LJ r PART II. THE OMAHA tiSuNDAY BEE 9-16 > , MABCH 17, EIGHTEENTH YEAJR. OMAHA SUNDAY MOKNING. " 18S9.SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 275 THE PRETTIEST , NEWEST. HIGHEST GRADES. 2= FAILJ3CWTTO VISIT OUR FAILDON'TTO VISIT OUR Millinery Departm'nti- NONE BETTE- . LOWEST PRICES | Ribbon Department.nim- . n flm QfnMin flinn 111 Uill bludluhlotaot QliM 111 Ullld . SALE BEG-INS MONDAY.- . SALE BEG-INS MONDA- . B R.J J H bad 502 , 504 , 506 , 5O8 , 51O S. 13th St. Y.B , 504 , 506 , 508 , 510 S. 13th St. WASH "WHITE OIDERIES " From Ilic rcat Am-tUni Snlc of Field , Clitipnuui At Fcimur. Q Swiss Embroidered Skirtings , i WM MM WUi 'I MM mJLm * +Amf P MW mJ ! wAatMBj A Mb MM Millions of Yards ; Thousands of Styles and Hundreds of Colors. 4O Inches wide ; beautiful work. U OOHCB Beat Quality 1700 Yards Ilfl-lncli Wide CCQ 1OOO Urmnnnts 41-Inch Importnil All Wool Embroidery Bargain Yet. - Greatest AMERICAN SATEENS , INDIA LINONS , FINE CHALLIES , Me land I Very beautiful fipnres , Ordinal KlU-tts , Swiss Embroidered Skirtings; CENTS In CENTS CENTS 1 CENTS 4B inches wide ; : YARD ; CCa YARD ; Embroidered to the wnist , YARD YARD ; 55cSH- 2 Worth lOc , Fine While ALL NEW ADES. 4iMncli All Wool Tnuvd , Striped EntkoiW facings , WORTH WORTH BO * 4 Oases Kino Fine work ; good width for Dresses. DCQ 15c.- . New CASHMERE , Children's All wool tilling , nonost shades , 10O I'leci.'s Fine Imported lOJncli Wide Imported CENTS CC- CENTS YARD ; FRENCH SATEENS" INDIA - LINENS , YARD ; Worth Elegant work ; very wide. 15c : 75c.H- . Worth Worth 10O. , AMS. All Wool Trench ftripo- COLORED EMBROIDERIES In Red and Blue , 'Yard. 1 Cnse Double l 'oM Ml Wool tO.lnoUIW- Slimmer - Tricots , iiicHeeirietfas , Vrry itch cITudH, superb ciuallt- CENTS AUCTION AItfiA3XS ! YARD ; FINK WHITE OR ECHU ' - - Worth 39cJ- Ei LACE CURTAINS 18O IMoucB B''st (Duality imported ISO Pieces i'urltnu and Lmco Check worth 2. Three yards long ; taped edges , nnd Sntin Stripn imported Illnck Oin < -li linnortcil Tnrlnii Long Noil'in Lace Curtains FRENCH SATEENS , WHITE - GOODS, 12-1 Inch All Wool Exira iam , PLAID SUITINGS Mauds , ; CENTS BLACK CASHMERE With 1'erslan to Mnlch Elegant designs worth fully 28O. CENTS Extra Good. Quc.llty, YARD ; YARD ; CENTS Imported Nottingham Lace Curtains Worth Worth 35c. Worth 30c. YARD. 3 } and 4 yards long ; worth $5 , 90c. NEW SPUING K Per Yard. SIL.K FINISHED VELVETEENS , AF-t. SSIAIJfiS, l trYAIM * . FANCV STJUE > JC2 > VELVETEE21c YARD- . .SIIOItT LENGTHS FJNE SIL.54 FI SIISIS , 39c YABSD. 502, 504 , 506 , 508 and 510 502 , 504 , 50(5 , SOS , 51O South 13tli Street. J. L. Brandeis & Sons , South 13th Street. 5Oi! , 50.1 , 50U , 5O § , 510 South liUIi Street. iron , a , rate of in , for swine , THINGS CAN'T EXPLAIN.- . floor , which ho and his wife occupy. TO THE END OF TRACK in Pullman car at the shot the battle before Atlanta and THE GLORY OE THE FORESTS. furniahcd a gratuitous food WE A TRIP , miles an hour- . very , im- ¬ , may assum'o , of The second floor front is occupied by- thirty in feeble health but ready to the chief wealth one Thcro nro more tilings in heaven and cartli , ¬ . ."Ono instance in the early construc- part all necessary information , and ho those humble dwellers of 'the primeval Hor.itio , Mr. and Mrs. Nichols. Mrs. Nichols tion of the Union Pacific road was the wen t so far as to expose with preat free- ¬ forest. " When the Aryan races migrat- ¬ Than arc dreamed of in your philosophy.- . declares she has hoard footsteps at the First Railway Excursion Over the method of getting material brought to dom the correspondence ho had had General Brisblu. Urges a General ed westward from Asia they probably Hamlet. door of her apartments at night. the ground the iron , spikes , and all Dr. upon of brought custom , for Union Pacific. with Durant the question Observation of Arbor Day.- . this with them James Martin , a well-to-do farmer , is Believing some "one was trying to that enters into railroad construction.