P H I L N E W S TA B L E O F CONTENT C O V E R 4 Weather Josh Standard poses with a banjo at Crater Lake. 5 Mark’s Minute Photo taken by Andrew Dunheimer 6 Chaplain’s Corner 7 Owen’s Section/A Word from Watson CORRECTIONS F O R I S S U E 3 8 World News 10 US News The picture of Mark Anderson should have been 12 Sports credited to Andrew Dunheimer. 14 Blast from the Past 15 Karaoke Night The date on the front cover was incorrect. It should have read June 25 th , 2010. 16 Sustainability Statement 17 Preserving the Past, Paul Grasse We here at the PhilNews apologize for these mistakes. 19 Crafter, Keeper, and Curator, Nancy Klein 20 Rodeo Preview 21 Living History Teacher, Rob Radtke 22 The Back and Forth of the Backcountry S UBMISSIONS F O R T H E P H I L N E W S ! 26 A Day in the Life of a Philmont Ranger 27 Hitting The Trails with Hannah Have a thought, story, comic, drawing, photo or 28 Kit Carson Lives On! idea that you’d like to share with the Philmont 30 Urgent Warning community? 31 Fun for the Week The PhilNews welcomes submissions and letters to the editor. Feel free to I-Camp your submission to the 32 Games PhilNews or drop it by the NPS office. Please remember 35 PTC Conference Schedule/Ranger Training that all submissions must include your name and location! For a submission to be considered for the next issue, please have it to us by Sunday at 5:00 PM. All submissions become property of Philmont Scout L E T T E R F R O M T H E E D I T O R 2010 PHILNEWS S TA F F It’s already July?! Wow, this summer is just flying by us. In only seven weeks, we’ll all be leaving OWEN M CCULLOCH , Editor-in-Chief Philmont and heading our own ways. HENRY W ATSON , NPS Manager This, of course, means that there is no time BRYAN H AYEK , NPS Assistant Manager to waste to start having the summer of your life! JOHN K OSER , Editor Get out and meet new people, staff or Scouts. Do things outside your comfort zone; if you’re shy, try WRITERS : Chloe Euston - Lead, Justin to perform at the next karaoke night. Lyon - Lead, Timothy Bardin, Amy Hemsley Finally, if for some reason you’re not enjoying yourself, do something to change it. PHOTOGRAPHERS : Anita Altschul - Lead, Whether it is sitting down and talking out your Jeremy Blaine - Lead, Zac Boesch, Andrew Breglio, problem or fixing a broken machine, you can make Andrew Dunheimer, Matthew Martin, Conan your work more enjoyable. Remember our “Fish!” McEnroe, Tara Raftovich, Trevor Roberts, Steve Weis training: “choose your attitude” and “find ways to play.” VIDEOGRAPHERS : Sean Barber, William McKinney Y O U R S I N S COUTING , J O H N K O S E R 2 J U L Y 2 N D , 2 0 1 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS T H E H I G H C O S T O F D W I The Fourth of July is quickly approaching. While the holiday is a chance for relaxation and fun, it is also a time to be very cautious. Drunk driving happens much more frequently around the holiday, and we here at the PhilNews would like to remind our fellow staff members of what will happen if you are caught driving drunk. If it’s your first misdemeanor, you get 48 hours of jail time and receive up to a $500 in fines. If it’s your second misdemeanor, you get 96 hours of jail time and up to a $1000 fee. And with any, you get immediate termination from Philmont. Honestly, that should be all you need to know. The list just gets worse and worse as it goes on. Please remember to be safe this Fourth of July, and please don’t be careless enough to drink and drive. HHH A V E H E A R T T H I S H O LI DAY –––D– DDD O NONN ’’’ TTT D R I N K A N D D R I V E !!! 2 01 0 N ATIONAL V ISITATION A C T I O N R E SULT S The 2010 National Visitation Team visited with crews and participants across the ranch. They heard strong statements about the quality of the Philmont Experience and the impact that it was having on each person. They made comments about the exceptional staff that they met throughout the ranch. This included those they met at Base Camp, the Philmont Training Center, Administration, Maintenance, and Backcountry. They were impressed with the quality, commitment, knowledge, and example that all staff members exhibited throughout the ranch. While all areas did great, there are a particular few that need to be singled out for their excellent reviews: • Apache Springs • Pueblano • Crater Lake • Whiteman Vega • Dean Cow • Administration • Fish Camp • The entirety of Camping Headquarters • French Henry • Head