C.' iPAGE THREE AUG? iM ya^muuAa^ milt sss w med%y U. S. Governmeiil ■;^‘ . a..' * ■ --- JT ---------------- - W«ililBgton, Aug. 1. — D«-jm«tic exchange between Berlin r- Washington, July JS r-e hhunciDg German diplomatic and Mexico. Germany has request- though apparently ^ . movea in the western hemisphere! ed that Mexico protest to the ^ Whbeler Uock In thi ieBste^r^ Ampiml o( Tw iW as barefaced tah])udence, the Unit-1 United States over the blacklist­ ganized today to oppose extend^ ed States served blunt notice on i ing of hundreds of firms in Latin training period of ■ drafij^ the Hlti'^r government today that I America deemed to be operating national g^iardsmen and reaerireif, American republics needed no! for the benefit of the axis. Mex- but simultaneously promised there Cfl^ty Taxes By Malang Pay­ advlce from Berlin on the con-! Ico rejected the request with a would be no filibuster. duct of their own affairs. i stern rebuke. Consequently, the administratiotf Coupled with this broadside j Welles Interpreted the German leaders—who have counted a two- ment On Or Before .... at Germany was high praise from : move as a threat to act against to-one vote in favor of the propo­ Sumner Welles, acting secretary i Mexico in the future unless the sal-expected a final ballot on tbs of state, for the energetic action I blacklist was protested. He said legislation late this week or early of Latin American countries in | the nazi request wa based on a n(|;t The senate is scheduled to combatting activities described as , pretext that the blacklist was in take the measure up tomorrow. subversive. i some way in derogation of Mexl- Meanwhile, the house military He said their resistance to axis can sovereignty, committee found itself unable- to agree on the fonm the legislation Monday, Sept. 1st pressure and interference was i No country in the world, Welles very heartening and a demonstra-' told reporters, has been more should take and deferred a deci­ Payment May Be Made Now At The County tion that they were fully alive to definitely Jealous of its own sov- sion until tomorrow. existing dangers. i ereignty and its legitimate rights The measure which the senate Accountant’s Office On Estimated Rate. The bitter condemnation of, as .a sovereign and independent will consider would state that the Germany was inspired by a diplo- i country than has Mexico. national interest is imperiled by events abroad and on that basis provide machinery for retaining Two Officers Die Soldiers Shoes In Walt Disney’s new full-length production, "The Reluctant the men in service after the expir­ G. Poindexter, In Trainer Plane Dragon,” Mr. Donald Du.k finally appears in a super-picture! ation of the year for which they Frrnces Gifi’crd and Robert Benchley are observed in support of the were inducted originally. Regular Accident In Texas Fitted Properly great actor in this, scene—one of the many in the picture which com- army men also could be retained beyond their terms of enlistment. County Accountant b!ne.s ‘live action” photography with animation to provide some­ Shreveport, La. — A trainer Fort Bragg, Aug. 4—No equip­ plane from Barksdale Field crash­ ment worn by a soldier is more thing new and hilarious in movie entertainment. ..The locale of the A new process for using staple ed and burned in a field six important that his shoes, and this picture is the Disney studio itself, with Frances ini the role of an em­ cotton instead of cotton llnters ployee. and Beti--hley as a blundering visitor, for whom Donald does miles southwest of Waskom, vital fact has been kept well in I in the manufacture of smokeless a bit fr. m his forthcoming “MacDonald’s Farm.” “Tho Relunctant j powder will be given a plant test Tex., yesterday killing two men mind at the supply warehouse of Dragon” c-mos to The -\'len Theatre Thursday. JOURNAL-PATRIOT ADS. GET QUICK RESULTS I identified by army officers as the Reception Center at Fort isoon at Hopewell, Virginia. Lieutenant Rfiymond J. Redd, 21, Bragg. and Flying Cadet Davis W. Han­ Ther is no single act m the Germans Seek cock, 25. equipment of the individual sol­ Redd was the son of Mr.s. dier for actual field service that Charles Redd of El Paso, Te.x, can do more to lift him above the Sympathies Of Hancock was a native of Morocco, physical handicaps that have Indiana. hampered the fighting men in all previous wars than that of seeing South America Why is it you can remember to it that the soldier has exactly who fought in the “War of the the size of shoes his feet should Berlin. — Germany opened r Roses,” and forget your best wear. general campaign for South A- friend’s name when performing an I Fitting the se’wtees to the ex- merican sympathy yesterday by introduction? ; act size they need is painstakingly ............Ivising^ all Latin-American .gov- done. One of the most accurate ernments In an identical note that instruments available for fitting regards the Bolivi.