HENDE , FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1934 PAGE FIVE marriages PARTIES CHURCH SOCIETIES SOGIAI. ACTIVITIES "" TELEPHONE 610 :: : ANNOUNCEMENTS \.<mNlN<; AITIIKSNOWFALL To Atlanta, CJa. through tho , pathways Miss Mabel Hayes expects to leave n, O little wuud* aro white: 'tonight foi* Atlanta, Ga, where she .'u'« wi.ite tin- roiula run thro- ni will spend the week-end with her sis- ugh tin’ town; . .y,>i>unity a White road climbs to ter. Mrs. Bill Lewis. pattern crown grow- AMarianMARIAN MARTIN FROCKMartin hill. The monitasrs dj(sUl„t Choir Rehearsal. FOR MISS 2 TO 10 highway The regular rehearsal of the choir CHE^|$S hinc and PATTERN 978-1 of the First Baptist church will be At Hireling of t jH 1 pait, in the ywtculuy -was held in ihe church this evening at toil.- ',l the West l'aH You may be pure Uhat- a frock, Aml't’ilvtsry. in«‘t and aur and take to 7:30 o’clock, it was announced to- !"•!<! ¦ o' ly. eetiiiiiiM boasting the huh o ,ne ;ti- the simplicity and youth of day. All members are eluh year Hping pure satin asked to come were ii.nl :|<, were these < S< ' ins • just whom 'promptly. through Jt>3l. t"'it iiiis this one, is light for your small leiiuths laid down.’ Rnnph’ied l(i;;:> in ~r y way m If daughter. It’s an easy, to make pat- 5 passed this The house ;>l roll< l‘t .-111(1 ;)t t) > What pajvoiintiy V' inn. K> ha; !s perfectly styled the. night ' W. il. Fie m in;- R ilVr ' members one of tern for a. tubbable 'VJSPP McCALL ‘ ;llll 1 ’l"' "n ••"id I'Min v V" ' 1 » !«.' number of cotton print. The smart drop should loot- • ' < . dam. m* Willithe I n.. eomniltlee. .1 , | v . ~o faintest Sick v (lUil Mr(Jr;B ers are fashioned in the new “grown- PRINTED him s ehainnan. T. W. 'ring president., Drill I i Light the feet. 1 up” manner, the. |tiny collar is of •n!,. .hilling surface. Mrs. Brady weaves Hospital. Seifert and (). T. KirkkS a. series <>f \vec ; kly radio Mrs. W. E. Brady has been diischarg eoinmil tee. l)i . I. il. 1 • the eluh for the members. contrast, the sleeves perk adorably PATTERN k^jiX »a.i nislied not the T. S. Kittrel and ,i. It. most Tint' trod yet ed from Maria Parham hospital, M «pvcd enjoyable. These and snappy pleats^give'plenty of ac- roadways' glow! undergoing treat- dancv' committee, C. It. SturgHH s ¦A’ere well all ended and afford ..I bright where she has been tion to the skirt The frock is cun- 7709 K-iLmlrlabra man. I. H. Hoyle, pleasure. (|lO | mm ,„J ment. Dr. Robert ¦ Some of ;u y nor, A. l as i ning, too, with the /QiiW'iWf J. Watkins and W. B. on num- entire yoke of company Parrnß Imst.esses tl„. w.-i.v.- vvimi Jr.; budget, Dr. I. H. Hoyle, serving refreshments contrast. Bloomers included. rss/A At Hospital. are Duke man, had neeil . (1. M. F. Lcgg and T. W. McCrack- At TTtese weekly affairs, making them Pattern 978-1 msy be ordered only Whither did Mill Duke, son of Mr. .and Mrs. radiant? en; auditing, even more attractive. ... W/4& Os inil,. so V. Duke, of the Cokesbury commu- A. J. Watkins and C. It. in sizes 2,4, 6,8, and 10. Size -1 re- •*%*? CtlV «'«»" St urges. .During the a * Iht’V . nity, is undergoing treatment at Duke year number of dances quires 2 1-2 vards ?6 inch fabric and lke I>. V. Williams. were given, some by the dance com- 1-4 Hospital, in Durham, it is learened. The officers recently elected by the yard contrasting. mittee and others by the entertain- Yesterday directors were M. Y. Cooper, presi- duck to In Ksileigh dent; ment committee of the club. Weekly Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or Mrs Has Tonsils Removed. Mrs. Ellen Cooper, honorary iS* ... ,\ p. Newcomb and bridge luncheons have been held stamps (coins preferred) for EACH Russell McGhee was discharged vice president. C. O. Seifert, vice pres with Harden spent yesterday in some members acting as hostess MARIANMARTIN pattern. Be sure water! tu>m Maria Parham hospital today, ident and T. S. Kittrcll secretary- for l> j| jn'|) with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie each meeting. All of these have add- to write plainly your NAME, AD- j.l'ter having his tonsils removed there treasurer. Newcomb. ed a great deal to the social value of DRESS. the STYLE NUMBER and The West End Country Club has the club. SIZE of each pattern. ORDER YOUR COPY Ob’ THE NEW MARIAN MARTIN SPRING And you’ll lake to McCall Printed Patterns the same wayl They make Washington To PATTERN BOOK —a practical Dance Wed Diplomat \ dressmaking so downright