-", , ~',. ,,-- .. --, '.,. T~~JVlizoram 9:!.~~~~(":;':~ ~X1'RA ORDINARY,:,,;>;,', Published by AuthC:n·.t~b~,.,: .' ._~.,'.-.; ~,""",.'U''''''''''':''- ,.\" BEaN. NO. N.1.-313 (MZl lb. 2/. poJ' ~ , :. :'.• , - -.i:~,......,.,.,.,.=-.........,- NOTIFICATiON""""'" No. C. 31'(jj6/5/91-EXC. the 11th MA)'.2004; On (he'itj>ity6hh'e'edstlng'terJii of the Distri9\ l'n:>hibition Committee COl!1!lit'ite~ Vill\'.90Yle,.meJlt,.Notification No, C'JIOj61~J9'7-:!1XC. dt. 18.8.2000. and, '. ~~~~, .,5!t', , ecl'P..,!~conferred by .secllv!l~9:Qflli. Mizorarn Liquor Total i:'l,\blbillb"N: ," Im_,read w,th sub"ruTelf rn {3) ana (4) of the Miz6"ilii l;iqbclf' 1'O'taI' pf\il'\;llf6ii'Riiles. 1996 and sub-rule (2) of Rule 16 of the. Mizoram Liquor TGtaU'fOh.ibitilltli(AQ!end!"cut) RuIes, .I997, the Governor of Mizoram tS pleased to cOlistillite"ifeS!l' District Prohibition QunlAittees at the District ,level for.AiZllwl Pi.stri~l! !i,unlei Dis­ t~ic!, Champhai Outdct. S~hhip Distriljt ilP~,J~'/».iI&ili 1Ji~{1~~:rek' ' ,,:e11 con­ aisting 'o~ th~Jo~\lI)Vmg officials alldM.tL"'IlI\.'eilin,~~p'ls 6'~~,.,I~lj'lcr;con­ corned WIth Imjj(~late effect for a petlli,,·6!:': :Y'e4t.Oli .\lIii~ b~ ex­ tended for any'IOilger period a.,d~jilt"·'.I!~~i(iif ,I'iY':.~'.q,': ~l\'r:'~ _ .'. _,~. __ ., _ " •• , _,',,' '-'_"~ _oJ l .. ",~, 1. DISTRICT PROHIBITION COMMITTEE FOR AlZAWL omlUCT 1. COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL 'dliSiliNA'tWN I. Deput¥ Coo1missioner. Aizawf' .. '<:;llilj~ii~.· 2. Addld>epl>ty Commissieaer .. ,".y.ee-Qaiamn - 3. Superinteddent otEXc!st ' , l..~.~:s-ec#taty ,... , , ~ 1 ~. " , OFFlCIALs , .' " - ,;:: :' '- {: " . ,. '. ," I. Superintendent of Police, Aizawl. " 'l'ifeiMier' ,. 2. DJ.G. Prison' 3. Add!. District Magistrate (1) 4. District Chief Medical & Health 9m~.t (East & West) 5. District Information Officer, Alzawl Ex- 14512004 2 NON OFFICIALS I. President, Mizoram Social Defence Member • Union, Headquarters. 2. Secretary, Alzawl Town Bus Owners Member Asaociauon, Aizawl. 3. Vice President, Central Y.M.A. Member 4. General Secretary, Ill.H.I.P., H'IfI. Member 5. General Secretary, Mizoram Journalist Member Association Hqrs. 6. Co-ordinator, Social Front, Synod Office, Aizaw\. Member 7. One representative each of i) Bal'ti;l"&~i6h<' , ii) salvation Army Iii) Seventh Day Adventist Iv) Roman Catholic v) Aizawl Mara Church U., DISTRICf PROHIBITION COMMITIEE FOR LUNGLEI DISTRICT I. Deputy Commissioner. Lunglei Chairman 2. Add!. Deputy Commissioner Vice-Chairman 3. Superintendent of Excise/proseclltioo Member-Secretary OFFICIAL MEMBERS : I., Superintendent of Police, Lunglei Member 2.' 'Addl, District Magistrate (J), Lunglei ~lember 3. Superintendent of Jails. Lnn.lei Member • 4. District Information Officer, Lunglei Member 5. District Chief Medical & Health Ollicor, Lunglei Member NON~OFFICIALS 1. President, Young Mizo Association Sub-Headquarters, Lunglei Member 2. President, Lunglei Journalist Associatioa Member 3. President, Mizoram Upa Pawl Sub-Hqrs.• Lunglei Member 4.' President. Mizoram Hmeiehhe Insuihkhawm Pawl Su~H'Irs., Lungjei Member 5. President, Lunglei Taxi Owners Assn. Lunglei Member 6. One representative each of :- Presbylerian Church u) ,ilaptist Church Iii) Sa)vation Army Iv) Seventh Day Aoveensts v) Roman Catholic 3 EX-145/2004 , ' (To be selected by the respective churches) •, -, -! ._, 7. One representative each of Lai Autonomous District Council, M.N.F. Sub-Hqrs" M,P.C, Sub-Hqrs, Z.N,P. LUllglei to be selected by tho respective party. 8. Prominent Citizens ii Rev. Dr, P.L. Lianzuala, Chanmari ii) Pu H. Rcthanga, Lungl awn iii) Pu Ramhluna Hnamte, Bazar Veag, Lunglei ill. DlST.{ICT PROHIBITION COMMITTBBFOR CHAMPHAI I. Deputy Commissioner, Champhai Member 2,Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Champllai Member 3. Superintendent of Excise, Champhai Member-Secrelary OFFICIAL MEMBERS J• Superintendent of Police, Champhai Member 2. District Chief Medical & Health O~ Member 3. Information & Public Relation Otllcet. Chaft\!lhd Member 4. Superintendent of Jails, Champhai Member JOON-OFFICIAL MEMBERS I. President, Group Young Mizo Association Member '1. President, Mizoram HmeichhelDauihkhawm Member Pawl Sub-Hqrs. Champhai 3. President, Zoram Defence Union Member Sub-Hqrs, Champhai 4. President, Champbai Journalist Association Member 5, One representative each of M.N.F., Congress. Member MPC and Z.N.P. to be selected by the respective party. 