MID ARGYLL, KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE 7 July 1999 ARGYLL AND BUTE COUNCIL MlNUTE of MEETING OF AREA COMMITTEE FOR MID ARGYLL, KINTYRE AND ISLAY held in the TOWN HALL, CAMPBELTOWN on WEDNESDAY 7thJULY 1999 Present: Councillor Archie McCallum (Chair) Councillor Alastair McKinlay Councillor Donnie MacMillan Councillor Robin Currie Councillor Bruce Robertson Councillor Alison Hay Councillor John Findlay Councillor Dugald McKinnon Councillor Alastair BIair Attending: Deirdre Forsyth, Area Corporate Scrvices Manager Angus Smith, Area Social Work Manager Ian Fawcett, Area Environmental Services Manager David Black, Senior Planning Officer, Development Control Jolan Gergely, Area Housing Manager Stewart Clark, Transportation and Property Mike Geraghty, Head of Education in the Community Angus Williamson, Community Education Sheila Baird, Environmental Health Officer Patricia Keenan, Community Development, Housing & Social Work Hugh Blake, Surveyor, Transportation and Property 1. URGENT ITEM The Chairman decided in terms of Section 50B (4) (b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, and the Committee agreed in terms of Standing Orders that Items 8.3,9, 10, and 12.2 which were not specified in the agenda should be considered as a matter of urgency because of the need for decisions to be taken prior to the next meeting. 2. MINUTES OF MEETING OF 1” JCJNE 1999 The Committee agreed the minutes of their mecthg of lStJune 1999 as a correct record. 3. PRESENTATION OF BEHALF OF HIGHLANDS & ISLANDS AIRPORTS Alex Johnson, Regional Manager based at Campbeltown, who is responsible for Campbeltown, Islay and Tiree airports gave a brief talk about his responsibilities and aspirations for the airports. As arising therefrom it was agreed to request that the Secretary of State for Defence be invited to meet the Area Committee as soon as possible in order to discuss the future of RAF Machrihanish. 4. TRAPSPORTATION AND PROPERTY SERVICES 4.1 Imposition of a Temporary Weight Restriction to use of road - UC3 Low Askomil Road There was submitted and noted report by Dircctor of Transportation and Property dated 7* July 1999 on Imposition of Temporary Weight Restriction to use of road - UC3 Low Askomil Road. (Reference - Report by Director of Transportation and Property Services dated 7* July 1999) 4.2 Imposition of 30mph Speed Restriction in Ardfern There was submittcd and noted rcport by Director of Transportation and Property Services on Trnposition of 30 mph Speed Restriction in Ardfern (Reference - Report by Director of Transportation and Property Services dated 7k July 1999) 5. HOUSING AND SOCIAL WORK SERVICES 5.1 Presentation by Patricia Keenan on the Community Development Process As arising from the presentation it was agreed the Councillors would be involved at an early slage in the development of local community dcveloprnent strategies. 5.2 Grants Social Welfare Decision: To agree to make the following grant NAME OF ORGANISATION GRANT Special Educational Nccds Parents f1,500 Sun~ortGrouu 1 (Reference - Report by Angus Smith, Service Manager dated 7thJuly 1999) 6. DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT SERVICES 6.1 Waste Management Partnership Agreement Between Campbeltown Waste Watchers Ltd., and Argyll and Bute Council There was submitted rcport by Director of Development and Environment Services datcd 7'" July 1999 on Waste Management Partnership Bctween Campbeltown Waste Watchers Ltd., and Argyll and Bute Council Decision 1. To note the terms of the report 2. To authorise the Chairmm to sign the agreement 3. To congratulate Campbeltown Waste Watchers on the success of the project (Reference - Rcport by Director of Developmen1 and Environment Services dated 7'" July 1999) 6.2 Argyll and Bute Business Development Unit Annual Report There was submitted report by Cirector of Development and Environment Services dated 7* July 1999 on Argyll and Bute Business Development Unit Annual Report Decision 1. To note the terms of the report 2. To request more information about the different forms of support offered by the Council 3. To request Ian Downie attend the next meeting of the Committee (Reference - Report by Director of Development and Environment Services dated 7''' July 1999) 6.3 Planning Applications to be considered The Committee considered and dealt with the applications for planning permission as detailed in the list attached to this minute (Appendix 1). 6.4 Delegated Decisions by the Director of Development and Environment Services The Committee noted decisions issued by the Director of Development and Environment Services as detailed in reports dated 17thJune 1999. 