the truth leads them. Hallmarks of the Veritas (“Truth”) is even one of the Dominican search for truth mottos of the Dominican Order. These are some hallmarks of the While it is clear that, for Dominican passion for truth and Dominicans, the word of God compassion for humanity: is found in Sacred Scripture in learn more about the Dominicans Paul murray, oP bede Jarrett, oP John Vidmar, oP The New Wine Life of St. Dominic Praying with the of Dominican imaGe booKs, 1995 Dominicans: To Spirituality: A Drink Praise, to Bless, Called Happiness to Preach burns & oates, 2006 Paulist Press, 2008 –4– a privileged way and that God’s “best word” about God’s self (and about us) is incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ, it is also true that Dominicans have always recognized that God’s “word” is also spoken in all of creation. By attentive presence to the world and respect for created reality in its own right, they contemplate the word of God revealed in the world, i.e., in history and in the goodness of creation. others, a reaching out to a world Accordingly, Dominican in need. Dominican spirituality is spirituality and intellectual life about bringing the light of truth are world-embracing, sweeping- to those who are in a position ly inclusive. No field of study is to make the world a better place. excluded. Those who would follow Perhaps the 17th-century French Dominic search every aspect of cre- Dominican Henri Lacordaire ation to discover and understand expressed it best when he said, “I the truth that God wishes to speak venture to say that I have received there. Dominicans are to be found from God the grace to understand in every field of study — from this century, which I have loved the Irish Dominican archaeologist so much, and to give the truth a working in the lands of the Bible to complexion which will touch the the young Norwegian Dominican hearts and minds of a great many sister working on a research proj- p e op l e .” ect in experimental particle phys- The list of Dominicans who ics at the CERN laboratory outside have fearlessly spoken truth to Geneva, Switzerland. power includes luminaries such as St. Thomas Aquinas, who brought Speaking truth to power the riches of Aristotelian thought For Dominicans, compassion for to the West; St. Catherine of Siena, humanity manifests itself as an who dared to challenge kings and attitude of availability in service to even the pope; Dominique Pire, –5– march P rayinG whose work helping post-World each of us. That’s why we can say War II refugees was recognized that artist Fra Angelico preached with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1958; with his frescoes! and Louis-Joseph Lebret, whose The very heart of Dominican experience with poor fishermen spirituality is the preaching — the in France led to his leadership in joyful proclamation of the truth of crafting Catholic social teaching on God’s reign of mercy and compas- economic development based on sion. And Dominican preaching is human needs rather than on profit. grounded in trust, because a hum- ble trust in God is the only truth- Joyful “preaching” ful assessment of one’s real situa- For Dominicans, compassion for tion. Trust — like truth — makes humanity leads to preaching by us free, confident enough to take word and by deed. Like St. Paul, the risk of trusting in God and in they see preaching as a necessity. the goodness and generosity of For “everyone who calls on the others. And such trust gives rise to name of the Lord will be saved. joy, optimism, and hope. We use But how can they call on Him our gifts (e.g., Aquinas’ intellect, in whom they have not believed? Catherine’s persuasive letter-writ- And how can they believe in Him ing, Lebret’s skills of social analysis, of whom they have not heard? etc.), and we continue to contrib- And how can they hear without ute our labor even when we are not someone to preach? And how can able to see its fruitfulness. We trust people preach unless they are sent?” that to God’s providence. (Romans 10:13-15). And how can we preach without To be a word of God’s compassion a pulpit? In the most powerful way in the world possible — from the pulpit of our Dominican spirituality is a call to lives! While some are called to for- understand the ways that God is mal preaching, all of us are called speaking to us and to our world to preach the Good News of the by listening to God’s word as it Gospel.
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