![Watch ]4Aker S Jeweler, OYSTERS](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
YOL. 8. GRAND RAPIDS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7„ 1891. NO. 381. A l l e n D u k f e e . A . D. L e a v e n w o r t h . DAVIS’ CARBOLIC OIL STORE-KEEPIN’ ” FARMERS. mortgages and figures and interest and Allen Durfee & Co., Written for The Tradesman. sich ain’t wuth a cent. I’m afraid she* LINIMENT. Joseph Watson and George Holden won’t consent to put her name onto a D etroit, Mich. Gents—In 1856 I broke a knee-pan in the Prov­ were busy digging potatoes. It was fine mortgage. She says, ‘interest will eat idence, R. I., gymnasium, and ever since have September weather, and, their farms us up,’ that it’s like old Pundason’s FUNERAL DIRECTORS, been much troubled with severe pains in the knee joint. A few weeks ago I had a very severe joining each other, it was, perhaps, horse—eats nights as well as days.’ She 103 Ottawa St., Grand Rapids. attack of inflammatory rheumatism in the same knee, when I applied your Davis' Carbolic Oil natural that the neighbors had exchanged ays, ‘mebby you and Joe won’t do as Liniment, the third application of which cured work so that they might have a better well as them old store keepers in town’; W m. H. W hite & Co., me entirely. You have my permission to use my statements as you see fit. I am very thank­ opportunity to talk to each other. and she finds a great many excuses for MANUFACTURERS OF ful for the relief experienced. Yours truly, HARDWOOD LUMBER, ROBT. J. F. ROEHM, Jeweler. They had been farmer boys, and each not leavin’ the farm, and, you see, 1 Maple, ¿Soft and Rock Sim, Basswood, had, years before, pre-empted a home­ should hev to rent it.” Birch and Hemlock. WILLIAMS, SHELEY & BROOKS stead of a quarter section. Each also “Here we are, George, at the end of Mills a t Boyne City, on Pine Lake, and a t Boyne had from fifty to sixty acres under good Falls, on th e O .R .A I. R’y. Successors to F a r r a n d , W i l l i a m s & Co. the row,” exclaimed Watson. “Let us Correspondence Solicited. cultivation; the balance was a wilder­ BOYNE CITY. MICHIGAN. sit down here and talk a while. We must ness. The land was what is known as not sell our farms—might sumpun hap­ How to Keep a Store. “hard timbered,” the soil a gravelly pen, you know. We’ll just raise a little loam, which needed, practically, nothing By Samuel H. Terry. A book of 400 pages money on them for a few years; then, if written from the experience and observation of but a fair amount of water and attention we don’t like the business, we can go an old merchant. It treats of Selection of Bnsl ness, Location, Buying, Selling, Credit, Adver­ Parties having beans or clover seed to make it yield abundant crops. It so back home. I am convinced, George, tising, Account Keeping, Partnerships, etc. Of happened, however, that the men had great interest to every one in trade. $1.50. for sale will find a purchaser, if samples that the profits of store-keepin’ are very located a long distance from any market. THE TRADESMAN COMPANY, and prices are right. large, and the work seems easier than Grand Rapids, The roads were new and rough, and the farming; and, then, I want my wife to We also want cost of producing the crops seemed to be take life a little easier. 1 tell her that Potatoes and Onions in excess of the income. she works like a slave now. In town, B E A C H ’S At that period railroads were few in she won’t have any milk or butter to In car lots. number, and the nearest shipping point take the care of, nor half the work to do New York Qoffee Rooms. We pay highest market price and are was fully fifteen miles distant; but, that she has on the farm. You must talk always in the market. within five years, from a little “four to your wife a little, George, and show corners” in the woods, with one small her how much easier it will be for you 61 Pearl Street. W. T. LAMOREAUX & CO. hotel, a general store and a blacksmith’s both, and that you will not come home shop, a village of 3,000 people had sprung at night so tired that she will be kept Five Cents Each for all dishes served 128,130 and 132 West Bridge St., up and was still in a flourishing condition. awake for hours by your groanin’ with a from bill of fare. GRAND RAPIDS, - MICH. The two neighbors were often there to­ lame back.” Steaks, Chops, Oysters and All Kinds of gether, selling their produce and pur­ “My wife’s pretty sharp. Joe, and she Order Cooking a Specialty. chasing their family supplies. Judging says that merchants don’t make more FRANK M. BEACH, Prop.. only from what they saw, the two men than a cent and a half a pound on some believed that everyone engaged in sell­ kinds of groceries, for instance, sugar; ESTABLISHED 1841. OYSTERS ing merchandise, of any kind whatsoever, that store-keepin’ won’t be all smooth THE MERCANTILE AGENCY We quote: possessed a gold mine which never failed sailin’; that we won’t know how to buy SOLID BRAND—Selects............................. 