^ I.X., N O ^ ^ ^ X ASvevtMag Oa X > ^ A N C H to:^ ^ CONN., WEDNESDAY, .iui.Y 1 1941 *AGES), PRICE THREE /. ■7/ y ; < President Speaks at Librar^Dedical G o v e r j ^ r s To Pare B tM t- \. ure Re nues \ /\ D eten 8 e Nenmltated Radio Buoys yAderal &t|fieiidltiires '^een Cutting Sharps Both Land droops a n d ; A t ^ g s r n Sub Rescue *Large Part^Jof RuMia’s - ly. Into' IncoiidM; C^' RAtnkiiKr Plano*. Aoo J W t S r S Bombing Planen Are oi^insUon of ^ Taxes Trapped/Arndra Rp* Device■ - V ;•/ ’ Base. ^ Creditied with 9masb^ j ported/ Destroyed ilk" TAIIbo Is Advocatisd. N aval Ships .in^ Tank Spearheads; T\T A E7* • Anni>dlating ’ Strug|^ ^rm y Ordnance Expert B u lletin ! Aim ed at Moscow a n d : in BiiUystok S m ^ I M O t r i r m g Boston, July 2.—(/F)-*-Fear Also Offers Neu> Type Ll^ningrad; H e a V y | Ai^a; Quantities . of that scheduled^c^^^increases in Steel- Giving Chamber ^BIoWs Struck at C.er- No American Vessels Soviet Tanks ai|d' ‘^sderfd taxes on Uquor, would Holding Pure Oxygen* result in revival of^tiootieg- tans in ^ ck . Sector. On Atlantic P t U r o l^ Field Guns Aire Sei King was expressed today by San Diego, Calif., July 2.— Engaged in ■/_ Gov. James H. Price (D) of M os< !< w /Ju ly 2'.— <iP)-^The C o n r ia ^ l Berlin, July A naw submarin’e rescue method Virginia as sfaie . governors Red Arm /and Air Fewee re­ Duty for Britain Vt German high conupand, employing radio buoys which au- Mmidercd the possibility of ported ^todky it had wiped out nig unabated' swift tomaticiUly flash SOS signals and sacking eliminatipn . Of over Germiin tarn vanguards ih Washbigtmi, July 2—(y^Z-Secre- a new type of eteel diving cham­ into Soviet Russia,’ the/M insk and Dvinsk ^ areas tary. Knox flatly sUted today that lapping Federal-state taxes. ber has'heen devised at Fort Rose- today 100,000 alia (ihecked fierce drives ap- ho Americiui veaseto/on Atlantic crans by Master Sergeant Frshk president Roosevelt speaks’ to a radio ice and guests/at-the dedlehtlon of the Franklin D. diers have betoi' cqi^t Newton, Array ordnance .expert '^rently aimed at Moscow And patrols had engageq/in convoying, Boston; July 2.---{A*)— Gov ROoeevel! library at Hyde Park, N. Y. The Ubr houses the . chief excohtlve’s correspondence, glfi ‘to darge /art’^ bf Rofeiis’t ernors of Rhode Island, Ohio and Invepor. and t^lta. Leningrad. Both land troops Bad becoipe involved in combat, NSwlmi displayed a deaign for ‘TT had suffered any loss of life in trapped Armtes/destreyred la , a ^ New Jersey expressed be- and bombing planes were a steel diving chunber, SO Inches their crews or jiny toes of equip­ the annihilatiBg struggle ' ia credited with smashing the ment. / ~—r • lidf today that defense-neces- wide and eight feet fong,„contaXi- the Bialystek'Minsk arek.:, iita ^ Federal ’ expenditures Ing 20 cubic feet of pure oxygen tank spearheads. An air at­ The questlph of patrol operation waa raised .at a press conference Tw o (ibmmuni(iues “from would cut sharply into state com prised , a t , 2,000 pounds pres­ Strike Called tack on' tanks, troops ; and sure, and linw in a separate' per- Way ell at which the Navy chief also Was Fhehrer’i^ headquarten” ‘revenue ga they urged their ated container to abaorb exhaled supply trains, S communique Interrogated about criticiam in tei^rted/'ponderoas qaan$ fellbw chiei executives to pare ewbon dioxide. 'Test of Use said, had. checked' “the ad­ Cphgreu of hls dehiand this week, of Rustiian tmtks tost toe United States seize their budgets and prepare for Better lim a Presaot BeD vance of motorized infantry” grns eeizc^. A HO aald such a cham ber'Is an Mjjye to^eet ^^eat -the pitoent moment to sweep ; any emergencies arising after which followed tanks. Farther German mroace" from the Atlah- buUef^ placed^he appareat'^^ improvement on the present div­ O fW P A M e n th e w a r. ing ban bocauae Its two occupants t . south, a Soviet communique tlo. elimiBationa huge - Red Britons Speculate OMjjbMa To Mtffffy Oov. J. Howard McQrath (D.. bould regulate oxygen pressure by decUred, other heavy blows Anny fords “east ' rf Bialy-' Bhode Island) auggeated at. th« valves to malntalif surface atmos­ ®“ B 8 ,of Ten Repeatedly, toe seCT«aty decUn- W brkm'en Instructed to Possibility pf Quick were stnick at strong Germsa ed to reply to the eriUctenw or to stok.”