сия вер жур я на на л н а о р т к е л дополнительные материалы u r . ичном кабинетеr в Л ɧɚ ɫɚɣɬɟ e w b w m w . 1 s e p t e Журнал для тех, кто преподает No.9 и изучает английский язык eng.1september.ru Учебно-методический журнал Английский язык Academic World I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught. Winston Churchill сентябрь 1september.ru 2015 АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Подписка на сайте www.1september.ru или по каталогу “Почта России”. Индексы: 79002 (бумажная версия), 12630 (CD-версия) INSIDE NEWS IN BRIEF выходит How to Ace Lesson Observations ......................3 1 раз в месяц Издание основано в 1992 г. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Главный редактор: Елизавета Богданова The Seasons for New Horizons Консультанты: Stephen Lapeyrouse, Erin Bouma in EAP Writing ............................................... 5 Научный редактор: Г.Гумовская E-Merging Forum 5. British Council, Moscow ...4 Корректура: М.Гардер Common Sense and Lesson Planning .................6 Набор, верстка: Г.Струкова METHODS OF TEACHING ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКИЙ ДОМ “ПЕРВОЕ СЕНТЯБРЯ” Использование технологий сотрудничества Главный редактор А.Соловейчик (генеральный директор) в режиме Academic Controversy для овладения Коммерческая деятельность умениями критического мышления ..................9 К.Шмарковский (финансовый директор) Развитие, IT и координация проектов What Is CLIL and How to Use It С.Островский (исполнительный директор) in Your Language Classroom ............................10 Реклама, конференции и техническое обеспечение П.Кузнецов Settling Into a New Country... of Formal Writing ...12 Производство Количественные С.Савельев и порядковые числительные ...........................14 Административно-хозяйственное обеспечение А.Ушков FOCUS ON LANGUAGE Педагогический университет Глаголы (The Future Perfect Tense) ............... 16 В.Арсланьян (ректор) Take Your Time! ..............................................18 ЖУРНАЛЫ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКОГО ДОМА: How Often Do You Hedge?............................20 Английский язык – Е.Богданова, Библиотека в школе – О.Громова, College Terms .................................................21 Биология – Н.Иванова, Science Vocabulary ..........................................21 География – и.о. А.Митрофанов, Дошкольное образование – Д.Тюттерин, Academic Vocabulary .....................................22 Здоровье детей – Н.Сёмина, CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Информатика – С.Островский, Искусство – О.Волкова, Folk Tales around the World ............................23 История – А.Савельев, Викторина (10–11-й класс) .......................... 45 Классное руководство Letters of Application......................................46 и воспитание школьников – М.Битянова, Литература – С.Волков, The Art of Science..........................................48 Математика – Л.Рослова, LESSON PLANS Начальная школа – М.Соловейчик, Немецкий язык – М.Бузоева, Books vs Computers ....................................... 25 ОБЖ – А.Митрофанов, TOPICAL JOURNEY Русский язык – Л.Гончар, Спорт в школе – О.Леонтьева, Academic World ............................................ 27 Технология – А.Митрофанов, PREPARING FOR EXAMS Управление школой – Е.Рачевский, Физика – Н.Козлова, Academic World ............................................ 39 Французский язык – Г.Чесновицкая, TESTS Химия – О.Блохина, Школа для родителей – Л.Печатникова, Five-Minute Tests ..........................................39 Школьный психолог – М.Чибисова FOR YOUNG LEARNERS Подписные индексы The Time to Rhyme .......................................44 По каталогу Почта России: DISCOVERING THE WORLD бумажная версия 79002; CD-версия 12630 Field Trip – Quest .........................................52 Учредитель: ООО «Издательский дом “Первое сентября”» Зарегистрировано ПИ № ФС77-58393 от 18.06.14 BOOKSHELF в Роскомнадзоре Подписано в печать: по графику 27.05.15, фактически 27.05.15 They Have Loved Reading and Writing ...........54 Отпечатано в ОАО “Первая Образцовая типография” "If Only..." ..................................................... 