Appendix D : Cartographic Materials Codes These lists are based on Ministry of Defence Mapping and Charting Establishment practice. Field 31 - Character positions 1-4: Relief codes CODE DEFINITION a Contours b Tonal hill shading c Hypsometric tints – layer method d Hachures e Bathymetry – sounding f Form lines g Spot heights h Other methods in colour (e.g. in the style of Imhof) i Pictorial j Land forms (e.g. in the sytle of Lobeck, Raisz, Fenneman) k Bathymetry – isolines l Bathymetry – tints m Ridge lines z Other Field 031 - Character positions 5-6: Projection type codes AZIMUTHAL OR ZENITHAL CONIC PROJECTIONS PROJECTIONS aa Aitoff ca Alber’s equal area ab Gnomonic cb Bonne ac Lambert’s azimuthal equal area cc Lambert’s conformal conic ad Orthographic cd Polyconic (simple) ae Azimuthal equidistant ce Miller’s bipolar oblique conformal conic af Stereographic cf D Lisle ag Other Azimuthal equal area cg Projection of the International Map of World au Azimuthal, specific type unknown ch Tissot’s conformal conic az Azimuthal, other known specific cu Conic, specific type unknown type cz Conic, other known specific type CYLINDRICAL OTHER PROJECTIONS PROJECTIONS ba Gall da Armadillo bb Homolographic db Butterfly bc Lambert’s cylindrical equal area dd Goode’s homolosine bd Mercator df Van der Grinten be Miller’s cylindrical dg Dymaxion bf Molweide dh Cordiform bg Sinusoidal di Polyhedric bh Transverse Mercator uu Type of projection unknown bj Plate Carree zz Other known type bk Cassini’s bl Laborde bm Oblique Mercator bu Cylindrical, specific type unknown bz Cylindrical, other known specific type Field 031 - Character position 7: Property codes CODE DEFINITION a Conformal b Equal-area c Equidistant u Property of projection unknown y Projection had no property z Other known property Field 031 - Character positions 8-9 & 10-11: Prime meridian codes PRIME CODE PRIME CODE PRIME CODE MERIDIAN MERIDIAN MERIDIAN Amersfoort bs Cordoba am Padang ci Amsterdam ab Edinburgh ce Paris bg Antwerp bt Genoa cf Philadelphia bi Athens ac Greenwich aa Pulkovo bj Azores ca Helsinki ao Quito cj Batavia ad Hierro, Canary Is an Rio de Janeiro bk Beijing bh Istanbul ap Rome bl Berlin cb Jakarta ad Rotterdam ck Berne ae Julianehåb aq San Fernando cl Bogata af Leningrad cg Santiago bm Bombay ag Lisbon ar South Sumatra cn Borneo cm London as Stockholm bn Brussels ah Madeira Island ch Sucre co Bucharest cc Madras at Sydney bo Cadiz ai Madrid ba Tiranë bp Canary Islands ct Mexico City bb Tokyo bq Cape Town aj Moscow bc Washington DC br Caracas ak Munich bd Unknown meridian uu Celebes cd Naples be Other known zz meridian Copenhagen al Oslo bf Field 032 $a : Spheroid Codes SPHEROID CODE SPHEROID CODE Airy (1830) aa Helmert 1906 an Australian National (1966) ab International 1924 ao Bessel 1841 ac Kragenhoff ap Clarke 1858 ad Krasovskiy 1848 aq Clarke 1866 ae Müffling 1821 ar Clarke 1880 af S. E. Asia (‘Fischer 155’) as Clarke 1880 (modified) ag Struve at Clarke 1880 (Palestine) ah Svanberg ba Danish (Andreae) ai Walbeck bc Delambre (Carte de France) aj War Office (McCaw) 1924 bd Everest (1830) ak World Geodetic System 1972- be Everest (Borneo) am Zhylinskiy (‘Adjustment bb Spheroid’) Everest (Mayala) al Unknown spheroid uu Hayford 1909 (and 1910) ao Other known spheroid zz Field 032 $b : Horizontal datum Codes: A CODE DEFINITION taa Astronomically determined tab Local tac Local astro tad No datum tae Other known horizontal datum zzz Other unknown horizontal datum aaa Abidjan aab Abra Pampa, Argentina aac Abrolhos Lighthouse, aad Abut Head (Okarito Brazil Meridional Circuit) South Island, New Zealand aae Accra, Leigon Pillar aaf Aden Observatory (GCS No.121), Ghana aag Aden Datum aah Adelaide Observatory, South Australia aai Adjusted between aaj Adindan (30th Hong Kong and Meridian) Datum, Nanking Astronomic Sudan Points aak Adjusted between Red aal Aee Peir, Phoenix Bridge Datum and Islands Nanking Datum aam Aerodist Datum aan African Datum aao Agourai Base North aap Agri (Danish GI End, Morocco 1934), Denmark aaq Agrihan Astronomic aar Ahaura (Grey Station (1920), Meridional Circuit), Marianas Islands South Island, New Zealand aas Ain el Abd, Kuwait aat Akmolinsk Mosque aba Akra Milon (Cum- abb Akureuri, Iceland Burnu), Leros abc Alamagan Astromic abd Albasin Station (192), Mariana Islands abe Al Bushairyah, Qatar abf Al Da Asa, Arabia abg Aleksandrovsk, abh Alma Ata, Kazakhstan Russian Federation abi American Samoa abj Amersfoort 1885 Datum 1962 abk Anatahan Astronomic abl Anatahan E, 29th Engr Station (1920), 1964, Mariana Is. Marcus Islands abm Angola Datum, Angola abn Ankara abo An-lu Astro, China abp A Patutahi, New Zealand abq Aon Island abr Apia Observatory Triangulation Station, Tranist House, Opolu Utirik Atoll, Marshall Island, Samoa Islands abs Apollo 15 Datum, abt Approximate Moon European