University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1943 The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 9-10-1943 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 046, No 10, 9/10/ 1943 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1943 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 046, No 10, 9/10/1943." 46, 10 (1943). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1943/25 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1943 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , I ~~~-~···--....·-···---~··· .......... ..~--~----~---------------------------.-- \, ·j. - . ' 1Four . NEW MEXICO LOBO 'Friday, September 8,1943 HOSEN BEST DRESSED. OPEN HOUSE FOR NAVY V-12 . .. THE LOBO ~~~~ ______:_ __ __. ·' ,.__.... ·--------- WI-/AT'S IN .. Pl'int Exhibit •. , , , • , ••. P. 1 STAND-BY Red Cross Room •••••• ,P. 1 Fashions ....•••.••••• P. 4 KG Chooses Sheer Forme~ UStudents Town Club Will Hold - . Post-War Education .••• P. 1 Personalitie$ •.••.••••. P. 2 NEW MEXICO LO'BO ·Discussions ••.••.••••. P. 1 Exam Schedule .• , , .•.• P. 3 Announce Engagement I As Favorite Dress Entertainment in Sub Faculty' Nine · ••••••••.. P. 8 Announcement of the engage- C We.ekly Publication of the Associated Students of the University· of New Mexico Margy Hackett Is .Soph. rnent and approaching marriage of ompanies Will Attend Miss Elaine Ortman and Mr. Tom No. 10 --------------------------------------~----~~--~=---~-=~--~====~-----ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1943 McCord, Jr. was made last Satur- At Designated Hours In Fine Arts College day at a tea given in Youngstown, VoL. XLVI The Title of "Best Dressed Gil'! Ohio, at the horne of the parents An open house for Com- the W cek" goes this week to of the bride elect. panies Three, -Four, "Five and Mat•gy Hackett. She is a Tiny cards bearing the names of Six of. the Navy V -12 will be Red· Cross'· Room in Sub sophomore in the college of Fine the couple, tucked- in colonial nose .. Arts and is majoring in voice. She gays, distributed to the guests held by Town Club tonight. 'Public Works' and Free is very active in all musical af.. made the announcement. Decora- The open house is to take nnd is noted for her wonder· tions for the tea were carried out place in the Sub from 7:00 to I For_ Making Dressings singing ability. in pastel colors with flowers of 9 :30. 1\fargy chose as her favorite a Trade' to be Next Topic gladioli, asters, and pom-poms The decorations will follow pink sheer with black lace trim­ assisting in the motif. AWS Urges Women Students to 'Watch Announcement ing. She has dark short curly hair, Miss Ortman attended Miami a Navy theme in honor of the Second Student-Faculty Discussion Forum To ~e is five feet two inches tall and is University, Oxford, o., and trans- .guests•. The table will have a pledge of Kappa Kappa Gamma. ferrejl to the University here where large blue and silver ship as TF_ARMEST. FRIEND ·of the un­ Conducted In Student Union Ballroom Thursday Of Opening. and Budget Time to Do Maximum Work she .received her degree. a centerpiece. Dancing anP card 1 '1 dergraduat~ coUeg.iCm ,has: On the campus here she was a games will be provided as enter- been the ~Iass1c P-astel .s.weater It was rev~aled today, thap ten-'fc-----------,---­ • Ph t T K · . adorned w1tn pearls. Th1s yea1' "Public Wot·ks and Free Trade" will be the topic for discussion at memb et• o.~. ra eres, uu appa tamment, and punch wlll be served. there's a happtl 11ariation of tile the second Student-Faculty Forum to be held ne:rt Thursday in the tative plans are be'ing ma:de to use Sigs Honor Pledges the Student Union basement lounge Alpha, national forensic honorary. Each company is asked to come putlover modet. Lengthwj~e-rib· Student Union ballroom from 4:30 p. rn. to 5:30 p. rn. She was a rnembor of the MIRAGE at designated 1 ours. Company b~d epaulet shoulder deta1\ pro• At the meeting yesterday Truma11 Reid led a discussion on ' 1Labor e•ch Tuesday from 10;00 a. rn. to Wave ~ecruiters staff and ~·as ass c' t d'to f Th d c F v1des greater sleeve fullness, as 6:00 p. rn., and from 7:00 p. m, to With Recent Banquet "' o 1a e e 1 r o ree an ompany our are to shown in the shelt pink favorite -------------~and War." Problems of post-war Beta Xi chapter of Sigma Chi the LOBO. She took graduate work attend between 7:00 and 8:15. worn b1i CBS 'actre•s Cnarlotte employment 1n parlicult\1' were dis­ 9:00 p. rn. as a Red CJ'oss room a' banquet August 31 in the in Inter-American affairs. Companies Five and Six will be (HAmerzCa in the Air'') Manson. cussed. '"hich will be set UtJ and equipped Mr.