TJ. S. WEATHER BUREAU, MAY 11. Last 24 hours' rainfall, .05. SUGAR-- 96 Degree Test Centrifugals, 3.48c; Per Temperature, Max. 77; Min. 69. Weather, variable. Ton, $69.60. 83 Analysis Beets. 8s ld; Per Ton, $74.80. ESTABLISHED JULV ? 1856. VOL. XLIIL. NO. 7413. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, )y SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS. A AN FRANCISLO SALOON L CENSES Rl:V0KED X r:wr?rriw.r:-)7.!w7.-- ...w-.w- . ,,r ... KJ t Z ?"3-- i Y ( , j w w w Records of the Titles to Extreme Measures Tak- - - 1 Real in San - . Estate a . : 0 en by Authorities in " ' b Francisco Have Been w i M'jll'.J , i . 0 the Interest of Good Saved, and the Docu- Order in the Stricken ments in the Office City--No Liquor Sold of the Probate Court Since Earthquake-S- an 8 Are Also Found to Be Mateo County Intact. Wants Martial Law. 2 SAN FRANCISCO'S RETAIL DISTRICT. f. SAN FRANCISCO. May 5. The fev-rishn- ess (Associated Press Cablegrams.) which has marked the real SAN FRANCISCO, May 12. es-tat- e situation for a week seems to be All the saloon city-hav-e fast expending itself. Calmness is com- N licenses in the ing, and with: clearer judgment as to M0RGA REPORTS SEISMIC CENTE been revoked. the extent of the damage inflicted and Since the great earthquake, no saloon the prospects for the future. Men and has boon permitted to run in San Fran- women are making up their minds what E S cisco, and it was stated in the after- TOT GOVE RNOR AT BOLINA BAY noon cablegrams is best to be done, and will be ready yesterday that Mayor Schmitz had determined to act when the savings banks and in- to keep them closed indefinitely. The closiniz of the surance companies shall resiond to the-- saloons, under martial law and na a necessities of the situation. police measure, was a wise move and Very fortunately for owners of local was so recognized. The revocation of Details of the Comprehensive Work of Scientist Finds to Believe saloon licenses is a more Teal estate, building, on the Reason Earthquake serious thing, the Kohl the a move that is apt to be fraught with northeast corner of Montgomery and Which Has Great- momentous consequences. California streets, was scarcely in Director of the Hawaiian Relief Bureau Dismantled San Francisco In line with this policy, ia the request jured by fire. On a portion of of the sheriff of San Matao county, the aljo ground of Now in San Francisco, est Activity in Marin County. carried in the afternoon report of floor are located the offices the Associated Press, for the extension the California - Title Insurance and of martial law to his bailiwick in or- Trust Company, which is believed to der that the saloons there might like- have saved all of its memoranda wise be closed. Interesting reports" of his work as shown rap-direct- or A slight earthquake .shock was re memoranda which can be used in court I believe that the place will Professor E. Knowlton has just re filled new ones opened ajid that the - 2 yes- of come "P- On taking charge of the thirty-mil- Bo- - streams carry more water ported from Oakland at o'clock to of the Hawaiian relief bureau turned from a e walk to mountain to establish title land, evidence bureR" 1 to discontinue ' terday afternoon. That is, the cable in San Francisco were received from J?lieJ dded V, 1 4 iyj ouic indebtedness and proof of payments ree cable service to Honolulu and l,re rr gram was dated from Oakland. Jas. Morgan by Acting Governor At- - earthquake of loans in the absence of the official I. sent but one meas&ge cf names, oinit- - dence tffat the recent had effects G a shake much more severe kinson in the steamer China's mail, documents deposited at the City Hall, ting addresses. its center. Few if any of the houses than ours here In the city will do well BRITISH ULTIMATUM Two of the communications are printed This list was sent, as Mr. Fraser in that vicinity escapee damage, but to make haste, as the ocean and the most of which perished in the flames. - along EXPIRES ON SUNDAY. below, one giving the personnel of the occurred. There is' now land crumbles into- the crevasses Before the fire reached the Kohl build- the ranches named. LONDON, May 12. The British ulti- bureau statt, the other some details of tf,enfK am 8tjii registering names and an island in BolinasBay where were ing all of the company's records re j "It is also sure that houses well matum to Turkey will expire on Sun- Mr. Morgan's action since he took will send you lists by each mail. I find, formerly muddy shoals and on either placed on ground God made, well lating to titles, .mortgages, deeds