( r'v.r ,ur,l i | | || r Ir ., t I| || i l,y l.rl' Mr( rlH ' ' (i$ A FUltl rt(ri ,fi PUFFIN BOOKS DEATFITRAPDUNGEON Down in the dark, twisting labyrinth of Fang, unlnown horroE await you Devised by the devilish mind of Baron Sut(hvit, the labyrinth rs riddled with fiendish traps and blmithiEty monsters, which will test ,vou skils almost beyond the limit of endurance Comtl€ss adventulels b€fore you have takcn up the dE]leng€ of the Trial of Champions and walked through the cafled mouth of the labynnth, never tobe seenagain DoYOUdareenter? Tempted by the promis€ofa fabulousprize andthelure of the unbeatenchallenge - YOU are one of six seasoned Iighters prepared to take on the labyrinth. Only one of you may win through - the rest will perish. But which of you wilitbe? Two dicc, a pencil and an eraser are alt you need to emba* on this thillint adEnture of sword and so.c€ry, complete wi th its elaboEte smbat system and a s.ore sh€et to record you. Sains dd losses Many dangere lie ahead and your successis by no means certain. Powerful adversanes are rang€d against you and often your only choice is to kill oi be killedl Other Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks published in Puflin are: The Wa ockof Firctop Mo ntain, Thz CiLonelof Chaas,The Eotestol Doon, sta6hip Ttrueltet, city ol ni@es and Islandof @ Ian Livingstone Illustratedlry Iain Mccaig Puffin Books Puffrn Books, PcnFin Books Ltd, r]3mon&softh, Mrddlesex, Ensknd For and Pe4uD Books,4o\vc$:3!d Srrclr, Ncw Yor!, Neu york rmroj U S A Jacques OctaztieGelautle gwdod,vi.roi4 Aurralra Pmsxin B.dLs CaDadaLrdj ?3or lohn S(e*, Mekhm, onono, (]lmd, r3R ra Pengun Books(Nz ) LLd, 13: reo veim! RGd, Auckrs.d ro, Ne* ze'la.d F;$ Fublished1934 copynshr iO Im Livinsionr, 1934 Illus Liod copyrigh' (i km r\lcciisj r931 AnlighBleekd Piined r.d bou.d in c{err Bnuin bl Cox & rvynan Lr{ Rerding sd in rrirl Pr Linohon Pataanoby Rowlrnd PhoLorypesdringLtd Ex&Fr in rhe uni'rd skas of Americr, thn book is sold subj.d b ,n. coodi'ion bc lmt, rc+old,hird @r, or orb s.nr in any torn of Fublished3n,l wtho!r e snilsr condnrn in.ludiDgthis conditionbeug mposed I CONTENTS HOW TO FIGHT THE CREATURES OF DEATHTRAPDUNGEON Beforeembarking on your adventure,voumustfirst determine your own strengths and weaknesses You have rn your possessiona sword and a back- pack containing provisions ({ood and drink) for the trip. You have been preparing for your quest by lrdininB yourself in swordplayand erercising vigor- ously to build up your stamina. To see how effectiveyour pieparations have been you must use the dice to determine your initial srrn and srlrttua scores,On pages18 r9 thete is an Ad)entwe Sheetwhich you may use to record the d€tailsof an adventure. On it you will findboxes for recording your s<tLL and srAMrNA scores, You are advised to either record your scoreson the AdoentureSheel in pencil, or make photocopies o{ the page to use in future adventures. Skill, Stamina and Luck RoJl one die. Add 5 to this number and enter this total in the sKrLLbox ol the Ad:LtentureSheef Roll both dice. Add 12 to the number rolled and enter this total in the srAMrNAbox. 9, There is also a LUCKbox. Roll one die, add 6 to this First record the creature's sKrLL and srAMrNA number and enter this total in the LucKbox. scoresin the fust vacantMonster EncounterBox on yoltt AilL)entwe The scoresfor each creature For reasons that will be explained below, skILL, Sheet are given in book each time you have an en suvrNl and tucx scoreschange constantly dur- the counref. ingan adventure.You mustkeep an acclrtaterecord The sequenceo{ combatis then: of these scoresand for this reasonyou are advised either to w te smallin the boxesor to keep an eraser 1 Roll both dice once for the creature. Add its handy. But never rub out your /rifidl scores. s(rLL score. This total is the creature'sAttack Although you may be awarded additional sKrLL, Strength. srawrr,rl and rucr points, these totalsmay never Roll both dice oncefor yourself. Add the number exceedyour lrifidl scores,except on very rare occa- rolled to your current sKrLL score This total is sions, when you will be instructed on a particular your Attack Strength. Page. J. Ifyour Attack Strengthis higher than that oI the Your sxILt scorereflects your swordsmanshipand creature,you have wounded it. Proceedto step general fighting expertise; the higher the better. 