IJ~ll::1 II II II-------------------- II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II -II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II- -II II II II IIII II II II II II II II IIII II II II II II II II -II IIII II II II IIII II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II - II IIII II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II - II II IIII II IIII II II II II II II II II II II II II II II- -.....- II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II - -II-~- II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II IIII II II •II II- II II IIII II II II II IIII II II II II II II II II IIII II II II II 1111 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II IIII II II II II 1111 IIII II IIII II II IIII II II II IIII II II II II II II Three good II-II II II II II II II II II II II II II IIII II II IIII II II II - reasons'1Vhy II II II II II IIII II II II IIII II II II II II II II II II II II - ~'1 I -~~- you shouldn't -- ~~ miss this bo'1V­ ----------------- h unting season As most bowhunters know, half the joy of bowhunting is the pride of owning and using the best of equipment. Whatever your choice of game might be, the going's finer when you go with a Ben Pearson bow. For the bowhunter, Ben Pearson has designed three terrific ... in every Easton Aluminum arrow shaft since 1946 has earned them the reputation of the world's finest arrow bows ... the Mustang, Pinto and Javelino. All are mode to Ben shaft, and the confidence of amateur and professional archers throughout the world. Pearson's usual high.standards from the finest select hardwoods and high tensile strength fiberglas. Each is fast and sturdy with lightning Each Easton shaft of every size since 1946 has bee n weight and spine controlled to the original master sam ples. cost that assures flatter trajectory of the arrow . .• less flight time This constant uniformity means that you can fill in your old sets with the same complete assurance and con Ii· from release to impact. These are bows with punch-they down game dence that you have wh en you buy a new set of Easton arrows. where others fail. Don't miss this · bowhunting season. Go with a Shoot the arrows champion archers have been shooting, setting consistently hi gh score records, and winning Ben Pearson bow. all major titles since 1946. Whether you use Easton 24S RT· X ® or XX 75® you can be sure they are of championship sl1ooting quality ready for perfect scores. THE MUSTANG THE PINTO THE JAVELINA =-·D>ll'N=Jll'A/li ~ ~ Le'lgth 5'4" le,,gth 5'6" Length 5'6" INCORPORATED XX.75 ® Wu. 30-60 I bs. 211111is11·1·-x® EASTON ALUMINUM Wts. 40-75 lbs. Wts. 30·65 lbs. Proved the World's Finest Arrow Sh8fls $59.50 $49.SO $39.50 PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS JAS. D. EASTON, I NC. • 15137 CALIFA STREET • VAN NUYS, CAL I FOR~IA ALL SIZES IN BOTH ALLOYS AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY r BDBJZ-=IN® ''BITZENBURGER'' 3 BLADED HUNTING POINTS THE MOST FAMOUS NAME IN FlETCHING EQUIPMENT S;nart hunters rely o n the tru­ fllte, hard hitting characteris­ tics of Bod-Kin points. Devel­ Our New oped by the originators of the 3 bladed point. PER·FE1CTION FLET·CH'MASTER ONL Y D OZ. $3 95 is the greatest advancement in fletching jig history. Serra t ~d 4.60 IW doz. I ...... ., We do not claim to fletch ALL of the arrows, BUT we do THE HOUSE 1 D w & OF @.. fletch the IMPORTANT ones. The nex t time you vislt ' ARCHERY IA your local archer y dealer ask. him the kind of jig he uses and why. I will wager that they will be BITZENBURGER I 1. C. WHI FF EN CO., INC. because they are so VERSATILE and ACCURATE. 209 West Wells St. Milwaukee, Wis. THE PERFECTION JIG WILL FLETCH ARROWS ALL OF THESE WAYS: • Di.agonalty • 120° • Straight • 90° • True Helical Fletch, rt. hand ~ 75 x 105° • True Helle.al Flet.ch. It. hand • 60" ALL WITH ONE SIMPLE ADJUSTMENT DIRECT You be the JmJge. See it, and compare it with many others on the market. FR 0 M See your dealer, or order direct With rt111' Jigstraight or left Tru• clampwith ~, ~$ Helical clamp MANUFACTURER HENBY A. BITZENBlJRGER TO DISTRIBUTOR 800 East 4th Street · Los Angeles 18, <Jallfornia $J8,50 120' 90 7S~OS' 60" $19.95 AND ARROW MFG. S.ECOND NOCKS ANNUAL BIG BUCK CONTEST Available in * $100 Largest Whitetail Deer ENTRY BLANK 7 Colors and $100 Largest Blacktail Deer Date.. - ----- 4 Sizes - 1 / 4", $100 Largest Mule Deer Photograph Attached Location,__ _ _____ _ 9 132", 5 /1 6 " * Field Dressed Weight THE CELTIC S-700: Styled SAMPLES by experts .