Productions by Sydney New Theatre Legend *Plays by Australian authors (C)New Theatre’s Children’s Theatre DirDirector AssocDirAssociate Director AsstDirAssistant Director DesDesigner StDesSet Designer CstDesCostume Designer MasksMasks Coordinator/Designer DramatDramaturg ChorChoreographer MusDirMusical Director RepRepetiteur MmtMovement Director FightsFights Director LDesLighting Designer SdDesSound Designer VideoVideo Production CompComposer Dial/VoiceDialect/Voice Coach SingSinging Coach ProdMgrProduction Manager StMgrStage Manager GrPublicity/Graphics Note: All dates with plays represent the official opening of the production and are researched as correct up to time of publication 1 of 81 5 * A Night in Spain 1933 * In Spain Dir: Frank Whyte 1934 r * The Tart Shop The Worke s’ Art Players Dir: Nellie Rickie 1 Vanzetti in the Death House Various hired venues * In Heaven (monologue by Edward Janshewsky) and 36a Pitt Street, Dir: Nellie Rickie plus other items * The Wrestlers 19 May First Floor Dir: Alf Grant (Workers’ Art Club) Cast including: Victor Arnold 2 Pygmalion 1 The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists Bill Brown Jim Burns Bernard Shaw Robert Tressall Dir: Valerie Wilson adapted Harry Broderick Doreen Dorrington Nat Finey StDes: Charles Kitchener Dir: Harry Broderick LDes: Jack Lewis Music: Mrs Saul’s orchestra Cleo Grant Harry Haddy Music: Mrs Larcher Workers’ Art Theatre Group cast including: Cast: P Christensen Isabelle Hull Charles Kitchener Victor Arnold Jack Ellis William Galmes Harry Haddy Reg Lewis Tom Morrison Charles Kitchen Edward Janshewsky Sylvia Lunn Claire Miller Nellie Rickie Desmond Rowan Mrs Nicholas Cliff Mossop Eileen Robinson Tess Nichols Frank Whyte 16 August Olive Waugh Sylvia Nichols Jerold Wells Tim O’Sullivan 14 August Dolly Williams Charles Reeves Valerie Wilson 15 April with: 6 Lieutenant Pernot’s Word of Honour Edward Janshewsky author unknown Tim McGill 2 The Emissary Dick Richards The Bruiser’s Election Desmond Rowan Nellie Rickie Stephen Schofield Dir: Nellie Rickie Dir: Workers’ Art Club 12 July *Beyond the Road 1 October Nellie Rickie Dir: Nellie Rickie 3 The Dream Girl author unknown *Weights and Measures 7 Surplus Women Dir: Montgomery Stuart Nellie Rickie author unknown Ile Dir: Nellie Rickie Under the Crown and Anchor Cast including: Eugene O’Neill author unknown Dir: - Sid Birchal Dir: - M Braham 16 September Brenda Doherty 15 October Enid Doherty Cleo Grant 4 On the Rocks Harry Haddy 8 The Armoured Train Bernard Shaw Mick Howlan Vsevold Ivanov Dir: Valerie Wilson Colin Jones Dir: Frank Whyte StDes: Frederick McCorquodale Charles Kitchener Cast including: LDes: Tom Gibson Cliff Mossop Victor Arnold Music: Esme Tobin Tim O’Sullivan Jack Kavanagh Cast: Nellie Rickie 7 November Victor Arnold Mabel Robins Shirley Chudnow Reg Robins Marucia Donovan Hetty Weitzel 9 The Spy Richard Haines 30 April Upton Sinclair Mollie Hanson adaptation unknown Edward Janshewsky Cast including: Sylvia Lunn 3* The Emissary (expanded version) Nora Barratt Roy McDonald Nellie Rickie Harry Haddy Jack Maclean Dir: Nellie Rickie Tim O’Sullivan William Marsden Tom Mitchell 8 June Tess Nicholls 28 November Tim O’Sullivan Charles Reeves 4 