Datum, Afghanistan aca Approximate acb Approximate European Datum, European Datum, Cyprus Egypt acc Approximate acd Approximate European Datum, Iran European Datum, Iraq ace Approximate acf Approximate European Datum, European Datum, Israel Jordan acg Approximate aci Approximate European Datum European Datum, Libya Syria acj Approximate ack Approximate Hong European Datum Kong Datum Turkey acl Approximate Indian acm Approximate Indian 1960 Datum Datum, Afghanistan acn Approximate Indian aco Approximate Indian Datum, Burma Datum, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam acp Approximate Indian acq Approximate Indian Datum, India Datum, Thailand acr Approximate acs Approximate Luzon Kweiyang, China Datum, Philippines act Approximate Nanking ada Approximate Nanking Datum 1960 Datum adb Approximate North adc Approximate Old American Datum Hawaiian Datum 1927, Greater Antilles add Approximate Red ade Approximate Tokyo Bridge Datum Datum adf Arahodoka-Byo Astro adg Arc (of the 30th Meridian) 1935 Datum, Africa adh Arc (of the 30th adi Arc (of the 30th Meridian) 1950 Meridian) 1960 Datum, Africa Datum, Africa adj Arc (of the 30th adk Archway Rock, Gough Meridian) Island (unspecified) Datum, Africa adl Arequipa Astro, adm Arkhangel'sk, Russian Bolivia Federation adn Arumenii Island ado Arutunga (Anchorage) Triangulation Station, Observation Spot, Bikor Atoll, Marshall Aitutaki Island, Cook Islands Islands adp A.S. 120 Tokong Hill, adq Ascension Astro 1955 Balik Papan, Kalimantan, Indonesia adr Ascension Island 1958 ads Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan adt Asor Astro 1966, aea Astro Observation Caroline Islands Point East Island Maug, Mariana Islands aeb Astro Observation aec Astro Observation Point Pagan, Mariana Point Rota, Mariana Islands Islands aed Astro Observation aee Astro Pier, Swains Point Uracus, Mariana Island, Samoa Islands aef Astro - 1958, aeg Astro 502, USSR Montserrat aeh Astro 809, USSR aei Astronomic Point (1951) Yap, Caroline Islands aej Astronomic Station aek Astronomic Station (1951), Elato Atoll, (1952) Marcus Is. Caroline Islands ael Astronomic Station 'A' aem Astronomic Station (1951), Jemo Island, Bab South (1947), Marshall Islands Babelthaup Island, Caroline Islands aen Astronomic Station aeo Astronomic Station B1 Beacon E (1945), Iwo- (1920), Gaferut Jima, Bonin Islands Island, Caroline Islands aep Astronomic Station B4 aeq Astronomic Station (1920), Sorol Atoll, Hong (1947), Caroline Islands Admiralty Islands aer Astronomic Station aes Astronomic Station Mirami-Oaguri- Nishino-Shimo, Bonin Shima, Daito Islands, Islands Ryukyu Islands aet Astronomic Station afa Astronomic Station No. B (1921), Ifalik No. B1 (1921), Pulap Atoll, Caroline Islands Atoll, Caroline Islands afb Astronomic Station afc Astronomic Station No. 1 (1951), Nomoi No.1 (1951), Pingelap Islands, Caroline Island, Caroline Islands Islands afd Astronomic Station afe Astronomic Station No. 1 (1951), Puluwat No. 1 (1951), Woleai Atoll, Caroline Islands Atoll, Caroline Islands aff Astronomic Station afg Astronomic Station No. 1-A (1951), No. 2 (1951), Majuro Namorik Atoll, Atoll, Marshall Islands Marshall Islands afh Astronomic Station afi Astronomic Station No. 2 (1951), Truk No. 2 (1952), Wake Island, Caroline Island Islands afj Astronomic Station afk Astronomic Sation No. No. 4 (1951), 8 (1951), Ngatik Atoll, Mukuoro Atoll, Caroline Islands Caroline Islands afl Astronomic Station afm Astronomic Station No. 19 (1951), No. 32 (1951), Ulithi Nomwin Atoll, Caroline Atoll, Marshall Islands Islands afn Astronomic Station afo Astronomic Station No. 42 (1952), No. 61-A (1951), Kwajalein Atoll, Jauluit Atoll, Marshall Marshall Islands Islands afp Astronomic Station afq Astronomic Station No. 5, Chichi-Jima, Ponape (1951), Bonin Islands Ponape Island, Senyavin Islands, Caroline Islands afr Astronomical Fixation afs Astronomical Station, W.A. 21, Western Dunpu, New Guinea Australia aft Astronomical Station, aga Astronomical Station, Salankana, New Wau, New Guinea Guinea agb Astro-Secor 1966, agc Asuncion Astronomic Tarawa and Gilbert Station (1920), Islands Mariana Islands agd Atafu Astro, Atafu age Athens Datum Island, Tokelau Is. agf Athens National agg Athi, Kenya Observatory agh Austral Pillar W.A., agi Australian Army Western Australia Observation Point L.A. 22, Lacrosse Island agj Australian Army agk Australian Datum Observation Point W.A. 3, Cockatoo Island agl Australian Geodetic agm Australian Provisional Datum agn Ayabacas Base, Peru ago Azabu Observatory, Tokyo agp B of base-Luiz agq Baa-Ratti, Lesser Correia, Brazil Sunda Islands agr Bahia Honda, ags Baie du Morbihan Venezuela Base North End, Kerguelen agt Baker Island Astro aha Baku-Aleksandra- Pier, Oceania Neviskiy Cathedral, Azerbaijan ahb Baku 1927
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