DAMAGED PAGE(ST ff • PURE NEWJERSEY" UNSEED OIL MIXED PAINTS SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES 100 SIP AVENUE 15 EXCHANGE PLAC COR. WAYNE AND FREMONT STS. Telephone 2477 Bergen Tel. 2452 M<mtfomer7 NEW JERSEY PAINT WORKS JERSEY CITY, N. J.. • JERSEY CITY. N. J. HARRY LOUDERBOUQH INC. Phone: Montgomery 165-166 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1018 1018 R. L. POLK & CO'S Gimaszewski Jan 43 Prospect av Shooting Galleries 1358 Goldberg Louis 889 Broadway Ginsberg Jacob 72 Adams Goldstein Morris 300 Broadway JERSEY CITY Shoemakers and Repairers—Continued Gold Mamie 371 Newark Orabine Isaac 47 W 21st Larche Jos 38 Newark av Simon Isldor 401 Ocean av Gould Saml 560, 1st Grlllo Bernardino 906 Broadway Slmonovltch Edw 70 Zabriskie Grimm Jos 107 Harrison •Grlllo Louis 775 Broadway HOBOKEN Slsken Herman 225% Monticelld av Guttllla Vitor 508, 2d Hayett Hymari 472 Av C Brush Harry W 212 Washn HOW Sorrentino Alfonso 3220 Blvd Hecht Abraham 709a Willow av Hertzberg Max 715 Broadway Hllbert Chas 307, 1st Taxi Sperry Ben] 58U Summit av Ianni Jos 589 Blvd Splrlto Felix 320 Van Home Jensen C 314, 9th Khedcsha David 1304 Washn lorio Biaco 720 Blvd/ * Show Cards Sporato Jno 282 Whiton Lammatra Leonard 415 Grand Kachur Michl 220 E 22a TO USE Stephan Henry 06 Thorne Langhans Fredk 309 Park av Katzer Peter 63 W 18th JERSEY CITY Stephan Jacob 54 Zabriskie La Sala Jas 251, 2d Klein Jacob 10 Silver Stella Anthony 102 Griffith Lees Aug 93% Park av Koliowski Chas 17 B 21st WALDECK E & COMPANY, 31-33 Stepnowski Waclaw 200, 13th Levenson Isaac 552, 1st KumaraB & Mataras 811 Broadway OaklanJ av, Tel Montgomery 43714372 (See YOUR Stevens Saml 240 Duncan av Levy Jos 352 Newark Kutner Abraham 35 W.21st left bottom lines and page 82) Stodnicruk Paul 180 Bay Cabs Lieberman Saml 258 Newark Lama Salvatore 737 Broadway Supino Frank 324 Oakland av Lipart Vincenzo 304 Madison Lindtner Victor 112 Prospect av Show Figures, Dress Forms, Etc Swanberg Jno 264 Henderson Maccagnano Chas 616 Park av Liquor! Vincenzo 186 Broadway DIRECTORY Taflore Louis 223, 4th Mancari Jos 618 Willow av Locllentento Prank 677 Broadway HOBOKEN Tafuri Nicola 308 Baldwin av Marabranco Carlo 153, 7th Loker Morris 550 , Broadway Hall-Borchert Dress Form Co 15th o Garden Tatz Andrew 63 Orient av Marchese Nicola 554, 6th Loscasio Jaquito 605 Av C Tedeski Frank 394, 2d Maro Antonio 262, 3d Lunetta Jos & Son 43 W 8th * Shower Baths Torchla Jas 658 Odean av Marsicovete Jno 107 Monroe Levy Ru^ien 87 Andrew for all Trapazzano Vincent 111 Broadway Meli Chas 1319 Garden Mancusi Albert B W 8th JERSEY CITY Trenery Frank 000"West Side av To get the Michele Glriello 111, flth Manzo Carmel 740 Broadway ACME SANITARY COMPANY. 313- Trepel Bonl 303 Monmouth Minerva Gaetano 303 Clinton Maroni Prank 48 W 18th Tucker Morris 327 Grand Massarelii Gennaro 407 Broadway 315 Bergen av, Tel Bergen 1171 (See page Molta Camille 95 Garden 85) occasions most good from Uccellinl Pasquale 797 West Side av Niosi Dennis 312 Monroe Maesella Carmino 164 Broadway Urso Venerando 290, 7th Nuzzo Jos 211, 3d M#te Jno 857 Broadway * Sick Room Supplies Vacante Alfonso 188 Washn Quartararo Salvatore 104, 8th Mlktus Louis 101 B 22d your Valenti Frank 704 Communlpaw av Pagano Tony 405 Madison Mlrwoildt Bmil 645 Broadway BAYONNE Vespia Dominick 202, 14th Pappagallo Lazzaro 231 Willow av Orjechovskl Jno 245 E 22d LOCKWOOD SIDNEY W, 782 Broad- Directory Vigliarolo Thos 401 