of Dean • Indian Writings W ONDERFUL J O B EVERYBODY ! • Kit Carson/Rayado K E E P U P T H E AMAZING W O R K ! • Phillips Junction R EMEMBER , W E A R E P HILMONT : ) 3 P H I L N E W S W E A T H E R S ATURDAY , J U L Y 3 R D Sunny High: 87 0 Low: 50 0 S U N D AY , J U L Y 4 T H Sunny High: 88 0 Low: 48 0 M O N D AY , J U L Y 5 T H Sunny High: 90 0 Low: 49 0 T UE SDAY , J U L Y 6 T H Thunderstorm High: 86 0 Low: 52 0 W EDNESDAY , J U L Y 7 T H Cloudy High: 80 0 Low: 52 0 Fresh Sandwiches Home-Style Bakery T HURSDAY , J U L Y 8 T H Cloudy Fresh Produce Market High: 88 0 Low: 54 0 Monday-Friday 7:30a.m. till 2:00 p.m. F R I D AY , J U L Y 9 T H Sunday Brunch Sunny High: 90 0 Low: 54 0 4 J U L Y 2 N D , 2 0 1 0 M A R K ’ S M I N U T E F EEDBACK - 2010 N ATIONAL V ISITATION The Boy Scouts of America National Visitation Team visited Philmont Scout Ranch June 23 – 25. The twenty-two member team was made up of volunteers and professionals from across the country, from California to Maryland and Michigan to Florida. The purpose of this annual visit is to ensure health and safety of participants, leaders and staff; to ensure high quality program is being delivered; to identify deficiencies that may require allocation of funds and/or attention of management and staff; and to commend seasonal staff that are doing a good job. Throughout the visitation the team members talked with participants and staff. The participants shared strong statements about the excitement of their adventure, the quality of the program they were participating in and the support and commitment of the staff. These comments were heard at Camping Headquarters, Philmont Training Center, Administration, Cattle Headquarters, Philmont Museum, and in each camp of the backcountry. They were all impressed with the quality, commitment, knowledge, example, and passion that all staff mem- bers exhibited throughout the ranch. Gail and Dale Coyne from Plainfield, IL and the owners of the Boy Scout Race Car that placed 6 th at the Memorial Day Indianapolis 500 and owners of several restaurants “wished that they could employ our staff in their businesses.” During our training, I shared with you a series of lessons . Lesson #5 was that “Customers are best heard through many ears.” The visitation team is just one of those we are able to obtain feedback from. What we gain from their review is a chance for others to look at all aspects of our operation. They made a few comments that re- quired immediate action, they made a few comments that will be integrated in the future and they made many com- ments that validated that we are “delivering wilderness adventures that last a lifetime.” Walt Whitman said, “Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you and stood aside for you? Have you not learned great lessons from those who rejected you, and braced themselves against you, or disputed the passage with you?” This is a great comment about feedback. As we move through the summer listen carefully to all forms of feedback. Feedback can help us improve each day. I want to personally thank each one of you for helping us to obtain a positive evaluation from the BSA National Visitation Team in all areas of our operation and for helping each day connect the “Brand of Philmont” with each participant, guest and fellow staff member. I am proud to be a member of the 2010 Philmont Staff Team! Mark Anderson Director of Program “It is not so much for its beauty that the “Our attitudes control our lives. forest makes a claim upon men's hearts, Attitudes are a secret power working as for that subtle something, that quality twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. of air, that emanation from old trees, It is of paramount importance that we that so wonderfully changes and renews know how to harness and control this a weary spirit.” great force.” - Tom Blandi - Robert Louis Stevenson 5 P H I L N E W S C HAPLAIN ’ S C O R N E R S PENDING T I M E W I T H G O D + D U T Y T O G O D T H E P HILMONT C HAPLAINCY : A F O R T Y - Y E A R P ERSPECTIVE People are always asking me, “Is this your first year on Philmont staff?” A closer look at the photo on my staff nametag reveals that I am well above the average age of this year’s staffers! “No,” I reply, “I was here forty years ago as a seminarian.” I can tell by the look on their face that they think I must have known Waite Phillips personally.
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