simple Spring sewing guide, offering & 25c stun- thot beginners become experienced 5,10 Honors Mr. all lilk ROSE’S STORE Parham ning models for occasions for sewers with their first McCall frock. Thoughts For grown-ups, juniors and youngsters, And they never fail to provide just Presents Mi. ai.d Airs. F. L. Toepleman and and for the woman who needs slend- the pattern for the fabric you have their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. G. erizing lines. PRICE OF NEW in mind—like 7709, sketched, use it N. Calling, of Windsor, for ou r stunning new checks, have gone to BOOK, FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK Washington. D. C., 1 __l where they will AND PATTERN TOGETHER \m Day attend Congressional the Valentine dinner dance I - WENTY-FTVE CENTS. given there at the Congressional Club Send your order to the February 14th. <n honor Henderson On Wednesday, of E. F. Parham, of this jHpjp* Daily Plaids and stripes too city. Dispatch Pattern Department a 232 W. 18th St.. New York, N. Y. _ Send Valentino! Usfi are here for your : . JttEte*. v . <»r something Names Left Out ¦T ' .Sun! somo candy smart spring dresses. In West End Play CONTRACT BRIDGE \ To tlb’ folks you would WRITTEN FOR CENTRAL PRESS mjjMr By error in composition, several By IE. names were omitted from the article V. SHEPARD avhu votir love— in the Daily Dispalc.n yesteiday on FAMOUS MiDOt TEACHER the play given by Miss Lily Kimball’s J | Select Silk, third grade room at West End school INFORMAT OR Y DOUBLING trick in excess or the * which an Parent-Teacher Association meeting STRATEGY average response indicates; North, Wednesday afternoon. The 4-Spades, upon the play was LARGELY BECAUSE players do assurance that Rayon, entitled, ‘ Little Febraury.” with dif- not understand the basic principles game should be made, as dummy held Valentines ferent pupils, 6 tricks and the responses the in appropriate costumes ol its strategy, the inforrnatory dou- to dou- ble taking the part of each .nonHi of the ble does not play as prominent a showed 4 tricks. Had North held year. part as it should in contract. The a trick less lie would not have bid Plenty game. Had South held trick A OiHe Til following hand makes clear some a mors Cotton chei McFarland took the than 4 he would have bid game. par*, points of strategy. I sat South. My — of September; Virginia Passu- partner was Herbert D. Lent, who Had South held only 3 probable and Comic vant was and Kinds —Sentimental October M. W. Wester well knows what part inforrnatory tricks- he would not have raised r.lie Ail Jr., 2-S].ade Or the new each was November. doubles should pla.v in successful bid. 15 for sc, 10 for sc, to 10c opening lead From choice ol over* ailed bids. Ordinarily The was the K or oc clubs. Because East played the dis- \aiemtne i'art> InviuiUoits 1 tor an infoi matory double shows strength F inal in 3 suits, to support partner’s choice couraging 2. showing neither ability 4 lor Plans Made ruff Drmgc l allies of suit call Sometimes the doubler, to the third round nor possession Synthetic Silk 10c of the \aientine Paper Napkins, package For Monday as in this case, holds supporting Q. the next lead was the 7 or * Dance spades. Dummy played the and Candy Hearts, lb 15c Btlength in only 2 suits, intending to 8, Valentino U<‘d show his own best make unless his held the trick, as East declined to put Final plans were up his !> Bof spades led Valentine Candy Motto Hearts, lb 20c rapidly nearing partner happens to bid one of those The was Which is guaranteed from dummy. East covered ilul Heart Shaped Poxes Filled With Delicious completion by those in charge o (vyo suits. with I leant •staging the first ’3l major social even, the 4. The 10 won Candy, per 10c, 25c, and 48c 8 5 o tub-fast and Chocolate box for the members of the West Em Miss Natalie M. Coe, debutante ?AK The o ol diamonds was led Dummy Valentine Pops for the Kiddies, per card 5c Conn try Club next Monday evening daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William V A 1072 won the trick and led back its last when a dance will be given forth R. Coe, of Oyster Bay. N. Y„ whose ? K b diamond. Soulh's Ace won. Dummy washable. ruffed Dummy's lust-club members in the 'ball room from 10:3. engagement to Signor Leonardo ? S ft a diamond until 2:30 o’clock. Vitetti, Counsellor to the Italian was led Declarer's tj forced West s ? 7 4 9 4 2 Ace.
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