BE AT BEAT THE GAME THE COWL STATE VOL. VI, No. 3.—Four Pages PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., OCTOBER 18, 1940 5 Cents a Copy COACH DEVORE Friars Renew Grid Rivalry TO BE HONORED Seniors Conduct Annual Hugh J. Devore. head football With Canisius On Sunday coach of Providence College, will bo Poll; Riley Wins Two Places honored by the Majestic Theatre Monday night, It was announced yes- Prospects For Victory terday by Albert J. Clark, manager Sweeney, Farrell, Varnum, Bright as Team Plays Young Friars of the theatre. The event will be held Ira Williams Avedisian Among Best First Game at Home In connection with the showing of Seniors Chosen Down Ramlets "Knute Rockne—All-American". Heads Veritas Devore, who was captain of the Robert R. Riley of New Bedford By Harold Rich Notre Dame football team in 1933, Theodore Miller Called for won two first places in the annual One of the most keenly-contested Outclass Opponents for and is the only coach In Rhode Is- i Providence College senior poll taken rivalries in the annals of Providence Military Duty Resigns First Win of the Sea- land who Is a former member of the last week by the Rev. John T. Mc- College grid history will be renewed "Fighting Irish", will attend the show- as Editor Gregor, O.P., moderator, and an- Sunday, after a lapse of ten years, son ing as a guest of the theatre. He will nounced yesterday by editors of The when the Friars, making their first be accompanied by the members of Ira T. Williams. Jr., of Providence Veritas, college annual. local appearance of the season, clash FRESHMAN STATISTICS the football squad. has been named by the Reverend Riley, a student in the science de- with Canisius College at La Salle P.C. Stale John T. McGregor, O P,, to succeed partment, was voted "best student," Alumni Field in the fourth meeting of First downs 9 t> Theodore Miller as editor of the Veri- and "most likely to succeed." Leo a series which dates back to the time Yds. gained rushing 134 13 tas, school annual. McNerney was voted second best stu- of the first varsity squad at the school. Yds. lost rushing 22 28 Sophs Elect Williams, a graduate of La Salle dent and third was Albert A. Cur- The series had its inception in 1922, Forward passes attempted 7 28 Academy, is feature editor of the Forward passes completed 5 7 rier. John T. Riley of the business de- when the Friars, newcomers to col- Cowl, a member of the Pyramid partment was voted second most like- Yards gained passing 61 74 Players and an associate editor of the legiate football competition dropped a Chas. Cottam ly to succeed and third was Charles Passes intercepted by 4 0 Alembic. 15-6 verdict to the Golden Griffins at E. Sweeney of the arts department. Punts average* 45 34 Buffalo. In 1929 the two institutions Second Year Men Plan Miller called to duty with the Na- Fumbles by 4 2 Charles E. Sweeney, of Edgewood, battled 60 minutes to a scoreless tie tional Guard tended his resignation Opp. fumbles recovered . 0 3 Annual Mixer for Fresh- was voted as the student who has and the contest of the following year as editor. Miller will continue his Yds. lost penalties 70 45 "done most for the college." John ended in the same manner, neither man Class studies in the Extension School. Gibbons was second and Francis X. team being able to score. Associate editors of the Veritas are: *From line of scrimmage. McCarthy was third. Canisius has been represented on Charles F. Cottam was elected pres- John Gibbons, '41, of Pawtucket; Ed- the gridiron by teams which have al- ident of the Sophomore Class at an ward Crouchley, '41, of Providence; Charles Avedisian of Pawtucket and most invariably placed the Buffalo By C. J. Prendergast, '41 election of officers held yesterday in and Leo McNerney, '41, of Providence. Casimir Potera of Warren, co-captains college among the better small college Harkins Hall. Other officers elected of the 1940 Providence College foot- Piling up a total of 134 yards from George Harley, '41, of Providence elevens in the nation. for the coming year are: Robert F. ball squad, won first and second scrimmage while holding Rhode Is- will manage the business department Reilly. Vice President; Leo Leary, places respectively in the voting for Thus far in the campaign the Grif- of the annual and John F. Cronin, land State's yearlings to 13, the Friar Secretary; and Donald Carley, Treas- "best athlete." Footballer Theophilus fins have a better percentage in the '41. of Spring Valley, Minnesota, is freshmen, with fullback Ed Roshka urer. Alexakos placed third. matter of games won and lost than advertising manager. have the Devoremen; but this is no and left