•. for e1<9erts. and 11 /32" Deer Must Be Shot ON REQUEST * Name -------(SIGNATURE)------- ------~ Holds 20 a rrows In di­ with Cedar Shalt Arrow vided, cat.way top. 'F'ea­ Addres~ ---------------- tu res z iPtter pocket, pencil du ring 1963 Season holder, adjustable strap and mea"9 to s.cure quiver * Mail Entries to: to yovr le&". Also ring$ for' Cedar-Arrow Shafts Ass'n. Ty pe of Deer·--------- No . of Points cteanlng tsuel. Finest tan­ P.O. Box 266 ned elk• in black, tan, Weight_ _ ___ Witness. ______ _ ____ _ _ white. Grants Pass, Oregon 680 SOUTH PERRY STREET DEALE•Ra WAN·'JEO Cedar-Shaft DENVER 19 COLORADO Contest Closes Dec. 31, 1963 3261 FLUSHING RD., FLINT 4, MICHLGAN * Arrow Witneu * In case of Weight Tie, Horns Photograph and Entry Info. Moy Be Used in Publicity will decide ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: ARCHERY MAGAZINE Offlc:lal publJcatlon of the Notlona1 Fleld Archery Au n. Ro>' lll'lfC. Edit.or · NORWAY ARCHERY Norwoy. Oregon EDITORJAL, OI'RCULA'l'ION AND ADVER'l'!SING Frledn lloft Sccr~t111·y. Price: twc11 ty-fiva cenUI per copy, Subscrl11Uon ,.ates'. Address: Box Ii. P alm Sprinaa, Cali!orni11 $2.60 per year In U.S.A• .Membership In the N.F.A.A. $2.76 per year. Combtlla~ ACME WOOD l>RODUClS, 'NC. 'I ·tihone R28- S690 (area codn 7 14) Uon membership and magrutne. S6.oo per year. Foreign subscrlplionR: Conad11. Myrtle Point, Oregon • no an&we.r, call 84 9-89 21) $2. 76; aU _others, S8.00. S pecial rate to dealers (U.S.A. only) S 1.60 Der y~ ROSE Cl lY ARCHERY INC. por aubaor>ptlon In Iota of five or more eubscrll)llens 11ent lo ono nddroRs. O'<lor Send clu, . ~ws . articlos or storie• t<> above aduresa. Pow•rs, Oregon must appear on dcator'e Jetterhon<1 or order form. Soaontl class posti.110 Pllld -:- SOUTHERN OREGON ARC .. at l>nlm Desort nnd nt oddltfon r<l m11lltng offlcea. Kerby, Oregon Ezecutlv Office• : P. 0. Rox 067, Palm nese~t. Calif , A1·tlcle8. atorloft und clull nC\\'6 must be submi ~t<id to1· rmbllcnlion ahowin1r POSTMASTER: Pleau send copies returned under name nnd address of tho \YTlter. "-11 su\Lemcnt• 11re tboso of tho w1l l.A)r "'lilcb M. l . McKINNEY Ook lond, 0 la.,.ls Form 3571 to Post Office. Pal11> Desert, Calff, may or may not conform to editorlnl policy of thlK 1ll.llkcu<.1nc nnd Ile edlto,., reg on supposing. Supp<?se we ~tarted to run the NFAA a little classes to handle. Just how can our leaders expect the our way and_a llttle then· way. Just toss our restrictiops average club to run a tournament? and rule books ~>Ut the window and start all over again, Ellminati,on o.f the spot and the bullseye is a great This is but NOT .forgetting our past experiences AU NFAA mel11· equalizer between bare-bow and f<l"ee-style. It will put the bers give a_ little, take a little, and see what happens. entire membership on a more equal shooting basis. I Supposlng we ~liJ!linate the long.standing argument seriously doubt that our top sight shooters can beat a about sights and mv1sibl~ marked bows, and just say top bare-bow shooter with the bullseye eliminated. The ~here are no rules covering equipment. Supposing we important angle ls how this change would al.feet the large Field JUSt go ahead a~d mark the distances, eliminate all that majority of Field Archers. Well, the large majority of unpleasant cheating talk, and make it .fair for all More Field Archers are not perfectionists and will gain far deer than you may realize drop dead from a weu:p1aced more enjoyment by shooting a more varied course which arrow at a pre-detel'{lllned distance from a stand does not require pin-point target•type accuracy. In effect, Supposing we ~liminate classification with Jts un· the whole target has become the bullseye. Archery? savory history and shoot in the team concept we would We absolutely and positively must simplify, uncom· eliminate half the hard feelings and really murder the plicate, and make Field Archery different from target arch· sand-baggers.
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