· McCord is the son of Mr. entertained from 8·15 to 9·30 Bracelet lengtn.sleeves provide 4 as soon as matel'iul,;; are avrtilable. In Sub Tuesday Room of the Hilton Hotel in . · . · · neat and pract1cal mode to dia• • • • of their new pledges, and Mrs, Thomas Thompson Me- ~pec1al guests Will ~e Evelyn plac~ the bullcy rolliback fad ol UAlum ·Develops A collection of materi.al on The room will be open to ev~ryw one in the communlty, and each Cord, Pittsburgh, Pa. He received Elhs, Jean Hale, 1\larJorie Loy, prevlOUS .sea.sonr. • "Public Works and Free University Women Urged "a:fric>Ho ~~~~~'~e~;~~president were ofrnude the by chapte~; Kenny his degree here where he was a Mary Catherine Darden, Patsy girl on the cninpus is especially l Trade" ..,has been pli.ced on ________M_A_R_J_O_R_I_E_H_A_C_K_E_TT ______ :__~- member of the Debate Council, Wilson, Sally Woodworth, Viola u1·ged to budget her time so that To Learn of Role of Waves nomu in her '~:~:~~o~::.iiM~\'f:E:~~ Gunderson, _pledge master; Spanish Unit display in the Reference she may spend as long a period in 1\'lajor General John F. Curry, ,ch as registersit did jour as years Hunter, president of the - Tau Kappa Alpha, MIRAGE staff Bibo, Vera Mae Hall, Gertrude . above; commanding general of the Room of the library. It oan the 1oom as possible each time ~;he Recrt\iting officers for the Waves cred buttons 11 lend class. and assistant editor of the LOBO. Kelly, Cleo Courtney, Betty Willis, N 1..h." fourth district, technical training t silhouette, and the monotone New Sigma Chi pledges are: E. Mr. McCord is with the Coca- Yvonne Brown, Mildred Parket• . tT«·~ LO n-6. • • • Work of Former AHS be used conveniently by wOrks there. will meet University women Tues­ Meteorologist Ball Will Alpha Chi Omega Initiates day, September 14, in the Student command, vi~ited our campus last tour serves as a foil for acces- Hayes, Norma M. Freed, Harold Cola Export Oo., and is located at Lucille Hubbard, Reba 'Rutz and By NEOLA BECKER students who wish to prepare Surgical d'ressings 2x2 inches .will Union south lounge from 9:00 a. m. week in making an inspection of [es of costume jewelrY, a gay Knmbaclt, E. D. Hayes, Ted Providence, R. 1. He is receiving Elena Davis. · Teacher Nation·wide be the first project of the Red the Meteorological Training De­ rf or dainty lingerie trim as Be Held September 18 Five Girls in Formal Rites for the forum next Thursday. on. occasion r~quires. .J. Lighton, John Turner, Jack Hueter, The Alpha Chi Omega sorority spec!al training for managing Katherine Brown, Town Club ___________;....._ Cross room, which is being sponw tachment here. A special recruiting pat·ty comw Jack Daniels, Roy Rodney Jones, The meteorologists detachment held formal initiation, August 18, lforelgn plants for the company. president, and Frances Gomes, sow Having the field of fashions A study unit developed by Miss * * • sored by AWS. Tho dressings will Curnow, Sheldon 1\!cEwan, will hold a final formal dance at at the chapter house. Marion cinl chairman, are in charge of ar- pretty well covered for the time Alyce Hawk former teacher of The planning of forums on post- Le made under the ·direction of Red posed of Lt. (jg) Rebecca Strib­ h t ' Alb H' h war reconstruction topics was ling, Ensign Lillian E. Benfer, Turberville, Willard Barton, the Hilton Hotel Ballroom from Smith, Alice Lou Wells, Alice Met- rangernents. They are assisted by being and not wanting to risk the s · (Continued on Page 2) ;. E. R. Lane Honored Wiley, Ned Ross, Jimmy nine to twelve o'clock September pams a uquerque lg evolved by several campus organiw Yeoman thil·d class Helen L. N e)­ zler, Priscilla Prater and Priscilla Peggy Starrett, Betty Jean Jones possibility of repitition and man­ School, has been selected as one of zations simultaneously, These I ~teve·n•. Jerry Gatewood, Stanley 18. and Vivienne Seis. son and Recruiting Specialist Edith Newcomb are the new initiates. otony, this week a little diversion Chi 0. Informal Tea Bill Scott, Sam Hughes, Bill Charles 'Black and his band will four such units to be printed and groups have combined their efforts E. Estabrooks will answer questions 'A' Students ~or They were honored with a .dinner At a meeting of Town Club last from the same old stuff is due given nation-wide distribution by so that everyone may participate of women students, and explain the d Omega sorority held an in- Dub Reiter, Robert Gregg, play for the dance.
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