24 well, and that $2,000 won’t buy much of “ “ E. F ..................................... 22 to yield immense returns. They often R. G. Dun & Co. “ “ Standards......................... 2u held long conversations on the subject of a stock of goods, anyway.” DAISY BRAND—Selects............................. 22 “Oh, pshaw, George! I know how to Reference Books issued quarterly. Collections “ “ Standards............................ 18 “keeping a store,” and had about con­ “ “ Favorites.............................16 manage all about that buyin’ bizness. attended to throughout United States Standards, In bulk, 11.25 per gal. cluded that more money could be made and Canada. in five years in that business than in a I’ve had a long talk with Ben Higgins, t'J KA.JU- A;!!Kf v*;lortsl £r."Tr.v:cij life time on their farms. who travels for a big Chicago house. a L. u-,« of Chinese JViasoDs at «vork; Mince Meat, also iarf:o¡Uunrated catalogue efall the Masonic “Joe,” said Holden, resting a moment You know Ben’s fattier? He lived on a books and goods—bctioin prices. Great chance BEST IN USE. for Agents. Beware * f the spurious wi ri p 20-lb. Pails.............................7&c per lb. on the handle of his hoe, “you say we farm in this township years ago. He’s a REDDING & CO., Masonic Publisher» «• 40-lb. “ .............................7J£c “ big lumber dealer now and owns several A M anufacturers, 121 Broadway, Now Yoifc. 2-lb. Cans (usual weight), 81.50 per doz. can’t start a general store with less than Oranges and Lemons, good stock and $2,000 cash. You know you and I hev farms in Michigan. I’ve been acquainted cheap. talked this thing over, and we concluded with Ben from a boy, and be lets me into Choice Dairy Butter, 20c. we wouldn’t part with our farms, as they the secrets of the trade. He says that, Fresh Eggs, 22c. EDMUND B.D1EEMAN are paid for. We don’t owe a dollar by payin’ ‘the house’ $2,000 cash, we can leastwise, I don’t. Now, I reckon $000 hev $500 or $1,000 more, on sixty day’s THE GREAT B. FALLAS & SON Prop’s YaUey City Cold Storage, or $700 cash is all we could both raise time. So, you see, we can have all the GRAND RAPIDS, MICH jest now, arter these pertaters is dug and goods we want; and Ben also told me he marketed. And, now, what’ud be your would select the stock for us and plan to raise the rest o’ the money?” wouldn’t charge a cent for doin’ so, and Watch ]4aker E aton, Lyon & Go., “We can raise the money, George, and it would save us a trip to Chicago. He keep the farms,” said Watson. “I sup­ says that we mustn’t expect to make pose you know that Judge Williams is large profits on groceries, but that they loanin’ money for York State men, don’t will always advertise the other goods, s Jeweler, you? He offers to let me have $800 at 9 and, as he recommends us to keep a gen­ per cent, and take a mortgage on my eral stock, why, you know we shall have place, if I would agree to let it run ten everything a man or woman could want. • 44 C A N E 8T„ years. You see they want to loan money He cautions, also, against expectin’ to on long time, and that would be so much become rich in a few years—says that the the better for us. He has plenty more business is all right if we work for trade Grand Rapids - |il6li, to lend, and 1 think would let you have and do not credit too much. He thinks it if you say the word. What do you that is the greatest danger with new be­ say?” ginners. ‘Of course,’ said he, ‘you will “Somehow, Joe, 1 don’t like the idee have to be economical and not put on too IT WILL PAY YOU o’ puttin’ a plaster on a feller’s hum much style.’ As his father is an old A llen B.Wr isley's stid,” said Holden.
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