a NEW YORK'S LEADING THEATRES AND SUCCESSES lms¡ i. -o 4TH MONTH OF SMASHING MU- 1 NEW ft! GREATEST ILIBERTY THE ONI- Tv,lf.I DAILY > 1 II] P. M IN NEW YORK'." «. .-. 113'^icALHn s s i; XMAS mil ALL WAR PLAYS S'»» IMPS [)»» M A T g, I I *. -. TWICE TO-DAY (SUNDAY) A JAUNT OF JOLLITY! MATI giaw & t au et ittsi HODUCTIflN ENGAGEMENT HERE'S ANOTHER BIG MOROSCO SUCCESS EXTENDED for That has proved a roof-raising riot of furiously fast fun, and is bound to break all long distance limited period omy laughing records Avery Hopwood's smile-a-minute farcical hit. r56 to 770 TIMES IN N. Y. t>. I. GRIFFITH'S 19IH WEEK PHOTO SPECTACLE Oí Uninterrupter, r ANn CHOI". » Success!! Tat* » LOVE" m.\\\- I úSJ i' "SADIE HUDSON "SHE'LL BE A LAUGH AND A HALF AHEAD OF YOU FOR THREE SOLID HOURS" Prices I TO-MORROW NIGHT El THF PI »V VISIT THE AND LIKE OTHER MOROSCO SUCCESSES IT'S ATTRACTING CROWDED AUDIENCES AT EVERY PERFORM¬ COHAN 4 M» dansf: de follies ANCE, FOR EVERY ONE GOES AWAY A WALKING ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE WHIRLWIND OF lila ZIEGFELD^; FROLIC iiüülai» in the ,i , 24 Matt Baaatü-I Girl.*~¦ ¦ World. ID. S»»-E 1UI'¦'. ». Tre. Baa. THjÊÀTR_ \ te i S, TY MM GAIETY LONGACRE il h"WA1 * A UYOOO PEOPLr. 3.000 HORSES AMI H M AN 'Srt.li. I ..X, should »>«. r" NIGHT v. MONTH 8 Mix. le Produce -Coil $500.000 TIM! **: 'Marjorii Ramtx au is a F 4 I Al N__tiijj_»V:i-_ï__i one ol the I>itrif»->t hits scored this LAST Nt* VORM IV [MCNT Rifted and rxperl actress." SURVIVAL charming, season in the realas of farce." BEIASGÜ OF, Alexandi r H tdlt ott. ATFC THE FITTEST!! He» Hearn MHteer. ite 1 he «VKTjü "1 dc*y anybody to t^* ¡:c (,rly attraclion i".*» it." AMRRII W Miss l: imbeau makes looatoraag1 without likinj miivanthg'rin from la if, Il M »» ¦»nil» I ox«' mi ins .i vi rx IN Till hMi.lia. nil »«lien Hl'beut g hrr-i'... .1 and Sadie.".. M |*ll II sprightly charming masterpiece, delightfull*»' plajreti." n DAVID BELASCO preseaU I harlot Hi ara .»/.¦ -¦i .» dei ¡I " I'.lniti. TU. so- '» .' P .¦ - «' _i ÇU v . An mistress Wim. Il Y PRESS: Bceomplished SI S: ''Diamond Jin Bradjr'a trap* -, II «.rriiN . B"« V* UtVILLf CON rtü TOO»* Scat» f Wrrka In Advanr» Including All ni' those trii'k* essential t'i a succesa- in th»' front rou bcfoN Huilla» Mat; pings paled toVsM-l-M.IM*-. fnl farce player." Hamilton Ovh >u. tin» scintillating parti ». I, . Tin «.'"I! "a « An :irti«t ut fin. rr- GLOBE: In.I.ni.il.lv all » l'AII.V HERALD funajr. lioM'A1' DI « r " ' S_"* I. i -«. rcefulnesa." ¡.mus Skenein. MAMMOTH FEATURES _J II VAUDEVILLE H>*rn?r~'r'''*^r"' HARRIS Wgal J tag*" TRIBl SE: I* and has s WORLD: tawing roaches the r*r**mrmm prettj IN FRANCE" TKr<'r» .' <5 SrJ.B'i;A) iiiri Dim i|\ »iri,i ," boiling point. / out* I>¦ Foe. -MGHT1NG»l' : j.ft» «¦»>_ »7M iU"i .iRrMTcey¿visai Hi '/.. tu- ¦¦¦ ood Bronn. *:.<-\r"u\SAT¿2iC TELEGRAM: ''Sadie .