1929 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- HOUSE 3389 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the District of Columbia, as a result of the surveys and recom­ mendations made by the Bureau of Efficiency in cooperation WEDNESDAY, February 13, 19~9 with the bureau or office involved during the previous fiscal The House met at 12 o'clock noon. year; and the Bureau of the Budget shall, upon the request of The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered any appropriation committee of the House or Senate, supply the following prayer : such committee with a statement of the reductions or adjust­ ments of appropriations effected or proposed to be .JUade in the Our Father, Thou art our God, and earnestiy would we seek appropriations for the respective bureaus or offices as a result Thee. The depths of the riches of Thy wisdom and knowledge of such sm·veys by the Bureau of Efficiency." draw us apart. Thou art the joy of our joy, the peace of our And the Senate agree to the same. peace, and the love of our love. Our hidden and unseen desires Amendment numbered 21 : That the House recede from its are before Thee. Sift them that they may be foregleams of disagreement to the amendment of the Sen_ate numbered 21, and Thy plan and presence. Throughout this day may our trusts agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu of the be administe1·ed with minds that are wise and with hearts that sum proposed insert "$541,445,740"; and the Senate agree to are true. Look upon our country and the nations associated the same. with us for the advancement of good will throughout the earth. EDWARD H. WASON, In all things may they stand together for righteousness and JOHN W: SUMMERS, justice. Clothe all of them with the high and noble elements of JOHN C. ALLEN, national life. And unto Thee be praises world without end. THOMAS H. Cur,:r.EN, Amen. FRED M. VINSON, The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Marw,.gers on tlte part of tne Hot.t,Se. approved. F. E. W.ABREN, CALENDAR WEDNESDAY REED SMOOT, Mr. TILSON. Mr. Speaker, this is Calendar Wednesday, and W. I~. JONES, I am not entirely clear as to what matters of business might LEE S. OVERMAN, be transacted to-day in spite of that fact. Whatever the situa­ CARTER GLASS, tion may be, I ask unanimous consent that the conference report Managers on the part of the Senate. on the independent offices appropriation bill may now be con­ sidered. STATEMENT The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Connecticut asks unani­ The managers on the part of the House at the conference on mous consent that the conference report on the independent the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of offices bill may be considered. Is there objection? the Senate to the bill (H. R. 16301) making appropriations for Mr. BLACK of Texas. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to the Executive Office and sundry independent executive bureaus, object, and r shall not object if it be understood that no points boards, commissions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending June of order are waived. 30, 1930, and for other purposes, submit the following statement Mr. TILSON. It will be understood that the conference in explanation of the effect of the action agreed upQn and recom­ report will be considered under the general rules of the House. mended in the accompanying conference report, as to each of Mr. BLACK of Texas. With the understanding that no such amendments, namely : · point of order is waived by agreeing to the unanimous consent. On No. 1: Provides two additional secretaries to the President INDEPENDENT OFFICES .APPROPRIATION BILL at $10,000 per annum each, as proposed by the Senate. On No. 2: Appropriates an additional $20,000, as proposed by Mr. WASON. Mr. Speaker, I call up the conference report the Senate, for salaries in the office of the President, on account on the bill H. R. 16301, and, Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous· of the two additional secretarie , and strikes out the Senate pro­ consent that the statement {)f the managers may be read in vision making $10,000 of the appropriation immediately avail­ lieu of the report. able. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request? On Nos. 3 and 4: Appropriates the additional sum of $50,000, Mr. BLACK of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the conference report to be immediately available, as proposed by the Senate, for is short, and I have a point of order to press to the conference alterations in the White House and in the Executive Office report. Building, incident to the new administration. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read the report. On No. 5: Appropriates $5,000 for purchase for the Executive The Clerk read the report. Mansion of an oil portrait of President Coolidge. The conference report and statement are as follows: On No. 6: Corrects a total. _, 0~ Nos. 7, 8, and 10: Strikes out $3,800 provided by the Senate CONFERENCE REPORT for an investigator in the Bureau of Efficiency. The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the On No. 9: Restores a House provision, stricken out by the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. Senate, amended to read as follows: - 16301) making appropriations for the Executive Office and sun­ " Hereafter the Chief of the Bureau of Efficiency shall certify dry independent executive bureaus, boards, commissions, and annually to the Bureau of the Budget, along with his estimates offices for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, and for other of appropriations for the ensuing year, a statement of the purposes, having met, after full and free conference have agreed amount of the savings which he estimates have been effected in to recommend and do recommend to their respective Houses as the· various bureaus and offices of the Government, including the follows: District of Columbia, as a result of the surveys and recommenda­ That the Senate recede from its amendments numbered 7, 8, tions made by the Bureau of Efficiency in cooperation with the 10, and 19. bureau or office involved during the previous fiscal year; and That the House recede from its disagreement to the amend­ the Bureau of the Budget shall, upon the request of any appro­ ments of the Senate numbered 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, priation committee of the House or Senate, supply such com­ 17, 18, and 20, and agree to the same. mittee with a statement of the reductions or adjustments of Amendment numbered 2: That the House recede from its dis­ appropriations effected or proposed to be made in the appropria­ agreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 2, and tions for the respective bureaus or offices as a result of such agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu of surveys by the Bureau of Efficiency." the rna tter inserted by said amendment insert " $123,520 " ; On Nos. 11 and ·12: Appropriates $3,060, as proposed by the and the Senate agree to the same. Senate, for an additional examiner for the Civil Service Com­ Amendment numbered 9 : 'I'hat the House recede from its dis­ mission. agreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 9, and On Nos. 13, 14, and 15: Appropriates $52,536, as proposed agree to the same with an amendment as follows : Restore the by the Senate, for 12 additional associate examiners and their matter stricken out by said amendment, amended to read as fol­ expenses. lows: On Nos·. 16, 17, and 18: Approp·riates $764,000, as proposed by "Hereafter the Chief of the Bureau of Efficiency shall certify the Senate, instead of $763,000, as proposed by the House, for annually to the Bureau of the Budget, along with his esti­ salaries and expenses of the Tariff Commission. mates of appropriations for the ensuing year, a statement of On No. 19: Strikes out the Senate provision that " no part the amount of the savings which he estimates have been effected · of the sums appropriated in this act shall be used to maintain in the various bureaus and offices of the 5Jovernment, including the Sea Service Bureau." 3390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 13 On No. 20 : Allocates $300,000, us proposed by the Senate, in­ right, ~·hen the Senate puts on an appropriation bill a legis­ stead of $350,000, as proposed by the House, for expenditures lative amendment, to have that brought back to the House and for services of attorneys in the -shipping Board. have it explained by those in charge of the bill. Then vote On No. 21: Corrects the total of the bill. upon it separately. EDWAB.D H. WASON, 1\fr. TILSON. If the gentleman will yield, it is perfectly JoliN W. SUMMERS, evident that the amendment is subject to a point of order. JOHN c. ALLEN, Nobody contests that point. THOMAS H. CULLEN, 1\fr. BLACK of Texas. There is ·no doubt about it. FRED M. VINSON, The SPEAKER. The Chair is informed that this conference Managers on tfw part of the House. report has already been acted upon by the Senate. 1\Ir. CRAMTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that l\lr. BLACK of T~xas. l\1r. Speaker, I make the point of pending the consiuera tion of the conference report the Senate order against the conference report in that the members of the amendment No. 1 be considered in the House and the decision House committee on the conference agree to Senate amendment of the House taken with reference to it, with the understanding No.
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