halfback Stan Nieratko set- Plans for the annual Soph-Frosh Charles J. McGovern, of Providence, criterion of the relative merits of the ting a torrid pace, rolled to a 7-0 vic- Mixer to be held Wednesday, October a student in the arts group, won two two as the calibre of Providence's op- tory over the Kingston eleven yester- 30. were announced at the meeting. first places, "handsomest", and the position has been stronger than that Feature of the day's events will be "best socialite." Donald Cronin and day at Hendricken Field. Ball Planned of Canisius. The locals have dropped an entertainment to be presented In Beryle Sacks won second and third three straight, while the Griffs boast Held at bay during the entire first the evening at Harkins Hall. places respectively in the poll for For Tonight "handsomest," and George Gardner two wins in three starts. half when most of the 70 yards in Opening the day's activities will be and William Danahy followed Mc- Well Balanced Eleven penalties against them were assessed, a pass-football game to be held at Govern in the voting for "best social- The Buffalo aggregation inaugur- 3:00 p.m. This will be followed im- Tonight in Harkins Hall, amidst the Dominican first year men staged ite." ated its campaign with an 18-0 de- mediately by a tug-of-war. The eve- decorations symbolizing the autumn a third period attack that clinched cision over St. Francis, suffered a 26-7 ning entertainment, which will begin season, the Harvest Ball, first social Thomas J. Farrell of Pawtucket, a the game. setback at the hands of Niagara in its at 7:45 p.m. will include songs, dances, event of the scholastic year, will be student in the arts group and pro- second tilt, and then rebounded from Shortly after the half-time inter- skits, and musical specialties. Refresh- held. duction manager of the Pyramid that stunning defeat to upset La Salle, mission, Sam Franco took a State ments will be served following the The committee for the Ball, pre- Players, college dramatic society, 6-0, last Sunday. entertainment program, the purpose sented by the Junior Class, has dec- swamped all comers in the voting for punt on his own 48, cut into a maie There is no reason to doubt that the of which is to create a friendly at- orated the hall with many of na- "best actor." John Gibbons, senior of the light-blue enemy, and ran the coming Providence-Canisius encounter mosphere between the freshman and ture's own signs of festival season, class president and a Pyramid Player will be any different from the past sidelines for the first score of the upper classes as represented by the cornstalks, bright-colored leaves, and veteran, placed second. keenly-contested battles between the game. But the officials charged Provi- Sophomores. pumpkins. A large cornucopia, sym- Russell Varnum of East Providence two. Assistant Coach Ed Crotty, who bolizing the gathered harvest, will be dence with clipping, and th eball was It was also announced that the com- chairman of last year's junior prom- scouted the Griffins last Sunday, re- placed as the center piece of the hall, enade. was voted "most popular." brought back. i Continued on Page 3) ports that the Wilson-coached eleven upon the stage in back of the orches- John Gibbons was second and James With Nieratko slashing off the tac- is a strong, well-balanced club. In the tra. Clifford was third. kles for substantial gains. Providence local camp Hugh Devore, Black and NEWPORT CLUB 'Tiny' Quinn's band, a popular William Danahy of Hopkinton, picked up a pair of first downs and White head mentor, is looking for- Hartford ten-piece combination, has Mass., was named "best dressed." worked the ball into State territory The Newport club elected Daniel ward to Sunday's game with opto- been chosen by the dance committee Charles McGovern was second and before a pushing penalty set them P. Sullivan, '41, president of the or- mism as he expects his charges to be to provide the music for the occasion. Kenneth McGovern was third. back to midfield again, on the next ganization at a meeting held yester- greatly improved, after spending a Announcement of the successful play, Nieratko faded, passed to Larry Maurice Ferland of Killingly, Conn., good part of the past week's drills in day. Other officers elected were Mat- candidates for class officers will be Drew, who was knocked down at (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 3) thew McLeer, '42, vice-president; made during intermission. Ross Muen- the Kingston 30 as he reached for James Dring '43, secretary; and Ed- zen, president of the class last year, the ball.
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