4. Ifthe creature'sAttackStrength is higher than Your srAMrNA score reflects your general con- yours, it has wounded you Proceedto step 5- If stitution, your will to survive, your determination both Attack Strength totals are the same, you and overallfitness;the higheryour srAMrNA score, have avoided eachothe/s blows - start the next the longer you will be able to suNive. Your LucK Attack Round from step l above. score indicates how naturally lucky a person you 4- You have wounded the creature, so subhact 2 are. Luck - and magic- arefacts of life in the fantasy points ftom its STAMTNAscore. You may use kingdom you are about to explore. your LUCKhere to do additional damage (see over). 5- The creature has wounded you, so subtmct 2 points ftom your own srAMrNA score. Again Battles you may use LUc( at this stage(see over). You will often comeacross pages in thebook which 6. Make the appropdate adjustmentsto either the instruct you to fight a creature of some soit. An ceature's or your own STAMINA scores (and option to flee may be given, but if not or if you your rucr scoreif you used tuc< seeover). choose to attack the creatureanyway you must 7. Begm the next Attack Round by returnin8 to resolve the batdeas describedbelow. your current SKILL score and repeating stePs 1() 11 1-6. This seouence continues until the srAMrNA able. But beware!Using luck is a risky businessand score of either you or tlte creature you are if you are rrrlucky, the rcsults could be disastrous- fighting has been reduced to zero (death). The procedurefoi using your luck is asfollows: roll two dice. lf the number rolled is eaualto or lessthan Escaping your currentLUCK score, you havebeen lucky and the result will go in your favour. If the number On some pagesyou may be #ven the option of tolled !s higher than your cullent LucK score,you running away from a battle should things be goint havebeen unlucky and you will be penalized. badly for you. However,if you do mn away,th€ ceature automaticallygets in one \r'oundon you Thisprocedure is known aeTestin| your Luck. Each (subtract2 STAMINApoints) as you flee.Such is the timeyo|u Test your Luck, you mustsubtract one point priceof cowardice,Note that you mayuse LUCK on from your curent LUcr score,Thus you will soon thiswound in thenormal way (seebelow).You may realizethat the more you relyon yourluck, the more only Escapeif that option is specificallygiven to you risky this will become. on the pa8e. UsingLuck in Bdttles On ccrtain pagesof the book you will be told to Test Fighting More Than One Creatuie your Luckar\d willbe told the consequencesof your If you come across morc than one creature in a beinglucky or unlucky. However,in baltles,you particularencounter/ the instructionson that page alwayshave the optionoI usingyour luck eitherto will tell you how to handlethe battle Sometimes inflict a moreserious wound on a creatureyou have you will treatthem asa singlemonster; sometimes just wounded,orto minimizethe effects of a wound you will fight eachone in turn. the creaturehas just inflictedon you. lf you havejustwounded the creature, you maylesf Luck yourLuck as descibedabove. If you arelucky, you havernflicted a severewound and maysubtract an At varioustimes during your adventure,either in extra2 Doi^tsfrom the cleature's9TAMTNA score. battlesorwhen you comeacross situations in which Howevir, if you areunlu cky, the wouncl was a mere you could either be lucky or unlucky (details of grazeand you must restorer point to the oeature's theseare given on the pagesthems€h,es), you may srAMrNA (i. e. insteadof scoringthe normal 2 points call on vour luck to make the outcomemore favour- of damage,you havenow scoredonly 1). a2 11 If the creaturehas just wounded you, you may Tesl Your backpackcontains €nough Provisionsfor ten ya r Luck to try to rrinimize the wound. If you are meals. You may rest and eat at any time excePt lucky, you have managedto avoid the full damage when engagedin a Battle. Eahng a meal restores4 of the blorir'.Restore r point ofsraMrNA (i.e. instead sTAMINApoints. When you eat a meal,add4 Points of doing 2 points of damagert has done only 1) If to your srAMrNA score and deduct 1 point from you are unlucky, you have lalen d more serious your Provisions. A separatePrcvisions Remaining blow- Subtract1 extra STAMTNApoint. box is provided on th e Adventwe SheetIot rccordi^g details of Provisions. Remember that you have a Rememberthatyou 1 point ftom must subtract your long way to so use your Provisionswisely! own LUc( scoreeach lime yolu.Test your Luck. Bo, Rememberalso thr Lyou! srAM| \A \coremay ne\ ar exceedits lfirhal value unlessspecilically inshucted RestoringSkill/ Staminaand Luck on a page. Drinking the Potion of Strength (see later) will restoreyour sTAMINAto its lulttdl level at skiLl any time. Yoursrrlr scorewrll not changemuch during your Luck adventure- pa8e may give instruc- Occasionally,a Additions to your LUcx $ore are awarded through tions to increase your sKrLL ot decrease score.
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