-n Bel- 1111111111111 I shoes is used here the Q. M. note as a forgery. ' shoe-measuring device. The shoe | order of the Reich’s gov- Donald Duck As “Old size determined, the shoe is ernment,” .said this communica­ MacDonald Duck” In I tried one as a double check. Then tion "I (the German representa­ Advertiser the selectee is directed to lift a His First Full-Length tive in each case) have the hon- bucket oLsand which weighed 40 attention the Feature. pounds. This allows the foot be tested under the same prssure attached copy of a note which the that it would’be subjected'to un- German chrrge d’affaires in La der actual field conditions. ■ Paz directed to the Bolivian gov After the foregoing test, a good ernment .beoam.se of its actio.. fit is assured. However, when the gainst the German minister there. selectee comes to the fitting room “The Reich’s government re where a final check of all cloth- gards it advisable to direct the ing is made, another device, is used attention of the government to to make absolutely sure that the . the incident described in the note Advertising shoes are correctly fitted. The se­ which is unprecedented in inter­ lectee is loaded with a 40 pound national intercourse.” ' pack. He thfen mounts a platform (The German foreign office j where the shoes are checked, and protested to Bolivia Monday a- I again checked as he descends a 45- gainst “the falsification in tlie I degree inclined, cleated plane. The crudest manner possible” of a inclined plane test shows the fit letter which was connected with Now Thon of the shoes under the most severe the Bolivian government’s disnii.'- actual conditions, similar to those sal on a treason charge of its mil­ encountered in the field. itary and air attrche to Berlin. Since December 4, when the sup­ Major Elias Belmonte Pabon, and ply warehouse outfitted the first the expulsion from Bolivia of the / THE selectee, 21,588 others have been German minister, Ernest Wend- AURAOf through the measuring room and ler. SHOW Of A fitted for shoes, under the super­ tWendler was expelled by the THOUSAND vision of Lt. W. R. Middleton and Bolivian government acting a- SURPRISES his enlisted assistants. gainst an alleged plot for a Nazi HUID WITH Pdrhahs "lere’s something you putsch. The major denied yester­ AMItUON didn’t know about army shoes. day in Berlin that he had written LAUGHSI There are 1.86 sizes available at the letter to Wendler, or had the RC, beginning at 4A and OW.DP maintained revolutionary rela­ The Journal-Patriot running up to 15EE. tions with the minister.) Wheeler Gets Germans Claim Sinking of Twenty- Apology From One British Ships Berlin, July 29—A. running fight BECAUSE Sec, Stimson lasting for days between German submarines protected by so-called Washington. — Secretary of “.safety craft” and a British At­ War Henry L. Stimson last night lantic convoy has resulted in the apologized to Senator Burton K. destruction of 21 British ships, Wheeler (Dl. Mont., for implying Adolf Hitler’s headquarters an­ Ia..:t week that the isolationist nounced in a special communique leader intentionally circularized tonight. Circulation Is At Its soldiers in treining with post The “safety craft” themselves S0qu%n';0i In cards opposing war. sank one British destroyer and one MUITIPUNE TECHNICOLOR Stimson said at the same time corette, while the submarines sent br MO UOK) Pklwrw, hK. that an inquiry at post offices at to the bottom 116,500 tons of larger cnatonments revealed not British merchant shipping, the an­ » * only that “at lea.st severs! hun­ nouncement said. Highest Peak! Free Ice Cream dred’’ of the circulars had reach­ Heralding the feat as “a big ed men in training but that “or­ success in the battle of the At­ Special K'ddie Matinee ganized attempts” are being made lantic,” the high conunand said Thursday Afternoon “to arouse disloyalty on the part that the .submarines sank the ships 12:45—FREE Ice Cream of the soldiers in the canton- despite being “hard-pressed by de­ ment.s towards tlie training plans stroyers, corvettes, submarine To First 25 Kids of their officers.” traps and au.xiliary cruisers.” Stimson had charged at a press Except to state that it lasted for ALL KIDS OCCUPYING conference that Wheeler’s action days, the special communique gave Place Your advertising where local coverage is in sending the circulars to sol­ no further details of the battle, SEATS MUST HAVE diers was "near treason.” Wheel­ but previously a military spokes­ TICKETS er Monday took the Senate floor man had indicated that the clashes on a point of personal privilege began early Monday morning and continued through last night.
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