55 Филиал “Чеховский Печатный Двор” ул. Полиграфистов, д. 1, Московская область, г. Чехов, 142300 TEXTS FOR READING Сайт: www.chpd.ru. E-mail: [email protected] The Arts in the World of Academia .................56 Факс: 8(496)-726-54-10, 8(495)-988-63-76 Religion & Science .........................................58 Цена свободная Заказ № Тираж 19000 экз. The Mind ......................................................60 Адрес редакции и издателя: ул. Киевская, д. 24, Москва, 121165 YOUTH ENGLISH SECTION Телефон: (499) 249-0640 Тел./факс: (499) 249-3138 E-mail: [email protected] Cheating Culture ............................................60 Отдел рекламы: (499) 249-9870 www.1september.ru This sign indicates that additional materials can be found in Издательская подписка: (499) 249-4758 Subscriber’s Personal Account on www.1september.ru. E-mail: [email protected] Unless otherwise indicated images in this issue are from shutterstock.com facebook.com/School.of.Digital.Age NEWS IN BRIEF English 3 HOW TO ACE LESSON September 2015 Dear Reader! OBSERVATIONS Welcome to the September issue of English. It’s easy to forget the basics when you’re being We heartily congratulate you at the beginning of observed – especially now there is so much focus on the new academic year and hope it will bring you children’s learning in a single lesson – but the way you many bright teaching moments, professional insights, handle simple logistical classroom issues can make the and the feeling of creative self-realization. difference between success and a trainee kicking them- selves. To celebrate the new ‘teaching year’ we decided to Here are some of the must-do’s you can’t afford to for- devote this issue to the academic world and to offer get: you varied materials which might facilitate your tun- ing in again to the pace of work after the holidays. Sort Out Your Stationery A classic, you’re in the middle of your pacey starter and The academic world is the reality all of us English everything’s going to plan – until a kid puts their hand up teachers belong to. We know what it is to be a student, because their whiteboard pen has run out. There isn’t a to conduct research, to write an academic article. Day spare and you spend what suddenly seems like an age to day, we do our best to develop the cognitive and scrabbling about for a replacement, before fi nally “lending” metacognitive skills of our learners, to encourage your own. Raid the stationery cupboard several days before the their intellectual development, and to help them get observation, and make sure every table is fully kitted out oriented in the choice of future careers, which are the night before with everything the kids will need. very often connected with the academic world. In this issue, we suggest having a closer look not Computer Says No only at the history of the most prominent colleges Interactive whiteboards and use of media look great in lessons, until the computer decides it needs a vital soft- and universities, but also investigating some of the ware update halfway through your video clip. Don’t rely on peculiarities of academic English and, what is more media too heavily and have a backup plan in case of emer- important, the ways academic English can be taught. gency. If you must use video or the Internet, double-double This topic also allows us to fi nally approach an check it all works properly the night before – and again in immense fi eld known as Content and Language Inte- the morning. grated Learning (CLIL). Though this notion is rather The Good Idea Fairy familiar to our European colleagues, in Russia there This mystery apparition visits teachers the night before still exists a lot of misunderstanding. That is why we an important lesson observation, instructing them to devi- decided to start a special series of articles about CLIL ate wildly from their planned activity in favour of something new, untested – and of course much more impressive to – to enable our readers to learn more about this ap- watch. Banish it. Stick to doing something that you’ve done proach in language teaching. with the class before. The kids will be more familiar with it We are also happy to announce that in this issue we and will settle down more quickly, helping you to relax into start ‘The Art of Science’ series, in which Ekaterina the lesson. Gvozdeva, a former English teacher from National Be Clear – What Are Your Children Learning? University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Perhaps the most bold, underlined, unwritten rule in Institute), will share teaching materials aimed at stu- the trainee teacher’s handbook but often the very one that dents who specialize in technical subjects. These ma- gets forgotten. Make a clear point of what the lesson is terials will be available in the Additional Materials. about – what will your class be able to do at the end of it We wish you a Successful and Happy New Aca- that they couldn’t before? Ideally you’d want this in neon writing, fl ashing across your classroom wall, but as long as demic Year! it’s visible to everybody and you remember to mention it at least once, you’ll be fi ne. Elizaveta Bogdanova, Editor-in-Chief Remove Rogue Insects from the Room Beforehand It might sound daft, but there is nothing more disruptive to any lesson than a rogue wasp that’s infi ltrated the room and started strafi ng pupils. You’re going to look a fool to the Уважаемые подписчики бумажной версии журнала! class whichever way you deal with it – whether it’s a direct Все подписчики журнала
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