^ / ’ . Mrd ammal Confaronce cjf State pheric pressure at all times, thus Oovamora that repreXentativea of enabling rapid ascent. forces ih the'Luck areg, getfe say whether the specif to which la toe area in ' whldi tos^A-j Stay Away from Jobs l^asi Victo^ in Ruuia 'he made the demand haid~pr^' Hbnnana have reported two tte atata and Federal govemmenta The preseiift diving bell, be said, foal Tragedy way to the Ukraine. J^tly draft a program for "ooor- Far to the north, above the dential or rabihet approval. ' Sian armies (efti mated to ( ^ On Construction at And Drive on Ganges. At length, hoover, when silked quarters, at 400,000. men) pocksfe; mnatlng and eorreUting state and (Ooattoned On Page Twelie) A rctic jClrcIe, a German offensive Fede^ taxes with duplicate J e f f e r s o n B a r r a c k s . the'Srcdnl.. J '■ ed to the 'tongue of SoTietlsed 'i London; July 1,—(~ Victims Found (poattaoed oa FagwTta) ritory between Best Prussia aag.^ guarding the northern eni Gen. Sir Archibald P. WaV^f the ice-fres port of . Oermah-oocupied Poland. ’’It may he,” be aaid, “that the By The_ Associated Press 40e Aimorod Cara CsptersS atata should aurrender certain suddenly whs transfer!^ to­ Pfii reported meeting ‘‘fierce re- Stock In a strike'which union leaders Searcbers Grimly Sedk iistance’’ by sovie^troops.' X In this battle alone^ it said, 405 '^ kinds of taxes to the Federal gov- day frojn the Middle ^ t to captured armored , can and 2O0„: termed a Mtloha) test the use Japan Chooses - erament and that the Federal gov-. India, and surprise;^Britons Others as Fog I4lt8 Bombers QMii Cretlit . ernment should reUre from' cer­ of WPA labor at sub-u^n wmgea, The eommiuilque creditwl tha (Oontteued Ow Face Tim). lum gpeculateti on the/possibility ^ tain fleldk in favor of the BUtes. the AFLi Building 'Tradea (touneil From Casco Bay ; fife Red Air - Fteet’-s bombers with . .'X T believa that the .Hme has that the RovenuBrat forteaw tributlite greatly to the block- ' OR War at St. Louis instructed between 1,- > landte to Be V^oufed. K cotoe for both, the atatea and Fed­ For New Bill 500 and 2,0(XJ workmeh tqday to a quick German'victory over of the NaM thritets by Strafing eral goyernm^t h> piit their stay away toom their Jpbs/6n a 94,- Soviet RussUr and ^ su bse­ tro<^ and pounding-the ~ bouses in order in thJS respect." Bafetini \ ’ wliich. the attXcks- Of Na^y Reds 000,000 construction —project at quent NmtT/drute on the F l a s h e s ! Becomaewid BOonomy Jefferson Barracks. .- -BarpsweO,' Bfe^ July 2- ^ A ll three—Oovernors McGrath, Com m ittee Votes Tenta* Ganges. The transfer,, in fact, '/x 7 . (Late Boilettas et the (81 Wbe) j The walkout was ordered in prd^ '^WhUe eearch went «■ ted^ Of the (irincipal batUefronte the JiStn W. Bricker (R., Qblo) Shd live Increase as Meas­ test to.ths employment of 76 WPA was a ^iteh of commands, 'fe r iMkttes e f 'S7 eC'tha 57 vie-. oommitotque .declared: Matouoka Tells N a i k m Oiartea Edison .(D.,'New Jersey) Urns o f Blatoe’o worst toariae \ 'In toe Dvutok and Minsk direc­ D i^ Itaantaetorera^Ftoed M eters. E M. BasyCi deputy steU Gen. ■ Sit GIaude_, Aucbinleck, Grave State of E in e i> iwcommoided’ eronomical oper- ure Drafted $4,4bQv WPA administrator, dcelarod how­ ditoster, a. dUfetenec-of epto- tion o<ir troops, developed fighting J ote yatloh of state government during 67-year-«d Scot, moving from len dcvrtoped aasong okhdals ScUvlUes last njght after having largo ■ 000 Above Its Gbal. ever that "our mfa wUl remain on gen^ Is Developing ^ the amMgency, accumulation of the Job. The projects have b>cn Iildia to th^.|Iiddte East. aa to whedier the cuta ante- ' destroyed advanced totok units of ■aed 95JK10 seek and tkroa' reaervaa tor use Ih the post war -\ certified aa aei^toMry to naUOnal /Slr.Caauda, ahouf- whom the er Dob waa oveslosded when toe enemy. Tbrougbout W o r l d . their oMeOre Aaed » A M eodk pariod, and postponement of non- Waahington, July 2—(P»— The defsnae." British publie- knowa, UtUe, baa n weto to the hattowi ot Oaaew' . "Our troops 'operating to. the Federal: Btetrtct eouit today ea n essential state enterpiisM requlr- rorvbd In Egypt, Aden. Iraq, Kur­ House Ways and Means Onamlt- . Other lab^r developments Bay oa Snndeylt State‘Shete lUtck direction during litst night Tokyo, Juiy 5—(ST—The' gov- charge pr KidBg the prtee ef to- , Ing great expenditures. distan and India. He waa named and Ftehertaa Warden John fought against strong /enemy tse completed the preltoiinary dudedi /.......... eiiimitot announcea today it had The finaa irat* Ell lipy Au three emphasised. In pre* Bagto^ Vettog aw dommander-iu-chlef ot India Iwt Stevons,'wbs waa aboard the/ forces, striking a heavy bloW to- * GinipeSy, Shwp aad Dahsaq pars4 addresses, 'that there must drafting o f a 95,504,400,60(> tax bill Jan.
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