««ore i-* à « -r*-** ATO//T/v A\0 -. tuiinx¦." IVA )'i agiMaiwgagg WORLD: Shi is »rith s cid) tl';. (¡o gifted rerjr 133RD PERFORMANCE ¡itr.'ii'tivi vmu .mil manta r .uni the liKttN & CO. seo. h. co/Íaa/ ^{s HERALD: "A- .*. dramatUation «»Í HARRY usana r «¦* i* **i \» ii h v Waldrop & Co. DRAMATIC Sirsi^TiüN OPTMI ^**\ ¿* lili il p. rsonalil Loui* boudoirs Sadie [.ore leaves Bessie Wynn.Oza A' />,¦ / nothing IKA.VII B ' KAD1MS til III- l|l *H-!'l| TELEGRAPH: Miss ¡s 'ITH Rambeau WORLD: "Amusing . greal deal 'DK'BLO ¦¦¦.il unfailing *-«. n..< ol genuine ioy." of x\.i* afforded the ad tótlí-LKlítlt! LaS t «VetíK 'BILLY HOIUM* pleasure hj * Rennold -.-nal si nxEE dailt. ':AlSU-LLING8WtKS H'olf ing ( harlt i Daruton .» BILL _ Stone. WA«** ITH HOL.BLE Montgomery *A~HeAÖ INCL UDIHG 4L L FEATURES - M4TINF.ES "la VAUDEVILLE Chin-Chin Glob*?. HOLIDAY SI S: "Acting a i* capilal : Mi*s PRESS: always nittj xirv fare» . l! .nul., au's amusing, pun IN FRANCE" ',.. / JOHN MASON, .'ANE COWL *|" lallv." "FIGHTING i .... ' hartes INI» \ HRII \A I'l'MIM t 1 n Villiagham THE CMIà«. Talari Look! ¦In »t ,.r ilr.v all. 1*1 II II» tha third Utop . t tiraaaaai ..... leagg |g «Th» Bl-li. .. 21. Nation. " AND A TYPICAL «I of SEA) Ii.,, da». EIHÉL BARRYMORE .;;,',,ÏLh With MOROSCO _r »tbtj I' .»« t«-, HUMING& FRANCES IV1ARJORIE RAMBEAU CAST. "THE BRIDE SHOP,' too! The sort of liveliness the French term LBASK Spicy, HAVE vor MAT. UAH Vat 2 KEITH'S I \ I 'I'*. NY,11 WHAT DOES Bjf. '" "chic".that's absolutely clever. The kind of fun that ". ... ..-,.. ||, 11.al THE MOONLIGHT A makes you think about it the next day.and laugh over METROPOLITAN i, ,.,'V ;.noo CHOU i ¦If. '(Ml ORCH. no to vox ? TWIN soi i. y ' lar Eva - )r«.i..'--" SI \l» 50c SKATS $1.1,0 the recollection. * Maim!! » Es. « 111.' BIO « i> a« i it i . -i si» v.. :ii.i,i\mm, miiv MAI i>i < mil THE BEST LINE Kurt. SHOPPERS: YOU'LL FIND fter* *t II W-IUiirr.-. FAREWELL AMERICAN TOUR OF LAUGHS IN TOWN IN SADIE LOVE. >. Merit Malateat« .' L'j'V .. i.tiiii«. TO «g >,. ett» NIGHTS AND SAT. 50C TO .$2. POPULAR MAT. WED., 50C $1.50 - MRS. LANGTRY MAT., (I ADY De ¡y\ Ml p| ort« .1 b 1 onel Atwlll and < I Richard Wagner & TO-MORROW (MON.)!v .\ One-Acl Playlet bj Percj Fendell. JIIIIMHlllllllilllllllllillllillllttlIllllililüllMlllllllllllllllülllllllllllllllillllimillU j _ TO-NIGHT I'l.ui.l» «MME. THEATRE isf tt I M vil I \MI hl Ki¬ CANDLER LEW MARIE & MARY \l ..I I - I ai I - New Triangle Plays C«i\l)., || Ml M \N » *lAM, AG CM . \ «I \> M MIM DOCKSTADER McFARLAND t., I»,, Production 1.Kl ill BAI.I.K. BRAZIL Marvels of '-*»*»_lli»*i*-2J»a ¦AKSSEI UIU.KTI. 1 mini "- A tente, mysterious detective story of the true R.O de JANEIRO flavor is Links." which "¡MAKES XMAS SHOPPING A RARE DELIGHT' :l ' Sherlock Holmes "Missing fcir. Parsifal r tttSM' PHOTO-SCENES MIKE BERNARD & SIDNEY PHILLIPS with Norma and r» \ M l. !. \ :.. _DIAN begins tlii-» afternoon Talmadge PICTURES Marron. .i "ONE ENTIRE )'.