of ! day. Is thought Tabalx af- charge. : as I expected, that Mr. Fraser has done braced, firmly built and kept in good It that the trust, releases reconveyances were s,ide of the island the water is ten feet and - amon.t for repair, suffer little. Good work may fair will be settled by diplomacy. - From his confessedly hurried dicta- ?rk f deep, Professor Knowlton. an in- - at tells tne- can sav-th- n-this - , placed in large vault, and since may and his greatest not defy earthquakes, but has little tion it be judged that hiSreport tff 'terestlng story observa- - F.m-bassal- or then careful examination of the recep- helper was Mrs. Fraser. I shall arrange of his trip and cause to fear any such as have come to LONDON", May 4. The British work a mere or a - - tacle by architects and engineers con- is outline, condensed to reward them both for their service. tions, of which the following is an ab- us within the period of the American at Constantinople yesterday vince them that the precious data are assortment of examples to show the 1 will also give some token to Mr. Mc- - struct: occupation at least." San Francisco presented a note to Turkey demanding intact. However, no risk may be general scope of the bureau's service, en,na ana nis assistants m the cable "Along the main street of the bay-sid- e, Chronicle, May 3. ' the complete withdrawal of Turkish that hope troops from run, the vault will not be opened for yet even hut, and that in doing this I am ocean-shor- e hamlet of Bolinas, Egyptian territory The ' this much shows that Mr. MlrS P K K1 DAMAGE DONE AT note is an and two weeks yet. Marin County, a dozen miles northwest i practically ultimatum, Morgan has had his hands full of busi- - PENINSULA POINTS. company. of the Golden Gate, stand most of the i constitutes Great Britain's last word ONLY RECORD LEFT OF dol- - ness ever since he arrived over. Those I received the fifteen thousand L 11 . v , H A A . on the encroachment of Turkey in the a . "UUOCJ, nut VI nail a .iiuiiuiru ? i r 1jV, A 1 ..p luoaco SAN" FRANCISCO TITLES. familiar with Mr. Morgan's direct lars ln Jratts immediately atter the ar- - number, and all frame.' Of these about San Mateo county resulting from the Sinai peninsula. The French and Rus- two-thir- ds sian ambassadors at Constantinople are The importance of the safety of these methods in affairs will be able to read rival ui ui sieamer dflu lurneu oer were heaved, slid, tipped and recent earthquake can never be even to the relief committee of San Fran-- 1 shattered into uninhabitable.' condition, annroximatelv- - Tt is known supporting the British contentions. memoranda may be comprehended a great more Detween tne estimated. aeai written cjsco through Mr. Phelan, as I wished No fatality occurred. - that practically every building in the Should the ultimatum fail to have tbe when it is considered that the records lines, and all such especially will real- - to get Honolulu's contribution to them - desired effect, the British Mediterran- in the Recorder's office were almost "As in San Francisco, most of Ihe county suffered some damage in chim- lze tnat his frankness ot expression and as bUUU dS possiu.e. x nae cauieu 10 chimneys came down. But the shock neys, plaster, broken furniture, or ean fleet will take the measure m often completely destroyed. Of the 2189 deed yoa to me employed by the powers in recent years "books up, habit of prompt decision make him the senl thirty dollars was much more stvere in Bolinas than crockery. Here, as elsewhere, brick written it is said only J that 1 more, which I hope to be able to turn as the result of disputes with the Sul- 644 were saved, only one right man for the onerous position. m san Francisco, where a shock of and stone buildings suffered most. The with of the -- tan, and a naval demonstration, it is 15C0 mortgage books, one release book "hi violence wouia nave prosir&ie' loss or lire was sraau. tha are greatly in need of 1 Bay two anticipated, will quickly bring about and one index to mortgages. con- Morgan are provocative of smiles, for lueJ' half the buildings before the fire began. In Halfmoon a painter and The funds,fn7 and other cities do not thorough- - "Along were seven cnuaren were Killed in collapse the evacuation of the Tabah territory, tents of the vault of the California instance the modest application of one the bay shore tne - ly uuderstand how great and urgent ; which Great Britain contends is unques-- Title Insurance Trust Company " sufferer" for the trifle of a thousand buildings.
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