Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1948-49 The thI acan: 1940/41 to 1949/50 2-25-1949 The thI acan, 1949-02-25 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1948-49 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1949-02-25" (1949). The Ithacan, 1948-49. 10. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1948-49/10 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1940/41 to 1949/50 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1948-49 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Cinderella Ball "John Loves Mary" Eagles' Ballroom Hilarious Modern Comedy Saturday 9 to 1 College Theater $2.00 per Couple Mar. 2, 3, 4, 5 - 8:15 P.M. Sponsored by Kappa Gamma Psi Until Student Admission $.40 Vol. 20, No. IO Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, February 25, 1949 Page 1 Music Department Announces Dr. Haines Addresses Girls Ithaca College-Varsity Club Clinic Success; Programs For Forthcoming Concerts At WCC Mass Meeting Baseball Big-leaguers Entertain Capacity Audiences An all-college assoc1at1on of by Bob Wendland Onhesfra Feature women students, meeting once a Faculty String Quartet lo month for discussion of topics of Approximately four hundred students, coaches, and baseball fans In Theater March 6 Soloists March 9 general interest, was suggested by atte~ded the afternoon an? ~veni~g sessions of the first Ithaca College­ Dr. Charles Haines, IC vice presi­ Varsity Club Baseball Chmc which was held February 15 in Foster The Ithaca College Faculty String On Wednesday evening, \larch 9, dent, at a mass meeting of women Hall. John Kresek, president of the Varsity Club, extended a hearty Quartet, which is composed of Mil­ at 8: ~5 p.m. in the College Little students called by the wee in the welcome to the visiting coaches and fans after which James A. "Bucky" ton Cherry, violin, Mary Spooner Theatre, three members of the Sen­ Freeman, Ithaca College Baseball Coach presented the various members College Theater on Monday, Feb. of the panel. · Cherry, violin, Glanville Davies, ior Class will be presented as instru­ 14, at 7 p.m. Mrs. Dorothy Millan, viola and Forrest Sanders 'cello, mental soloists with the College wee president, presided. First speaker of the afternoon will present a program in the Col­ Symphony Orchestra, under the di­ was Al Todd, former Pittsburgh lege Little Theatre on Sunday eve­ Nucleus of such· an association, Drama Department Comedy Pirates catcher and current man­ rection of Professor Craig Mc­ Dr. Haines said, could be the ning, March 6, at 8: 15 p.m. The Henry. The following program has Opens Next Week ager of the Memphis Chicks of the following program has been an­ Women's Civic Committee, which Southern Association. been announced: · would be responsible for appointing nounced. Wednesday, March 2, marks the Mr. Todd spoke on the neces­ I I a special committee to plan and opening of a four night run of "John sary fundamentals that must be Overture to "The Yellow manage a series of attractive pro­ Loves Mary" in the Ithaca College Quartet in F Major, Princess" ............... ,.............. Saint-Saens mastered if one desires to be a Opus 3, No. 5 .....•..........•........... Haydn grams in which women students Little Theatre. This popular comedy catcher. He outlined briefly the Presto II would participate on a voluntary by Norman Krasna enjoyed a long qualifications a boy should possess basis. He suggested that members Serenade Concerto in E Flat for Piano run on Broadway, and should be if he wants to become a catcher and Minuetto (Triangel) ........................... Franz Liszt of the faculty and administration well received by the local audiences. also stressed the practice of the fun­ Scherzando Allegro Maestoso might be invited to discuss contro­ The story concerns the problems of damental movements necessary in II Quasi Adagio versial topics for 20 or 30 minutes, a young G. I. who marries a Cock­ fielding this position. Quartet No. 2, Opus 92 ...... Prokofieff Allegretto Vivace; to be followed by questi<;>ns and dis­ ney girl in order to bring her to cussion from the floor. George Earnshaw, famous for his Allegro Sostenuto Allegro Animato America to join her war-time beau. pitching accomplishments while Adagio :\llegro Marziale, Animato Subjects could be selected by the Naturally the soldier's girl jumps at working for the Philadelphia Ath­ Allegro Robert" E. Weaver, Elmira planning committee from the fields all sorts of conclusions and every letics was the next speaker. Eam­ complicatioJl imaginable arises. How III of current events, cont:emporary fic­ ~haw, who is now acting as pitch­ III John finally convinces Mary that Quartet in D Minor (Death and tion, ethics, education, philosophy, ing_ .coach for. th_e Philadelphia the Maiden) .......... -......