Baldwin av Paris! Salvatore 1125 Willow av Padula Vincent 849 Broadway way, Tel Bayonne 153 (See page 1022) VIgorlta & Pagnozzi Co 107 Mtgomry Pepe Frank 350 Grand Fallmone Jno 135 Av B STRAUSS BROS, 225 Broadway, Tel Phone Vltale Tony 170 Hancock av Perrotti Bros 105 Adams Pankevits Steph 134 Prospect av Bayonne 209 (See page 1022) you must know Vltiello Jos 406 Ocean av Rossi Joachim 409, 4th Perlwitz Isaac 373 Broadway Voza Frank 490 Grove Rotello Glacono 161, 5th Petridis Wm 450 Broadway • Sidewalks Waldman Jacob 219 N T av Rotello Salvatore 133 Adams Pienczykowski Jos 291 Av B Bergen 3762 what it Weber Robt 108 Congress Rubinstein Isaac 44, 2d Pitti Frank 1053 Av C JERSEY CITY Weigle Chas 338, 2d Russo Michl 205, 10th Riccardi Louis 71 Cottage HUDSON CONCRETE CONSTRUC- Weiss Jos 590 Grand Salemi Rosario 81 Jefferson Rlnaldi Frank 356 Av C Wellen Nathan 494 West Side av Romano Antonio 669 Broadway tion Co, 452 Montgomery, Tel Montgomery contains and how Salmiere Frank 232 Park av 1556 (See page 59) Win Saml 297 Henderson Santeramo Dominick 57 Newark Rossi Antonio 938 Broadway Winograd Abraham 162 Claremont av Slgman Abraham 62, 2d Sikorsky Jno 134 Av F to use it. Worner Thos 247% York Tantillo Batiste 102, 5th Simon Peter 499 Av C * Siding Wotman Jos 416 Pacific av Smolucha Jno 322 Av E Tedesco Anthony 325 Adams JERSEY CITY Moderate Yallen Morris 195 Wilkinson av Torri Jos 158 Newark Spedale Giuseppe 47 W 30th You cannot get Zablotsky Nathan 195 Old Bergen ra Tota Giuseppe 611, 1st Squillante Thos 573 Blvd LA VERY GEORGE C & COMPANY Zaffarese Giuseppe 202 York Van der Heide Hendrik 334 Park av Veluzzi Nicholas 311 Av C Inc, Grand and Pacific av, Tel Montgomery Zagarella Chas 33 Montrose av Veraszo Dominick 109, 10th Vicedomni Nunzlo 221 Broadway 1051 (See right bottom lines and page 72) Rates this Zeldman Jos 3 Storms av Vertino Antonio 938 Park Wapinsky Wolf 64 Prospect av HOBOKBN Vltale Mlc'il 5S Madison Wonder Benj 2 W 22d * Sidings Galvanized and Painted knowledge by Abrahams Harry 412, 1st von ler Heide Hendrick 409 Bloomfleld Vanni Jos 589 Blva „..„., Amoruso Anthony 108, 14th ' .uara Frank 159, 9th Zalibowltz Ellah 84 W 21st JERSEY CITY Armone Carmelo 104, 11th • Shook* NEW YORK IRON ROOFING & glancing Barbera Frank 259, 8th BAYONNB Corrugating Co, cor First and Washington, Barbera Fredk 252, 7th JERSEY CITY Tel Montgomery 3371 (See left bottom lines Bavaro Michl 212 Newark Agati Salvatore 310 Broadway DODGE & BLISS COMPANY, West and page 60) Burwell hastily through Beuge Win 009 Washn Alberelli Luigi 279 Broadway Alvanito Ernest 132 w 23d Side av and D L & "W R R, Tel Bergen Bongiorno Gaetano 359, 4th 1050-1051 (See left side lines and page 54) * Sign Makers Bortz Saml 24 Hudson pi Amato Jno 263 Broadway MATHISON COOPERAGE CO, 152- the book, Bug! Ferdinand 67, 4th Andryiszln Michl 211 Av E (See also advertisements Sign Painters Dept, Burgess Louis 835 Garden Annunzlata Jos 347 Broadway 168, 14th, Tel Montgomery 773 (See page 59) Bros. Calderone Frank 102, 12th Anunziato Carmono 685 J31vd „ BROOKLYN, N Y • page 823) and assuming Calderone Guglielmo 1102 Park av Barone Vito 590 Broadway RICHARDS O S CORP. 87. 