6.5 Mitigation Management Group for Wind Farm Application at Beinn an Tuirc, by Carradale, Kintyre There was submitted verbal report by the Senior Development Control Officer on Mitigation Management Group for Wind Farm Application at Beinn an Tuirc, by Carradale, Kintyre Decision To note that the heads of agreement for the Section 75 agreement have been issued to the legal department with a view to completion within 4-6 weeks. (Reference - Pcport by Director of Development and Environment Services dated 7" July 1999) 6.6 Playing Field Expenditure in Each De-Centralised Area There was submitted report by Director of Development and Environment Services dated 7'h July 199 on Playing Field Expenditure in Each De-Centralised Area Decision 1. To note the report 2. To request a breakdown by ward of the expenditure outlined in the report, to be submitted to a future meeting (Reference - Report by Director of Development and Environment Services Dated 7'bJuly 1999) 7. EDUCATION 7.1 Playscheme Grants There was submitted report by Dircctor of Education dated 7'h July 1999 on Playschcme Grants Decision NAME OF ORGANISATION GRANT Special Educational Needs parent E300 Support Group Dalintober/Milllmowe E 1200 Kilberry Youth Club E200 Tarbert Village Hall Commitlee 5300 Art Action E555 LochgiIphead After School Club E1000 IDEAS Group E 1200 [ TOTAL 24755 (Referenc.e - Report by Director of Education dated 7" July 1999) 8. CORPORATE ANI) LEGAL SERVICES 8.1 Request from Islay and Jura Health Promotion Project to include Bowmore in the Byelaws which restrict drinking in public places There was submitted request from Islay and Jura Health Promotion Project dated 26&April 1999 on request to include Bowmore in the Byelaws which Restrict Drinking in Public Places. Decision To request the Council to agree to introduce byelaws to Bowmore to restrict drinking in public places. (Reference - Letter from Argyll and Clyde Health Board dated 26'h April 1999) 8.2 Street Naming, Campbeltown There was submitted reports by Area Corporate Services Manager dated 7" July 1999 on Street Naming, Campbeltown Decision To agree to name the new development at Kilkerran Road, Campbeltown - Kilkerran Park (Reference - Reports by Area Corporate Services Manager dated 7* July 1999) __ 51 8.3 Guideline Criteria for the Provision of Subsidised Bus Service Decision To nominate Councillors Robin Currie and Donnie MdcMillaIY to be members of the Sub-Group being set up to consider guideline criteria for the provision of subsidised bus services, 9. MILLENNIUM GRANTS There were submitted applications for Millennium Grants. Decision To recommend to the Policy and Resources Committee as follows:- Group 2000 9 Home Start Kintyre Memories Are E1000 Medium Made Of It 10 Kilrnartin 2000 Celebrating & E500 Medium I 1 Commemorating 1 I 1 52 10. MOTION At the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay Area Committee hcld in Campbeltown on 7thJuly 1999, the Chairman accepted the following urgent motion moved by Councillor Robin Currie, seconded by Councillor John Findlay. “That Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay Area Committee requests the Council of St” July 1999 to release as a matter of urgency, monies from its Repairs and Renewal Fund to allow the repair of the bridge south of Torrisdale on the UC42, as the collapse of the bridge has cut off the community from the village of Portnahaven and is causing severe financial hardship to many businesses.” Decision The members of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay Arca Committee unanimously carried the motion and aged to request the Council on 8* July to release, as a mattcr of urgency, monies fiom its Repairs and Renewal Fund to allow the repair of the bridge south of Torrisdale on the UC42, as the collapse of the bridge has cut off the community from the village of Portnahaven and is causing severe financial hardship to many businesses. The Committee resolvcd in terms of Scction 50A (4) of the T,ocal Govcrnmenl (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for thc following 4 items of business on the grounds that thcy were likely to involve the disclosure of cxempt information as defined in paragraphs 13,6 and 9 Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 ENFORCEMENTS 11. DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMEYT SERVICES 11.1 Enforcements 99/00008/ENF To take no action 99/OOO14/ENFMIN To continue consideration to the next meeting 1 1.2 Programme of Entertainment 1999/2000 Decision 1. To support the programme of entertainment for 199/2000 2. To request that a review of entertainment be undertaken for future years with a view to moderinising the programme and increasing public interest and awareness 3. ‘To yublicisc the programme at the earliest possible time in order to maximise audiences. 53 12. TRANSPORTATION AND PROPERTY SERVICES 12.1 Proposed Lease of Fields at Kilmory Home Farm to the Mid Argyll Sports Trust Decision To agree in principal to lease two of the three fields requested by the Mid Argyll Sports Trusts for a period of twenty five years subject to an acceptable development plan being submitted and appropriate funding being secured and in order that the Mid Argyll Sports Trust can rake matters forward to approve the lease of the two fields in question tot he Sports Trust on an annual basis for the time being. 12.2 Proposed Lease of site adjacent to Glassary Primary School, Kilmichael to Glassary Fund Raising Association Decision To declare the site hatched on the attached plan formally surplus to requirements to allow a lease to the Glassary Fund Raising Association for a minimum period of 25 years at a nominal rent, for the purposes of constructing a community play area.
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