6. One representative each of :­ i) Presbyterian Church ii) Baptist Church iii) Salvation Army (To be selected by the respective Church) 7. Prominent Citizens : i) '1'11 lI.talmawia, Bethel Veng ii) Pu C.' Kaikhuma, Veoglhl$ItI . iii) Pu Vanlalzuata, Kahrawt 'v"'1S. ." .". ) Ex- 145/2004 4 IV. DISTRICT PROHIBITION COMMITTEE FOR SERCHHIP .. l . Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip ella irrnan 2. Add!. Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip Vice-Chairman: 3. Superintendent of Excise, Serchhip 11cii' ber-Secy, OFFICIAL MEMBERS: 1. Superintendent of Police, Serchhip 71.1 ember 2. District ClIiefiliedicili '&Helilth Officer; Sercbnip Member­ 3. District Information & Public Relation Officer, Member . --, , Serchhip ., ' " I', . )'lONcOFFIClAL MEMBER : I. President, Ramlai Group Y.M.A Member • .• ' 2. President.c.Icurnalist Assn., Sercnhip Member. 3. President, ·M.H.I.P. Sub-Hqrs., Serchhip Member 4. One &eprosentati~ each of ;- , ... i) PTeshyterian Church ii) Salvation Army r, ' iii) Baptist Church i v) Roman Catholic : •. '...... , >. ' .......... ~_._ ..~" .. -.- , .... (To be selected by the respective cliureh..) - j' 5. President, Taxi Owners Association, SerchhipMe;llber 6. One {~.ntative of MNF/MPC/CO!'lgreos/ZNP, Member Serchhip. .' . 7. Prominent Citizens : i) Pu T. Rosiarna, Venglai ii) Pu P.c. Sarala, Bazar Veng iii) Pu R. Zakapa, New Serchhip V. DISTRICT PROHIBITION COMMITTEE FOR KOLASIB I. Deputy Commissioner. Kolasib... Chairman 2. Add\. Deputy Commissioner, Knla'sm Vice ChaliJnau 3. Superintendent of Excise, Kol~~ih . Member-Secretary OFFICIAL MEMBERS : ;: .'. f ' ':',*Q~"';~fiJCIM&"MEMI!:IiP;Sli; , y , "J' 'c.,';" " ')I'( ~'_;',_ l:\~,'t __ .;·;, f.t:1-,l.'; i ' ',. J"'·,,1:.,,; ~', ;. ,:,' t . ., '., l,.J'JesiMell,t,· M.};i,Ll',· &.Ib--Bqu<•.ICeiaJib' ' . " . Member ' . -', 1"!I>PMidtlli,' r.f~m; ~~':~~;Nf,~U~7!!i#4~~~I&~b~ M~'l\~~i _, '. !i" ). President, Group Y.M.A., Kolasib Member ... t:~~i#~!J""j1:,~~~shaw Owners Union,. Member ;."~,;MM~ut.i~pr~~~r~~~. Hqrs., Kolasib Member 6. One representative each of MNFjCongressjMPCj Member ZNP,Kola... ~ \To be selected by \he respective Pohtt"al t'attIt;S). Prominent Citizonl : I ..Pu R.V. Thansanga. DiakkaWll 2. Pu Lalrinhan., Sarem Veng 3. 'Pu H. Lalrawngbawla, Vensthar VI. DISTRICT, PROHIBiTION CO¥MITTEE FOR MAMIT 1. Deputy Commissioner, Mamit Chairman 2. Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Mamit Vice-Chairman •• Bloot Development Officer, (Sadar) Member-Secretary OFFICIAL MEMBERS 1. Superintendent of Police, Mamit Member 2. Chief Medical Officer, Mamit Member _~. -.S\!~.J>!Y:. Info,E!l!.atigJl~ ~uJll!g •. .R~ll1ti9A._~~::.e, . (jl.l«;C1\"~lti'-MJ'· -'. ,~". '},,"'" , ;.'~I, ,- .. ' -, ... District EdI!C'a:Miil1ftl'~"\(;'nh' ·''''''·.......'''''lofem't.e'r·' EX-145,2004 NON-0FFICIAL MEMBERS 1. President. Group Y.M.A.• Mamit Member 2. President. M.H.I.P., Mamit Member 3. President, Mi,oram Up. Pawl Member 4. One representative each of MNF/Conllreu' Member MPC/ZNP to he selected by reapeetive Organisations. The functions and duties of the Prohibition Council .1Il1l bf.llilaid down in rule 17 of the Mizoram Liquor Total Prohibition Rules, 199~ and aa amended from ti ne to time, and the Allowanceo er Fees admi...blli'forl'"l­ ment to the non-official members of the Prohibition Council .hall"boJ aalatd down in rule 18 and 19 of tho aforesaid Prohibition Rules. Iioehila Sain-l, .' Secretary to the Govt, of Mizoram. Exci.. & Taxation l)OpartlneDl "1 • ~bt:J&bC(l and iAUCd bY !& COntroller. Piiildna I Statioa.y. MiiODia - .. ... ·w_ Oem. ......_ ....700 ...
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