34th HOBOKEN Calzalaio Cosimo 153, 6th Berman Harris 22 Cottage (Bush Terminal), Tel Sunset 5500 (See page STURM HEUMAN D. 56, 1st, Tel Capitti Anthony 126 Jefferson Caiazzo Frank 170 Orient 54) that your Capraro Chas 104, 3d Cameran Jas 30 E 17th Hoboken 2065 (See page 823) Cafbone Carporalll 502 Jefferson Carbone Jos 600 Broadway Shorthand Schools Cavalaro Philippo 414 Adams Casciano Frank 92 Prospect av JERSEY CITY * Sign Painters mind grasps a Cerrito Carlo 451, 1st Chiovere Jos 242 Av C DRAKE SCHOOL, Newark av cor Cohen Morris 219 Washn Ciereglio Frank 5 W 48th .Grove, Tel Montgomery 2614 (See left top BAYONNB full idea of Conversano Donato 203, 14th Cipriano Michl 120 Blvd \j lineB and page 57) LESTER EDWARD M, 595 Broad- Fairraount Ave. Coppolino Steph 95 Clinton Conti Gaetano 58 W 20th way, Tel Connection Coradino Nicholas 559, 2d HOBOKBN D'Arco Vincenzo 351, 6th Corcione Antonio 535 Av C its contents from Dasaro Michl 1206 Washn Crlsonino Anselmo 896 Broadway -EAGAN SCHOOLS OF BUSINESS, 66 * Sign Printers Del Cicco Vigilio 609 Monroe Daidone Leonardo 6 E 33d Hudson, Tels Hob 105-106; 25 Bergenline av, Delsonno Leni 512 Monroe De Rose Costino 1031 Broadway Union Hill, Tel Union 615; N Y Branch, 20 (See also advertisement Sign Painters Dept, the name Eggers Herman 104, 9th DubroskI Meyer 29 B 21st Vesey (See left side lines and page 816) page 823) MEET Esposito Antonio 402, 6th Flscella Monti 624 Blvd Fazio Rosario 107 Madison Frankovitz Jno 161 E 22d BAYONNB JERSEY CITY Feigner Edw 903 Garden Furman Stanley 689a Broadway DRAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE, COI,T,INS-DOAN CO, 196 Morgan, Tel ALL TRAINS Ferando Anthony 516 Grand Gardina Jos 287 Av C Broadway cor 33d, Tel Bayonne 1569 (See Montgomery 2834 (See left bottom lines and Florio Rocco 1003 Willow av George Frank D 832 Broadway page 1019) page 85) The Publishers Fromm Jno 218 Park av Germoloveio Alex 69 E 22d Gianni Mariano 638 Garden Gezuold Frank 884 Broadway Gigllatto Vincenzo 41 W 19th N. Y. OFFICE J. C. OFFICE 105 WILLIAM ST. T. M. TEN BROECK & CO.I MONTGOMERY ST. WE CAN FURNISH YOU R. L POLK & CO. (INC) GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY ANY DIRECTORY PUBLISHED Directory Publishers • IN THE WORLD AT PUBLISHERS PRICE [787 3ROADK7AY NEAR 33d ST. TEL. 410 BAYONNE, M* J. SAME DAY ORDER IS RECEIVED 87-91 Third Ave., New York City HARRY A. SMITH, General Insu DWELUUCS; FIAT AND TENEMDff —^ nland and Improvement Co. HOUSES TO ifT Phone 1550 Hob, 51 Newark St., Hoboken, Telephone STREET, HOBOKEN, N. J. Hoboken 710 WA1ER FIOXT A SKOALIT .1300 1918 R. L. POLK & GO'S Signs, Etc. * Silk Wrappers—Corrugated Paper BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1918 1361 * Slate; Roofers (See also Painters, House and Sign, also adver- BROOKLYN, N Y " • Soap Manufacturers—Toilet THOMPSON & JiORRIS CO THE, tisements Sign Painters Oept, page 823) JERSEY CITY (See also advertisement Soap Mfrs Dept, Concord and Prince, Tel Main 6500 (See page pages 94 and 95) IAYONNE JERSEY CITY 81) Dodd Jno B 42 Falrview av Silks and Ribbons JERSEY CITY Preeth Bros 254 Falrmount av COLGATE * CO, 105 Hudson, Tel Irving Arthur C 17 Falrview av HOBOKEN AND Meyer Henry 159 Nelson av Hoboken Ribbon Co Jefferson cor 11th * Slate nd Tile Roofing Montgomery 2100' (See backbone and page 94) ISUPPLY Pattengell Wm J 261 Henderson Quackenbush Geo 1015 Clinton JERSEY CITY Phil Sign Co 619 Communlpaw av * Society Badges Silver and Gold Platers RIXGLE JAEOR & SON, 83-85 New- Roane Edw J 278 Grant av ark av, Tel Montgomery 463 (See right top JERSEY CITY Shank Chas A 101 Beacon av JERSEY CITY lines and pat p 94) Slegel Harry 111 Mtgomry DATZ ALBERT CO.
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