- . substituting Mud Creek for the Day also trees are looked upon with the there the owner of one of the oldest home- - annoy her , she has opened the As I may have said before , thorp was lino. He said that the change was religious veneration. So , too , the door , but could not discover any in county , Alabama. The THE DISTINGUISHED PASSENGERS no communication by rail with Chicago necessary , and that while ho did not A HINT TO THE LEGISLATURE. Greeks in this , as in many other things steads Blount 0110. Ono night last week she waa and the east direct , and everything had approve it altogether , it was the bettor of civilization , had an imaginative faith place has boon owned and occupied by frightened while sowing in her room at to come to us by steamboat and river. thing to be done and that it meant no in trees and associated the lives of several generations of Martins , and the about 11 o'clock by a heavy rap on the A Second Chapter Dr. Miller's Ono of the most remarkable events in to were The General Thlnka ttio Stite Could superhuman of harm Omaha. Reasons given though not immortal mansion , a largo frame affair , is a very table. People in the next room heard Reminiscences of the CoiiRtruo- - connection with this method of trans- ¬ at length why this course was necessa-¬ Well Afford to Offrtr Prison for things with trees. "I cannot believe a the ran. She jumped to her feet and portation , I , . old one , and is much the worse for ago tion Days of the Union recall was the production ry. I have always believed that it was the I'iuiitlnuaml Oultlva- - man wholly bad who has sympathy with was almost paralyzed by the sight of the by Durant , ono morning on our leveeas- because of a lack of time and a greater and loves a thing so innocent and beau- ¬ and want of repair. About five years transparent form of a man disappearing1 I'nclllc Hallway. wo oC Trees. Low- ¬ ago Miss Noel , called it itho bank of the Missouri need of mouoy there was a million of tiful as trees , " exclaims the pool James Martin married behind a sofa. Mrs. Scott , another ten- - ) , of ¬ one of the belles of the county. The river at Omaha several barges floating debt at that time which Web- ell , so I believe that no man has lived in ant, says that while sitting up ono re- ¬ laden with iron had been , , young couple wont to live at the old P.- that ster Snyder the superintendent hardly Day , vain who plants a tree to live after him. cent waiting for Youth or tliu V. ¬ Arbor night her husband she towed up the river from St. Louis , a dis- know how to manage , and in addition ' But quite aside from the poetical and Martin home , and all wont well until saw glass of Dr. George L. Miller gracefully sub- ¬ FOIIT ROBINSOK , Nob. , March 8. through the p.incl a door tance of over nine hundred miles , by a threatened strike on the part of the imaginative sense of tree planting one year ago. Mrs. Martin , naturally of [Special BEJ : . ] wo the ghostly figure an elderly man , mitted to another interview , and gave the steamer Elkhorn. ngainst the pre- ¬ unpaid to Omaha to Tjiu As approach which is very , is very'timid' heard a ghost rambling laborers. I returned ! certainly beautiful who seemed to bo dragging something' the reporter more of his charming dictions of all river men , who said that and reported accordingly , Durant ar- ¬ the time again for Arbor Day in Ne- ¬ the common senho view of the case , the through the old house one night and behind him. The ghost passed behind ¬ was frightened. reminiscences of early days : the feat was impossible of execution. riving here and reassuring us , and the braska , I feel lilTo makijig an appeal to necssity and usefulness of trees in Ne- badly She told her the bed in her room and disappeared. , ! ¬ , ho could was in my first impression The trip was made in nine days but of result is known , that ho was acting in the people to observe it and plant more braska Their influence upon our cli- husband about it but hear She has found the door of her room "I right ¬ , following course the water was in what was termed perfect good faith and that ho com- ¬ mate , the increased, rainfall resulting nothing ho said. The night was in 18 <55 of 1808 , " than over before. Nebraska is the pio- mysteriously onon often she had bolted it- that it instead a good stapo- . pleted , as I shall al- ¬ from planting. protection they Mrs. Martin heard the ghost again , aad his railroad and ex- ¬ their the on the inside. A few nights ago Miss began the doctor. confounded ."Tho of peo- ¬ ¬ neer state in tree planting and her from n "I the principal occupation the ways believe , by his energy and fore- give from storms , and their uses for that time it became nightly Lee. an artist ; Miss Meeklin and Miss ple of Omaha in those days , " ¬ ample has been followed by all or nearly na- ¬ the Martin home.- . two dates owing to the fact that the continued sight , saving the trunk line of the Pa- wood and lumbar in a stnto whore visitor at Gartain , teachers ; Charles Leo. Miss the doctor , "was watching for the arri- ¬ , of , Mrs. Martin wanted to leave general was hero in 18G6 as ho xuis in cific railroad to Chicago and Omaha as all the states and' territories the ture Has deprived or denied us forests Leo's brother , nnd the Scotts wcro val of steamers.
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