•..... Schubert First Rhapsody for student affairs, or anything else he really loves her makes for an eve­ Clarinet .......................................... Debussy Ph1ll1es chose p1tchmg and fielding Allegro which would invite lively discussion, ning of complete enjoyment. as his topic. James T ruscello, Harrison Florence Larson directs the pro­ Andante Con Moto the speaker declared. He thought In addition to many valuable Scherzo IV the meetings should be limited to duction in the hotel living room set­ ting designed by George Hoerner. comments on the selection of pitch­ Presto Concerto in G Minor for one hour and that the best time ers, warm-up procedures and over­ The quartet will present a con­ would be immediately following the Dennis Seiter is technical director Piano ····-······························Mendelssohn and Paul Bressoud is stage man­ all pitching strategy, Mr. Earn­ cert in Elmira on March 3 for the Molto Allegro con fuoco dinner hour. shaw's enunciation and command of Thursday Musicals, Inc. Andante ager. Carl Wagner serves as assist­ Dr. Haines mentioned three pur­ ant stage manager. yoc~bul~ry proved to be equally Presto; Molto allegro e vivace poses which could be served by such msplfat1onal to all those present. :\Juriel Parks, Lincklaen Tickets will go on sale February meetings: 25th. As usual the student price will Mr. Earnshaw paid tribute to Varsity Club Plans ( 1) To provide opportunities for be $.40 plus your registration card Jack Dunn of the famous Baltimore women students to become better and general admission will be $.75. Orioles as the man who helped him Annual Variety Show Departmental Cinderellas acquainted with each other and with Curtain time has been set for 8: 15. most during his career in organ­ The second annual Varsity Club faculty members outside of their ized baseball. Dunn also started the Variety Show will present "Vaude- Nominated by KappaGamma own departments; late Babe Ruth on his way to star­ dom. ville 1949 Style" on March 14-15 at The members of Kappa Gamma (2) To encourage interesting and Business Students the ~ittle Theater. Psi fraternity have nominated the stimulating discussion on subjects A humorous touch was injected With Ed Sargent. o~ce agam at following girls as candidates for with which college students should Hear Executive by E. "!{.. "Turk" Reilly, whose the helm, the cast will include such Cinderella; l\Iuriel Parks, Gloria be concerned; personality, vernacular, and stories On labor Conditions won_ him quick acceptance by the renowned . student perfor~ers as I Sacco, Jo-Anne Burt, Martha (3) To broaden· the horizons of audience. · Bob Mu!hgan,_ Yvonne .Foe, and ( Rusty) Holly, Trudy Rudmin, each individual beyond the limits In his lecture entitled, "The Rocco D Onofrio, _who will be re- Dolores Murphy Paula Vennetti, of her own specialization. Value of Services to Employees," Representing Wilson Sporting membered · for their excellent, h per- an d M anon· Ch ns· 't man. delivered at the Aurora Lecture Goods, Mr. Reilly did not refer formances m last ye~r s s ~\V. One of these girls will be chosen "In carrying out these purposes, Room on February 19, for the bene- he advised "buying by quality and . Many new act_s will be i~cluded Cinderella by all those attending you would at the same time be pro­ fit of Business majors, Dr. F. G. not by price." He suggeSted dealing m the presentatmn. Tumblmg ~y the Cinderella Ball, to be held at moting the stated purpose of wee Barr stated, "The last strike at the wi th reputable salesmen and "put­ j grE1:1Ph of Ph~ Ed ioys, and Shir- the Eagle's Ballroom on Saturday, 'to help the girls of Ithaca College N ational Cash Register Co. plant ting your faith in these men." 1 1 to the realization of a better col­ eyM 1!- ornB WI per or°}. ·1ar February 26 from 9-1. Ed Gorman in Dayton, Ohio, was on May 18, A dinner held at the Clinton Ho- anon urns, star o a s1m1 and Joe Sacco have composed a lege life'," Dr. Haines said. "To de­ 1902." tel was attended by some one hun- show at Bro~kport State Teach_ers son entitled "Cinderella," which velop as individuals, we occasion­ Dr. Barr spoke of the importance dred fifty Varsity Club members, la~t _yea~, will present something \\·i!l\c layed for the first time by ally need incentives to look beyond of social satisfaction and its relation coac_hes, and guests. Speaking at this scmt1llatmg. Gp hi" d ] · h the narrow confines of our immedi­ to people of precision. He told of affair was Vernon "Lefty'' Gomez, Music in the form of a pit band J ~ck rla 11? g ban llSd de eSna. ate professional interests and to h b d d b J h Wil- Cmderel a w1 11 e awar e a copy negotiations with five AF of L former Ne'Y .Y?rk Yankee mound as, een onate .
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