Roar China Desmond Rowan Sergei Tretiakov 10 * Giving Away the Northern Territory Frank Valentine translated F Polianovska Jerold Wells Dir: Nellie Rickie * The Taming of the Shrewd and other items 16 September 16 July Cast including: Cleo Grant Harry Haddy 5 Pygmalion: 2/34 Tim O’Sullivan Dir: Valerie Wilson Jerold Wells 6 Prelude and Fugue 17 December Clifford Bax 16 December 2 of 81 3 17 April 15 Ask No Questions 1935 author unknown Dir: - 1 Twelve Thousand 7 A Villa For Sale And other items Bruno Frank Sacha Guitry 25 August Dir: - Cast including: Who’s Who in the Berlin Zoo Victor Arnold author unknown Jerold Wells (Christian Socialist Drama Group 16 Squaring the Circle Production) Valentin Katayev 3 February Dir: - Dir: - 26 May 8 September 2 Florence Has Her Day author unknown Cast including: 8 Progress 17 The Glittering Gate Myra Leard St John Greer Irvine Lord Dunsany Dir: - Shakespeare Recital 2 June and items by Burlakov dancers (by Walter Hunt) 6 October and several other items 9 On the Frontier Vanzetti in the Death House John Pollock author unknown *Sixty MilerJohn Moore (Jock) Smail, 18 Wurzel-Flummery Dir: - Thomas James Walter (Wally) Weeks, A A Milne John Cameron Foster Dir: - 3 March Cast including: 9 June Tim O’Sullivan and recital by J O A Bourke and extracts 3 The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists from works of Ernst Toller Robert Tressall 10 Hoppla, We Live (Prologue) 13 October adaptation unknown Ernst Toller Dir: Walter Hunt Cast including: *Ladies in Hades Victor Arnold Nellie Rickie 19 Mrs Warren’s Profession Edward Janshewsky Dir:- Bernard Shaw Sylvia Lunn 9 June 20 October Wally Lynch Jack Maclean R Marsden 11 How He Lied to Her Husband 20 Memoirs Tim McGill Bernard Shaw author unknown Dick Mitchell Tim O’Sullivan In the Park Michael and Mary Andy Pike author unknown A A Milne Brian Rodgers Dir: Frank Whyte Dir: - Jock Smail B Trojak 23 June 27 October Pat Tucker L Turner Jerold Wells 12 The Boy Comes Home 21 Slickers Ltd A A Milne Members of Unity Theatre 10 March Dir: - and Dr Bradley’s musical recital and items by Montgomery Stuart and Myra Leard 22 Love on the Dole 4 First and Last Ronald Gow and John Galsworthy 7 July Walter Greenwood and items by Mr and Mrs Hunt and Myra Dir: Jerold Wells Leard Cast including: 31 March Victor Arnold 13 Rory Aforesaid Hugh Carlsson John Brandane Charles Kitchener Tim McGill 5 The Boy Comes Home Ali the Cobbler Brian Rodgers A A Milne author unknown Leila Rodgers Dir: - adapted by Edgar Yardley Desmond Rowan National Heroes Debunked, or Henry Dir: Edgar Yardley Nora Weekes Fifth as Shakespeare Really Saw Him 21 July Jerold Wells Walter Hunt 7 April 24 November 14 Slickers Ltd Members of Unity Theatre 6 Mrs Warren’s Profession Carrion Crow 1936 Bernard Shaw Leonard Hines and Frank King Dir: Walter Hunt Dir: George Paizie Pianist: Esme Tobin 1 Unity Cast: Cast: author unknown Victor Arnold, Leila Rodgers, Jerold Wells Victor Arnold Dir: - Cleo Grant 4 August How He Lied to Her Husband: 8/35 Sylvia Lunn Kenyon McCarron 5 January Tim O’Sullivan Jerold Wells 4 2 The Passing of Chow Chow 7 The Road to the Poplars 11 Paradise Lost author unknown author unknown Clifford Odets Dir: - Dir: - Dir: Jerold Wells StDes: Charles Kitchener Wurzel-Flummery:15/35 Ali the Cobbler: 10/35 LDes: Tom Gibson 17 January 19 April Comp: Ethel Holmes Gr: Adrienne Parkes Cast: 3 Life is Calling 8 The Shoplifter Edmund Allison Vladimir Belotserkovsky author unknown Frank Andrews Dir: George Paizie Richard Ankers StDes(s): Charles Kitchener A Pike Other one-act plays Victor Arnold Cast: Dir: - Jean Blue Sylvia Arnold Cast including: Frank Callahan Victor Arnold Myra Leard Hugh Carlsson Bernard O’Connell 24 May Jack Fegan Tim O’Sullivan Joan Fitzpatrick Charles Reeves Jack Gale Jerold Wells Cleo Grant 9 Pygmalion Henry Howlett Bernard Shaw 18 January Douglas Kendall Dir: Valerie Wilson Jack Kerr 9 June Grant Lonsdale 4 Waiting for Lefty Kenyon McCarron Clifford Odets Roy McDonald Dir(s): Victor Arnold 10 Till the Day I Die Tim McGill Jerold Wells Clifford Odets Barbara Milne Cast: Dir(s): Jerold Wells Richard Mitchell Edmund Allison Victor Arnold Mary Osmond Victor Arnold Gr: Adrienne Parkes Philip Richmond Jean Blue StDes: William Hortin and Frank Beck Desmond Rowan Frank Callanan LDes: Tom Gibson Jerold Wells Hugh Carlsson Music: Ethel Holmes 17 November Jack Fegan Cast including: Harry Howlett Myra Leard Hughla Hurley Jack Maclean 12 Angels of War Kenyon McCarron Pat Tucker Cecilie Milne Muriel Box Richard Mitchell Waiting for Lefty: 4/36 Dir: Norman Clark Desmond Rowan Cast: Cast: John Sherman Edmund Allison Wanda Anderson Frank Swonnell Frank Andrews Doris Britten Jerold Wells Sylvia Arnold Joyce Deans Victor Arnold Alison Dent Slickers Ltd: 12/35 Simon Bracegirdle Herbert Evans 25 January Wilfred Brown Doris Harding Frank Callahan Lew Levy Hugh Carlsson Bob Middleby Joseph Evans Melba Middleby 5 Anna Christie (Act III) Leone Moddy Eugene O’Neill Jack Fegan Thelma Morris Dir(s): Jerold Wells (?)Victor Arnold (?) Joan Fitzpatrick Tom Foster Janet Page Waiting for Lefty: 4/36 Jack Gale Barbara Roberts Ena Roden 26 January Peter Harding William Hortin Joseph Smith Myra Leord Ted Smith Kenyon McCarron Dorothy Thrussell 6 Major Barbara Jack McGann 13 December Bernard Shaw Tim McGill Dir: Valerie Wilson and Jerold Wells Jack McLean Cast including: Desmond Rowan Edmund Allison Reg Stocker 1937 Sylvia Arnold Jerold Wells Victor Arnold Bernard Yardley Wilfred Brown 1 *Forward One George Constandine 1 July Katharine Susannah Prichard Joseph Evans Dir: - Joan Fitzpatrick 10 January Marjorie Garroway Ethel Holmes Cliff Mossop 2 The Secret Tess Nichols Ramon Sender Leila Rodgers Desmond Rowan X=0 Edgar Yardley John Drinkwater 1 April Private Hicks Albert Maltz Dir: - New Theatre League 5 February 36a Pitt Street, first floor and occasional other hired venues 5 3 Squaring the Circle 6 Blood Money 11 Behind the Scenes (Stage Door) Valentine Katayev author unknown George S Kaufman and Edna Ferber Dir: Edmund Allison Dir: - Dir: Hugh Carlsson Cast: Cast: Edmund Allison Waiting for Lefty: 4/36 Jonny Angell Victor Arnold 6 June Victor Arnold Megan Edwards Alma Broadfoot Henry Howlett Elsie Dick Desmond Rowan 7 Boy Meets Girl Bernia Drysdale Betty Wilson Bella and Samuel Spewack Megan Edwards Jack Fegan Waiting for Lefty: 4/36 Dir: Jerold Wells StDes(s):
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