5860 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 13, 2000 the new and the old addresses. That way, if persons, whether the damages are direct or record must reflect the truth of what the Arme- a thief attempts to change your billing address indirect. Under current federal law, only di- nians experienced: mass murder and geno- so you won’t find out about fraudulent rect parties have the right to a remedy for cide. If it does not, only then are we con- antitrust harm. By broadening the scope of charges—you’ll know. persons who can demand reparations for demned to a future littered with more in- The bill also requires credit bureaus to in- harm caused by antitrust violators, without stances of unspeakable wickedness and cru- vestigate discrepancies in addresses, to make relying on government bureaucracies to do it elty. sure that the address for the consumer that for them, our antitrust laws can be more ef- My congressional district contains a large they have on file is not the address provided fective. and vibrant Armenian-American community, by the identity thief. (2) Modernizing antitrust enforcement: which has contributed so much to the This bill codifies the practice of placing fraud This bill increases the maximum fines from Merrimack Valley’s economic vitality and cul- alerts on a consumer’s credit file and gives the $10 million to $100 million to reflect the mag- ture. When today’s Armenian-American com- nitude of today’s economy and potential Federal Trade Commission the authority to im- damages from anti-competitive activity. munity commemorates the Armenian Geno- pose fines against credit issuers that ignore Moreover, megamergers create heavy work- cide, they convey the message to the world the alert. Too many credit issuers are pres- load for the agencies responsible for their ap- that only the continued vigilance of people of ently ignoring fraud alerts to the detriment of proval. The pre-merger notification filing fee good conscience stands between peaceful identity theft victims. It also requires that fraud structure is changed to reflect that. human coexistence and another instance of alerts are placed on all information reported by (3) Addressing concentration in agri- genocide. a credit bureau, including credit scores. Often business: Growing concentration in food My respect for my Armenian-American con- when a credit score is issued without a full re- processing and distribution has been accom- stituents and for their commitment to remem- panied by low farm income and the loss of port, the fraud alert does not show up. thousands of farmers. The weakening bar- bering past tragedy and preventing future trag- This legislation also gives consumers more gaining power of farmers and the potential edy compels me to rise and speak today. It access to the personal information collected market power of suppliers, processors and compels me to add my voice to those who about them, which is a critical tool in com- other intermediaries has been accompanied speak out against hatred and fear. It should bating identity theft, by requiring that every by record earnings. Moreover, the benefits of compel us all to remember past horrors, lest consumer across the nation have access to low farm prices are not passed on to Amer- they happen again. one free credit report annually. Currently, six ican consumers; food prices are not declin- ing. This bill creates a commission to study States—Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, f this troublesome situation. This bill also Maryland, Vermont, and New Jersey—have clarifies the Packers and Stockyards Act to READING DEFICIT ELIMINATION such statutes. This act makes one free credit ensure that small producers are not discrimi- ACT report a national requirement. In addition, con- nated against and establishes a senior offi- sumers could review the personal information cial position for agriculture at the Antitrust collected about them by individual reference Division of the DOJ. HON. WILLIAM F. GOODLING OF PENNSYLVANIA services. With greater access to their own per- f sonal information, consumers can proactively IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE check their records for evidence of identity Thursday, April 13, 2000 theft and uncover other errors. SPEECH OF The bill also restricts the type of information Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, today I intro- a credit bureau can sell to marketers to your HON. MARTIN T. MEEHAN duced the Reading Deficit Elimination Act (RDEA), which is an important step in ensur- name and address only. Currently credit bu- OF MASSACHUSETTS ing that every American has the ability to read. reaus can sell such personally identifiable in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am also pleased that Senator PAUL COVER- formation as your social security number or Wednesday, April 12, 2000 mother’s maiden name. This sensitive informa- DELL (R–GA) is introducing an identical bill tion would be treated under this bill like any Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to com- today in the Senate. other part of the credit report, with its disclo- memorate the 85th anniversary of the Arme- According to statistics from the National As- sure restricted to businesses needing the data nian Genocide. The actual date the anniver- sessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 74 for extensions of credit, employment applica- sary will be observed is April 24, but I rise percent of third graders remain poor readers tions, insurance applications, or other permis- today while we are in session to pay my sol- when they reach the ninth grade. Overall, 40 sible purposes. emn respects to the innocent fallen and add percent of fourth-graders are reading at the I am introducing the Identity Theft Preven- my words to history’s record of one of the ‘‘below basic’’ level. The National Adult Lit- tion Act with Representative STEVE most terrible tragedies known to mankind. eracy Survey, as many as 50 million adults LATOURETTE (R–OH) and twelve other cospon- On April 24, 1915, a group of Armenian reli- have only minimal reading skills. This situation sors. This bill has been endorsed by Public gious, political, and intellectual leaders were is absolutely unacceptable. Citizen and the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, arrested in the city then known as Constanti- Yesterday, we passed a resolution in my and is a companion bill to S. 2328 offered by nople, taken to the interior of Turkey, and mur- committee to make good on our commitment Senators FEINSTEIN, KYL, and SHELBY. It is my dered. What followed from there was nothing to fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities hope that the House Banking Committee will less than the systematic deprivation of Arme- Education Act (IDEA). This legislation is con- take up consideration of this bill and that we nians living under Ottoman rule of their sistent with our efforts to provide funding for can soon bring it to the floor for a vote by the homes, property, freedom, and lives. The trag- special education. It is estimated that as many entire Congress. ic toll of its dark period in world history in- as 2 million students who are placed in special cludes the death of 1.5 million Armenian men, education are there simply because they f women, and children and the deportation of haven’t been taught to read. LEGISLATION TO REINFORCE 500,00 others. Before their tragic deaths, The National Institute for Child Health and ANTITRUST LAWS countless Armenian women were subject to Human Development tells us that 90 percent unspeakable cruelties, in the form of sexual to 95 percent of these students could learn to HON. DAVID MINGE abuse and slavery. read and be returned to their regular class- History is not condemned to repeat itself. rooms if they were given instruction based on OF MINNESOTA We can prevent future tragedies by acknowl- the finding of scientific research. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES edging, remembering, and commemorating Just this morning, the National Reading Thursday, April 13, 2000 yesterday’s tragedies. Unfortunately, the Turk- Panel released its report on ‘‘Teaching Chil- Mr. MINGE. Mr. Speaker, following is a ish Government still refuses to admit its in- dren to Read,’’ in both the Senate and the summary of my legislation. volvement in the Armenian Genocide, and House. The message we heard confirms what A bill to reinforce our antitrust laws by fo- even the current U.S. administration has not we have known for years: Teaching children to cusing on three main issues: fully acknowledged the extent of the wrong- read is essential if they are to be successful (1) Broadening our antitrust laws: Anti- doing between 1915 and 1923. That is why in life. We now have scientific research that trust violators should be liable to all injured we must make our voices heard. History’s shows us the way once again. VerDate jul 14 2003 10:42 Aug 18, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E13AP0.001 E13AP0 April 13, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5861 Based on findings of more than 35 years of Mackinac to pick up the charter. He never that are also receiving these awards, are research, the Panel reports the following in- stopped being a union advocate from that mo- schools that have far exceeded expectations; gredients of what students need to learn if ment on, serving as the local’s financial sec- they have truly gone the extra mile to give they are to read proficiently: retary and union steward. these children a chance to succeed. In turn, Phonemic Awareness—letters represent Although Chester died almost 30 years ago, these children, supported by their families, sounds. Mr. Speaker, one can still hear many wonder- have worked hard and set an example for stu- Systematic phonics instruction—a necessary, ful stories that paint a picture of a man who dents everywhere.
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