| Kill & MOTION VASCO Robert AT CITY BLOCK BILTMORE Popular Pot», .'.Or. 75c. SI. $1.50 JACK DONAHUE & Ct Then "The Bat"Jiooing llame." trith Henry Woodruff, a HIP .in: s ><. »Il «Il M» » FILLED WITH FK)I> *»^ Mm; I I ist linli.in i »nuance, is filled xxith the Weird haini ' l»M IÎ .«" I' ALICE STEWART HENRY LEWIS powerful MERRIMENT BOTE) Uli 1 MiiKl H-MllleUr uf tin» I ast. SOUSA Mi: AM. ti VAI'DEVILI II,, vrrl, A « ... Far " the with AND HIS HIP I .(.I. MalXi.l Ml.MMIS I l\I \ I R XOKIHN\«ll(II|\ \K\Xll\ Ami V Submarin»» Pilot," Keystone Comedy 1PuiiMcHlifeilicî sxii Chaplin which appeared recantly, »xiii h»* ahown again h> BAND BT Y II BMELBA Iw«y-i" BWAV I special re»|in*st. Man] WOrt the plaudits reieixed fr«nn press xx xv.is tirst shown. HOORAY Ä ami public lien this '.M. II II XII It! I \ K X..KI.IN \KV ADELAIDEííHUGHES uixi ut» -m mi vxoiin x-iaxiivi. GODOWSKY \M lllll \ '- Kl l*KI.»l s V I l\ I I» \ *--« I S **7*mJ7 KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE THE SENSATIONAL ÍCE BALLET DfOadWBJ anil .<Mii Sneer oa all eem- « . ,r Ä lin |*4/] Q . 4.Pan« Mardnoaai «9c«ad o,. i \ t-aiast .'*«. -o. ,75c-_r)$l hs s w i ' 11 I tin OLITZK not os \ fern .o*,:. í VI.au bj | l.uu *.-»-,.»«. Forc-i.o-t 7. -».'.« »- HHi I. r hm r.i-..ti.,r gf Isa» I I I .« MMriMrf In. w 25c & 50«. - A TERRIFIC HIT! riiiiiiiiii'iiiin'niiiiiii'iiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiitiiiiitMiiiunMiiiiüiiHimiiiiniin IS00 GOOD RESERVE SEATS EVERY PERFORMANCE SIEGEL riiuiu ini.i «, roí i»' X ,i I I I,' « AHMIIl'.IM PLAYHOUSE I .*.?? t-*<v i .*«.>«>.>«.>eo-seeo« *???.»? SI II RBI X -i \«,l If TO-NIGHT SOUSA band I ..¦..-t ¦« renl .'i ¦. / THE ¦ ¦. theatrical tan CARNEGIE HALL EMMY DESTINN « >« U I, * XI "". *l X I i XIII ? jW mssmsA 4iti» st. ? It* MA-JOS 4_ Broaiiwdy a FRIDAY' ^ ~- Bernard ntr , -T* I DEC. 17.! FL'LTON THEATRL. 46th. W et B'wty ZrvJ- .9 CANYON TO-DAY X AT : (SUNDAY) 8.30. N._ M ,., Shaw's H OF ARIZONA t AND EVERY DAY FROM f -i«..*. IHtATRE. Wetl el B'w.t. E RA «/rt 441H ST. ? «Id« il another riuiii] 1. In hie . .¦. nl 1 P. M. TO 11 F. M. ? ;.- .hi n.'ir. »» manager.*1 I"> ¦. ¡irai "It haa n-iii'iiiii .1 for Gra ..;..¦.¦ I..- FIGKTiAG IN FRAÜCE the niosl Important) Ihi iikh-I absorbing |>la; of the - <m smusing, _______ ob*. _ÍJ^lLA< SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA «.. booth. ¦ "WHA *IU. ODETTE LE FONTENAY, 'MANHATTAN ;no¿: ¡ LORO '";'.¦ Vx *> . NGAGEMENl I A Fl v ill nhitw^\à\**i HENBrPF . ______ a U\it PQEis tSSlotW Mili EES OH I ? DOES OTfW I "THOU ART THE MM i ut BLUE FARAD1SE ^cn- LATEST HIT! pan . - xoc. mrnmmm PUBLIC B'WAY & 47th St. WWÏÏ- AI.HAM XI .. THE MAN" i: \ -I Ml X X ..MX ! I HUBERT . * « ? ..; 9 A < II '. !'. IIRI I .» II I I* XII X "Il I \K .I CARNEGIE HALL. H «, .«:«;*.. \ S> WANT1" PHI« Kn SYMPHONY , ? .> ALOiNE AT LAST TICKETS- 50c.

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